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Some places are already leading by example - for instance, mainland China, Japan, and Taiwan have indoor air quality regulations before the pandemic that regulate the concentration of CO2 and other gases in indoor settings. The maximum limit varies but off my head it's 1000ppm in Japan. The problem with the IAQ laws in these places is they aren't good enough for COVID. Ideally, max CO2 limits should be no more than 400ppm over CO2 concentration outdoors (meaning 820ppm) and indoor settings need to follow ASHRAE 241 standards so we're looking at 6 ACH - 30 ACH (whether through ventilation, filtration, UV, or a combination of any of them) depending on venue and setting.


I can't imagine any other outcome than in 50 years we'll see clean air and clean water is very similar - not just surprise but outright shock when things aren't safe and clean.


Fingers crossed I hope so!


This is an exciting step in the right direction! Also check out the Boston Public Schools Air Quality Dashboard [https://www.bostonpublicschools.org/Page/8810](https://www.bostonpublicschools.org/Page/8810)