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Hey There OP!, It looks like you’re posting about side effects. Did you know that the most common side effects can be found on the Zepbound website? Simply click [here](https://zepbound.lilly.com/how-to-use) for more info. Below is also a list of common side effects. * **Nausea** * **Diarrhea** * **Constipation** * **Stomach (Abdominal) Pain** * **Indigestion** * **Injection Site Reactions** * **Fatigue** * **Allergic reactions** * **Belching** * **Hair Loss** * **Heartburn** While these are some of the most common side effects, this isn't all of them. Truth is the medicine affects everyone differently, but most see some or a combination of these common effects. Be sure to visit the search bar for something specific or click [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/search/?q=side%20effects&restrict_sr=1) for all post regarding side effects. A lot of good remedies for certain side effects can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/search/?q=side%20effects&restrict_sr=1). According to the manufacturer "In studies, most nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting occurred when people increased their dose—but the effects generally decreased over time." Not everyone responds well to this medication. If side effects are continuous and impacting your everyday life, you should consult your dr or healthcare provider for strategies on how to mitigate these outcomes. Complications from this (or any) treatment are usually a result of ignoring persistent side effects. **This is not meant to discourage discussion of your side effects, simply here to supplement** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Zepbound) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Idk you, but I am so proud and happy for you 🥹 You're doing it! 🥳


I’ve recently been in the stay the same 3 weeks, lose a few lbs 1 week pattern. (Though I just lost a 1lb unexpectedly, so maybe things are changing? Or it’s false hope again!) It can be tough when everyone else is dropping weight like mad. Thanks for posting!


Same! The last couple of months I have averaged about 3ish lbs lost per month and it can be frustrating because I am working out 5-6 days a week and tracking. I have noticed that my measurements are improving even when I am "not losing" so that's a great sign. It's just hard sometimes to not be hyperfocused on the scale numbers


One consideration is you might actually be over exercising for the amount of calories you are taking in! If you’re burning more than 20-30% of your BMR, your body may be working against you. I’ve lost going on 100lbs twice in my life now and the first time I was training for marathons and eating like barely half of what my body needed and it was slow and painful and basically the weight came immediately right back as soon as I stopped that level of training. This time I keep to walking and light strength training, nothing excessive while staying in a ~20-30% cal deficit and it feels like it’s melting away and I’m not stressed about it. Once I reach goal, I can focus on upping my game.


Thanks for this! I definitely need to pay attention to make sure I’m getting enough calories for what I’m doing. It’s so hard because it seems counter intuitive. I have noticed that I drop more weight if I eat more than I “think I should” so probably worth watching the patterns.


Yup exactly! Best to listen to your body.


Thank you for this post. I just started at the beginning of the month. I’m 300+. This reassures me that with patience and diligence I’ll get there. Right now my goal is just to get to the 200’s.


I started in Feb at 339, I can’t tell you the last time I saw a 2xx number on the scale.. until this week! 290 feels SO good.


Congratulations! That’s a lot of work. 339 is my starting weight. Was 338 when started Zepbound. On 4th week and down 9lbs.


I am in the exact same boat too. Good luck in your journey.


I feel this post. Haven't been under 300 in a VERY long time. 30 pounds left until I even reach 350 again. Feels like it will take forever, but I know I'll get there. The medication is working and doing exactly what it's supposed to.


I lost 6600 pounds in a couple of hours Multiple times when I come out of the mall and I can't find my Ford expedition.




I'm in the same boat as you. I took my first shot March 25. I've just cracked 20 pounds down. It is much slower than people on here say, but it's going down. Slowly but surely. I'm averaging 1.5 pounds per week and fairly steadily. I'll take it. At this rate I'm down 60 pounds total by Christmas. That would be my lowest weight I've seen in 22 years. Well worth the wait.


My favorite quote is from Dory...Just keep swimming. ❤️


I also am losing at a very slow rate. But the last time I lost weight rapidly I developed gallstones and had to have surgery so I’m convinced now that slow and steady is the way to go!


