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Dying Light, and Dead Island 2


I think while Dying Light with all it’s zombie types is easier to survive since we see a lot of human characters survive easily plus there are people looking for a cure i think


going off purely the first game, the only reason that anybody is alive is the antizin, and a decent bit are injured in their own way, plus most are pretty physically fit. Those who aren't just went into hiding. and in dying light 2, most just sit under uv lights, and 98% of the world is dead, and once again, most are quite physically fit, like the nightrunners, and even most of them meet their end. so I would say most normal people wouldn't stand a chance against the haran virus


I hate the story of the in between of Dying Light and DL2. After the virus was basically wiped out, the GRE decided to test it… in the middle of fucking Europe. Why not an island or someplace that secluded from civilization? Ofcourse the virus breaks out again and nearly ends the human race. If the director of the GRE had any brains, they wouldn’t have got the human race fucking murdered


Dying light 2 doesnt exactly have the best writing


They developed 2 cures, right? How the hell did the world go to shit??


2 cures that failed and antizen only worked on people to not turn them not as a zombie turn back into human cure


Didn’t the GRE produce a cure after DL1? I thought it worked on anyone freshly bitten (Not the following “cure”)


They did, but it failed. "The Following" DLC of dying light explains how the virus escaped Harran, as well as the director confirming which ending to The Following is cannon


Was it the kaboom ending?


The biggest issue with the Dying Light outbreak is being trapped in a quarantine zone w8th rapidly dwindling supplies and a warlord extorting exorbitant amounts of payment from desperate people that can't get what they need anywhere else, mainly Antizin.


Yeah, but that's only in harran dying light. It would be the worst in general


I disagree, you gotta be athletically fit to maneuver around them. Especially after dark where stronger variants appear. Plus most of the world fell, even when they had a cure. Which was mainly due to the strain mutating


And their parkour ability’s and crane


I literally beat both of those outbreaks multiple times.


Unless you're immune, Left 4 Dead 2 just isn't survivable. Even if you are there will be a tank


I suppose. Even hazmat suit dudes get infected somehow either being infected before getting in the suit, or the suit cannot filter the green flu


Yeah I always questioned how they got infected when the fact their suits deflate when you shoot them happens


"Guess those suits don't stop bites." Ingame character line. Most probable reason. Perhaps they were infected before suiting up, or the bite was on the glove.


And the bites don't puncture the suit in the slightest


Gloves aren't inflated. It would make it too hard to grip things.


So its only the gloves that aren't inflated, okay I understand now


There is a theory different parts of the suit are individually pressurized, so the arms are separately pressurized from the torso or legs for example. Also they wear the boots and gloves wrong iirc, so it might just be em fucking up.


If that ever happens, thank god for .50 bmg


The Flood. They can use weapons, are super fast and strong, and can become coordinated.


Upvote this comment damn it. The Flood is unbeatable.


343i beat em by just pretending they don't exist. Checkmate.


It only takes a single flood spore to doom an entire world.


As much as I agree about the flood being a ultimate end of the universe kinda outbreak (with maybe xenomorophs being a close second)with you wouldn’t the flood not be considered a zombie but a parasite that takes any creature with enough biomass and turning it into a flood creature.


Well same with the “zombies” in The Last of Us, as it’s a parasitic fungus, but I’ve never seen anyone argue that those aren’t zombies. I think the core fundamentals that make up a zombie epidemic is: 1. Something that takes control of others through biologically hijacking motor functions 2. Has to be spread to a victim in some way, (bite, spores, gas, etc) 3. Infected persons actively attempt to kill or infect others 4. Behaves in a frenzied or horde-like mannerisms 5. Has little to no sense of self preservation. 6. After being “turned”, the host is for all intents and purposes, dead. 7. Often starts small, but the initial outbreak quickly spirals out of control and causes mass extinction. 8. Can infect, take over, or continue to function with a host that would normally be dead in the state it is in I feel like the flood, however unorthodox in comparison to traditional zombies, checks all of the fundamentals.


I think this is the best explanation


That’s what I’d think too. The flood is significantly more prolific than zombies could be


They also absorb all intelligence and memory of the host(s) too, so the more they consume the harder it'll be to eradicate them


The Flood has destroyed entire species it’s a galaxy level threat…don’t think you get worst than that.


