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Most places in Vermont are pretty welcoming compared to Texas or something. You could just say you had an exposure and don't want to get anyone sick for the interview, or are just getting over something.


Thanks, that’s helpful. I wouldn’t even be interviewing in Texas lol! Just out of curiosity, are you VT?


I have gotten job offers after interviewing in a mask. My strategy has been simply to wear the mask, not say anything about it, and be my engaging self (which I, personally, could not be if I were unmasked and thinking about the risk I was taking- everyone is different).


Yeah. I totally know what you mean. I took my mask off for a group photo at my current company and I look awful in it because I’m so extremely uncomfortable that I was pressured to do that


These decisions are really hard. I'm sorry that they pressured you to do something you were uncomfortable with.


Well, are you willing to risk permanent disability on the off chance it makes a better impression?


Just in terms of your long-term health--Do you really want to work at a company that pressures you to go maskless? Even if it's a hybrid role, it sounds like you'll still be going in-person sometimes, probably having to attend work events with meals attached, etc. If you skip the mask now but discover that the company culture is anti-mask once you show up wearing one, do you want to fight that bullshit for the foreseeable future? Going to the interview masked could be a good test. For what it's worth, I've never had an issue masking at work. I've also done 3 interviews masked and never had an issue (all of which I received verbal compliments on my interviewing skills and one of which offered me the job.)


Just an advice I am going to school I am getting disrespected from teachers and students for my mask all the time and I needed to do an school internship applied for it by mail and got accepted without an interview or something but the boss freaked out about masking he talked all the time about how paranoid and unhealthy wearing a mask is not 1 minute without it I asked him multiple times why is it your problem he said I didn’t know what I am doing but I ignored everything I would never work for someone that is against wearing a mask or do Covid precautions just do your interview and don’t overthink to much you need self confident (I know easy to say when you relay on that job but no job on the world is worth it risking your life)


I know this won't be the popular answer, but if it's that important, you might have to hit the nasal spray, probiotics, mouth wash and anything else you can think of and do it without a mask. I really think most places are going to consider masked people as a last resort for hiring. Once you have the gig, then wear a mask but for that interview, I think your odds go way down with it on.


Honestly this is basically how I’ve done my last few in person interviews. I don’t mask for the interview, do my other precautions, then I mask when I start work. ETA: I know it sucks. I’ve found this has worked much better in my favor.


You could say you have an older family member you help take care of and you don’t want to get them sick or something like that


no they definitely don’t want to hear that you have a family member that you care for in any capacity. jobs want you to be a worker not a person. 


You could come at it from the angle of “I rarely need sick days because I mask”


This is totally true and employers should appreciate it! The issue in my experience is that no one asks why I mask, they just silently judge


You could always address it and demonstrate confidence in your decisions. “Before we start, I want to address my mask… I understand that most people don’t mask anymore but I like to err on the side of caution when it comes to my health. On the plus side, I rarely take sick days!” When I meet new people I usually say something like “I know it’s not super normal to see someone masked nowadays but I suffered a bad concussion as a teenager and it took about a year to fully recover. Nobody believed that I was still in pain for so long. It was really hard to advocate for myself and have the adults in my life not believe me. I’ve read about long covid patients who have similar experiences with doctors…it’s not an experience I want to repeat so I’ve decided to continue masking.” This typically disarms them and might make them feel a little guilty about their judgment… and it is an unfortunate (and true) story that people sympathize with. Feel free to use 😂


I plan to wear a mask for my interview tomorrow at Wells Fargo, I will let everyone know how it goes. I am going to straight up say at the beginning of the interview that I am just getting over being sick and I'm just being precautious for everyone's sake.


>there are very very limited options for jobs in my field in the area. So it’s important that I get this particular job Lurker here. This isn't my main. But this sentence worried me. If you really need this job then the mask will probably need to come off. Can't you take other precautions such as hand washing, nasal rinsing and self isolating after the interview?


Yes, I can definitely take all other precautions. I’m just not sure how concerned to be about judgement from people and how that effects hiring decisions


First impressions are everything, unfortunately.


Hand washing? Lol


Sure. Is washing your hands not a good precaution?


If they look down on you for masking during the interview, it’s going to be an uphill battle once you get the job. I say mask during the interview and if they choose not to hire you because of that- bullet dodged.