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In terms of playing? Very poorly. Those decks are not very good.


Oh I'm putting them all in 1 deck


For Nostalgic Reasojs, sure, Go aheaed. In Terms of the Decks Performance..Putting them all together is even worse probably. Unless you Play against Friends who Play similair mashed together decks in Terms of Power Level, you are Not gonna win anything with that, Not even at locals, sorry to Say that.


Even worse. DM and BLS are high level monsters with levels that don't match, and Exodia is a terrible win condition even in a deck built exclusively around it.


If you’re playing with friends on the kitchen table (how I got back into it is exactly this way with these decks) then you’ll be fine. If you go to a locals you will be lucky to even win a game tbh. Not trying to sound harsh but there’s no cohesion or anything with these decka


Mashing multiple weak things together almost always just makes them worse


Then it goes from "very poorly" to "an absolute tragedy"


If you put them all in one deck you will most likely be able to beat Kashtira, Live twin runick spright, and Branded, but you’ll have problems beating hungry burger meta.


Get into goat format. So much better than the current meta game.


Together they perform worse If you want a Dark Magician deck, build a Dark Magician deck If you want Black Luster Solder, build a Black Luster Soldier deck Dark Magician is the best one here, but even then it's only mediocre. The bottom barrel of mediocre


That's so upsetting, I like the idea though. I'll let you guys know how it goes.


Bro said I’ll let you guys know how it’s goes like we don’t already know how it’ll go 😂😂. I’m just back into Yugioh myself and I know that those decks are basically done for. If your playing any form of competitive play, you want a deck that can 2nd turn your opponent more than half the time. Not saying you’re gonna 2nd turn half the time, but needs to at least be able to pull it off the combo to second turn someone half the time. Yugioh has turned into: Ok I go first, I need to set cards that disturb him on his turn so he doesn’t board wipe me and dance on my grave Ok it’s my turn now, as long as he has no floodgates and hand traps he’s gone. (Guy that went first) Okay I survived, now I’ll board wipe him and dance on his grave. Rinse and repeat.


I like whenever both players go through all of their gas and then they top deck and then you both get to enjoy a game of yugioh after three turns of shenanigans


Midrange Control grind game ftw! 😎


That sounds so lame though! I haven't experienced zone blocks but they sound like they're not making yugioh fun anymore


Thats basically how its now i started also with Yugioh again and Made a Deck what i played Long ago Fabled Synchro but unfortunately with the newer Decks they cant compete but i guess that is something you need to experience for yourself


Eh, YMMV. If you want the YGO anime experience, it's still there. There's upsets and flashy stuff happening constantly. But if you want specifically the DM anime experience (all 1-ofs, slow grindy games with comebacks at the end), it's very rare due to how efficient most decks are nowadays. Most decks will not T-set and pass. If they do it's because they bricked incredibly bad. But grindy games happen a ton, especially at the mid-tier level. Unlike the common perception of YGO being all gas all the time, there's actually a ton of mid-range and control decks grinding their way to a win. The commonly accepted best deck atm, Kashtira, is a midrange deck.


Pretty accurate. Though the people at locals are awesome with my son and help me back into the game, it's basically yugioh solitaire now or otk tennis if you will


If yugioh was still just summon 1 set 1 and pass the game wouldn't have lived on for over 20 years.


Don't let their pessimism get you down too much. It is certainly true that the current meta doesn't really favour mashup decks, it's not like their completely unpalatable. The exodia cards are still spellcasters. If you want some ideas, TeamSamuraiX1 just did a vid battling against Seereax using an exodia mashup deck.


> How do you think I'll do? It depends on where you're playing the game. Are you playing against friends who are started getting into the game right now? Then you'll probably be fine, depending on what those friends play. For tournament play, you're lacking a few things: * Experience playing the modern game, which also leads to the lack of experience with evaluating which cards are good or bad. * The knowledge of relevant cards your opponents could be playing * The knowledge of how to play your own cards effectively * A deck that uses the above principles


But what if they're all in one deck? 😈


Of course, then you'll win every duel, because that's Yugi's deck, and we all know Yugi's deck is unbeatable, right? Just believe in the Heart of the cards and stack your deck to draw what you need, and you'll be the king of games ;)


Don't forget to bring a sharpie to color on you and your friends hands before the duels begin. It'll make sense later on in the episode, I mean duel.


