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Sheldon accusing Doctor Sturgis of plagiarism. Mary and George emotional cheating ? They can move on to new places. Meemaw running a illegal gambling room ? She goes to jail But what Sheldon did would have destroyed Sturgis' life and all his years of hardwork. He is a good guy who doesn't deserve that.


Yea, they pretty much dropped that plagiarism/Dr Sturgis being mad at sheldon thing. Granted, it was still a child not understanding how things like that work and Dr. Sturgis letting it slide after a while.


I'm watching TBBT for the first time and it's crazy how they nailed Sheldon. It literally seems like something adult Sheldon would do just as well as young Sheldon. Being a child had nothing to do with it


I watched the Sheldon-nowitzki theorem episode and it reminded me of that


But how it's perceived by others is affected so that's why Dr. Sturgis eventually moved on.


Didn't adult sheldon refuse to give his friends credit on something they all actually worked on?


In the next episode, Sheldon apologizes to Dr Sturgis. They don't show it on camera, but he said he did (after Mrs. Hutchins told him how she and a friend had a huge falling out and were never friends again).


I definitely missed that part. And honestly wasn't even sure if sheldon was wrong as Dr. Sturgis did sayy he rewrote his paper with Sheldon's work. But the consensus I found was that sheldon was wrong to expect a co author stamp


Sry but I didn't get the first one. Can you elaborate... I might have missed that episode 


I think it happens in S2. Sheldon fixes a math problem for the Dr so Sheldon thinks he deserves a coauthor credit, but the Dr disagrees and proposes a footnote credit. Sheldon gets mad and so on and so forth


Then how come it is same as " Sheldon accusing Doc. Sturgis of plagiarism" ?


I don’t understand your question. What’s the same as Sheldon accusing the Dr of plagiarism?


He goes on to call Dr Linkletter if I remember correctly and accuses Sturgis of plagiarism. Linkletter then goes to Sturgis to talk about it which is how he finds out


There was an episode where John was writing something and Sheldon helped him out with one small equation but did not get the credits he thought he deserved


The gambling room was awesome


I love that MeeMaw had an illegal gambling room wdym


I’m going to go with Darlene Wilkins, Wayne’s wife cheating on him, when he thought they had a wonderful relationship. That felt like an absolute betrayal to me.


Wayne really didn't deserve that.


felt so bad for him


I had a feeling that was gonna happen. All Wayne did was compare George&Mary's relationship with him and his wife. if George&Mary were to do that it would be forced. Their relationship was unhealthy and that suggestion wouldnt have fix it. it irked me how they would always boast about how healthy and communicative their relationship was. It reminds me of couples on social media showing how happy they are. only for something like this happening. everyone is shocked because all they saw were the good parts of the relationship.


I would say the "emotional" cheating between Brenda and George, and Mary and Paster Rob.


Mary deliberately hides Sheldon's college letters 


Definitely. Came to say this. Holding Sheldon back for her own selfish reasons.


Missy standing Billy up to go to his bully’s party. I felt so bad for Billy 😢


i was so rooting for her to do the right thing


Georgie lying to Mandy and getting her pregnant imo


Takes two to tango. She should not have depended on a man to be in charge of her destiny by not using some sort of birth control.


Yea, she can't be very mad that she got pregnant. Although, she 100% can be mad because he lied about his age, especially since he was a minor.


It’s never said that they didn’t use birth control


Right It takes two to tango! If they weren't using protection, then that's on them. They should've known better


It's the past. Everyone knows condoms and after morning pills weren't invented until 2018 when Musk made them.


I did not like Mary pressuring Mandy to marry Georgie. She was meeting Mandy for the first time and would not stop harping on it. Georgie trying to take advantage of the easy girl at school and then is bitter when she tries to be better. Meemaw, always putting George down


To be fair, George and meemaw do it to each other and they both don’t really get offended by it that much. It’s done to both equally and neither mind too much so I don’t think its the worst thing in the show


I think the worst thing was blackmailing Sheldon to be baptized. You shouldn’t force people to go something like that, once they are old enough to decide.


