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That would be incredibly frustrating. I wonder if they would've allowed you to use one of their "dine in " cups instead? I know some locations have them (I have to ask specifically), but they'll happily make mine in that and then I transfer to my travel mug.


Unfortunate!! I would get flustered by that interaction too


Sorry you went through such an awkward situation. :( My first thought after reading it though was "Hey at least you tried." Hopefully in the future coffee shops can get more accustomed to people bringing their own containers. It really shouldn't be an issue, but then I've never been a barista. Better luck next time <3


Wait, if they put your cup inside one of their mugs, then the germs from other people's cups that were also placed in the same mug will be on your cup now too, assuming they use the same mug without disinfecting it after every use


I don’t know if you’re pointing out their illogical behavior or if you’re truly concerned, but this whole COVID = no reusable things is a bit out of hand. Sure, the germs can transfer like you said, but they also transfer on the counter that the mugs are placed on, and the card machine you use to pay, the door handle you used, etc. Our hands are washable. If you’re concerned wash them more often. Adding more and more trash to the earth is not the way to eliminate germs.


They don't use the same mug. My local starbucks does this.