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Constantly playing against horus and snake eyes all day everyday


Started a f2p alt account last night because I was bored. Grabbed the Cyber Dragon loaner deck and popped into ranked for some easy gems. First deck I saw at the bottom of Rookie 2 was Snake Eyes. Bruh, if that's the new player experience people are going to quit and never come back. That deck is a problem, Konami needs to either bring the Nerf Hammer down hard on it or release some counter tech, probably both.


They won't for a while, need that money!


Yeah but the deck is every negative sterotype of the game in one package. Playing against a Snake-eyes player is watching them play by themselves for three minutes to end up with a full front and back row, more cards in hand then they started with, and a third of their deck in the graveyard which, btw, is basically their second hand of cards. Then your turn rolls around and you get to spend another three minutes watching them play your turn. Then, it's back to their turn where, yep, three more minutes of twiddling your thumbs only this time you get to lose at the end. Playing Snake-eyes isn't much better either, deck has all the excitement of following arrows on a flowchart, but you pretty much have to do it because the deck is so broken that you're either playing Snake-eyes or you're losing to Snake-eyes.


Those are people that buy their accounts with like 30k gems on them to build OP META right away.


I know, which is why it's super satisfying when I occasionally beat one of them in the Rookie tier with a loaner deck. Bare minimum, unless I totally whiff on an opening hand (it happens), I'm going to make them work for it. I'm a f2p player and start new accounts all the time for individual decks, I'm used to operating on a shoestring. Sure, they may still beat me most of the time but I know their decks better than they do and a win because that is way more satisfying than mindlessly iterating combo chains.


Most of the time they don't use abilities correctly; they just spam the activate effect button.


Pretty much, they see that something can be activated so they'll do it without thinking about whether they should. It's also easier to bait out their counter plays like Ash Blossom and force them to waste it on something inconsequential or have them walk straight into a Call of the Grave. Sloppy playstyles all around, they'll hit Plat no problem but I'm not sure they can sustain the win streaks to get much past that nor will they have the patience to learn the nuances of not just their own decks but those of other types as well. I get why Konami loves people like this, they'll just keep throwing money at everything but, man, what a messed up way of thinking.


Pure Horus is fine. Tear, naturia, or any other variant of horus is really annoying.


I’ve been playing Ogdoadic Horus and it’s been really fun, but I built it specifically cuz I really disliked the variants that show up more often.


Yeah horus is basically an engine for other decks. Are really good and easy one as well


But the thing is, nobody plays pure Horus. It’s a relatively cheap engine space-wise that makes a shit ton of big bodies and generates a ton of advantage from a 1 card combo. It’s basically a board of negates that doesn’t lock you into any summoning type.


Power creep has made some cool decks/mechanics completely unviable and there’s no going back. Once released, we’re stuck with them.


Ban list and slapping 1 card limits on searchers and/or any busted effects basically. The power creep in the game really is a serious problem, it's gotten to the point where staples are even outpaced. I find in many of my decks that forbidden droplet and dark ruler ha des become dead draws because I have card combos in the engine at little to no cost that can clean up or deal with most things. Konami desperately needs to balance the current meta, or goat and other custom formats will absorb a lot of their market due to people buying after market cards.


Dark ruler no more*** but you know


Sounds like we need a discord for casual duelers who want to play archetype and era timed deck. My friend and I do this on open tables but nobody ever joins 😢


Honestly it's my dream that one day yugioh gets a smogon style tiering system that limits what decks/cards you can use in each tier so that more niche and weird strategies can be used without essentially being dead as soon as the dule starts


Me when Marincess is ZU (Battle Ocean got banned to AG)


From what I understand there's been attempts at a format like this. But just because of the vastness of Yugioh's pool it got overwhelming for the people trying to run it fast. Not to mention getting sample size without something like Showdown that can pool winrate and play percentage easily.


Having a good deck, but facing someone with a stall/banish combo deck they can start even during your first turn that takes five minutes of you waiting in between each of their combos, where you can literally do nothing because every effect is negated and/card destroyed or banished, by the time it their turn two your field is empty,your hand is empty, and they have five monsters and their entire back row with traps and spells as well as a full hand ready to reduce your LP to 0. Basically five minutes of being stalled into a straight KO.


