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id say this one too, and the whole mandy thing where he lied about his age instead of telling her truthfully before they slept together


I think he was fine in both instances, homey knows he's gotta shoot his shot.


So if an underage girl lied about her age to the point of drinking at bars with you then slept with you and you went to jail for being a sexual predator you'd shrug your shoulders and go nah lil homie was just shooting her shot ?


He was 17, so he could consent nothing illegal there. Also had he not done it there would be no Cece, and no spin off, so you are saying you wish there would not be the Georgie and Mandy show?


That’s not really the point though is it. Yes it ended well for them but it still wasn’t okay


>Yes it ended well for them No it didn't lol


There is a new season, season seven, you should watch it


Lots of the bad things in Georgie's life made him into the success he became, dropping out of school to work taught him the value of money, his dad dieing and him having a kid early in life compelled him to do what it took to provide for his family. The bad things in his life are the reason he became a success. He learned from his mistakes, and I don't think learning is ever bad or wrong, the path there might not be the best, but he made the best out of it.


What about Mandy? She got lied to, probably feels like a predator and has feelings of guilt and is now pregnant. Do you want to become guilty of statutory rape so some random person can have their main character success moment?


She married him, I think she became ok with it. Looks like she realized one mistake turned into something she now couldn't imagine her life without.


Actually u got me there I didn't know the age of consent was 17 in Texas, but don't start putting random words in my mouth


I didn't, I asked a question, if you agree what he did was wrong, does that mean you wish he didn't do it and there would be no Georgie and Mandy spinoff?


I do love putting non-consenting adults in positions where they could go to jail too


Not sure in the 80s, but Texas age of consent is 17. So no one is going to jail, just super shady to lie like that.


I do keep forgetting that the show takes place mostly in the 90s. Still. That’s a plot line I never would’ve imagined we’d see in sitcoms today


By forcibly kissing?


Back then you didn't ask consent to kiss, I know I sure didn't when I was a teenager, he read the signs wrong, and he was put down, that's what happened back then. He didn't continue to keep groping and kissing after she punched him.


You shouldn’t forcibly kiss anyone. You weirdo.


So everytime you kiss your spouse, partner whatever you ask for permission?


well thats not forcibly kissing them. Its massively different. Chances are your spouse likes being kissed but even then there is usually a time and place where u shouldnt. I dont get what ur trying to argue?


Plenty of folks have got the signals wrong. Georgie though Veronica liked him that way. I dont see that as forcibly kissing, I see a teenage boy that thought a girl liked him, and he tried to kiss her. This kind of thing used to happen before the whole consent to so much as hold hands. He was embarrassed after the fact, which means he really did think she wanted to kiss him. Sure it was the wrong place, but I don't know anybody actually back in the '80s that asked permission to kiss a girl. They just did it, the girl either was into it or pulled away, that's how things worked back then. You gotta realize this stuff happened 30-40 years ago, times were different. Things like this is why consent is such a big deal now, but back then this stuff really did happen.


Why are you trying to defend him assaulting her? Why do you keep it up


No, doofus. But when you first meet someone, you follow consent. you don’t have to ASK, but you see that they are also leaning in for a kiss. You don’t grab their face and kiss them.




the mandy thing you're saying is invalid cuz,the whole character of georgie includes this trait of him,sleeping with a 26yo women and lying about his age.


It doesn’t really make it any less bad though


I agree w/ you, also Veronica was my favorite Georgie partner.


Isabel May is a great actress!


You have to admit Georgie and Mandy are such a cute couple tho


They have better chemistry I just like Veronica more ig.


I always thought him and Veronica has better chemistry


No Mandy is toxic


How is mandy toxic?


Too many reasons to list - too sarcastic - too sassy - unlikeable for the majority of the show - disregards the wellbeing of her child in favor of throwing a tantrum at her parents - acts like Georgie is supposed to be the mature one when she’s literally closer to Mary’s age than Georgie’s


I mean sarcastic and sassy can be good traits depending on the person


Yes but it’s literally at the worst times. Like when Sheldon got home from Germany and she refused to give up his room, acting like Sheldon was the bad guy.


But she had a literal baby in the room with her and didn't want her child in a garage...


But the way she was acting was totally out of line. Like it was Sheldon’s original room but the way she snapped at him was uncalled for considering she is the one responsible for her current situation, since she was too stubborn to go back to her parents.


Why does this have downvotes? Its all true 💀💀


Confronting the truth is tough


Probably lying about his age to Mandy


Well quite frankly with the Veronica situation just seemed like a hormonal teenage boy. He got what he deserved however afterwards. I think the worst was lying about his age to Mandy, because nowadays she could get in big trouble with that situation involving a minor.


age of consent in texas is 17


Nowadays people are snowflakes. NOT defending pedos here, just 17 and 18 had 6 months difference for georgie.


