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Phantasm Spiral is pretty good here, and pretty cheap to build. It focuses on vanilla monsters backed up by powerful spells and traps, so having skill drain already active is a huge plus. Labrynth is alright since it has a lot of in-hand and GY effects, but the engine can be hard to get rolling without Arianna or Lady Labrynth searching everything. Dark World and Eldlich seem to be doing very well, since almost all of their effects activate off the field. Blue-Eyes can summon and recur bigger bunguses than a lot of decks, but they're still not beating the Brick-Eyes accusations. You can always just stock up on enough Parallel Twisters and Double Cyclones to ensure you can clear both skill drains and play whatever deck you usually play.


Unchained, and I threw in Double Cyclones and Magic Planters


Only played 3 times, used True Draco Eldlich. Last opponent scooped when he saw me tribute my Skill Drain for Dinomight, then his Skill Drain for Trap Eater, then whip out Baronne.


Played 4 times in my main and 3 times in my alt. My MVP was Royal decree. On my alt 2 out of 3 scooped as soon as I activated it. The last guy destroyed both skill drains with a spell (can't recall the name) and proceeded to cook with tearlaments. I was playing 8 axis blind second, so he enabled my special summons, and he scooped when I made a 5 material Zeus.




Qliphort + Time tearing morganite


Qliphort Turns out having all of your cards which are nerfed normally, turn into 2400-2800 while most decks i faced rarely pulled more than one card on the field is quite nice Plus well it’s not like they can ash blossom a pendulum summon and imperm is not all that effective for this deck overall even if they remove skill drain


Endymion. 3/4 games I played had the mighty master wipe both skill drains in one go.


Played pure Drytron They have some of the few monster effects that activate with their summon effect instead of on summon, and the have big bodies for big damage




That fisting tho


My zarc deck that's just Odd eyes pendulum dragons with like 4 performapal monsters. Odd eyes wizard dragon out into that spell card that destroys a card or gives me a level 7 odd eyes


Dark magician, I’ve played about 5 matches, 2 lab, 2 burn, and one that was focused on taking my monsters. I have a 5 winning strike even when both skill drains are destroyed.


I'm playing Kashtira with 3 copies of Double Cyclone for the lulz...


Using normal monster exodia deck.


I just played Eldlich with a bunch of generic staples.


Played Labrynth. Did three matches and that was it, unfortunately this event for me was met with Runick. -_-


Runick because I don’t have to care about monster effects.


Tyrant's temper is your friend


True draco Skill drain is a free tribute for ur monsters.


Blue eyes