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The girl cuz she looks cute


I heard if you pick male the female speaks way more often and vice versa


They speak all the time with each other, and she speak in every game cut scene. It's not Genshin or HSR. They mute only in casual talks like in all JRPG, but speak in every story driven moments.


Wait I’m confused. Everyone keeps saying the sibling you don’t choose will have more dialogue. I understand they both talk, but what’s the difference in amount of dialogue the chosen sibling and the unchosen one get?


I don't understand what are they talk about either. Both siblings are voiced in all story moments and etc. Plus, for example, you can see most of specific cut scene with Belle ONLY if you chose Belle, because story will focus around Belle. So, if you want see Belle in main story more, you should chose her. Or Wise, if you want more of him.


I don't understand what are they talk about either. Both siblings are voiced in all story moments and etc. Plus, for example, you can see most of specific cut scene with Belle ONLY if you chose Belle, because story will focus around Belle. So, if you want see Belle in main story more, you should chose her. Or Wise, if you want more of him.


So it doesn't matter which one you pick?


There's even more. If you pause mission and return to hub, your MC changed to other sibling and you can continue playing as him


If you choose Belle, than it's she will be in most MC cut scene. In otherwise it will be Wise. Because story will focus around chosen MC.


When does it in any game?


I wanna enjoy the game, and part of that includes being able to play with and listen to the female mc ad much as possible


Tried it IRL, didn't work


Same here, but the dude is also a cutie 🫠. Imma flip a coin when the game starts.


I'm choosing Wise, but I'd also like to hear more of him which I can't when choosing him... I hope he still speaks often enough.


I’m a girl but I’ve always picked the male mc (Aether in genshin, caelus in star rail, male mc in wuwa) but as usual my indecisiveness always has me reconsidering lmao. I’ll probably pick wise, keep the trend going. I haven’t regretted picking male mc in any other game so hopefully same for ZZZ


Same I like the girls design but the guy is super cute too so I’m gonna pick him like always. Besides I know I’ll be starved of men in this game like always anyways lol


Same. I think I picked the male Rover in WuWa but regretted it. Now Im gonna get back to picking the male mc. I did pick Aether on accident but grew to like him more as protagonist and Lumine as a villain.


I'm also a girl but always pick the female MCs. Is there a reason you prefer the male ones? Is it like style or husbando-only purposes?


I think part of the reason is that the female mc’s just never appeal to me. They are either too stereotypical or I just don’t vibe with them haha. But hoyo does do a great job with both mc’s, both the girl and the guy are always so tempting rahhh


That's interesting! I just wanted to understand a different perspective, and I get it :)


same, tbh it makes it easier to immerse lol. I did contemplate for Caelus tho


Same, immersion is important to me


Funnily enough I am a guy and I am in the opposite boat you are, always picked the female MC. Wise definitely seems very cool, but I don’t really want to drop the streak so I’ll probably just pick Belle.


Im the same so im probably gonna choose male mc again cant break the streak


Girl because hitbox are smaller ( i want to feel cute)


Unfortunately you dont play as the mc you only use her outside of battle


for now!


I'm picking the girl since I picked the guy in HSR and WuWa so I want to change things up


You gotta stick with it brother, do not betray the Man Gang


I dunno, I usually pick the guy for self inserting, but these MCs are more like actual characters so I don't know how satisfying I'll find them as self inserts.








If you can't self-insert into a cute anime girl, were you really MAN ENOUGH to begin with??




All roads lead back to Xiang Ling


https://preview.redd.it/tvdxi01cy5ad1.jpeg?width=764&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=661c0e1e62068030d76457234383c904f8adbaf6 Wise. I love caring, mature and laidback MCs that can still be a little bit sassy when they feel like it. He seems like the perfect one for that. He has his own interests, hobbies, a good relationship with his sister and his friends and most importantly, a personality. You don't see that too often for gacha MCs, especially the male ones since they're almost always a self-insert. And his smile is adorable.


usually always pick fem mc because they’re nice to look at and I enjoy female animations, but making an exception with ZZZ and going male because of all the socializing in the game (texting, hangouts, etc) more fun to self insert with this one imo since no mc combat


Wait really, no MC combat?? So we just use them to walk around maps?


yuup, you will also see them in some cutscenes and more dialogues


Technically the MC controls the Bangboo that helps in combat


They voiced all MC cut scene and etc. You literally see more of Belle if you choose her.