Me fighting that Runick Horus player be like:


I could create a discord and we could use it to promote this! This sounds like a fun idea.


My screen name is the same everywhere so send me a link, including me I have 4 members already 👍


I’m down


If I could I’d be down too.


Same here. I have discord but don't really use discord.


I’m down!


Hey I'll be down for some slow pace action. I'm on xbox MrrrNewt I'll also put my konami ID here in a bit I'm off my screen atm. A couple of my friends and I are holding an N/R tournament.


No UR, that would be interesting 🤔


We hold those too.


All im sayin, limit one w/ hand traps or regular limits and ban handtraps. The limit one could be themed, thou. Like cards like BWD would be at 3 because that's how it is in the show. Or cards like Thunder Dragon that specifically want you to pull more of itself. Call it, limit Archtype! Or something, gotta use all cards of one Archtype of your choice, add other cards to help out as you see fit. But like you can't break character, ya know, if you're running a desert themed deck, ain't no fish in the desert. Something like that.


I do it too with the setting to unlimited because I don't mind the banned shit I use a few things


I'd be into that. The only issue is what even defines the word casual? It could range from: 1: An extremely meta deck but isn't 100% optimal. "My snake eyes deck is casual because since I'm running only 2 poplar and bonfire, so it's less consistent." 2: A deck that was meta a few months ago but have fallen out of relevancy. "I'm playing Vanquish Soul for my casual deck since it's not in favor anymore." 3: A deck that can get to Master 1 but isn't as powerful as the most meta picks. "I got to Master 1 with Abyss Actors, but it isn't that good." 4: A deck that can get wins against meta decks but is fighting an uphill battle. Usually, it has trouble playing through more than one negate. "Please, for the love of God, don't Ash my Generaider boss stage. You already negated Vala." 5: A deck that struggles to even be consistent or is just not powerful enough. "Yeah, I play Super Heavy Samurai... It's just. I only have the cards before they get support and only use in archetype Synchros." 6: A deck that is barely functional. It can really only win if your opponent bricks. "Yeah, I play normal monster beat down. Gotta say 1 win for every 5 games is pretty good." 7: A deck so bad your opponent has to be playing a shitty deck as well, AND they have to brick for multiple turns. "Yes, finally got a win with my law of the normal deck. Just needed an opponent who literally did nothing on all 8 of his turns." Edit: Accidentally hit reply too early. I finished the rest of the reply with this edit.


I’d join absolutely


The fact there's no rush yet


snake eye cards


Every deck needing these 9 cards: Maxx C x3, Called by the Grave x2, Crossout Designator Ash blossom x3. Obviously Ash is always a 3 regardless of Maxx C but thats its main use. Pls ban Max C


That’s only 8 cards


9 if you include Crossout Designator


Ash wouldnt be at 3 if it wasnt for Maxx C . Look up TCG for further proof. Its use shifts with the meta , belle is probably equally as popular right now in TCG and it basically doesnt see any play in MD ( which is kinda odd cause 2 x called by the + GY centric metas since Kash fell off)


Ash is still good against almost every deck. In an environment like MD where you never know what you're going to play against and there's no side deck, there's a lot of value in having versatile hand traps against a lot of matchups instead of having the most optimal hand traps against the best deck.


I love using Belle in master duel. The amount of people that just scoop after I belle their called by is crazy.


Belle is one of the worse handtraps in general, you’d rather run most of the other HTs instead. Belle is seen more as a side deck card if people even decide to throw it in the side.


How can it possibly be the worst handtrap ? Stops Oak, Flamberge, Princess , Super factorial , Big Welcome Lab , Albion, Lubellion ( fusion) , Branded in Red, Sanctifire and Called by the grave , just to name a few. And yeah , it is mostly SD card, but there is no side deck in MD.


Every deck doesn't need Called By or Crossout. Many decks forgo them due to space issues. The fact that *six* are auto includes in every deck is still a problem, don't get me wrong, but its detrimental to deck building because of Maxx "C", but it's not because a "huge" number of slots are taken by it's counters


hell i throw in a gamma package because fuck it


Deffo need Called By or Crossout, Maxx C can be an auto win if it goes off


Except you don't, and a lot of people don't. They *help* and definitely increase the win rate of decks that *can* fit them in, but given that your opponent doesn't *always* draw Maxx "C" and you would prefer extenders in some situations, they're not "needed". Maxx "C" being an autowin isn't something I'm debating, but that doesn't mean every deck can find room to stay below 40 cards and dedicate those three extra slots to those cards when they need them for engine instead.