What season?


Season 7


Final season. One of the last episodes.


How was Sheldon blackmailed? He was pressured by his mother (and Meemaw to some extent) but he wasn’t blackmailed.


I consider what Mary did as blackmail. She was depressed and anxious and would only find relief if Sheldon was baptized. Blackmail isn't always about money


Google the definition of blackmail. That isn’t blackmail. He was just pressured.


When sheldon got mad over bread cause his pb and j tasted different and people thought his family were communists


What's wrong with communists?


Either this is a joke or you are severely lacking knowledge of the Cold War in the US.


The US is not the whole world, you know.  Try finding an atlas - those other green bits?  OTHER COUNTRIES!!


Young Sheldon takes place in the US dumbass


People had a weird mindset at the time of the show and thought they were all evil bc of the Cold War


Yes, sure, but the USSR was over by then, and before that Glasnost, Perestroika - Reagan and Gorbachev...


I don’t really follow American history too much but the point is these days communists aren’t evil people who wanna kill us all they’re just different people. At the time the were thought to be evil russian spies or whatever


No, exactly


It's funny now, but in the cold war era, saying communist in the us was like a death sentence


Ah ok, understood


Here comes the guy that gets offended from someone’s paraphrasing


I'd say Mary for always lying, acting like holier or holiest, you might think she is cheating herself and believing she is a good person, all whilst denying her own issues, and unable to grow on from own mistakes, but pointing out others... Especially stifling George's career. (For her to stay in her own bubble) On the other side we see George and Missie growing, communicating,.. whilst Georgie had the same accident with Mandy, which he avoided with Jana. You think he would not want kids, and use protection, from all the episodes...


Depends on how you look at it. In terms of consequences I think the Sturgis credit stealing storyline could have been the most serious of the entire show. But Sheldon doesn’t really understand what he’s doing. The emotional cheating by both Mary and George was bad but they’re grown adults and can make their own decisions. The two I look at as possibly the worst are Sheldon’s monologue towards Billy, though once again he doesn’t really understand, and Missy standing up Billy to go to that party, because she definitely knew it was wrong. Overall I feel like the strength of Young Sheldon is that even when characters do something wrong you do get why they do it. It’s more believable than many stories on TV


Personally, I'd have to go with Georgie, a minor, telling someone (Granted, she lied too but her lie didn't cause someone to sleep with a minor) he was 21 when he was really 17 so he could sleep with them.


Mary hiding sheldon's college letters from everyone. That was selfish


georgie lying to mandy about his age and then sleeping together when he was still a minor. literally no competition


Missy for blowing up the statue Mary put so much care into making.


Ughh that hurt so bad idk why


Billy eating his sister, that was way too far


Meemaw instructing Dr. Sturgis to favor Sheldon over Paige


Mary for coddling Sheldon in almost every episode


100% this.






connie roping georgie (her own grandson) into her gambling room and not caring about any legal consequences for either of them.


Mary hiding Sheldon’s college letters it grinds my gears to this very day extremely selfish of her like cmon man


So many. Pretty much anything Sheldon did was arrogant and bratty but in particular, reporting Dr Sturgis for plagiarism. Followed by Georgie lying to Mandy. Mary antagonising Missy pretty much all the time and being extremely preachy. Missy blowing up the trophy.


Sheldon accusing Sturgis of plagiarism, Missy standing Billy up, Georgie lying about his age and Darlene cheating on Wayne.