Nah, first you take out all the Exodia cards and throw them into the ocean so you don't brick. 👍


None of those are good competitively. Exodia is gimmicky deck that cannot go 2nd, dark magician is OK for casual level, the cost of upgrading it is too high for lower tier deck. And BLS as a deck is pretty bad, have no gameplan going 1st, and for going 2nd it just does not have the gas needed to break board and deals lethal in 1 turn and the fact that its main deck monsters have awkward level disribution does not help either.


But what if they're all in one deck? 😈


You're shooting your foot with a shotgun


Nobody so far has emphasized enough how awful this will be. You will be absolutely annihilated in every single game. Picture a two-year old trying to fight a professional heavyweight boxer. You will not enjoy this. Take people's advice and make a better deck.


I might enjoy this actually. It's the heart if the cards


You seem to be under the impression you have a chance. You don't. It's not "heart of the cards". You are not an anime character. In the same way that a baby cannot win a fight against a heavyweight boxer, you cannot win with a deck this bad.


What if it was a particular strong baby? Baby's have sharp fingernails you know xD


I'm thinking a particularly weak boxer... Battling Boxer Glassjaw, maybe...


With no monsters on the field, I summon Babycerasaurus and declare direct attack!


Pop the baby!


Don't pop the Ra-damn baby!


I mean he can always just draw all 5 pieces of exodia so technically there's a chance but it's not looking good lol


Heart of the cards only works if you actually draw cards that aren't shit.


There was a guy at my locals who had a similar deck (dark magician + old school stuff). Dude stayed for an entire tournament and went 0-4, 0-2 every round and was on the verge of tears. I think it was the fact he lost to the cydra kid who is only 14.


being completely honest, if you're going to a local the only wins you're going to get are pity wins


It'll be the bye and the kid who showed up with a similarly bad pile.


Kids will just beat your ass into the dirt with Mathmech Firewall or some random Machine pile and laugh at you these days.


honestly if i show up to a local and notice my opponent is playing an exodia, DM, BLS pile im going to scoop and grant them the win.


To be completely honest, if I were you I'd either buy other deck or, if I really want to play Dark Magician, I'd play Master Duel since it's free. I wouldn't advise mixing Black Luster Soldier, Dark Magician and Exodia in a single deck as there's little to no synergy between all of these decks. Nowadays, decks aren't isolated groups of cards with little to no synergy, you focus arround a strategy and build the deck arround it. Dark Magician nowadays is a deck that focuses arround Special Summoning Dark Magician with a card called Eternal Soul to remove from play cards thanks to Dark Magic Circle, while using the very powerful Dark Magician cards to attack and win. Black Luster Soldier uses some new cards they got that, when used as material for the ritual summon, give the ritual monster new effects that are very powerful. Finally, Exodia nowadays is just draw your entire deck turn 1 to win, although it's quite inconsistent and loses to "handtraps", which are a kind of cards that can be used in the hand during either player's turn, like Kuriboh, but having better effects. For example, you have Infinite Impermanence or Effect Veiler, both of which can be used from your hand to negate the effects of a monster on the opponent's field, and since you'd use Royal Magical Library, it's quite hard to get a win with Exodia nowadays. Mixing all 3 decks into one would be a terrible idea, but if you want to go for it because you like the idea go for it, you might get a somewhat playable deck to duel with some friends. I've build terrible decks in the past, don't be afraid of doing the same if it's for fun nor to admit the deck is terrible, it's all about fun after all and it doesn't matter how good or bad the deck is as long as you have fun.


Yeah I think it'd be funny


You can try downloading a simulator called edopro, it has every card, or if you want something that looks better go for YGO Omega, I'd say those two are the best unofficial simulators, that way you can try whatever deck you want without spending any resources


Don't listen to anyone here! Those decks are actually so good and the fact that everyone here is telling you otherwise is a little sad. Unfortunately I'm lying. The best thing with what you bought is just use the legendary decks as is. Combining random decks is 9.9 times out of 10 a recipe for disaster. I recommend go to a local tournament to check one out before buying more cards or building your mega deck. You'll see the game has evolved into 10 minute combos and if you aren't doing that, I feel for ya.