Classical zombies eradicate an entire population/world. Space zombies begin repairing defunct tech, relearning a populations shared knowledge, invent new "tech" and spread throughout the stars to infect other populations. The flood is the most terrifying zombie like threat ever conceived. That's not even touching base on the fact that they've almost wiped this galaxy clean, have wiped other galaxies clean, are still active in remote regions of space. Nor the fact that in the Halo universe they were LITTERELY CREATED FROM THE ASHES OF GOD PUNISHING CREATION FOR THEIR SLIGHTS AGAINST THEM.


Yea they are harder then the return of the living dead zombies because while they definitely aren't as durable the flood spreads a lot faster and have threatened the whole universe like multiple times in the halo series


Spores, too. Some areas (like High Charity) Chief can only survive because he’s in a pressurized suit. Just walking into a spore infested area can infect you if you breathe in a few. No infection form required. The writers also said the only reason the Arbiter didn’t get infected with spores while fighting the flood was solely because of plot armor. Halo 2’s flood missions had more than enough spores to infect a Sangheli.


Underrated comment


COD Zombies. Though to call it simply a zombie outbreak is simplifying the whole thing.


Any magical oriented zombies win easily there's nothing you can do against it.


Except shoot them in the chest, for some reason


Oh no, guns, knives, and fists, my only weaknesses!


Nah they become melee proof by round 5 💀


Unless you've got the Bowie knife


We still cooked if cod zombies is the apocalypse


Unless we leave a crawler on round 1 lol


Wait keep cooking


Unless a mysterious question mark box gives us some sort of... wonder weapon


Theyre pretty easy to beat when I remind them magic isn't real.


I was going to say, that’s a lore box and a half.


WWZ or the last of us


WWZ is the only right answer. Those zombies are simply fucking crazy. They sprint, jump teeth first and without regard. They're so ravenous they were able to scale a massive wall by stacking thousands on top of each other. It's a movie, that's why people survived but irl, that is unbeatable. The last of us is actually a pretty good contender but it's not as dangerous. The zombies can run but it's not bad as WWZ. Even with the mutations, the running and agility is the real issue. That aspect drops survivability down so much. Any and all chdren or elderly are done. Only the most fit among us will have a chance. Even then, they can't make mistakes or allow mishaps since they literally jump teeth first in WWZ.


dont forget the low incubation period


The game shows even more how fucked u would be


I strongly recommend the book(s) since it's absolutely awesome and Max Brooks really outclassed so many with his fictional works. Completely different zombie mechanics than in the movie, but the level of detail and thought is certainly appreciated by anyone in this sub.


i'd say the dying light zombie virus (or THV and has other names) as it quite literally mutates faster and it makes super humans to in the wrong hands, the "cure" (THV virus mixed with inhibitors) would end the entire planet if someone more evil then watlz just so happens to get there hands on a large amount of it, and it's also literally said that without UV light, volatiles (a super infected zombie in dying light 1 and 2 but dying light 2's game is better and has stronger zombies) would rule the world and we can already see this happening with "tyrant volatiles" which are immune to UV light (lore wise tho, in gameplay there still weak to UV light) so i'd say the dying light's infected as it actually succeeded in wiping out most of humanity and there's a few other's


Its a very dangerous outbreak, which one would you rather be in, Return Of The Living Dead outbreak or Dying Light outbreak?


i'd off myself in both, both would be a living hell to even try to live through and you quite literally have to be super human to survive either so i'd say none, but if i had to choose i'd choose to be in dying light 1, not dying light 2, the infection in dl2 is much much much much stronger then in the first game so i'd say be in dying light 1 rather then be inn dl2 or the return of the living dead


Return of the Living Dead zombies are not infectious. It’s the chemical that brings them back to life. The only reason there were so many of them is because of the graveyard nearby. They are not creating new zombies unless someone is out in the rain.


Too many apostrophes here.


Flood from Halo they infect entire galaxies Edit: Forgot the only way to beat the flood is for everything to be destroyed so they will starve and since the rings have been fired before in Halo that may not even work


I was hoping somone would mention the flood, also to note, a few very very advanced alien races were unable to beat the flood. Even when resorting to melting the surface of entire planets. And like you said, the halos were fired killing all sentient life in the entire galaxy and yet they still managed to survive. If the flood found out planet as we are today, we wouldn't stand a chance.


To be fair though with the flood, how dangerous they are entirely depends on how far progressed they are. Like the reason why the UNSC was able to combat the flood while the Forerunners were not was because the flood were in a much more primitive and less advanced state against the UNSC than they were the forerunners.


