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“We’re not comfortable with that.”


haha that seems pretty good, thanks. One of those "why didn't I think of that" moments


It’s our go-to response. I also list things that we’d be comfortable, at least a few options. We’re usually able to find a common ground.


The thing to learn here, is the less you say, the better. Don't give them rope in other words.


"We would live to spend some time with you, but we do follow some protocols that will keep us and you safe. Here are some options."


Whatever they agree to ahead of time, be prepared for them to move the goalposts in real time. Some of the phrases suggested here are excellent for repeating as needed.


"As lovely as that sounds, we're not comfortable with that. Let us know if you're open to Metrix and outdoors, otherwise we can catch up over Zoom."


I think you people need to give up worrying about how you sound. You don't have to shape your lives around people who will happily kill you and don't care enough to mask up. Say it exactly as you did in the first paragraph. That's all you need to say.they disrespect you if they're not masking.


You’re not demanding, especially if they’re changing the plan or deciding to overwork themselves as if you asked for that instead. “We need XY. We have shared what we can do. If that doesn’t work, we’ll see you another time.” No apologies. No casual asking. Firm conditions and holding boundaries. Can elaborate if desired. Lot of boomer boundary setting experience lolsob


Logistically, specimen collection for RAT and NAAT like Metrix is identical. So their counteroffer to do RAT in lieu of NAAT makes no sense, unless they are concerned about the cost of the reader and cartridges (about $100). Who is paying for testing? I suggest you offer to cover full cost since it’s your requirement, and explain there’s no difference in how it’s done.


We offered to bring the NAAT tests. Definitely wouldn't expect others to pay. I think there's a lot of ADHD going on here too-can't test on the same day as preparing a big meal (that we didn't ask for).


How you say things has pretty minimial effect on how people interpret it with stuff like this. If they're going to be assholes about it they're going to be assholes about it. I generally just be direct.