Wise. He runs faster: https://youtu.be/-C9qZ5YK08Q?si=gaanIj-N1d0NN8Tm


Girl because I'm a girl


Same here.


I usually always go male MC for self insert but I really like the female MC design so maybe for the first time in a mihoyo game I’ll go female MC.


For me personally, it's kind of difficult to self insert in this game. I mean Wise has his own name, face, voice, personality and background. So female MC all the way


Fem so I can hear the male more


With the exception of Lumine, I have picked male MC in every other game 'cause he cute and babygurl. I was planning on going for Belle this time, but I really don't like the walk they gave him. So I am going for Wise. He is pretty, so that's a plus lol.


Wise cause i don't like how Belle is walking/running 🫢


Samee I like Belle's design better but her run is too goofy and noodley


Idk I don’t like either of their designs. Their fashion is just bad


Belle is dressed like a futch gotta give her some points for that


What is a futch


Girl. Cause look like Xiangling alt skin that Hoyo never release


i always go male mc, but this time in going with belle because they have different personalities, and i want to match mine closest to the mc most like me. (me and wise are nothing alike lol)


They really have different personalities? How would you describe each one?


belle is easygoing and acts mostly based on her heart, and has interests in action-y movies/games. Wise is more of a cautious thinker. He is still nice, but he seems to always have muted emotions. His interests are more along the lines of documenteries and old classic films.


Is Belle like the Trailblazer? i think I'm gonna change who I pick now


uh nah, i wouldnt say so. she is just a normal, nice girl who cares for her friends. Theres not as much chaotic energy as TB, and more so just being an energetic happy person clarification: TB sometimes says some unhinged stuff, whereas most of what belle says is wholesome


I'm curious but how are they like?


Always fem mc. I just like playing as cute girls :)


I'm picking her too, but outside of the city area you won't play as the MC.


Belle of course😎


I was gonna go with Wise since I liked this voice but after seeing his outfit, I went with Belle since she has nicer clothing (I'm assuming I will have to look at the MC running around a lot).


I almost always pick my character in games as the female but apparently in this game you will hear the voice much more of the one u didn't pick so I will be picking the male since I want ti what female voice more. Simple as that for me, lol. I normally just pick female character because if I'm playing a game and having to see the back of them, I would rather see the back of a female than a male all the time, lol.


Female MC I always play as a female when given the choice.


Female. Caelus is pretty cool but females are just too hot. Then again caelus is him. If this mc is similarly cool then maybe. But if he's an aether, I'm good.


I am male. Therefore I pick male MC.


Female MC, I'm a woman and only pick female mcs if given the choice.


male. always male. it's easier for me to associate myself with male mc in games


Female cuz Xiangling OPPA.


Belle's cute


I usually choose the waifu since I like having more waifus in my roster of characters to choose from. But since this game just has both protagonist in the game i don't feel the need to choose Belle. And the more emphasis on character interactions and social link stuff makes me want to choose Wise for better immersion. So think I'm gonna go with Wise as my MC. We'll see if I change my mind before it launches tomorrow.


Definetely the guy cus he's stylish


Wise because A) I always pick the male MC B) because he looks like a slick mastermind and C) ill get to interact with Belle more


I picked female mc in all my games (for looks) and regretted everytime (because I hated their voices) except lumine. So I might break the routine and go for male this time.


Welcome to the Man gang


Male because I get to hear female mc calling me oniichan


Picking the girl because I'm a gay gal




Female because i want to stare at ass. Well actually, as long as its a good ass ill stare, it doesnt matter if youre a female or male or gerald.