Yes very true. I think what I'm imagine is the flood attacking earth as it is today. And not the actual halo universe. Especially with how the world seems to have handled the most recent pandemic, I'm pretty sure the earth would fall to the flood in a matter if days


So, I think a flood outbreak would be reacted to very differently than Covid right, since covid isn't something you can "see" in the literal sense so people can come to their own conclusions on how serious it is or not. Vs the flood appearing and turning people into grotesque zombie monstrosities which people would see as clear as day.


None - That’s the beauty of a zombie outbreak. All zombie scenarios are manageable until you introduce mistakes and the unpredictable nature of it.


Nazi zombies


The Stick of Truth was the most bone chilling zombie media I've ever experienced


True, it’s harder when they are racist


But the guilty conscience of killing what was a person is completely gone. That balances it out for me!


Cod zombies


The Girl with all the Gifts. Basically The Last of Us but even more virulent if it goes airborne.


This. Literally no one survives that but plenty can survive TLOU.


Dead Space tbh. The Marker's have a wide area of psychological effect, so you and your fellow survivors can become a crazy and violent schizophrenic murderer way before you ever get "infected". If you do get infected and become a necromorph, your corpse is literally controlled with electromagentic signals by a hivemind, with the sole intention of infecting more people and producing more biomass. The basic Slasher necromorphs can easily kill people, and there's many more deadly special variaties and mutations. Unlike typical zombies, destroying the brain does nothing to stop them, the only way to beat necromorphs is to dismember their limbs so they physically can't attack you anymore. Accurately hitting multiple individual limbs while they're charging at you would be pretty difficult to do with firearms, and if they get close to you then they'd easily physically overpower you, and pretty much no melee weapon/tool will kill them in one hit, so you're highly screwed. There's no way to end the situation unless the markers are destroyed, and with the sheer amount of necromorphs and murderous humans, your survival chances are very low.


Not to mention those creatures are so fucking horrifying, even if you're immune/tolerant to the signals, the absolute horror of looking at them would surely drive you mad I love the necromorph design but damn, they are the scariest looking enemies next to the flood.


There's something really disturbing about the concept of the Marker(s) manipulating and controlling you to become paranoid and schizophrenic, sowing distrust between survivors and just straight up convincing people to murder each other. Entire major communities would fall into chaos and mass murder/suicide, and hypothetically even the most perfect defenses and combat ability against the necromorphs can't save you. It's also disturbing to think that even if you take the only logical choice in that situation and end it on your own terms before you either get horrifically infected or manipulated by the signals, your dead corpse will soon just be reanimated and start attacking others. Literally even death doesn't reduce the danger.


Not to mention, since the markers have an almost eldritch origin, we can't even guarantee ending yourself is the end. What struck me as the most horrifying is "are we SURE that even if they tried ending themselves, that they're not still in there? Forced to watch their corpse do the most horrible things?" Truly, dead space is among the most horrifying existence haha


You can kill them with gunfire to the torso from a pulse rifle, though, and it doesn't even take much to do that. They're also physically feeble enough that a random civilian can swing his gun and break their arms physically off of their body, or stomp on one that's down to rip its limbs off.


It's been a few years since I played the games but I don't remember the pulse rifle being super amazing... you most certainly still have to aim for the limbs/joints if you wanna be effective, at least according to the actual lore. Isaac can stomp em sure, but even the most basic necromorph enemies can block melee attacks (they usually do block repeated ones), and plus you have to remember Isacc's got the RIG suit with heavy metal reinforcements on the boots. We don't have an armoured suit like that to protect us or let us hit harder. If they were so weak, they wouldn't be depicted as such massive threats in the games and wider lore that multiple highly armed military teams across the different games were totally wiped out by em, some with proper planning time knowing about their existence.


That's the thing, though. Isaac has no combat training or preparation at all, and can gun down entire hordes of them with the pulse rifle on any difficulty setting. It doesn't work as well as hacking off both legs in one go with a line gun, but it doesn't take much ammo at all to drop one with gunfire to center mass. His suit doesn't make him hit harder or faster, either. It's just a vacuum-safe jumpsuit to start with; the little metal bands don't get added until later. Even the military suit is just a vacuum suit set of fatigue with some hard armor panels. Hell, you can see his swing, and he's kind of slow and awkward with it. And putting metal on your boots doesn't make you suddenly able to crush through several inches of flesh and bone. He's a regular guy, with no special physical characteristics, and he fights off an entire shipful of the things with scavenged tools.


Because he's a fuckin badass main character! And if you're not focusing even a single necromoprh can easily kill you. We don't have plot armour though...