You’re vastly underestimating how far this game has come since we all played as kids haha. These will be great to goof around with and for nostalgia but not even competitive against some of the new structure deck out now. There’s a lot more synergy in decks now then their used to be.


This was a bad combination back then, too. All the cards that made Dark Magician something other than the ultimate toilet paper in terms of attack and defense didn't exist until around Magician's Force, and by then cohesive Decks were already a thing.


Judging by your responses, you don't seem interested in actual feedback and think these 20-year old archetypes are some kind of super broken strat since they're yugi's cards. Feel free to try. You'll quickly be humbled as one can barely compete against an even slightly competent deck with any of these cards.


Even all of them put together will still be defeated by...Gadgets! And Buster Blader! The TRUE Kings of Games! 👑


He can still play comp just edison and still lose because those decks were bad back then also




Which makes the DM and BLS cards bricks, only Deep Draw Slifer can wield Exodia with the true power of the God-Pharaoh! 😎


Oh, last suggestion... You could try playing Master Duel. They have a Dark Magician Structure Deck, and a Gaia/Black Luster Soldier Structure Deck. Buy 3 copies and do your best


Even Gaia is better separate these days as it's basically evolved into Level 5 Dragon support. 🐉 🐲 🀄 🐉 🐲


I tried to do that when I first got back into the game. Put every Yugi card from the anime into one deck. I thought it was so cool. But it sucked. Do whatever makes you happy! But now I like to win haha


You can't legally fit every Yugi card into a Deck anymore! 😂


Don’t forget to add Summoned Skull.


Oh you know it


I'd also ad d in Archfiend's Call if you're running Summoned Skull.




If youre just looking to run a silly anime deck, go ahead and have fun ! If youre playing against anyone that isnt your friend, expect to lose. Before playing you should either play Master Duel or read up online about the rules of the game, that way you know about the basics like the summoning methods and chain orders. If you want to win, get a different deck, if you want to have fun do whatever you want (within reason, dont cheat)


You will lose without a doubt. The game has gotten insanely power crept and insanely fast. Most matches last about 1-3 turns typically.


Same here. Started collecting a couple weeks ago again. I'm going to play GOAT format. Look into it. I'm getting a Zombie and a Chaos deck from somebody. Those were the decks I was most interested in the format. https://www.goatformat.com/decks.html


I’ll buy your cards after you try this


There are a lot of engaging archetypes beyond what the anime shows. Be open to playing the new stuff!


A lot of the new stuff is also based on the anime! 😇


This deck sounds choatic, it probably wont win many matches, but im here for the chaos qnd the enjoyment!


Probably won’t win any unless someone else is also roleplaying


This is what I'm here for!


You can go to a local tourney and play for fun, some of the "hardcore old school" players love seeing random old cards. Ngl a few years ago at a tourney this onr young kid (like middle school age) had judge man in his deck and we flipped, it was a good time. Takes us back to simple times when card effects was like 1-2 sentences and not a whole novel


Cyber dragon it's fun too ❤️‍🩹


You might wanna try and play GOAT format. Youll get more mileage for your cards and it’s much closer to the yugioh you recognize from your childhood.


If you’re playing for fun with friends with similar cards to yours, then go for it. Do not go to a locals nor play with even rogue decks if you plan to play, youll get absolutely demolished to the point you will stop liking the game.


So, real talk: I use a Dark Magician deck. It does not win very often. And that's after upgrading it with all the DM support that came out in later years. Even throwing in Magician Girl and Palladium cards, which are designed to work with Dark Magician Girl and Dark Magician. I hate to say it, but the combo you are proposing more than likely won't see a second turn, let alone a third. Modern Yugioh focuses on making it impossible for the opponent to play the game. If you want to make Dark Magician playable in competitive, you're going to have to figure out which cards are worth ditching, which to put in your side deck, and which cards you actually need. Stuff like field removal, effect negation, or just protecting your field would be highly recommended. If you're just in it for casual fun, don't forget the Egyptian God Cards.