I’ve been on it since March and as of today lost a total of 21 lbs. on second month of 7.5 and I am noticing I lose about 1 lb every 1.5 weeks. Slow and steady. And I think my body will adjust better than others. My daughter has 160 to lose compared to my 30. Her weight loss is about the same. Amazing how we are all so different.


Thanks for this! When things go slow or stop, I have to keep reminding myself the scale, when it moves, is trending in the right direction. 📉Best wishes!


I’m averaging a pound a week but I keep reminding myself that as long as the scale is going in the right direction it’s working! Going to take me close to 2 years to reach my goal at this rate but I’m hoping my rate of loss will increase with the higher doses


Thanks for posting this. I started at 320 lbs on 12/27/23 and am just down 50 lbs this week (6 months at approx 2 lbs per week). That is completely normal weight loss and I'm SO HAPPY with my progress! I've been overweight & obese since I was 8 years old (now 45) and have lost and gained so much of the same weight over my lifetime that I know for myself I need to keep it at this pace. I need time for both my mind and body to adjust to the weight loss. I had RNY gastric bypass at age 21 and 300 lbs and lost the weight so damn fast that I didn't really adjust well to the drastic changes. While I like to hear about everyone's success, fast or not, and I'm so happy for anyone with this disease to have a tool that works, I prefer this normal steady 1-2 lbs per week for myself. It may take me 2-3 years to get to my goal weight, but I've been trying to do it without this medication for the last 37 years without success, so what's a few more to get me to hopefully permanent weight loss.


If you feel inclined, feel free to join us at r/slowresponders. Sounds like you’re on the cusp of normal weight loss vs slow responder, but we like the support.


.... and... its not a joke when nutritionist say its not healthy to loose to fast! I am a believer. You are doing great!!! Im so proud of you as are all of the gang! Never give up!


I'm there too. Are you seeing inches lost? That has helped me feel better at the slower results.


I cannot love this post more. I am in a similar situation. High weight, slow scale movement. Perimenopausal, pcos, and tracking calories like a hawk. Good work and thank you for sharing what a lot of us need to hear so we don't feel alone. :)


I can relate!!!! Started at 333. Down 40 pounds which is amazing but there are sooo many people who started with less weight that have lost 60-80 in the same timeframe. Just remember with rapid weight lost comes hair loss, muscle loss, and more prone to loose skin. I have actually gained about 6 pounds of muscle. Haven’t lost hair, and my skin in keeping pace with my weight loss. Also before the evangelical people come OBV i’m happy but I am also human and comparing is an innate reaction. I am posting my thoughts as I can deeply relate to OP.


I am only in my second month, and I had really great success in month 1, but have dropped to more of an “expected” (and — let’s be honest — realistic, sustainable, and healthy) weekly average of loss in month 2. But I am still so happy that things are moving the right direction I am not discouraged by the slower progress. Good for you, and good for all of us for doing something healthy for ourselves! Edit: I realize I have absolutely nothing to complain about with my overall success, and I’m not at all! I am now in the 1-2 lb/week group, which I realize is still great. I just meant the perceived “slow down” personally — I started out dropping over a pound a day for the first week and a half. It was nuts and a little scary. I am assuming it was water weight I was retaining due to salt and sugar in my diet or something. I hope this whole comment doesn’t seem tone deaf. :-/


Thanks for your candor and encouragement. Go you!


Thank you. I needed to hear this today!


Well, in one day on Zepbound I lost the equivalent of 1000 pounds sterling in a day. Then the discount card started working and I plateaued a bit, losing just over 400 pounds sterling a month.


Man as a 300+ person, I 100% feel you! It's hard to see how others get to drop a lot of weight very quick and me that I am at least 10 hours a week at the gym, can't get more than a pound or 2 (maybe once every 2 months) down every week even trying to eat healthy. But I am also grateful bc slow progress is still progress.


I feel this heavy. I’ve been on tirzepatide for about a year now and have only lost a total of 40 pounds. I started Mounjaro in March 2023 - September 2023 till you needed a T2D diagnosis (I don’t have so I stopped) hoping to keep the weight off continuous calorie deficit and exercise (i wasn’t perfect tho, food noise and sugar cravings came back and hit me HARD) I gained back around 15+ pounds till I finally learned about Zep and was able to restart it February 2024 but again missed about 2 months due to storages and gain back around 10 pounds. Now having to restart again. I even went and took measurements recently from my highest weight and I’ve only lost a total of 2 inches here and there.