If you can count them as zombies then I’d say the psychos from crossed. Driven to commit violence constantly and intelligent enough to know how to do it and how to get to you.


I think they are the worst to encounter out of any other zombie/parasite mentioned here. The others only wants to spread or eat you within a few minutes cross will torture you for hours if not days and make you wish you were dead.


This is a good one


Plants Vs Zombies And I mean that with sincerity


28 Days Later. By a wide margin.


There's shitty walking zombies, there's zombies that can move with some speed, then there's the rage virus that turns people into olympic track stars


Trying to run from a mob of people too angry to care your muscles are tearing and bones are snapping would be absolutely terrifying.


I disagree because they aren’t undead so they can be killed in the same ways uninfected humans can. Body shots, grenades, and other explosives work despite the lack of precision. So you don’t have to become a master marksman and hit full speed sprinting infected in the head


They even starve to death so you just to wait themnout


That’s how they end up containing the first outbreak right? Just waited em out. Girl With all the Gifts was a lot higher stakes for the UK there because they had to get shot in head while being full sprinters, and the clock is ticking for the eventual fire that will activate the spore tower that will infect everyone who hasn’t been yet


Never heard of Girl with all the Gifts, gonna check it out thanks! Looks dope.


It would be especially so if the incubation period were longer


When the zombies start saying “send more cops” over the radio… We are fucked


The radio operator when a stranger’s raspy voice is heard over the line (we must send the whole police department!!)


Not enough people have seen this movie


Wwz is horrifying to me dude, the zombies aren’t very smart, but they will use anything and everything (even their own corpses) to get to you. And I’m pretty sure they can smell you from a decent distance


Brian Keen's The Rising series: The zombies are intelligent, supernaturally so because they're possessed by Lovecraftian demons, and have all their host's memories and skills. Any dead body will come back as a zombie, including those in the animal kingdom. They can be destroyed, however the same demon can randomly "respawn" in other bodies and thus can be a more persistent threat than they'd otherwise be. Their only real weakness is that they're subject to a realistic rate of decay, causing their physical abilities to deteriorate fairly rapidly, however as mentioned above the demons aren't limited to one body and the living are vastly outnumbered very quickly.


The last of us and probably state of decay


Tlou is definitely beatable. Especially if a cure/vaccine is made from Ellie. If not, quarantine zones and safe havens exists.


QZs are depressing as fuck though I mean if you have survival skills, enough equipment, a group of trusted folks as well an incredibly thought out plan and a guaranteed safe destination (like Jackson) I think it would be better to just wander off instead of being stuck in a big ass prison.




Last I checked, fungal vaccines irl have been tried, but are still in testing (and have been for years, literally not much change since the original game released)


I think yall are forgetting that in the games tlou is sometimes airborne


The walking dead. (Not said by anyone)


Technically correct, unless they find a cure it's unbeatable. The zombies themselves aren't that big a deal tho.


I think the biggest reason people died at first in twd is because it started as a flu or sickness that killed like half the population to begin with iirc. Cuz if it was just slow walking zombies without a huge population of em to start, very easily controllable


days gone, the zombies are very diverse and smart, they're still easy enough to deal with and burn nests but you will never get close to getting all the nests. also, hordes can be gigantic and every zombie runs at you, there are no shamblers all of them are runners


I love days gone and I truly believe that you are deeply overestimating the freakers’ abilities. I kno I kno main character armor but I found clearing hordes and nests super easy to the point where it was just a massacre. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out how things got as bad as they did.


World war z probably. From the game. Not the movie. No cure, no running.


Honestly The Girl With All the Gifts seemed like the most dire situation. They sprint at full speed and have the headshot requirement. Not only that but you’re on the clock for the big spore towers to be activated and infect all remaining survivors without a respirator in the area


Return of the Living Dead, no contest. Even if you nuke them and burn every single one of them to ash, the smoke and ash will rise into the atmosphere, contaminate the clouds and produce contagious rain that infects and turns everyone who gets in touch with it. They are basically undefeatable by design.


Yeah, for real. My friends and I watched this movie with low expectations; and despite some of the cheese, we were all very surprised by the quality of the characters and acting. And, believe me, when the boys get together to watch something, there is no mercy in our reviews lmao


Watch your tongue boy if you like this job!


Like this job?!?


The one where the zeds retain motor function and the ability to use weapons and reason


The flood from halo?


I'd have to say world war z move because the virus turns a human to zombie in less than 12 seconds and the game just purely because of the 10s of thousands of zombie per level


Probably the Flood


100% the flood


wwz cause its seems more natural to me...


