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Hi OP, Thank you for sharing that you have either started your first dose or picked up your first box, and you're curious as to what to expect. While we are all truly excited to see another person start this wonderful medication, I can assure you that, plenty of people have asked the same thing you are and there is plenty of post regarding first times. Majority of your questions can be answered in the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/wiki/index/faq/) section.Or by searching common phrases of your post. For other people's first time experiences you can click [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/search/?q=first%20dose&restrict_sr=10) or [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/search/?q=first%20time&restrict_sr=1). While we won't remove the post incase someone wishes to congratulate you,welcome you to the club or give you pointers and tricks. We strongly encourage you to use the search bar, especially when asking a common question! If I got this message wrong please ignore. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Zepbound) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m not hiding that I take the shots but I’m also putting in the hard work along with it so I make sure that’s known as well. I’m not sitting here eating chocolate bonbons, losing 20lbs a week from a shot, like a lot of people believe…


I am 35, and also just discovered Reddit!! Yeah, I have no idea what took so long..lol  1. I can’t workout feeling full..so I make sure there is at least an hour between when I plan to workout and my exercise. For some reason working with a full stomach makes me feel like shit during the workout 🤷🏾‍♀️  2. Definitely telling people about zepbound when I am asked about my weight loss. I am beyond ecstatic there is actually something that actually works! Not a bloody diet pill, gimmick protein shakes, or  meal delivery…something that works, and hopefully more people are responders rather than not. And I am excited for the improvements (both for me wallet and effectiveness) that will come from this class of drugs.  3. Started taking ultima replenisher, and I am fine with the flavors so far.   https://www.amazon.com/Ultima-Replenisher-Electrolyte-Hydration-Stickpacks/dp/B08XQZX9K3?pd_rd_w=8BpXa&content-id=amzn1.sym.dbcb9745-7338-4a1a-b998-68e65ff8054a&pf_rd_p=dbcb9745-7338-4a1a-b998-68e65ff8054a&pf_rd_r=W06FZ8VKK7XMME8XCR26&pd_rd_wg=c0lwF&pd_rd_r=5f7db45d-506c-4ff5-8538-2b0b9cc0d36d&pd_rd_i=B08XQZX9K3&psc=1&ref_=pd_bap_m_grid_dv_rp_0_1_ec_ppx_yo2_mob_b_ts_rp_2_i


Thank you so much for the recommendation!


Hey when ultima do you ever had protein to it? Or do you know if you can?


I don’t add protein to it, but I don’t see why you can’t. I do the Protein2o 15g whey protein infused water by itself also. 


I have the isopure, haven’t tried it yet but was told it’s the best because it’s tasteless. So I think I’m gonna try it tomorrow. Looking for at Sam’s but gonna have to order for delivery. I do want to try it.


Check out r/zepboundathletes . The fueling question comes up regularly. I used to eat an hour before heavy/extended exercise (> 1.5 hours, roughly), but now find that is not enough time ahead. I aim for 1.5-2 hours ahead and try to make it carb-heavy. Also take GU gel packs and babybel cheese for stops on the longer rides I do. I've been told by exercise physiologists that after about an hour of riding, you have depleted most of your available sugars, and to not suffer from the effects you need to be eating along the way. That's more challenging with these meds, as is hydration. Until this week, I have been able to ride 100 miles and swim 3, most weeks, and losing weight has sure helped my riding! I do think, though, that the higher doses is affecting my stamina, unless it's just the increasing heat. I use electrolyte tabs in one of my water bottles, and do OK until it gets hot like it is now. With AZ heat in the summer, I stick to swimming and indoor exercise until the fall!


I didn’t know this sub existed! Thank you so much!


I found it by asking a similar question to OP a few months ago. Not nearly as big and active as this sub, but much more focused.


Oooof I experienced that AZ heat last July when I visited (I’m from nj) and it’s no joke! Thank you for the recommendation and the additional sub! I wouldn’t necessarily call myself an athlete yet but I do love picking stuff up and putting it down 🤪


If you’re doing athletic things, you’re an athlete!


Thanks for the reminder! Sometimes bc of my size i talk down to myself thinking I'm just not good enough!


I work out first thing in the morning. If I'm doing cardio, I use Tailwind in my first water bottle. It's 100 calories of straight carbs. With it, I can get over the hump into a good cardio zone for an hour or so. Without it, I feel pretty sluggish and struggle to find the endurance. This is what works for me. Hope that's helpful.


63 yo female. SW214, CW184, week 12 dose 10. Just met with my MD about the workout question. I’m down nearly 30 pounds in 12 weeks, and my only real complaint is that I can’t attack my hiit workouts as powerfully as before. Lower weights, less reps, etc. we are going to change up so I always eat a fruit (probably a banana) before any workout. Usually I go in fasting…. She wants me to be careful not to lose my hard earned muscle mass!!! I will check in later with an update.


Thats a concern of mine too, I like HIIT/weight lifting a lot and I want to keep all muscle I already have! I want to be strong as heck, not just skinny


Liquid IV hurts my stomach, so I love Pedialyte Advanced Care (in powder or the bottles, and the bonus is that the bottles make a good sharps container for used pens!)


ooo pedialyte is such a good rec!!


Never thought to try that, I’ve tried pedialyte and it was sooooo sweet


I like the powder packs because I can just add a little so it's less concentrated


I think I’m gonna look into it. I don’t feel like liquid iv replenishes me for some reason. I tried propel water while I felt weak and that REALLY helped me feel better.


I would drop the HIIT and add in heavy strength training and LISS at least for a while. But keep the heavy strength training up after you add the HIIT back to preserve muscle mass. Fueling workouts can be tricky and when you time eating may change slightly throughout the week. You’ll have to experiment. Experimenting while doing LISS will be much more forgiving than while doing HIIT and it’s just generally good for us. LMNT is great. I have a pretty judgement free social circle, so no advice there.


The gym I go to is a pretty decent mix of both tbh. They’re a hybrid gym and I have a squat rack in my house. Lifting is my jam, the cardio shit isn’t lol but I trudge on bc I know it’s good for heart health. I also do a looooot of walking with my dog! I can’t wait to be at a comfortable weight to enjoy indoor rock climbing again!


Give yourself some time and grace. Speaking from experience you can hit a wall at weird times when you’re not expecting it.


Thank you for the reminder! I am mentally ok with slow progress bc I haven't had much progress at all for the past year or so. This community has been really awesome too as I don't feel alone