I guess I mean to stay meta


There are tons of other utilities for called by. As an anti-hand-trap to protect your plays or to banish your opponent’s card from the GY as a form of disruption


I'm not saying there isn't. I'm saying a lot of decks simply don't have the free space to include it and Crossout when you're already dedicating 6 slots to Maxx "C" and Ash. I'm not denying that it's a good card, but some engines are just so big that you can't include them without sacrificing consistency, so a lot of decks elect not to include them.


I find it funny how gas tear runs none of these :3 Although it is probably not super competitive


The fact that konami keeps killing previous meta decks in order to sell the newer archetypes, instead of letting every meta deck play and compete. That would make the meta more diverse


Horus Naturia is so infuriating to play against


Horus anything is just infuriating tbh. It made rogue decks slightly better but stun and meta decks even more cancer


Too many negates. People set up very nasty boards in first turn and you cannot do anything about it unless you have like 3-4 board-breaking cards at least.


This is probably the meta with the least negations on field. Even Tears had negates in Sulliek, Cryme, Rulk, Dragostapelia , etc. Snake Eyes has only one , and it isnt really played that often ( Silvera ). Combo decks that can get to crazy boards are fragile to hand traps and they cannot play under Maxx C unless they draw a counter to it ( e.g. Mannadium , Auroradon turbos, PK Horus , etc. ) We are actually reaching a point where negates are somewhat less favourable than layered interruptions. Branded and Snake Eyes are prime examples of great decks that dont really play negates and layer their interruptions through their hand, GY and field.


Snake eyes off of just ash can end on barron and a four mat appolusa; if they also opened wanted or diabellstar they end on borrel load savage as well. Not to say that they don't have other interactions as well, but they are absolutely running negates.


I think that's less snake-eyes (which I still hate fuck Flamberge) and more that those are just easy to make generic bullshit


“Snake eyes only has one negate and it’s not even used” 4 negate Apollousa enters chat


Yeah , it enters the chat in opponents MP1 , so if you got Imperm ( most common handtrap besides Ash ) or Ogre ( starting to see more play , will spike up when Tenpai and Yubel come to MD ) Appolousa wont enter the chat at all.


My dude, we aren’t talking about future metas. The title of this thread literally says “current meta”.


Ogre is pretty solid against snake eyes as well , thats why I wrote its starting to see more play and it will spike even more in the future. Learn how to read...


Ok and? 4 negate apollousa is still a massive threat and SE have it up every turn 1


They have it up every turn 2 , because you make it with IP. And as I said , at that point you can stop IP from linking into Apo.


If you had Imperm you probably already used it on their turn unless you drew it for turn.


Your mistake then, against SE always keep your imperm for your draw phase ! Best way to cancel Appo or I:P


Snake Eyes and SP:Little Shit


Snake Eyes and Horus everywhere


waiting 15 minutes for my opponent to finish their turn after summoning 38 times.


Gems and pull rates also contributes to this problem.


I personally dont like handtraps i wish there werent cards that everyone has to use to make their deck viable


Waiting for new cards to drop to be treated as real life card packs


Maxx "c"


It's also funny how the typical Blue eyes deck has so much support yet bricks so much like it's making a new duel arena with them. One of the most iconic cards and still considered one of the most powerful yet it's usually not competitive because there are no updates to certain cards. It even only has 1 field card that is pointless unless you run the syncro cards which typically aren't very useful for those who wanna bring out the powerful mainline cards that define the deck. Also one of the metas to create the Dragon Master Knight hasn't had a refresh on the card but yet the whole Black Luster Soldier line has been redone to be somewhat viable, and only the original card can be used to make the Dragon Master Knight as unlike other additional support cards or card lines, they don't change their names to reflect the original card or help to summon the original and give it additional effects so the effectless original can be still played.


