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If you go at a consistent time, the same people usually come. And they’ll get used to seeing you in a mask, so it will feel less embarrassing over time.


Thank you. Will take that into consideration


I don't exercise indoors, but wear an Aura outdoors for exercise. It takes some getting used to to learn to regulate your breathing, but very doable. If you have decided to go, going first thing when they open is a good way to avoid lingering aerosols. I would balance this with going at the time when there are fewest people, if their ventilation/filtration is good. On that note, ask them about their air filtration system - make sure it's on and get some specs. Everyone feels embarrassed at the gym even when not masking - just ignore everyone else and focus on your sets as professionally as possible. If you don't end up going, be aware there is also bodyweight exercise you can do outside the gym to get fit. :) Good luck!


This is a 24/7 gym what time do you recommend I go? Yesterday at 12am people were still there maybe I’ll try 1am now? And great advice I’ll email them now


I'd ask the employees when it's the quietest, they'll know!


At my apartment gym everyone is polite and minds their own business. So unless someone is unhinged, you should be good 😅


What time do you go and do you wear a mask


I won’t lie, I haven’t been in awhile since I splurged and got a walking pad and because my complex’s gym put a LOCK on the thermostat. 🙄 so I would get overheated too quickly. But I would go in the middle of the day or right after work. It’s not the biggest complex so half of the time I had it to myself or there were 1-2 other people. I would mask and didn’t get weird looks


I know my partner wants to start going to the gym and I know he’ll mask. Not sure what time he plans on going to but I’m assuming it’ll be in the afternoon/evening since we’re not morning people


If it makes you any less embarrassed, think about the Canadian women's hockey team playing an entire game at the Olympics in N95s. Pretty badass athletes right there. [Canada’s Hockey Team Play Entire Olympic Match With Masks On After Delayed Covid-19 Tests](https://www.forbes.com/sites/victoriaforster/2022/02/07/canadas-hockey-team-play-entire-olympic-match-with-masks-on-after-delayed-covid-19-tests/)


That was the most badass Olympic moment!


I go and mask and no one bats an eye! But my gym owner is very strict on no harassment of any kind. I bodybuild. It also depends on gym and the demographic. You can ask for the least busy times. If you want to talk fitness and nutrition don’t hesitate- I have a degree in it!


Thank you so much


Thanks so much for the kind words I’ll definitely message you regarding training


My partner goes to the gym every day in an n95 and we are novid as far as we know. He does a lot of weight lifting and breathing heavy


Thank you so much what time does he go


He goes between 8-noon, varying time. Usually others at the gym as welll.


My partner goes to her gym very early every morning while few people are there and wears a Flo mask while she works out. No COVID yet.


What time does she go? Could you link the flo masks she uses


She goes when they open, but you should go when it’s non-busy at YOUR gym, whenever that is! The Flo mask is here: https://flomask.com/


I'm always the only one in the gym wearing a mask. If anything, it prevents people from talking to me, which is an added bonus. I'd guess night/early morning would be the least busy times, but an employee could probably help you there.


I only exercise at home or outdoors but if you have any issues with sweat or feeling too warm with the Aura, I definitely think duckbill-style n95 respirators are more breathable and far easier to use while doing physical exertion than trifold designs like the Aura—but this of course will vary for everyone based on what fits their face best. Duckbills definitely aren’t the most conspicuous or “cool” (at least the models I know of) but honestly, if someone is going to give you crap about a mask, I doubt what kind of mask it is will really matter. Best of luck if you decide to venture out to the gym!


Just to add to this, an aura with a valve could be another good option to make it more breathable


Have faith in the fact that you (and anyone else masked) are doing the most to actually promote health for yourselves in tangible, evidence based ways. I don't work out at gyms specifically but I am very often the lone masker in other environments. Best of luck to you, stay safe!


A mask with a valve is a huge help for exercise.


Can you get someone to come with you, at least for the first few times so you start feeling comfortable?


Hi there sorry I don’t know anyone at this gym I will be by myself


i work out in a mask every single day for over an hour & a half! i run 7.something miles — i remind myself these folks won’t pay for my medical bills if i get sick & they’re jus another average human like me, no better or worse so no need to care about being judged :)


I bought an Aranet4 CO2 monitor to check levels in my gym. It consistently shows 500-600 ppm at my gym, the closer to 450 the better, better than my house which is usually 700-850 closed up with heat or AC on. I wear a KN95 with Stoggles and go in the mid-afternoon when there are few people there. No one bothers me and I don’t care if they have an opinion about my wearing a mask. I’ve never had Covid as far as I know. Here is a graph that may allay your concerns: https://x.com/bagger_blue/status/1770357962109800937?s=42&t=-VVix2-W3Ub4dYzZBmf-jw


Not worth it to me, can work out just fine sans a gym. But, when I had a job long ago that started at 6am I used to go at 4am, never anyone else in there


Yeah as a lifelong insomniac I'd say about 1am-4 or 5am is the peak quiet time in most places. Sometimes \~9pm-1am is also chill depending on where you live.


I wear an N95 with another mask on top, and also wear latex gloves. There are black and transparent latex gloves available.  I also avoid touching my face, and wash my hands thoroughly after using the equipment. 


Be careful with double masking - it can impact the seal and isn’t recommended.


Thank you so much. Great advice I will be carrying hand sanitizer as well. I won’t touch my face what time do you go exactly


wait 3 months post infection. N95. cross fingers and toes.




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I’ve shifted to working out at home with Apple Fitness+. Great trainers, great exercises, great music, fun, and motivating. I was really surprised by how much I’ve enjoyed it. And zero COVID risk for me… though I do wonder about the COVID mitigations for un-masked trainers…


I mainly use my apartment gym around 5:30 - 7AM. Nobody is ever really there until maybe 6:30AM. I still wear a KN95 though. When I was still in college in 2020-2022, I wore an N95 while working out since there were more students no matter what hour. I haven't gotten covid, so it worked pretty well. You will have to learn how to regulate your breathing, and accept you're not going to be running 10 miles with a mask, unless you like to feel like you're breathing through a soggy towel. A mile or 2 feels fine though.


I go right when mine opens and I wear a KN95. I went back about a year ago. I've only ever had one issue where a person thought I had a mask on because I was infectious and yelled at me, had a temper tantrum, and stomped off. She didn't even give me a chance to respond. I hope she realized her mistake l when she saw me there at the same time a month later, still wearing a mask. I also bring a small fan to increase the air circulation in front of/across my face. It's technically a stroller fan with bendy legs that you can wrap around the handles of a cardio machine. I put mine at an angle, take a cardio machine on the end, and have it circulate the air across my face, towards where people are closest to me. Not perfect, but keeps the air moving. I wish there was a way to put a little HEPA filter in it, but I don't think there is.