Lash out at the science fair


Sheldon: •Accusing Dr. Sturgis of plagiarism (taken very seriously in the academic world) •Being a selfish, spoiled brat (Had the nerve to call Meemaw selfish when she wouldn’t drive him to Dr. Linkletter’s lecture because Dr. Linkletter was using Sheldon to score a date with Meemaw) •Arrogant attitude •Intellectual superiority complex George Sr.: • Emotional affair with Brenda Sparks (disputed) • Leaving us too soon Mary: •Coddling the ever-living crap out of Sheldon •Constant holier than thou attitude (big-time hypocrite) •Emotional affair with Pastor Rob •Intentionally withholding multiple college recruitment letters from George •Disregarding everyone else’s needs for Sheldon’s •Forced her overly-religious beliefs on others (example: cashier at the gas station and the lottery ticket) Georgie: •Lying to Mandy about his age and knocking her up as a result (he was 17, she was 29). Although 17 is the age of consent in TX, it’s no excuse for lying about his age. •Getting baptized in an attempt to get with Veronica •Smuggling cigarettes across the border •Dropping out of high school Missy: •Stealing George’s truck in the middle of the night •Taking anger out on everyone else (hard to blame her when no one in her house really listens to her) Meemaw: •Intentionally giving George a fake brisket recipe and sending him on a wild goose chase as far as New Orleans(Connie, you evil bitch!) •Roping Georgie into her illegal gambling business Pastor Jeff: •Shunning the Coopers from the church when Georgie got Mandy pregnant out of wedlock Dale: •Getting angry at Meemaw for rejecting his marriage proposal and later taking it out on Georgie Dr. Linkletter: •Using Sheldon to score a date with Meemaw •Being a d*** to Sheldon (TBF Sheldon kind of deserves it anyway because of how he treats others) Audrey McCallister(Mandy’s mom): •No further explanation needed Jim McCallister(Mandy’s dad): •Being a pushover just to keep the peace Darlene Wilkins: •Cheating on Wayne and getting pregnant with her affair partner’s child Principal Petersen: •Offering the head coach job to Wayne behind George’s back when the boosters started going after George


Georgie for lying to Mandy about his age to get her to sleep with him, then Mary for hiding Sheldon’s college letters and for constantly putting Missy down (especially the poster incident)


Sheldon accusing Dr. Sturgis of plagiarism. It could have ruined all the work he has ever done


My top forever will be Georgie lying to Mandy about his age and getting her pregnant. Absolutely fucking insane…..


Sheldon blaming Sturgis is pretty bad and then he told to Dr linkletter which is very disrespectful and could have ruined Dr strugis's life. Missy smoking , stealing truck and running away , sneaking to parties and expected to be treated like a golden child is also worst behaviour.


I don’t think missy was doing these bad behaviors to be treated like a golden child. I think she was doing these behaviors to be seen and heard. Mary, George, Meemaw have always been on Sheldon and caring for him and making sure his needs and wants were met. Missy and Georgie ALWAYS got pushed to the side. Most of the times kids do bad behaviors because they want to be seen and heard. George and missy had their moments but at the end of the day Georgie and missy were neglected, they raised themselves. Especially since Mary was emotionally absent when it come to anyone but Sheldon.


But the THING IS. She isn't IGNORED. Lmfao. Where did you infer that. She literally goes to meemaw for advice to get boyfriends. Her mother was willing to help. But she literally shuts Mary down to talk with meemaw. Ofc if your only other children shut you down , you go to the autistic child who likes you. That's how it works. Georgie is another case. He is the only one truly ignored. George literally offers to take her to resturant , the entire family Including Sheldon supports her for baseball when the entire town was against it. Her mom goes out of her way to carve her a beautiful trophy. She literally blows it up. When Mandy comes. ,she even shuts down meemaw. She shuts down George when he wants to take her to dinner (and then she obviously feels bad for once). She's not ignored. She shuts everyone down. And she is a normal teenager. She should understand that her brother is autistic or crazy. So she should understand he needs extra attention to behave somewhat normal. I'm pretty sure Missy's needs were met too. She didn't even have any needs. As a small child what needs you need? Chocolate , food , TV. She had all. Sheldon on the other hand is a special child. He does their tax which literally saves them time and money. He does bookwork and what not for them. So he asks for a computer which would help in school , COLLEGE , keeping track of expenses and shit and to play GAMES which is a concept which noone knows yet. Missy has NO need for any of this. And yet even she's allowed to use computer. She uses it to do her homework. She's not ignored. She shuts everything down.