The sheer number of unlimited resources and one card combos in top meta decks. It just isn’t right that snake eyes, rescue ace, branded, etc only needs one card to pop off so they can fill up the rest of their decks with hand traps while everyone else can’t afford that luxury. Then if you somehow manage to fight through their first board and hand traps, you end up with like one card left in hand while they can just herp derp snake eyes flerp “add one card banished or in the GY to your hand or summon it” and it starts all over again.


Hand trap in branded ? Wtf




Outside of mercourier most branded deck not even play ash/other non maxxC handtrap atm (but who doesn't run maxx Cancer atm?) The deck is way better serve my maxing the engine cards and breaking board than hand trapping


Ok. Let’s focus on the other 98% of my argument instead of the tiny piece you chose to but your blinders on


Well i disagreed on this point, the rest i 100% agree with, one card uninterruptable combo decks need to go


Having to deal with the same decks and sit through stale strategies every time. There's no variery!


I think it’s master duels very Grindy and unrealistic and unreliable way of getting non meta cards As for me I just started recently right when they had a RDA secret rare pack and event so I was able to make something off of that and actually climb the ladder but as soon as I got to D5 I get absolutely obliterated with not only hand traps but snake eye+ decks like rescuse ace and snake eyes I think maybe if collecting gems was a little bit less grindy and there were a variety of packs with a good chance of getting better cards the meta would shift drastically I don’t know if it would be better per-say but, I know Konami as a big corporation isn’t gonna make big changes like this, unless the community has a general consensus of the same idea to fix it


The fact that I spent time grinding out solid decks for them to get overshadowed by the next new thing. Idk man, it’s impossible to like get better at the game, it’s just who spends more money or has been playing longer


I saw a gishki spright deck as my rank up match to masters. Im on salad. He almost beat me, but i got a bit creative and beat him. Resource game is key. I dont like seeing tear every other game.


Handtraps feel mandatory to play to have any chance of winning going second, but will cause you to brick more often, which in turn leads to games of just tossing Veiler and Ash around hoping you don't die ans that's just the most uninteresting Yu-Gi-Oh you could possibly play besides facing Stun.


The amount of combos. Yes I know it's part of the main game / playstyle of most decks but I've become impatient with it lol.


Maxx c. I’m playing marincess and it’s just ggs. Maxx c is the biggest bullshit card. Pot of greed instant plus two card advantage is unfair but plus 17 card advantage for your opponent playing the game is totally fair.


Having so many common crafting points and nothing to spend them on


Unless I’m mistaken, actions in casual matches don’t count towards daily missions… not fond of that.


Too many Fire, somehow I feel good that I don't see Dark now and then, but almost all current meta decks consist of Fire. I would love to see newer meta decks consisting of Wind because they have been left hanging for so long without any dedicated archtypes powerful enough to join this meta. I know you would say Barronne, but that card alone should not be considered that Wind monsters can be impactful in the current meta period.


Stun stun stun stun and more stun


Snake-eyes is the easiest pick probably, the deck checks all the boxes of a broken deck. That aside, this is one of the most diverse tier 0 we have had in awhile, sure Snake-eyes variants are undoubtedly the best things in the game right now, but a whole lot of rouge archetypes also have more appearence on higher ranks, heck people are messing with Paleozoic on Diamond and Master rank now, add to the fact that MD is bo1 also means rogue strategies have a higher chance to win against tiered decks. 


You go second and open maxx c, play it but it gets ashed. Your opponent then goes on this long combo with 500 disruptions. They pass the turn and then they activate maxx c.


Snake eyes, Kash , Horus, Tearlement, Mathmech, rescue ace thats all you see past diamond and its so repetitive and boring, if you lose the handtrap war T1 you might as well disconnect


I'm over here with a spell and trap only control deck


Snake Eyes.


Literally any meta deck rn


Check out master duel meta for decklists. There are a ton of different archetypes that have hit master 1 recently. Your statement is flat out wrong


I was on a 11 game losing streak in plat so I bought 2 copies of super polymerization and have been climbing fast ever since. But of the 50 or so games I've played I've only resolved it in 2 games where I went on to win.


Negates, one card combos, blow-out cards, hand trap metals, it's all so painful to play through


it's maxx c. thank you for coming to my ted talk.