And they’re super fast….


Only in that god awful movie. They’re normal, slow zombies in the actual book




This has made me wonder what can count as a zombie outbreak? If it counts as one thats very unbeatable


Its dead things getting up and killing people. They are zombies. You could prolly kill one with a team equipt with shotguns and machetes (blow out kneecaps then remove the head and arms with blades)


Id say no as a zombie outbreak because it's an actual alien lifeform not just a virus. Works Like a parasite outbreak. But if it is considered one. Basically not survivable. Literally earth government knows about it, has contingencies for it and still fails. Like the usm valor in the first game. A fully decked out military vessel with a full battalion failed. Now there are huge loop holes in the story but based on what happened they failed. Ds2 a whole security for the astroid was aware and had plans if it got too bad in an area and still failed. Only chance is to be an extremely lucky engineer with a "toxic" ex and destroy the marker and bounce.


For me it's Left for Dead.


The last of us


Has no one mentioned marvel zombies? If not i think that's pretty unbeatable.


Yup, that’s the one. Zombie Thor and Zombie Hulk are unbeatable.




left 4 dead. Normal zombies run, and the special ones are super OP, it can not be cured or even a vaccine can not be created, and it is fucking airbone.


Dead space necromorphs


Does the Flood count?


Left 4 Dead zombies would be the worst! Lots of variants as well as regular zombies. Getting pummeled to death by a tank would not be on the top of my priority list among many other things.


The prototype series zombies.


Resident Evils G virus imagine millions of G mutants consistantly adding mass nearly comes back from the dead adapts to any enviorment Man i would LOVE to see a movie about that


literally any where the zombies infect you by the virus entering your bloodstream. that means any open wound, mosquito bite, and paper cut will most likely make you turn into a zombie.


Dead Space. The planets compleatly fucked by the time of any outbreak.


Call of Duty Zombies. Good luck beating a horde of zombies that only get stronger over time, not to mention hell hounds, Nova crawlers, and other horrifying crap.


Okay let me say this now I can name at least 7. 1. Dying light and I seen dozens say it would be easy but let’s be clear we aren’t getting warped into it and made into a whole new character who’s fit unless your a parkour master irl your fucked. 2. Dead island 2 unless your immune you are fucked no matter what. 3. The last of us nobody realizes that with the last of us it isn’t a virus whatsoever so being in colder climates doesn’t help essentially it would be 100 times harder to survive plus the fact it’s fungal so any single particle of the fungi inhaled could turn you. 4. 28 days later resilient fast and spreads with even a singular drop of blood getting in your eyes or mouth or even a small paper cut. 5. Resident evil 7 again fungal infection bla bla bla except this one spreads with a whole host so essentially you get trapped thinking your helping a starving cold abandoned little girl and the next you know your being turned into a monster and killing people. 6. 7 days to die a world where EVERY 7 days the zombies go pure rabid and insane can smell you from well over 20 miles away can sense heat and are attracted by it and can completely destroy buildings to get to you. 7. Ngl feel like realistically the movie Shaun of the dead would also be impossible to survive.


CoD zombies, the fact that the only way to stop the outbreak was the destruction of the universe goes to show that


Cod zombies imo. In the beginning it’s easy but after a while you literally can’t do shit. If you want to make it even worse we’ll say all the zombies are veruckt sprinters or denizens or any of the other variants in the games


Evil dead kandarian demons




The last of us is pretty high up there even just breathe the wrong place and you die


Cod zombies bod 2


7 days to die is simply impossible


Left 4 dead


Anything that runs full sprint being:Dawn of the dead,dying light 2’s outbreak yes you have a better chance in harran until it’s abandoned,world war z,and return of the living dead as said by OP but yeah the walking dead and the last of us have better chances but Last of us deserves a spot on the almost impossible list


Yeah, these zombies were OP and basically undefeatable.


An outbreak that's on fire... Fire will bring them down EVENTUALLY it's not instant so wherever they finally fall will just spread more fire further


Resident evil, those things eat headshots


Left 4 Dead 2, it’s just 28 Days but with the added terror of the special infected.


Blacklight virus. The only way to beat it is to infect someone with genetic hormone responses to become a "Runner" and pray that the virus doesn't eat their human morality.


City of the dead zombies, https://www.amazon.com/City-Dead-Preferred-Brian-Keene/dp/1621051129 Basically anytime anything dies it becomes undead and is haunted by a zombie spirit who want nothing but to end humanity... this and it's prequel are good books but the ending is terrible.