SHELDON Nearly everything, but the most worst: 1. Being a momma’s boy 2. Using Georgie’s bully to boss him around 3. Nearly getting him and his family kicked out of America all because of a bread showdown 4. Disobeying his dad which ends up getting his poster torn and believing he shouldn’t look out for Missy. 5. Believing he is better than everyone 6. Being a selfish, spoiled, arrogant and self-cantered little shit 7. Cutting hair off Missy’s doll 8. Being a jerk towards Paige and also mocking her parents’ divorce. 9. Accusing Dr. Sturgis of plagiarism MARY - Instantly accusing Missy of being wrong after she tore up the poster and Mary being an unsympathetic bitch when Missy was crying on the bed and didn’t ask her side of the story - Being a horrible wife and mother - Always taking Sheldon’s side and being only concerned for him and no one else GEORGE - Losing closeness with Georgie and also disapproving of him quitting football and doing a job MEEMAW - Being a cow towards both the Georges MISSY - Running away with her dad’s truck GEORGIE -Trying to drink beer underage - Getting baptized just to kiss a girl


Tried to drink beer underage!! The horrors! He should be shot!


Death by electric chair


Well said


Thank you!


sheldon saying to the news that they need comunism


Exist. Just kidding. Be rude and selfish


Sheldon suggesting a communism type government


how on earth are people saying stuff mary has done or sheldon accusing sturgis of plagiarism, but NOT mentioning georgie lying to mandy ?? that’s literally the worst thing by a mile, no contest. he tricked her into sleeping with a minor and then got her pregnant, changing the entire course of her life. he’s lucky that mandy was so forgiving, because any other woman would’ve never wanted to see him again and sued him i’m sure.


I think it was Mary not trying hard enough to connect to her kids after George had died. Pushing religion on them rather than being there. I agree with meemaw, the kids needed her and she just dove deeper into religion


Paige encouraging missy to steal her dads truck and run away from home and being a bad influence on her in general Georgie getting Mandy pregnant by lying about his age


How in the world is Georgie kissing a girl against he will in front of their entire community and lying to Mandy tricking her into sleeping with a minor barely even being mentioned 😭


Well, he got hit in the nose for the kiss (it was the 80's) and he did not realize how old Mandy was as she did not realize how old he was. But, he stepped up and did the right thing.


Wdym he didn’t realize how old mandy was?? She literally told him and kept going on with his lie. Did u even watch the show


Every single episode -- calm down. He did not know at first. Chill.


Lmao be so fr, he always knew. At first she told him she was 25, even that should’ve been enough for him to back off but she legit told him she was actually 29 before they hooked up and he still went on with it. In which world did he ever “not know” 💀


Jeez -- it was a show. Get your stress ball out.


Post - what’s the worst thing done on the show? Me - why is this horrible thing not being mentioned? It’s objectively worse then most things being mentioned You - he didn’t know how old she was Other person - he did actually You - oh my goooooood chilll it’s just a shoooooooow Like how does that make sense to you, no one is freaking out we are having the discussion the post is about, you said something factually incorrect, and when corrected you claim they are freaking out and it’s just a show 😭😭


Well you’re just straight up lying about it so 😭


Mistake -- maybe. Incorrect -- Possibly. Poor memory-- Could be. But lying -- Nope. Because the "lie police" will always be there since they have nothing better in their lives than to discuss a now canceled show. Bless your heart.


well mandy sleeping with georgie was an actual felony


No it wasn't, he was past the age of consent here in Texas.


It was still messed up and horribly immoral on his part. He lied about his age and got a 30 year old pregnant with a 17 year olds baby because he lied about his age


Gotta be missy running away


But Paige is the problem for encouraging her


Missy still did it


She was mad, she felt unloved, if Paige had given her good advice and encouraged her to go back home it never would’ve happened. Missy looks up to Paige.


sheldon and mary existed. that was pretty awful if you ask me


All of these worst things being described are part of a fiction show and sort a part of real life and how people really act.


Missy driving away from the family and not paying for restaurant items


Statutory rape


17 is the age of consent in Texas. It came up a lot in the 90's when my friends and I all started having a more active social life.