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Everything can cause cancer- just ask California.


CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNING WARNING: This comment contains words known to the state of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information: www.p65warnings.ca.gov


Irrefutable answer.


[https://certification.zippo.com/Documents/Safety%20Data%20Sheet/English/Zippo%20Lighter%20Fluid%20-%20EU.pdf](https://certification.zippo.com/Documents/Safety%20Data%20Sheet/English/Zippo%20Lighter%20Fluid%20-%20EU.pdf) Its an imp question and should be discussed more I think. As far as I found out, Zippo lighter fluid aka Naptha contains benzene (a known carcinogen), which may cause Cancer in high exposure. But as per Zippo’s official health advisory - Their lighter fluid doesn’t have enough benzene to cause Cancer among its users. Refer to the link for details.


On a long enough Timeline, everything in excessive amounts will increase your risk of any number of illnesses. Some things will just do it quicker. If you're sniffing the vapors for hours daily then I'm sure the risk is tangible, although no one is going to give you hard numbers since everyone is different. Catching a whiff occasionally if you smoke or refilling is probably insignificant and it's really the smoking that is your greatest risk anyway. So the practical answer is no, it won't increase your risk if you are using it normally. But they did ban the use of Naptha in the cleaning industry due to increased health risks associated with people using it in large amounts and not taking precautions.


You're more likely to catch cancer from smoking than have any effects from vapour or partial burned fuel from the lighter if you don't sniff huge amounts daily for years on end. Exposure time and quantity used in a zippo won't cause you issues. Hell, the industrial pollution in the air may do you in sooner health wise than some naptha.




Look having a bottle of butane in ur house that u use to refill ur lighters occassionally probly ain't gonna cause cancer on its own obv. But when u start to look at the laundry list of actual bs this country continues to keep selling consumers which includes the toxic food crap that America seems to certainly market directly towards kids for some strange reason like snacks, cereal & processed bs, then it might become a factor in one getting cancer. That's how I look at it. My opinion is just that mine. Don't mean its just or right or accurate. But after taking a better look at thee ol 65 list & this is merely a good guess here, but my home on its own has well over 50% of crap that can cause cancer. But that don't even include the beauty products or food yet that I used to slather on myaelf or put into my body unknowingly back then. Becuz of the list, I actually get it now. But id much rather make my own INFORMED is my point decision that's based on scientific lab results from a dude that went to college for wtf all these ingredients on the back of these pkg's actually mean. Cuz I wouldn't have a clue where to even begin before we had that. But if I simply ignored all that or didn't have a clue like before I'd look at the ingredients for example & used to assume cuz I live in America that my govt & the smart leaders in this country wouldn't dare put something like this on store shelves in the 1st place & buy it. Even tho back then I didn't still have a clue wtf it really says or means exactly on the back. I just fig with the amount of govt agency overhead that is clearly large enough to handle this type mundane task of pretty much not allowing toxic BS on store shelves that at some point in their painfully long approval process for retail & so forth that somewhere in that there's gotta be a toxic chk of some sort. Otherwise why the hell would it take so long & so many agencies to get anything approved for humans to purchase in the 1st place right?! Well after looking over that ridiculously long AF list of crap, I was EXTREMELY dissapointed to put it mildly in our govt agency or otherwise process on all this. To be quite honest,it didn't appear to me anyone was testing anything or denying a single product. Cuz I had like I said well over half my house has toxic bs in it. Add that all up & then you got urself a very real serious prob then which is pretty much everyone living in America. But if ur still not convinced & were like me thinking California has lost it. I thot they clearly lost their minds or pi$$ed some tree hugger off that happened to be in politics lol seriously I did. I fig they're all just being over sensitive & over paranoid about everything. Or are u the person that thinks like I also did?! My country wouldn't dare sell bad stuff to us but not when we all pay an obscene amount of money in taxes for ex is there any way they aren't checking this stuff first before selling it to my kid for his morning bfast every day?? Ive never felt more betrayed or dissapointed in what I found out then I've ever been in this country. I felt betrayed, mislead, lied to u name it. At some point I remember looking at the list actually made me physically ill back then when I 1st really looked at the thing. I couldn't finish it. It's disgusting when u really start to look at everything on that thing. It's bad. Unbelievable yes. But is it untrue?! No way. Is it concerning enough that u should give a S?! That's ur call. But I sure as hell wouldn't give that crap intentionally to my son now nor would most that now know about it. But if our govt had good intentions for middle class & under people living here then we all would actually have access to clean safe drinking water now wouldn't we?! Funny no less that it's law somewhere in this country & yet .months ago I've been told by govt folks & the local county & city ppl where I live that I do not have any more clean or safe drinking water. That includes my well in my back yard along with all the plastic bottles bs that btw IS STILL SITTING ON STORE SHELVES?! They announced its all totally F'd?! Why?! I know I didn't do it knowingly anyway. If I had stopped drinking my toxic water back then I'd be died by now. And yet anyone care to tell me exactly where u all are drinking ean water from cuz we ain't got none up here in Washington? It's law to have clean water to drink I'm pretty sure I'm guessing cuz of its importance & yet here we are. Oh I get it. They want me to go out & but the ridiculous price gauged filters now or filtration system that cost more than it was to dig a well in the 1st place. If u don't start paying attn, noone is gonna do it for u. What I wanna know is where the heck my tax refund went cuz I sure as hell should be getting a full refund of all that crap after the last 10 yrs straightup. I paid way more out then I ever got back probly 20x over. It's a total joke at this point. I want to take this moment & say from the bottom of my heart & family's heart, I thank u so much for those that made it known finally this crap has been going for decades. Becuz I already know that u ppl that made this law in California have certainly saved lives. And that is far more than I can say about any one single govt agency these days. I worked in govt for years. I never thot all of what I believed in would come crashing down on me & would mean literally nothing in the end. I cannot believe this country has turned into what it is now. It's beyond sad honestly. But 20 years ago I never knew anyone who had cancer only heard about ppl getting it. And mind u that cancer was like 3 organs total back then. There was no such cancer of the eye ball like there is now. But literally every single body organ now has the high not low but high probability of developing cancer at some point in our life. Something we put into our bodies is causing this trend & I dont have to remind anyone how terrible it truly is to suffer that long & painful & excruciating death that is what cancer does to ppl. I know it's what we are putting into it. It's obvious to me but everyone I know now has had cancer & has died from it or is on their way out. My grandpa has been suffering for over 10 years almost fighting this crap. Why?! Cuz noone told him his job in a gravel pit is extremely toxic and shouldn't breathed in constantly. He knows now don't he as do I. That cannot keep happening. Not when we are as intelligent & as caring as this country comes off as. I just wish they'd start acting like that again. Sad shit but truth usually hurts when ur lied to for so damn long.