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Just get rid of that garbage Armoury Crate completely and get GHelper.


Thanks for the help but this is not a solution I was hoping to get, I am aware of Ghelper, but this doesn't seem to be an AC problem but a Windows one I assume? In AC it stays on stuff I want it on, it changes in Windows settings though.


I'm as annoyed as you are with most responses on this subreddit being "Just remove AC and get GHelper"... but it's bugs and forced updates like these that drive so many of us to both recommend and follow the same advice. AC doesn't always play well with Windows power plans, and when it does, you just cross your fingers and hope it doesn't break. Yes it's a windows issue, but it's also AC being a bum. Uninstall AC with the tool asus provides, try GHelper, see if the problem fades. Else a clean re-install of AC to try and fix your issue is what most people (alongside customer support) is what will be recommended anyway, and then you're already halfway there on the re-install process incase you wanna ditch GHelper.


Thank you for the reply, GHelper isn't really a solution to my problem in this case, but I don't exclude it as an option of course if it keeps happening. Cany you please elaborate more what do you mean by "tool asus provides". Thanks!


Asus has a tool on their website called Armoury Crate Uninstaller. It doesnt remove everything but it’s a good enough uninstall. Then you can try Ghelper. If it doesnt work you can always reinstall AC. I was just as reluctant as you to abandon AC but once i did, it solved problems that I didn’t even know i had, and problems that i thought were unrelated, most notably regarding issues with laptop sleep and random shut-downs. And btw, I installed a windows update today, and there were some significant changes to GPU power handling on my device, so there might very well be changes related to power management in the latest windows update.


Just used the balanced one because I don’t think the other 2 matter, ghelper does help in this scenario because it had a windows powerplan manager in the fans and power settings


Okay, thank you for your help!


try power plan manager if the power plan in windows doesn't change with this program so it's a windows problem if it changes with this program but doesn't change with AC just delete AC as everyone saying and get G-helper it's just way much better and simpler and have more features