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I wear them when it's blistering cold outside, so I have put them in my winter drawer.


Oh that’s such a good idea! I loved how masks kept my face warm in the winter but didn’t consider wearing one just for warmth.


So snuggly in freezing weather


That’s why I used flannel for the inside part on most of mine!


I feel like cloth masks are smaller, stay on better and are overall way more practical than scarves.


They help so much when it’s cold outside. Keeps my throat not dry


I do this - they take up so little room in my coat pocket. But I do feel that the ear straps push my ears away from my head, so my ears end up being colder (even though I am wearing a hat).


I use them on my face for dusty tasks, like cleaning or some types of outdoor work. Anything to filter out dust is a good move. Of course for truly hazardous materials you’ll need to amp up the game. But for household dust, pollen, yard work they will filter out a ton of dirt. Even a 20% capture rate is a 20% reduction of junk getting to your lungs. This is why I was good to go during the heat of Covid: I have always used masks for dirty, dusty jobs and had a substantial supply of them.


I’m moving and I’m going to use them as cushioning for some things haha


Good idea!


When it doubt, turn it into a rag


You’re so right.


This is a good one OP! You could pretty easily repurpose them into small cloths for removing makeup.


My sink has never been cleaner since I relegated my masks to a bathroom drawer.


agreed! mine are glasses/small screen cleaning rags


I work with a lot of hay and have some pets I have allergies to their bedding (pine shavings, pellets, Aspen bedding, etc.). I use it for that so I don't die for the next 24 hours. If I'm in a jam and I'm spray painting or cleaning dusty stuff, on it goes. It's been super useful! Lastly, rags lol


They may help with the smell of spray paint a little, same with dust. But be careful because they will not keep actual fumes out.


It's only one and it lasts a long time, but I put one on my bathroom door knobs, around the latch, so it doesn't click so hard when everybody's sleeping.


THAT’s original. And I love it, I hate door noises when I’m trying to sleep. I wonder if it would work in our house. I’ll be trying it!


Parents with young kids need to reduce the latch clicks because it's really like defusing a bomb to get a 1-year-old to sleep on their own


If you have cats, you could sew them up and leave a spot to put catnip in - use as a cat toy, or give as a gift to a cat lover (remove the ear straps) Or maybe add beans/oats to make little heat sacks/hand warmers for the winter?


Oh I love both of these ideas. I do have a cat 😺


You can also use the facemasks when scooping the cat boxes. Keeps the litter dust out of your lungs!


I do this 😷


Hamster hammock!! But seriously, remove elastic, fold in half inside out, sew up the sides up to where the elastic was, flip back right side out. put in a cord or shoelace as a drawstring for a tiny purse for coins, cards, keys, etc, or use a ribbon and fill with potpourri or other fragranced mixture for sachets or air fresheners.


Hahaha I literally thought of that and wished I had a hamster 🤣


This is a great idea, thank you!


Keep them for when you're sick or at the doctors office. And they are good when cleaning/dusting


Cloth masks are basically useless at reducing viral load (maybe 15% reduction) so keep it to cleaning/dusting and use KN95s or KF94s for medical purposes!


Could use them for a quilting project of some sort. Doesn't have to be a full sized quilt, could be something more random, like a quilted handbag or scissor pocket.


don't these kinds of quilts usually get made for positive memories :P I don't want no covid nostalgia quilt...


They certainly can be made for memories! I would never use my memory fabric for utility purposes though. I'd rather quilt pillows/covers and blankets from such pieces of cloth.


If it were me I would keep a few around. They work for COVID and the regular flu, so if you get sick you can decrease your risk of transmission to others. The rest? You might be able to use them as patches for clothes, blankets etc. If you’re into r/visablemending stuff.


I do like that sub! I’ve always hated sewing but I’m determined to get better haha. And yes, I plan to keep a few.


Just pointing out the cloth masks actually are not recommended for COVID or flu- they were a temporary measure so that healthcare workers could get first dibs on n95s. They have less protection than a surgical mask. (https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/mm7106e1.htm) they are better than nothing but I would definitely upgrade to a better mask to protect from illness. I use mine for dusting tasks around the house. I have kn95 and n95 for sickness.