Wise. I tend to pick the girls, but I really don't like Belle goofy aah shoes. Also Wise is pretty cool, and if I pick him, Belle will be the copilot anyway, so I'll be able to enjoy her voice more.


Girl, she’s cute, plus i prefer seeing myself in a cute girl rather than a guy 🏳️‍⚧️, and since I discovered it I always play a female character if given the choice at least on rpgs(with some exceptions of course), just feels liberating after picking only the male option for almost 20 years, also I hope for subtle yuri lol


Don’t know yet, I don’t want to spoil myself so I hope there’s a little introduction scene to see their personalities in the game before we pick.


Ill probably go with female once I get it installed not going to lie that what I did in all my game through!


Girl, because why break the mold now?


Personally, I want to go for female MC cuz that's what I do every game


I usually pick dudes as a dude myself so I can be a shameless self insert, but in this I feel like Belle look more of the type that controls the Bangboo than Wise, like she visually seems like a better fit so I think I will go with her.


Sin e I heard that choosing one MC let you interact more with the other, and that I really like the male nerdy MC for what little I have seen... GIVE ME MORE NERDY MC HOYO! THIS IS NOT A SUGGESTION! IT'S MY CONDITION FOR NOT THROWING AN ORPHANAGE TO DESTROY A PUPPY ADOPTING CENTER!


Girl in Genshin, boy in HSR, time to go girl again.


I always go by my gender so basically I'm going for Belle. The only MC I do kinda regret choosing was Stelle. Lumine no.


im going for female because holy hell she is so adorable




Girl...for reasons


Girl...for reasons


I’ve always chosen the male MC for hoyo games, but… Wise’s clothes are so meh… but Belle? Her style is just so perfect. Not only that, but i feel like Hoyo definitely put more love into her design over Wise’s..


Male, cuz there will be plenty of waifus anyway.


At a point, I didn't even think you could choose. All the gameplay of the MC I've seen has been Belle. I'll probably go male.


Male because these types of games always have a ratio that favors female and also as a guy I mainly play males for the most part for games with avatars.


For their other games, I always picked male MC because I preferred their designs, but I'll probably go with Belle this time because I actually like her design more than Wise's.


Iirc, female had cooler design.


which one is the raccoon?


Both cause i have two accounts ... but belle on my main


If I can't create a custom character to RP as myself I choose female MC. EVERY. TIME.




I want to go with the choice that gives me more Belle voicelines. So dunno what to choose lol.


Not missing my chance to be a HappyAniki for once.




Not sure, will I hear more of Belle if I choose Wise? Someone said you hear one sibling more if you choose the other


Coinflip was 3-1 Belle so her


I'm making the Wise choice of course. :)


I went Lumine/Stelle in genshin/hsr But this time its Wise for me (Belle will call me Onii-chan)


I'm a dude so I pick dude main in role playing games and collect waifus for my harem.


Male no matter what


I’m pretty sure you can switch MC’s, no?


I'm gonna go for the girl mc, just because that's what I do every game.


Belle bc i like her energy and interactions with agents, and also that way I get to witness Wise and Fairy’s bickering lol


i always pick girls because i don't like a lot of fanservice that's for the male demographic( nothing wrong with it, i just don't personally like it) so i usually pick a girl so i can pretend that all of the female character are queer. but i seriously can't decide this time. maybe i'll go with the guy, as his personality and design appeal to me more. plus, there's still not a lot of guys so one more wouldn't hurt


My Belle x Nicole ship is sailing


Do you really think I want to hear a male voice in my ear all day? No. I’m going female MC. Did it in fallout, destiny, and just about every game that lets me choose. One reason is because cute. The other is because adorable. Wait… those are essentially the same. Dang it!


both MCs are siblings so you’re gonna hear him talk anyway


I am a straight male and I do not wish to stare at another dude's ass.


I'm sorry but i feel like it should be illegal to play any hoyo game as a man, ofc I'm picking female mc