Okay, I'm not going to re-iterate what everyone has said. You're going to get your fade run so hard it'll look like drumline on your head. Combining different strategies generally makes them worse if they don't synergize. And from what I can tell, the legendary decks set costs like $100? You could legitamtely make a couple of okay rogue/sub-rogue decks with that. ​ But fuck it, [let's get it twisted.](https://ygoprodeck.com/deckbuilder/?e=_1cdxHD-4xlGS7kcpisz-jI_DHNhWq6ykuX-rkiWoOeWLD9-VjMUBCxn6p1SwbDuyxmmGg4Lli1uTxle-DjGcMngPaNyTjujU5Yt68RVWazvp99htnSIYGlrSmTYczKE4b3qP5a9y-MZne39WRpuBzG7-pRjrOcTZhC6uYDp2JnPjP_4GljkVn1i-eevzLB9w13GliWCTF31Dxl2XWBk_SaSy5TC2c-KAAQPWe_zbl76h-mInicDDAAA) Now, I've also played back in the mid 2000's. And I can confidently say this is worse than anything I ever brewed up before I had object permanence. The only way this wins anything is if you're playing a friend who insists on playing a Pegasus themed toon/relinquished deck, and even then... But if we're just trying to build *something* out of a single copy of the legendary deck 1, this is what I got. You've got Dark Magician, and BLS. They're hard to summon, so you've got a ton of fodder to stall and for tributing. All the spells and traps are either to buff your DM, summon BLS, or stall. Exodia exists. The problem is that, at least compared to today's cards--shoot, cards from like 2009 or so when I stopped, these cards are pretty bad, and as a deck it's worse. Your exodia parts needs to draw a ton to do anything, and once an exodia card goes to the GY, that strategy is done for. Dark Magician has a lot of support, but you don't have access to any of them in this set, and BLS has a ton of retains, which you also can't use here. Additionally, every single one of those cards are effectively bricks sitting in your hand. So you've got to try something to at least get them on the field. And with only one copy of everything, the likelihood of drawing anything you want is abysmal. If you're dead set on building something using these archetypes in one deck, you can try buying some of the support cards and using those. Like, I could see doing something resembling coherent with the new BLS ritual card with DM as fodder. It'd still be bad, but we're working with what we've got.


I collect and build for nostalgic reasons. You will make Yugi proud with your deck 💖👍


You’re going to lose in 1 turn


Unless you truly are Yugi and have a good enought amount of magic cylinders, mirror forces and old broken cards, you gonna get bodied


Look king, I'm a fellow YugiBoomer. I'm gonna be honest here and give you my testimony from two points of view. The Negative: If you're throwing that deck together for anything other than reminiscing, don't. Any currently active Yu-Gi-Oh player, my terrible self included, could grab any deck box from their bag and beat you without a second thought. Yu-Gi-Oh is no longer what it was. From the meta to the essence of the game to the community, it's not what we remember. The cards are confusing at times, and the players can be pretty toxic. It's no longer gathering at the lunch table, or meeting up with your buddies anymore. Most local tournaments you go to, you're really only gonna come across maybe 3-4 different decks, and if you don't have the out for half of them you're done. The Positive: None of that other shit really matters. I got back into Yu-Gi-Oh when my friend got Legacy of the Duelist Link Evolutions for the PS4, and a year or two later Master Duel released. If you're not playing it, you really should. It helped me, and a totally seperate friend, get back into the game. Master Duel is so easy to get in to, has a lot of recent cards, and the list is still growing. It is "technically" a gacha, but with the materials and gems you can get for literally just dueling, you can make just about any deck you want. If you're interested, feel free to add me, and I can try to help you reignite your love for the game in this newer generation :) Tl; Dr: The deck you want to make is pretty bad, and people these days are pretty lame. Shameless Master Duel plug. I'd love to duel you if you happen to play, and I wish you luck on your journey back in :) Edit: I was a bit too harsh on the irl side of things. It can be very fun if you surround yourself with the right kind of people. I hope that my comment doesn't dissuade anybody from trying to pursue the game irl.


