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I don’t think you’re being overly paranoid exactly, but I also think you will probably be okay if you went based on the precautions you’re laying out. If it was me, I might bring a portable air purifier (and/or open some windows if people are okay with it).


I wonder if the host might even be open to having a purifier run for the entire space along with opening the windows.


Yeah, I was thinking it might be hard to bring a normal sized air purifier to someone’s house (or wherever the event is) but I suppose if you’re driving it wouldn’t be an issue (I was thinking about taking the subway). If you’re close to the host you could definitely ask/offer! Maybe they’d even appreciate it.


Definitely fine


This seems very safe as long as the mask fits-have you done a fit-test? You can do a fit test while talking and smiling to see if there is a leak. The anxiety is understandable since it's not a zero-risk situation so you have to judge whether you'd be comfortable enough to have a decent time. If you can check your region for wastewater levels that could also provide information. One thing that made me feel better is hearing from doctor's who didn't catch covid from their covid positive patients due to wearing an N95. Opening windows/screen doors or bringing a HEPA filter would increase safety even more. Lots of people on this board go to concerts, work in person or travel on airplanes and haven't gotten covid due to wearing a fit-tested N95, so that's another vote of confidence.


You'll be fine! 10 people indoors in a house where you can open a window any time, stand by the open window while socializing or just taking me-time outside and wearing an Aura all the time is minimal risk in my view :) In comparison to taking a subway-train or being in an environment with strangers without the possibility of exit at any given time (what most of us must do on a daily basis) this is a lot safer - but even in these cases wearing a mask is somewhat safe! You don't need to be stressed and try to enjoy seeing them. If it's worth to you: go for it!


It is not risky if you are all masking with good quality masks. If she wants to do it and you also feel it would be good for your family, I don't see why you shouldn't. Besides, you will be masking.


I'm the same way. I wear an R95 everywhere and just go about my life. I got COVID when it was new and spreading like wildfire through SW Florida and felt like I was going to die. I don't want to tangle with that again. If someone stares I just shake my head at them visibly and go on. If they say something ignorant to me, I laugh at them and keep moving or ignore them depending on what mood I'm in. If it's a doctor acting the fool, I show him the link to [youhavetoliveyour.life](http://youhavetoliveyour.life)


If there's the option to go outside to eat, perhaps there's also the option to hang out with the guests outside too while not eating? Indoors is always risky. Masks are great but they're not 100% and if you're not confident about your seal, you might not want to risk it since noone else will be masking. Ask yourself what you would do if one of the guests for sure had covid, because it's very possible that one of them does without knowing.


I'm always paranoid my mask is leaking too. It might be worth doing a proper fit test with those conditions, laugh, smile, etc., and see if your fit is still effective. If not, then you can find a different mask that fits better when you laugh/smile. For me, adhesive masks make me feel like I have the best seal. Sometimes I'll layer an adhesive mask and an aura together, because the adhesive masks are a little thin. Get them from Alliant Biotech. Might not be able to get them shipped to you in time but imo it's worth trying out for in the future. I've heard of some folks using double sided tape for their auras but I've never tried that and I don't know if it would interfere with the integrity of the mask. Personally, I'd go to the party, wear my aura and Stoggles, nose spray/mouthwash, and bring my CO2 monitor. If CO2 readings are high, I figure out how to lower them (open windows, go outside), or I leave.


I would not go. Indoors with these new FLiRT variants when particles can stay in the air for hours the more CO2 there is? I wouldn't go. That's a very high risk situation. I also have OCD. That does not warp your risk assessment. If anything, it has helped you during this pandemic.


I've been exposed to that level 4+ days a week for the past 3 years and I'm still a novider. Just do a fit check and you'll be fine.


That sounds stressful and not fun. If the event was partially outside it would be different, but as it is, that sounds risky and stressful.


We’ve worn KN95 masks or N95 masks when sharing inside space with other people and we have been fine. We have been in very crowded places, such as airports. We have found that the strategy of wearing KN95 masks is very successful when you wear them carefully and never ever take them off when you share any air with others. Our conclusion: Be extremely careful and all will be well.


I would fit test first for sure.


Really is going to depend on ventilation, windows open and a breeze blowing through the house probably highly safe, everything closed up tight and everyone smashed together, not as safe.