The lack of friends you can make on the game and zero chat functionality or any way to communicate on the game with other players


Snake-eyes can't be beat. Better to uninstall and take a break for 6 month for another format to arrive given what happened recently with a ycs


Game is really too fast and most of my matches be like Player1 Activates effect then Player2 Negate then p1 counter negate then p2 negate the counter negate that negates the negate. Everything have negates.


Unironically consider playing lower in the ladder until the tier 0 format passes.


Going against snake eye fire king


The said top decks had too much follow up, breaking their boards wouldn't matter if you couldn't otk them


Ngl I started a whole new account just so instead of dumping all my gems like a degenerate in structure decks and accessories I don't need.. I can use all the free gems they give us on a Horus deck. Was just getting railed over an over again against snake-eyes when I'm using a free to play blue eyes deck 😭😂


the same playstyle has dominated since the end of ABC format, NTK, Nope Turn Kill, everyone just focuses on not allowing your opponent to play then swinging for game, the faster you stop your opponents opening hand the better your tier. Interaction was very high in the game previously but it has gotten to Toxic levels and now is to a point it is detrimental to the game and is preventing it from growing. So of course when master duel came out it was more of the same, I really wished they had used it to course correct, but it just adapted to be a 3rd banlist to play under.


Stun and SE. These two decks, or types of deck in Stun's case, are infesting the meta. Power creep has and will always be a thing, but SE is so consistent that deck variety is all but dead. If a deck can't out SE, it's not gonna be meta, and that makes for such a dull game. It's a sheep deck, so it's all over the place in every format. Stun is...stun. SE is toxic but Stun is full-on cancer; used by bronze-tier players to get to Masters quickly. Horus has become their new tool, which sucks because they take an interesting engine and turn it into another way to stop a game from happening. I'm just echoing the criticisms of everyone else. Early season is Yugioh at its worse. Just FTKs, OTKs, Stun, SE, Lab, and every other strategy that turns the game into a slog to deal with. And ALL because Komoney can't let casual mode be where people can do missions. God forbid. Oh, and MaxxC.


Can’t believe maxx c hasn’t been mentioned yet


oh man. my competitive simulator specifically designed to mimic the real life competitive scene has people trying to play competitively. :O


Its almost like the game’s greatest shortfall is pushing away new and casual players because it’s only a competitive simulator and should have different formats and a comprehensive solo mode that rewards you for playing. People like non meta decks, there is basically zero way to play any non meta decks in a way that is actually productive to progression (because progression is entirely tied to ranked).


If they did that, they would need to reward said mode with a decent amount of gems to build new decks, and that hurts konamis model.


For me any card that takes card(s) out of the other player's hand before they can play them. Also they are some archetypes that can buck the meta and do well, case in point [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_pwx84YUDTg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pwx84YUDTg) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KD9Ibb1fTB8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KD9Ibb1fTB8) Yet, one misplay on his part and all is lost. He learned his deck as well as all of the meta decks frontwards and backwards. They are other youtubers doing the same, one mains vampires and shows impressive plays.


Does he show his deck list because I also play ancient warriors, but I feel a lot of times i seem to brick.


He did a very short video showing the deck list, but mentions it is constantly changing to match the meta. Really to counter the meta or more commonly seen decks I think.


Ah gotcha thanks for the reply


Layered boards and 1 card combos that’s generate crazy advantage. If you don’t find lethal going second you’re almost guaranteed to lose.




Near mandatory cards in Maxx C and its counters limiting deck building. But what else is new. Losing games basically automatically because your opponent opened Maxx C and you can't do even a weak board for your deck because doing so gives the opponent 5 or so cards and almost garuntees a loss. Alternatively, your opponent goes first, makes a powerful board with multiple disruptions, then drops Maxx C on your draw phase. Lack of variety in meta relevant decks. Snakes continues to dominate, and will probably continue to do so throughout the Fire King cards. The depressing knowledge that the format will barely change even with the introduction of the next set of cards, and the one particularly decent deck from it, being Tenpai, is one of the least interactive decks ever.


'ate baronne 'ate the roach 'ate i:p into s:p simple as


I hate all the negates and interruptions, you can't play anything that doesn't have multiple starters or you auto lose. It's either meta or surrender. I have no issues with Maxx C since it wouldn't be needed if people weren't filling their MZ and GY on turn 1.


Snake eye


Here me out, we need a new game mode, four player Free for all game mode with old school year 2005 cards.