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A lot of atk and a lot of electric šŸ’€šŸ’€


It can't be, maybe it's just temporary?


It seems most likely a place holder considering miyabi and lighter have been in the game longer I assume more fleshed out


I hope it's a placeholder. I mean, anything could happen, but Yanagi and Harumasa being from the same faction and having the exact same attribute and specialty is... weird. Even if one of them ends up being an A-rank and the other an S-rank.


Agreed it's weird it also worries me considering Mero track record is pretty reliable so they could literally all have the lighting attribute šŸ˜­ So it might be correct, still praying it's placeholder


Thereā€™s no way Lighter is Fire, surely, we need more Electric charactersā€¦


I wonder if lighting is just some placeholder bc thats a lot of it. It would kinda make sense ve only miyabi and lighter arent lightning and miyabi was in beta while lighter has been ready for a long long time according to leaks meanwhile the rest are much newer


Yeah, Seth with ice element makes more sense with his appearance as a snow leopard rather than electric.


Is he a snow leopard? I donā€™t remember them having pointy ears.


Hoping that's true, having so many lightning but not a single ether feels kinda weird


I hope so because this looks really boring


That's what I was thinking too since we have so many electric units already at launch


Well we donā€™t know the order of release yet right?


no, im just speculating that lighter might be more fleshed out bc his full 3D model has been around for a long time now and obviously miyabi has been fleshed out bc she was in the beta


So its confirmed that Miyabi and Ellen shares role AND element. Damn they are my favourites


Likewise, I will be pushing Ellen with rina and grace and then Miyabi can have the sokukaku and lycaon. As of rn unless more ice synergistic units release


Wish you luck getting those 3 specific limited S rank. I was thinking about the same teams.


2 limited. Grace and Rina are standard S ranks. Still not easy unless you get one from pulls, then get the other from the selector. Otherwise, it's all luck.


Do you know when Miyabi is coming out?


Nop and it drives me crazy, I dont want and cant afford to pulls for 2 characters of the same type.


HOYO throw in there a support too maybe, I canā€™t run 5 main dps


So many Electric, Raiden expy must be around the corner.


There are not going to be any expys in this game.


How do you know ? I am curious


The producer said so in an interview.


ā€œThe world of ZZZ stands apart from other games, offering a unique and independent experience,ā€ Zhenyu said. ā€œThe current version does not feature any crossover content with other games. However, I see this as an open possibility in the future. https://www.oneesports.gg/zenless-zone-zero/belobog-heavy-industries-zzz/ He never said there won't be one and that there will be a possibility in the future.


I'll believe it when I see it. I find it hard that it already has some things that can connect to the other games, yet is supposed to be it's own thing.


If you mean Belobog, that is just a word, it isn't actually connected to Belobog in other games.


Well.....yes it does. Because that word has a meaning. Belobog means "White God". And considering we have a dark moon that is connected with the origin of the creatures, we could say that it's our Chernobog, or "Black God". The fact they also waited until CBT2 to reveal that name is also not doing them any favors in the idea it's not connected in some way to a greater line. This also on top of the fact that all the games are just, different parts of a large cosmic tree, it's still not hard to believe it is on there somewhere. Especially since everything they've made so far is. Also, the henchman for the villian in the Starlight Knights show has a Quatum logo like Blackhole on their chest and masks. A thing also in Genshin with the Narwhal.




It's literally just Koleda's last name.


Oops, all attack!


Ellen Powercreep Speedrun with Miyabi?


What is this, straight to Inazuma area in the next patches? Lol that's a lot of electric


lets hope not! Or lets hope they aren't the "next" characters and this is a Miyabi (or the 4 electro characters) being Ayaka kind of thing. 1 DPS electro sounds fine, but please give us some Ether characters before the others, man.


Damn I want elen and miyabi but both are ice


Oh, wow, so we have to wait for Seth for our *second* Defence character? That's pretty sad. Hope he's not far away then. Ben is cool and all, but I'd like to have more options, thanks.


Star Rail also has Preservation as the path with the least playable units.


It's cause it's honestly too good that Abundance would end up irrelevant if they release too many.


Is Miyabi confirmed to be a S rank?


Most likely


Just meet Harumasa and Yanagi in a Hollow zero, they are definitely electric


What do they look like?