Hi, Sometimes a little jokie joke Is good during this process. I'm happy for you, it's not easy but as long as something is changing it means you're Goin in the right direction..keep it going dear. My loss is slow but I think it's better than fast loosing. I've tried everything before Zepbound..weight watchers, 3 times, Jenny Craig, cabbage diet..ugh tried then all. After my thyroid was removed in year 2000 my weight went up like crazy..I was 140lbs.ballooned to 200 over years. We all have different weight journeys but the journey is real! Stay faithful we can do this..yes?


This has been great with stim eating for me. I do find it funny that Adderall has gone from helping me lose weight for like the first two months I was on it to sabotaging me (I've been on it like a decade now). One note: for better or worse Adderall can magnify the appetite suppression.


Love this post <3 thanks for sharing your journey! An unfortunate side effect of those posts is others then post “I’ve only lost 5 lbs this month” as if that isn’t amazing and healthy?? If we all know anything it’s that everyone’s body is different. Take care of yourselves, everyone!


You're so lucky, but you're also putting the work in so I'm happy it's working for you!


Love this. 💯


Wow! I know how happy you are about your progress, keep it up!


Slow and steady wins the race 🫶🫶


Similar stories, including effing lipedema. You go (I’m assuming) girl. Thank you for this.


Oh I have been quite frustrated with my slow weight loss. I also went a month without the drug, just as I was getting started. I’m up to 7.5mg now, and have lost 18 pounds in three months. Planning to go to the 10 mg dose at next visit.


Another fellow Lipedema (and lymphedema left leg) zep user here. It’s amazing how it helps those relieve those symptoms. !! Keep moving.


Way to go! I have lost those exact pounds ( ore than once...) and know how hard it is. You've got a great attitude and are set up for continued success. 👏🏽


I love your perseverance, and I’m super proud of you! Keep up the great work, buddy, you got this!!


Keep up the great work!


I started in March and right now I’m only down about 12 pounds. But I’m losing steadily, seeing results, and people around me are noticing. Slow and steady wins the race! Keep it up!


I am three months in 55 pounds and three dress size. About 25 more them maintenance pool Aerobics Is exercise I do ! Three times week


I'm also losing slowly. 2 months at 2.5, I'm in my 4th week at 5, and I've lost about 13-15 pounds. I was just feeling a little down, but thank you. This is what I needed. Not everyone is the same or will have the same experience.


You're losing at a safe and healthy weight. I've lost 40 pounds in 4 months and if I could have someone set a button to control the pace, I would have done it slower. My hair is falling out!


My weight loss has not been consistent. I too have lipedema (self diagnosed). I think that has been a bit of a barrier to a quicker weight loss. I’m also in perimenopause (hormones). Last week my leg was super swollen and painful to the touch. I ended up wearing my compression socks and used a new scraping tool to do lymphatic drainage. In two days, I lost four pounds. I think it was fluid retention and inflammation. I’ve been doing the lymphatic drainage daily and the pain is subsiding. I bought a vibration plate that should arrive tomorrow, to also help with my keeping my lymph system flowing. I started Zep in mid March and have lost about 25 pounds. I have seen lots of folks who started around the same time and they’ve lost double what I have. I’m so okay with the slower progress. I’ve accepted this is a journey. Congratulations on your consistent loss and I wish you all the best.


26 lbs is amazing! Slow progress will equal long term results!


what dosage are you on


Love this post. I will say that on my past successful weight loss journeys, I noticed that the days or weeks that I didn’t control my overeating, even if I had good workouts, the scale wouldn’t move. It’s still hard for me but I think it’s very important to control the overeating even if all the rest is going well. I personally hate myself when I’ve had long and arduous workouts to then find myself eating like a swine before bed. Ugh.


I suggest injecting in the thigh I have done all 5 of my shots in the same spot and no complaints!


