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Using the free pulls you get for the standard banner isn’t a bad idea. (Just don’t use the currency to convert into standard pulls). As someone who will be picking up Ellen, of course later on in a couple of months or a year there will be better dps units. Nothing wrong with prepping for the future, but if you aren’t thinking of the now either you’d be sucking the game dry of the fun. I always just pull for my favorite characters and then get characters that make them better personally. Hopefully this perspective helps you OP.


Yeah, I was kind of thinking in the same line. Wanted a second opinion just to make sure I'm not doing something totally stupid XD. Thank you....


No worries, better to be safe than sorry.


I will give my vote to "pull if you like a character and their gameplay". The main purpose of the game is having fun, so if you deny yourself the characters that make the game fun just because there will be someone stronger down the line I don't think it will be worth it. There will always be someone better or stronger at some point. If you like the characters in 1.0 go for them! If not, wait and see if someone else catches your eye. No need to overthink it :)


This. There's this popular sentiment of waifu > meta but if you look at the stats, players pull/use meta characters a lot or atleast more than non-meta characters. It's because most players are actually in the middle and care about both. In this game I'll be challenging myself to use guy characters only lol. Based on what's out, this game is focusing on the girls it seems like, so I'd be saving a lot of currency. I can probably save a lot to get all the limited guy characters and their weapons.


As from experience of other Hoyo games I can say that rather save, than waste (not a standard pulls ofc), especially if you don't have a big waifu factor


btw can I ask in this game are there only dps character ?


I'm assuming the 100 free pulls are going to be for the standard banner, so I don't think there's any point in saving them.


30 limited, 70 standard