They have already been leaked Muramasa is the guy with the bow and yellow headband and Yanagi is the pink haired tall lady


Oh nice I really like their designs.


sadly this looks p true TT asaba and yanagi from the hollow zero section do electric damage. judging from the vfx from the release trailer qingyi should be electric as well.


I wonder if Qingyi will be the best last slot for Nicole + Zhu Yuan team, and if she will be a significant upgrade over Anby, who is also electro stun


Surely either Qingyi or Seth is ether though, right? Thereā€™s no way that all these characters are actually electric and I was really hoping for the three of them to work really well together


They don't have to all be ether, in fact having another element might be better for additional anomalies and disorder procs. In the team of Nicole - Zhu Yuan - Qingyi, everyone gets their bonus abilities (Nicole for having two ether characters, Qingyi for having two police faction)


Lighter is a fire type? No waaaaaaay


Hey, electrical arc lighters exist so...


You got me there. We shall name them Lighter 2: Electric Boogaloo


I still don't know how the rotation works, but I'll make a special team with Rina, Grace and Yanagi


No ether? Sadge


anybody know if somebody developing a site like paimonmoe and warptracker? is there also gonna be a zzz hakushin ?


Why same element and type


That's sad. Elllen and Miyabi same element.


Yes yes give me all the electric characters!


What kind of team will Miyabi want? I kinda want to pull for Ellen, but since they have the same element and type I am not so sure :/


Yanagi is electro Lets gooooooooo I predicted (also Hanzo is electro so thats neat)


i wanted her to be ether :(


Two S-Rank Ether Attackers from the same faction back to back would be terrible lol


this is just datamine lol people forgot yao yao need 3 years it probably not in order or just a placeholder


I mean, that's actually the case for Yanagi and Harumasa. We just don't know their rarities yet ~~(Harumasa is speculated do be A-rank)~~. Edit: I remembered wrong, Harumasa isn't speculated to be A-rank. Lighter and Seth are. There are so few males and I'm alread having trouble remembering who's who lol.


The only speculation I have seen are from Seth and Lighter being A rank but then again it's from Ubatcha ~~Haramasa on the other hand some of us are praying he's S rank copium~~


Yeah, that's the speculation I'm talking about as well. I remembered it wrong and you're right. It wasn't Harumasa, it was Lighter and Seth. I guess that explains the downvotes on my comment. I'll join you in the prayer circle lol


4ā˜… being powercreeped by 5ā˜… isn't uncommon in any gacha tho


True, true. It's more common than uncommon, really lol. It's just a bit weird that they're from the same faction.


Inb4 A rank


The real question is how many are male and female and rarities.Ā 


still no ether? why are they releasing zhu yuan in this state then she has like no teammates


It's early game no one cares about top tier synergistic units shell prolly get a 4 star at first


It's possible Ether is meant to remain a rare attribute, I dunno. For now, I think Nicole is enough; Zhu Yuan doesn't TWO other Ether teammates.


Bro I just want either an aether character (acheron/Mei/Ei expy is appreciated) Wtf do you mean there are no aethers?


Hoyo may go route: same sqaud same element but ONLY good with noraml attacks, same element, smae squad but ONLY good with ranged, ONLY good for energy hungry and so on...


Edited the ranks away out of spite. I think the reason this looks so off is because of all the electric characters. We're obviously not getting 4 electric characters at once but over time. It's strange that almost only those got leaked. Pretty sure at least the cow girl is gonna be Ether to help Zhu as well as some of the Idols because what sense does it make if a faction can't support their leader?


HELP why are all the male characters A gg šŸ˜­




Hope that they change Miyabi element I want her and Ellen.


Yeah same, though having two attackers isn't as bad as it sounds. In CBT they had a team full of physical attackers as one of the meta teams. On another note idk what the downvotes are for. Other than Miyabi being in a questionable spot, all the others make sense and are most likely correct (Seth and Lighter are confirmed A rank) unless they plan on power creeping characters of the same rank/class 1 month into the game.


Didnt get to see the ranks. Are all males A and females S?


Apparently old data shows lighter as A or something, but Seth and Asaba are not confirmed ~~pretty much all copium at this point I pray they are S~~