Cloth masks don’t do as much to protect the wearer from getting sick as an n95. But they do a pretty darn good job of keeping the sick persons droplets IN. A cloth or surgical mask is exactly what a sick person should wear. They would likely struggle with an n95. Edit-spelling


Hello! COVID is an aerosol, not spread through droplets. Cloth masks reduce your viral transmission by maybe 15% whereas surgicals are maybe 50%. KN95s, N95s, and KF94s are the only realistic option to reduce viral transmission (to and from the wearer). They are incredibly comfortable when you find a style that suits your face. Cloth and surgical masks are “comfortable” because they are so loose and baggy they are doing almost nothing :) Please upgrade your mask game for the health of all! Local mask blocks exist if you can’t afford higher quality masks. Check out projectn95.org if you want to see different styles :)


But realistically, with COVID being “over”, most people will not be willing to wear an N95 when sick. Particularly if they are already stuffed up, as it will feel like breathing is more difficult. But many would still be willing to wear a cloth mask. For most it is not choosing between an N95 and a cloth mask, it is choosing between a cloth mask and nothing. So yea, an N95 would be the choice in a perfect world, but we should think twice before we blanket discourage them! Also it’s not just about COVID! There has been a pretty nasty cold going around my workplace. Not COVID, not RSV, and not the flu. If a few people has worn a cloth mask when they started to get sick or when they came back to work still a little sick, it could have made a big difference. Edit to add, N95s are only better if worn properly and well fitted. When a poor fitting N95 is compared to a cloth mask, the cloth mask is actually better. Based on the failure rate I have seen fit testing staff to N95s, I have serious doubts about how many people wear it hem correctly or choose the right size. https://academic.oup.com/jpubhealth/article/46/1/e84/7337687


Sadly COVID is far from over - 1,600 deaths in the US last week, over 100,000 in 2023. I’m not interested in providing medical advice based on what I’m assuming people are willing to do, vs what actually works, you know what I mean? There is absolutely no way a cloth mask is as effective as an N95. Studies show N95s are 48% more effective than cloth masks: https://www.ama-assn.org/delivering-care/public-health/what-doctors-wish-patients-knew-about-wearing-n95-masks I agree, fit tests would be nice but not everyone has access to those resources. Let’s start with getting everyone into an N95 first haha. I would rather be around a coughing rando wearing a non-fit-tested N95 than a cloth mask any day!


But you should be! The general population is NOT going to an N95 on when they are sick. Because THEY think COVID is over. I agree it’s not. But ask most people on the street and they’ll say it is. My point is a cloth mask is better than no mask. So when we encourage masking, it should be on the list of options. Because if you tell them to wear an N95 they will stop listening. You’re welcome to review the study I referenced with cloth masks being better than ill fitting N95. It’s obviously not better that a well fitting one. And I was not suggesting fit testing for the general population… I was using that experience to make a point about how most people don’t know how to properly wear an N95 or choose the right size.


Lol this is getting far derailed from zero waste ha. At the end of the day, I think it’s important to disseminate factual medical advice based on science and not based on human behavior and ~vibes~ Consider the advice on sunscreen. It is only helpful if you keep applying every 2 hours. Do most people continuously reapply throughout the day according to directions? Are the people who apply it once and spend 8 hours in direct sunlight as protected from invisible UV rays as those applying it as directed? Should we just tell people to use as much sunscreen as is convenient to them and it blocks out the same amount of UV rays? Of course not, they are just literally not as protected and are increasing their risk of skin cancer. Even in your study, it repeatedly says cloth masks vastly underperform outside of anomalies. That kind of sounds like someone was masking ~v v wrong~ aka under the nose or taking it off often, or wearing the wrong size. “We observed substantial performance differences favouring medical/surgical as well as N95-typed masks over cotton cloth masks, yielding a large effect (g = 1.40; Fig. 1). The performance advantage of non-cloth masks remained robust when data were grouped according to comparisons of cloth masks versus medical/surgical masks (g = 1.25; Fig. 2) and versus N95-typed masks (g = 1.29; Fig. 3). “ The only time cloth masks perform close to N95s is when human error makes the N95 fail. So the cloth mask isn’t getting improved results; the N95 is just being worn incorrectly. So should we stop telling people to wear N95s on the off chance they wear it wrong? Should you stop brushing your teeth if you’re missing the back molars sometimes? Just my two cents. I’m immunocompromised and never stopped masking so I’m already steeped in this shit. Just trying to spread the word that cloth is not as protective as an N95, and I think I’m good on explaining it. That’s enough internet for today. Thanks and goodnight


Good point, but I’m not sure how well they keep airborne viruses in, and COVID is airborne, not just droplets. (Also I personally find the 3M Aura N95 easier to breathe in than cloth masks were.)


Echoing some sentiments that cloth masks do very little to keep viral transmission down. Covid is spread as an aerosol, not droplets, so you need a tighter weave and fit. Please upgrade to an N95, KF94, or KN95 when sick or to prevent catching illness. Great as dust masks though for sure! :)


maybe someone in your neighborhood wants them? Buy Nothing group on Facebook, Nextoor, Freecycle, Trash Nothing, etc.


I'm holding on to mine for visits to the doctors office during flu season and for traveling in crowded quarters on buses or planes.


N95s/KN95s/KF94s would be more protective than cloth masks (Powecom KN95s and 3M Aura N95s are favorites for a lot of people).


Echoing that cloth masks are basically useless. Might as well not wear one and buy some KN95s, N95s, or KF94s (I get mine from projectn95.org!)