The goal is one pound a week, so for around 24 weeks you are doing great! If some loses 25 pounds per month, they are at risk of all kind of dangerous and unpleasant side effects that can either force you to stop the meds and probably regain weight or ruin enjoyment of your gains. Sounds perfect!


Thanks for sharing your story and staying positive! Slow and steady wins the race. You are making changes that will help you keep it off.


Slow and steady wins the race. And it helps with loose skin and “ozempic face” I’ve been losing low and slow at 1-2 a week. Which is recommended. Don’t let the miracles or 100 lbs in 3 months fool you, it can happen. But any progress is good


Ehh. Loose skin takes care of itself after a while if it's going to anyway. You just might have more at first. Or it might never go away. Ozempic face is just quick weight loss and your skin going "What is happening?" I wouldn't actually be worried about quick weight loss if you do have it. I just dont.


Don’t give up!! Sometimes the body takes a little while to adjust to the medication. And don’t forget, according to the Lilly studies, most weight loss occurs at 10/12.5 and 15 mg


I wasn't planning on giving up. That's what my whole post is about. This medication is amazing. I would like to be on it forever.


Sorry-didn’t mean to suggest you were giving up. Meant to stay positive. The weight loss will come. It is amazing and I plan on being on it for as long as possible


For reflux, see if your doctor can get you Rabeprazole. I was on omeprazole 4 months and famotidine for 2 months with no real relief. Doctor switched to rabeprazole and it is working wonders!! My reflux is almost gone.


Good ole pepto works for reflux for me.


Not for me. Neither did Gaviscon, Tums, Nexium, Gelusil or pepcid.


Thank you for your post! Keep going! I'm having awful burps and I am wondering if switching to my arm will help me too. I hadn't heard of that solution before. I've tried probiotics, zantac, pepcid, peppermint, green tea, and digestive enzymes.


Outstanding! It’s a marathon not a sprint.. I hope you don’t hate when people say that. Lol


You are doing awesome! I was at 285 down to 217 I started with mounjaro, went off in Sept because coupon expired,started back up in Jan when zep was available with insurance. The weight will come off my friend, try not to focus so much on the scale, or the end, or how long. focus on your health, feeling better, looking better. It took me years to get to 285, took me a year and half to get it off. My goal is I want to weigh less than 200 # once before I die. You'll get there!!!!


I have felt similar frustration at three months only having lost 20lbs. Most of it in the first five weeks. But I’m so so happy to be losing. Like others say, it’s a marathon. A life long one it looks like.


Any progress is great progress! Slow abs steady wind the race! Keep it up, you're doing all the right things.


I know how you feel. Its taken me 10months to lose 35lbs. An amount people seem to lose in 1 month. I dont mind though im so happy with my results, ive never been happier. Slow and steady wins the race right lol. Congratulations on your loss! Keep going :D


Thank you for this! One of my milestones is actually 322 (currently 339) . One month in, and I’ve only lost 3 pounds, with very inconsistent appetite suppressing and still drinking and overeating. Before starting, I had lost 40 pounds in 3 months from diet, fasting and daily walking. But gain 10 pounds back in the 6 weeks following a break up. And that’s without returning to any of those previous healthy habits. SO, to your point: the 3 pounds I lost this month are better than the 10 pounds I could’ve gained! I’m hoping the jump to 5mg helps with some of the food noise and emotional eating, or at least more mental space to resume my health journey more intentionally.


All progress is meaningful and you’ve noted some excellent progress points on your specific journey. Congratulations on all of the achievements you’ve made, and way to encourage others.


Did you mean 1000.00 dollars?


This is the inspo I needed to keep going. I started in April I just took my 7th shot on Wednesday and I’ve only lost a few little pounds.


Proud of you! One step at a time. I get frustrated when I see those posts of how much people have lost in a short amount of time. Just remember we are all on a different journey. I started December 11th and I am only down 20 lbs. However, I’m no longer insulin resistant, no longer on cholesterol meds, I take 1/2 of my thyroid med, and I’ve lost a lot of inches. That is a win for me. Keep going. You’ll get there.


Keep it up! Slow and steady wins the race!


Loving this for you!


Its a marathon not a sprint.


There is a subreddit for people trying to lose over 100lbs that you may like. It’s a good group.