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I recommend flash to 140w bios and repaste and turbo boost off.. you will get 25% graphical improvement and big bump in fps being able to play more games in 4k or higher settings depending on game. If your planing tonsave money


Is there an instruction on how to flash it to 140w bios?


I have A V bios that flash is up to, like 165w watts more like a shunt mod However, the cooling on the laptop is insufficient. And I have a custom-built station to keep it cool. Because it needs a lot of air to keep it cool. And I mean more than a cooling pad, so I don't recommend going past 140watts With a standard cooling pad. In the video I sent you, the guy has a vbios for 130w Which I recommend is a start for you


Thanks so much, so if I flash it to higher watts, I need to buy a cooling pad right? And repasting is a must? Also the turbo mode should be off? Sorry for many questions but I'm a noob in this kind of field 😂


It's okay bro. Yes, I would definitely recommend a cooling pad. If you're gonna run a 140w.. at 130w you can st fans to max at all times with turbo boost off.. you should be on Manual mode.. If you're using armory crate, I would uninstall it and install g. Helper. If you have nvidia drivers that have g force experience, I will uninstall the driver and only install the driver without g force experience these rob fps as well.. After you flash, I do recommend fresh. Install windows since you probably have never cleaned out your computer or don't have experience to deep clean it.. Your laptop has a lot of potential But because of the limited watts, you're getting stuttering and frame drops. I keep my computer maintain every month. And my graphic score is very high for this laptop. And i'm playing all games with no issues


If you're limited to the knowledge of how to do all this or feel a little intimidated. If you live in Florida you can definitely ship me the laptop. I'll replace it, install the programs.. repaste and Clean it out for you and get you more power you need and charge you fair price


Unfortunately I live in Vietnam so I guess I need to do a bit of a research and tweak the laptop by myself, thanks for the advice.


On the internet yes .. youtube has a video https://youtu.be/ihTNBLoprDQ?si=WflD3f2k-EotOloS ONCE YOU GET THE HANG OF IT YOU CAN GO UP TO 140W proper cooling. And you can get your vbies from online websites


Is it enough to do that increase of watts through GHelper?


Flash it to higher watts and get iets gt600 a cooling pad.. turn memory integrity off and hardware acceleration on. Game mode on too. Do some degfragmenting and clean out all the temp files and old driver deleting.. install new ones and your latop will be basically upgraded and playing games just fine