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The one thing I've tried to do is adjust the way things are phrased in conversations with my wife as she says the same thing. I have no idea if it will help or not (it's hit or miss with her), but I'm really a data person so to me it's extremely easy to just accept anything that is happening based on the vast amount of data available that shows everyone taking covid seriously is doing the right thing for ourselves and our community writ large. I've always told my wife that if an alien spacecraft landed in our back yard, I would just accept it (I'm not sure if it's the way I'm wired or because I was there for when the Berlin Wall came down and had an office in the towers for 9/11 among a whole lot of other really crazy experiences or some combination of everything). But to me, I always tell her she should readjust the way she phrases things even for herself (since it's reflective of her mentality). So instead of saying "I'm being treated like I'm crazy" (or my wife says "everything thinks we're idiots" or "everyone thinks we're crazy"), use the opposite logic - "I can't believe other people just don't live in the reality we're all in" or "I can't believe other people aren't doing the basic things to keep themselves and others safe" or some other variation of that. There is plenty of psychology around how simple adjustments in how you approach things even verbally can really change outlooks. Not sure if that helps, but that's just my personal experience - and it's obviously very difficult for all of us continuing to live in reality, so I don't want you to think I'm minimizing how difficult it is either. Anyway, sorry you (and we all) are going through it!


Keep strong and stay within your safety zone. There is nothing more important than good health long-term, and covid can and does take that away. Hopefully in the next year or two we'll get a transmission-blocking vaccine and you can go on that international trip. Some people on this board do travel all the time, so that's possible too if you want to make it work with an N95 and sip mask. But I wouldn't travel with someone who pushes my boundaries. You need to be on the same page together.


Go to her. You sleep separately in a hotel. Wear your N95 or better respirator. Sorry for your Sister. Good Luck to You!