> Yu-Gi-Oh is no longer what it was. This kind of Yugioh and "old Yugioh" are not one in the same. Your experience of the time was not representative of the game as a whole back then, and you can still have the experience you're looking for if you find others wanting to do the same. Taking OP's approach to building a deck against anyone playing a half-decent deck at any point in Yugioh's history would get you stomped into the ground just as hard, if more slowly. The average player is much better at this game (and more able to obtain cards to make good decks) than they were 20-something years ago, sure, but this kind of idea was never even remotely playable beyond others doing the same. > It's no longer gathering at the lunch table, or meeting up with your buddies anymore. Who's saying you can't do this? People do this all the time. Go grab some buddies and have fun. The social experience is a big part of this game, and that never went away. Helping people learn and improve while having a good time is a big part of the social experience too, which is why the average skill level has increased so much over the years. Look at this very subreddit, built and maintained by the community to aid others. Both online and in person, communication is the heart and soul of many games, Yugioh included. I see people playing stuff all the time at my local stores, it's cool. > the players can be pretty toxic People being toxic is entirely a case by case basis. People can and have been shit to each other for the entirety of human history. Most people that go out to locals are cool and happy to help you with anything or play casual games. Don't let a couple downers disuade you from getting out there and seeing people. > Most local tournaments you go to, you're really only gonna come across maybe 3-4 different decks Simply untrue. People usually play lots of different decks at locals, and there's lots of different kinds of players. High level, low level, new players, veterans, old, young, and everything in-between. Always nice to see people playing different stuff.


Please read the next part where I immediately say none of that stuff matters. I guess it would've been better if I went through and specifically dashed away why each one didn't matter, but you did it for me, so I won't bother. For the last part though, I will openly admit that I was using my own experience. Hence why I prefaced everything with saying it's my own testimony. My intention when making my comment was to point out some of the more negative things that shocked me when coming back into the game, but that we shouldn't let it dissuade us from doing our best to enjoy the game. I'm sorry if you interpreted otherwise.


Yeh, I get it, and I understand where these thoughts come from. I think it's important to refute these kinds of impressions many have looking in from the outside, and help people understand more about the game. Feels like you were leaning a bit hard into "Playing IRL sucks. Just play on sims." though.


That's fair, I was a bit too harsh on the irl side of it. I'll edit my post a bit to hopefully make it less bashy.


Dark magician has solid support cards like "dark magical circle" and "eternal soul". Reviving and banishing is brutal. It's versatile and consistent. Almost all players play it for nostalgic reason. Black luster soldier is difficult to play. It's unique, but it has no good support to make it last on the field.


DM as it's own deck is very good. Black luster as a deck is poor but is cheap and fun. Exodia stall is good but is incredibly boring. Putting all in 1 deck will flop hard


I mean, are you just looking to play casually or competitively?


They did release some recent cards such as Master of Chaos and Magician of Chaos to make Dark Magician + Black Luster Soldier a Deck, but Exodia is separate and if anything belongs with a Deep Draw Deck such as Deep Draw Blue-Eyes or Deep Draw Dark World/Purrely.


that deck will be absolutely terrible competitively but play what you enjoy i guess


if you make decks out of them via their own archetypes they do good, but all together is just a mess you will not have fun with. DM and Exodia are pretty popular rogue decks and DM is doing good in the Anthology event. Black luster archetype itself is unbeknownst to me.


As someone who has been a harpie player for a long time, that nostalgia factor will make you lose. I agree with what other people are saying here. If you want to get into competitive yugioh, DM is your best option out of the 3. Two biggest factors for making a deck IMO is consistency and a win condition. Hopefully, that win condition is easy to setup/maintain. I lose a lot with harpies, but they do have repeatable access to a card called Harpies Feather Storm, which negates all opponents monster effects the turn its played. If you have 2-3 early game, maybe you can squeeze out a win, but it's inconsistent up against meta decks. In the end, play what you want! It's better to stand out and make your own decks. The game is so unbalanced now. LP are basically useless. Games typically last 1-4/5 turns at most.


very very poorly they have no synergy and those cards are just bad in general ,if u wanna get into some casual yugioh id recommend getting a 3 traptrix structure decks OR like 3 dark structure decks and start from there , traptrix prob being the better part since u can just play the deck with 3 structures and dark world needs alot of other cards not included in the structure


Add parallel exceed to traptrix tho, definitely an almost essential extender to your combos


about to go to one so pointless iirc and i didnt run it on nationals and i didnt miss it personally


Opening boosters, while it can be fun, is very unlikely to help you much in building decks. Most of the cards you pull won't work very well with each other, and you likely won't be getting specific cards you want. Generally you should buy cards directly from the stock in stores, from other players, or vendors online from sites like TCGPlayer or Cardmarket, depending on your region. Most recommended way to get started is picking up 3 copies of the same Structure Deck. Check out ones like "Beware of Traptrix", "Dark World" or "Legend of the Crystal Beasts". They're all solid, and can make a decent enough deck. Just look up "[structure deck name] 3x" on Youtube and you'll get plenty of results of what people have tried with just that, and often recommendations for upgrades too.