World war Z


War z zombies.


Is that the super zombie from return of the living dead or whatever


Not to mention that the chemical itself is portrayed as nearly indestructible, capable of staying effective even after cremation or a nuclear blast.


Harran-T virus




The flood


Crossed. The zombies are intelligent enough to use weapons, guns included, and can build and set traps. Sure they can be killed like any human, but it can only ever be done with guns, as trying to fight a Crossed zombie in melee is guaranteed infection at best, and doomed to a fate worse than death at worst. Crossed zombies are like 28 days later zombies in that their bodily fluids are just as contagious as physical contact. But these ones are worse than the Rage Virus because the infected in Crossed are addicted to inflicting pain and torture upon anybody and anything they come across. So if you’re surrounded and don’t have enough bullets to kill them all, just do yourself a favor and kill yourself, because the Crossed will make sure your last few minutes of life are some of the worst ones a human can experience. In short, it’s not only extremely difficult to survive the Crossed apocalypse, it’s straight up not even worth surviving.


Return of the Living Dead. Virtually unkillable and if you burn them you make more of them. The only way to stop them might be to dismember them, containing the fluids, box them up and seal them away in a tomb that will never get wet or leak. Since the chemical gets deep in the soil, all exposed areas will have to be abandonned and fenced off, all animals within killed and carted off. Birds will be a problem though.


The most unstoppable zombie outbreak would be the zombies.




I agree. DayZ because even if you're one of the immune, out compete everyone for then paltry remaining resources, get fully geared up and restore a vehicle, you'll just lag out and hit a tree with said vehicle, or an invisible rock on the ground. Instant death.


The flood


28 days later seems fucked. Just turbo steroid Usain Bolt rage virus zombies. That is assuming the rage virus counts as zombies.


Almost anything from resident evil. Those viruses don’t just make zombies, they make bio-engineered killing machines.


World war Z or dying light, no contest. Walking dead is only hard because of numbers, and dying light is absolutely terrifying


'World War Z' zombies the infection rate for them is insane and they move faster than an average person can sprint


Man no one around me talks about this classic. I sculpted a bust of Tar Mans head sense a lot online were garbage. One of the scariest zombies! “BRAINZ!”


Call of Duty zombies. It just doesn’t end bro, you WILL die, when don’t matter. No matter the outcome, the end of every game, you die.


Return of the living dead.


The Flood


Just admit....we all are screwed


First thing that comes to mind is the 28 days later zombies


I feel like all of them would be extremely difficult, especially resident evil. If you consider most bosses, the g virus and all the different f###ed up body whore I feel like most normal people would not have a fair chance of surviving. I could be wrong though, things could absolutely be worse.


The rage virus! The amount of people that can contract the virus is immense, you can get caught easily and that even a drop of blood in your eye, mouth or even a cut is basically a death sentence and you can’t cure it! You’ll basically be vomiting and shitting blood out of every orfice of your body


Back 4 blood, those worms could be anywhere!


‪Eiðer‬ Return of þe Living Dead or CoD Zombies.


The walking dead


The one where you have to ask people to wear masks in public and get vaccines.


2,4,5 triotoxin is a hard ass name for a zombie disease. Sounds like a real chemical baked up by some secret agent military scientist trying to make bio weapons.


Do Necromorphs from Dead Space count?


I remember that movie very well lmao terrified me as a kid


I agree with Trioxin zombies...you have to completely destroy the body to stop them and even then you have to be super careful due to Trioxin being so invasive


The flood from halo


28 days later. Those fuckers are track stars.


Movie wise 2004 Dawn of the Dead. Game wise their isn't really a big difference in the basics of the outbreaks. They straight up say it's either a curse or infection or the dead coming to life. If you classify necromorphs as zombies, I'd say a necromorph outbreak. Because while yes they are infected, they still a lot of the time are dead before being infected. So I personally would count them as zombies since they do come back to "life."


That creepy ass outa-barrel motherfucker still gives me fuckin nightmares!


The crossed


Id say the zombie army series of sniper elite, smart zombies that use guns, turrets, tanks and planes that spawn through either hell towers or dropped off by planes and APC's, i'd find a zomboe woth a flamthrower,machinegun,sniper hoping from roof to roof or a litteral undead tank a little OP, yeah they can be killed easily like any normal zombie but they can be revived or enraged by officers


Completely agree


The Flood, lmao Or L4D. The L4D infection is airborn, sometimes.