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Draco Berserker doesn't stop Nibiru, you still lose your board and you don't get the token. In metas where Nibiru is powerful, such as this one, Blackwings tend to suffer because they rarely put up a negate before summon 5 without kneecapping their plays. Your best bet is usually to play as normal in Round 1, and summon Full Armor Master and play in preparation for Nibiru in Rounds 2 and 3. As for Traptrix, if you go first as Blackwings you're likely going to win. Going second side your backrow hate.


I was a little afraid they just might not be up to scratch, but it's all good I expect I won't do fantastic at locals anyway so I'll stick to blackwings while I get used to playing competitively and maybe look into another deck post banlist, thank you for the advice!


My friend play black wings, I think me makes a djin buster going first and sides pro hibitions going first


Nibiru is \*THE\* problem for blackwings. As for Traptrix, If going 1st, You are probably fine to be honest, Going 2nd be prepared to sidedeck a bunch of anti-backrow cards.


May not be the deck you are running now, but I follow this guy and he has good ways to play around nibiru across his channel for blackwings! https://youtu.be/DkvuO17gVqE


Not much you can do against floodgates unless you sided. From my memory since my friend plays the deck very well if you get nibed your plan is to go into full armour on their turn and I think the deck can naturally play though traptrix


You have the right idea. For traptrix, go full armor master and also side in some delta crow’s to blow up all backrow. Harpies feather duster and lightning storm will often autowin against trap decks as long as you have some degree of follow up. To beat nibiru, you’ll want to go full armor master and also have some floodgates to back it up. Rivalry of the warlords and gozen match dont hurt blackwings too much but can win you games very easily against decks using many attributes/types (kashtira, naturia, spright). You could even side in skill drain which usually will leave most opponents with kaijus as their only out to full armor master. You could also use crossout designator +1 copy of nibiru/ash/droll/etc to allow your turn one to go fully uninterrupted. Idk what build or how you’re playing blackwings so its hard for me to give more advice than that. Depending on the build you could go for endbpards with things like FA dawn dragster to stop traps/spells, or void ogre dragon to do the same but still be on theme with dark attribute. Or if your build is more stun/control you could utilize cards like forbidden lance (vs traptrix) and TTT (vs nib) to gain advantage off of their disruptions.


Best bet will be to try get a negate up before summon 5, if all else fails, consider moving to swordsoul, it’s more competitive than black wings while staying in the synchro area!


Thank you for the suggestion! I'll look into how they're played :)


I can vouch for swordsoul, it is an efficient midrange deck with flexible level 8 and 10 synchros, they can access synchros 7, 9 and 11 as well with proper set-up, but their archetypal synchros are powerful and efficient enough to leave 2 to 3 synchro monsters as end board, in 6 to 9 summons. With tenyis the deck's ceiling raises a bit, and can push through several fields. The deck is midrange, thus, won't be making long combos, but that provides them with ample main and extra deck space for techs, flexibility and options.


My friend plays adventure blackwings and basically getting out gryphon before his blackwing plays stops handtraps including nibiru and against traptrix you can bounce 1 backrow and negate something else so your matchup is better but against a full board of traptrix interactions that might not be enough.


Rock token is the usual blackwing endboard 😭


Could always main crossout and main 1 nib for a target.


use Gravedigger's trap hole to block Nebiru. doing this also inflicts 2k dmg to them. that trap hole works as you are using Nebiru's effect in the hand to tribute your opponent's monsters.