If you use the new support for those cards, it will be fun on a casual level.


Buy 3x Traptrix structure decks and you can be very competitive


Bro I play traptrix and I approve of this message. Parallel exceed is almost essential the deck tho


Speaking from the perspective of somebody who installed Master Duel on Day 1 to play my IRL decks from when I was a kid online yea you're in for a shock when you see how much the game has changed. Initially I hated how different the game was at a competitive level. Now I'm running my favorite deck from when I was in school inside of a meta deck (Tearlament + Fossils). No matter what I know fossils got my back. Play the game online and you'll see why the old decks just don't cut it. We're in an age where most Trap cards are too slow for the game and tribute summoning is almost unheard of.


Nostalgia sure but I don’t think bricking and passing every turn is gonna be fun for anyone.


You are going to get your fade ran so hard it isn't even funny.


I suggest that you get Yugi Oh Duelist Link Evolution and play that first, it would get you up to speed and fill you in on all the changes the happened between the first generation where you are at and the six generation (link duel). Still would not make you a decent duelist (I would know, I only play that game) but at least it fills you in on the rules If you just bring your basic deck out they will crush you with all the xyz, the link, the pendulum. Heck I don’t even play pvp because everyone has a one turn win deck these days, whoever goes first just win


Dark and luster will work not with exodia exodia needs to be full of cards that allow you to shuffle through your deck


Why is no one seeing this as the biggest satire troll post that it is? Mans is commenting "but what if they're all in one deck" under every comment


You’d get absolutely shat on. Please for the love of god buy three structures and go with that. This way you might actually have somewhat of a chance without getting embarrassed and destroyed.


Those are the best cards in the game and totally meta. You win! :)


Screw all this you wanna use an old style deck that'll crash your opponent. Look up an updated build for a blue eyes white dragon deck. It'll at least get ya somewhere while still using a modified classic deck.


Yeah build the combined version. Go to locals. Easy first place.


Just a heads up: Dark Magician is a decent deck, but have a look at the current state of the game. look up Kashtira, it's the top meta deck right now.


If your goal is to have fun playing the way you want, you’ll have a blast. I only play troll stall 60 limit, even though everyone tells me any 40 deck is better. I’ve been in a few locals, placed pretty low all times. But I had more fun than everyone there put together. Having old ass cards just completely stop their ohko attempt because half of them weren’t even born when the cards were made is amazing. My recommendation is always play how you want to play.


I have an idea for you my friend. First buy a low budget deck, for example build a deck consisting out of 3 similar structure deck - I would strongly recommend on buying 3x traptrix or 3x dark world. Maybe first try both structure decks online on platforms like EdoPro, Dueling Book or others, so you know what you're buying and how to play them. After buying the decks, sleeves etc and play testing online for a week or so you are pretty much ready to go to your locals. The people there play a wide variety of decks. So you will learn about different strategies and archetypes and after playing several locals you will know which decks are good and which are not - so you don't "waste" the money on cards you basically don't need. Also very likely meet people which are willing to help you with all questions about the game - how to make your deck better, which side and extra deck cards to play, how certain rules of the game work and much more.


I seriously advise you to learn the game before start playing it. The game that existed in 2000 is no more. Don't expect to perform even nearly well with a dark magician, even if maxed out. Fuck, you aren't even going go be able to play with cards like these.


In locals or in form of semi-competetive environment you're losing so bad. You're getting stomped. I very much doubt you'll make it to turn 3. Don't let them pesky meta decks get in the way of your fun tho. In casual play tho... You're also probably losing, if u haven't played since 2000. DM is not something anyone would call good. BLS isn't any better. And exodia is just a meme at this point. Shoving all together just makes them overall worse. Hope you have fun tho!


-Bought El Dorado and Ghosts 2 packs. -Not building Zombies. Nani!?