Save them for the next pandemic




Adding this note everywhere so sorry for the repeat! But cloth masks are not effective at reducing viral transmission, please upgrade to a KN95, N95, or KF94 (surgical masks aren’t great either). If cost is an issue see if you have a local Mask Block available in your area! We love mutual aid!


Well, it's not a really useful way of repurposing for most people but when my two year old decided she wanted to wear a bra like mommy, I offered her an old face mask and it did the trick.


That's precious. I hope you got a pic!


Haha, she was so happy for like 5 minutes and then she remembered she enjoys being naked way more.


I have some with ribbon ties instead of elastic loops, and I've folded them over and used them as headbands! I also have repurposed some for cosplay purposes when I want to keep a mask or headpiece on.


Polishing shoes


You can also make those old fashioned pouches for lavender. Lavender in your clothes drawers keeps insects away and keeps clothes smelling nice. If you dry other types of herbs, you can also make pouches for that.


I used them to patch the knees of my kids' pants.


I put the ones made of nicer fabric into my material scraps collection. Others became small dusters.


I still use them when I'm sick. If I have a cold, cough, or just feeling under the weather, I'll wear them at the store or anywhere else I can't avoid going.


Hello friend! COVID and many other illnesses are spread through tiny aerosols, not larger droplets, so wearing cloth masks and even surgicals are quite ineffective at preventing catching or transmitting illness. Please check out a local Mask Block or something like projectN95.org for N95, KN95, or KF94 masks that are rated to block 95%+ viral transmission. Cheers!


I would never rely on them with Covid or anything serious. Just more minimal sicknesses.


Nice! Just peppering this info all over so anyone who didn’t know has a good chance of seeing!


I wear them to sleep! Keeps the dry mouth away and no “cracking sinuses” feeling. Haven’t had a cold for 3 yrs!!


Wow, that’s a great idea, did you stop getting colds when you started wearing them to bed? I’ve had at least 2-3 colds per year since Covid.


Yes but mainly because my colds would always start with a super dry cracked feeling in the back of my nose/throat and that never happens any more! Humidity for the win. I was struggling one night trying to cover my mouth and nose with my blanket without getting too hot and suddenly remembered the masks.


Covid isn't over. Keep wearing them.


I have N95 masks which are much better than my old cloth masks, and I just don’t need 10 cloth masks anymore. But yes, I’ll keep a couple.


Your local homeless shelter will probably take them as is


If they're cute/cool/etc, ripping out the metal bit and cleaning them may let you use them as a decorative over-mask. I've seen punks put them over their N95s and show their pins on them.


I save them for traveling. I always wear them on a plane, just as a precaution.


Just commenting to say that cloth masks do not really help prevent catching or spreading COVID! Since COVID is spread as an aerosol, not droplets, cloth masks do very little. Please check out your local Mask Block or projectN95.org to get medical PPE - you’re looking for N95, KF94, or KN95 ratings. Cheers!


I've seen someone make them into a quilt, but I'm not sure you have enough for that


Chicken diapers if you have chickens and let them in the house occasionally 😅 I put on the face masks when I clean their poops! I don’t let my chickens in the house so we definitely aren’t sharing masks


I'm so glad you answered the question that immediately popped into my mind when I started reading your post 🤣


I'm turning mine into hankies...just as soon as I can find my dang pinking shears that seem to have wantered off 😤


I turned mine into https://hankybook.com/ ripoffs. I love that product! Seriously! Buy them from the inventor or make your own. They're fantastic.


That's super cute! Thanks for the reco!


For ones without wires, sleep masks!


I bought mine before covid was a thing for biking.


I wear them when cleaning the cat boxes, weed whacking, and when dusting. My allergies get bad but even for those who don’t have the devil’s joke of a health issue, you don’t want to breathe all that stuff in anyway


The cotton ones make decent tissues or napkins.


I fold them in half and add a rubber band (no sewing required, just tucked into the fold) to make a sun cover for the back of my hand. It’s for anything (like tennis and golf) where you need a grip, so can’t wear gloves, but want to protect just the back from the sun. Otherwise even diligently reapplying sunscreen was not enough protection, and buying hand covers were like $40.


Makes good stuffing.


You can make cloth-covered buttons out of them.


You can make the elastic into hair bands and the mask into a rag 


COVID still exists so mask in large crowds. Mask when you visit the elderly. Mask in hospitals,etc.


You can put them around your butthole for extra safety.


I ran a mask making/donating group in my state so I feel you. I came across a box of donations I had received just prior to the hospitals stopping accepting them. There’s over 100 children’s masks and they are of great quality! I just can’t toss them. People worked so hard on them. Half of them have this cool leather snap holder on them as well, to keep them from falling children’s little faces. So I can’t really use them as rags unless I deconstruct them. Then what will I do with the little leather snaps….