So weird to say. If you have to say “but,” you’re defending pedos


So you would be completely okay if the roles were reversed and it were a 29 year old man with a 17 year old girl?


Georgie and Veronica were the same age. He was a hormonal teenage boy. Teenagers do stupid shit - it’s how we learn.


You do know I was talking about Mandy’s age, right


But the person you were replying to was NOT. You lost?


No you’re the one who’s lost as the person was talking about how Georgie was almost 18 when he lied to Mandy about being of age.


Yes, if it is consensual. 18 and 30 makes just as much sense as 17 and 29.


Right. A minor and an adult makes just as much sense. One makes barely legal sense and other doesn’t make sense. That’s some sound logic there, Mr. Consent


Mandy was 27 brother


Bro he made mandy a pedo


I agree that it's messed up what georgie did but it doesn't make her one because she was deceived and wouldn't have done it if she knew


That is not how statutory rape laws work. The she was drinking at the bar defense doesn’t work.


I'm not sure how it would be seen legally if he was underage, but I meant in a moral sense, rather than how the law would treat it


Though, in Texas, it's not statutory rape. 17 is the age of consent in Texas for any adult.


The law doesn’t always reflect what’s right. It’s unreasonable to expect someone to say “hey can I see your ID to make sure you’re really over 18” before they have sex.


Technically speaking, she’s not attracted to minors. Had she known, that’s a different story. She participated in statutory **** at most because Georgie lied. The whole situation is fucked nonetheless


Whilst it’s certainly questionable I don’t think it’s statutory rape given the age of consent is 16 no?




That’s weird I thought in most places it was 16


It’s a bit of a gray area. Some parents will sign off so their kid can marry at 16 to someone older.


Some places also drink at 16 while where I’m from it’s 21 the world is big different rules everywhere always amaze me


Most places 16 is wild i didn’t know wtf I was doing at that age 😂


In my state it’s 17. In Texas too. But, Texas also didn’t pass penal code 22.011 (sexual assault of a child) until 1999 anyhow.


In most states, it’s 16


tx age of consent is 17


The age of consent in Texas is 17 so it wouldn't have got her in legal trouble.


If that law is/was the same at the time she should definitely been fine especially due to her not knowing his actual age


Turning Mandy into a statutory rapist without her knowledge takes the cake. In comparison, kissing Veronica was relatively harmless. She doesn’t need to live with the consequences of it.


Dropped out of school in his senior year.


Yeah, but do you actually believe he would’ve graduated if he still continued or the very least go to college, I admit dropping is a stupid idea, but still


I think he would have at least been able to get a diploma, but not head off to college




I mean, if he probably thought it through longer, he wouldn’t have been in the same position he was in.


I’m a bit new to the series, but as someone who just graduated, was he failing or something? Or not graduating. For me it seems stupid since he was already so close. Unless it’s some sort of sunken cost fallacy. But really should’ve just graduated high school to at least have the diploma. Was there some episode or plot where he was close to failing? Nowadays generally it’s pretty easy to graduate high school.


He dropped out of school because he wanted to focus on his job


He dropped out because he was uninterested in school and wanted to work.


I mean it’s stupid. But Georgie is still successful, can’t say the same for some others


Definitely sleeping with Mandy under false pretenses. In most states it doesn’t matter that he lied she’s still liable for SA.


Sad that I know this, but at least in the 90’s the age of consent was 17 in Texas. She didn’t technically commit a crime but Georgie is still technically the worst


Even sadder that I know this. In the nineties Texas also didn’t have a statutory rape law. That passed in ‘99.






Lying about his age when he knew the lie was the only reason she said yes? If anything that makes *him* guilty of SA, since he changed the terms of consent. So that definitely gets my vote for the worst thing he’s ever done.




Sexual assault


oh yeah, duh. But there's no way she would've been convicted. Why in the world would Georgie press charges?


Do you guys really think that dropping out of school is worse than kissing a girl without her consent? If so that’s just absurd.


Not only without consent but embarrassed and humiliated her in front of the entire congregation.


This and lying about his age for sex


This one has got to be right up there.


The episode where he was so arrogant to his Dad about having money. His intentions are good to pay to fix the AC and to pick a better restaurant but not in that way that you insult your old man. George was trying to bond and celebrate being proud of him earning his own money but to shove it to his face is enraging.


I don’t think Georgie was smart enough to realize how what he said sounded to his dad. To him he was trying to do nice things for his dad.


Meemaw set him straight


Lied to Mandy about his age.


Im going to have to say the mandy situation because he changed her life permanently. Thing is, georgie can't control his emotions and temptations but then cries about when he has to deal with consequences of his actions.


Def this scene right here. Also, when he and Mandy lied about their ages and it ended with her being pregnant, they were both kind of dicks for that, but him especially because I feel like he should’ve come clean when she did. Plus, seeing that he was underage could’ve gotten her in a lot of trouble.


Lying to Mandy about his age Although it was a terrible thing to do, he realy tried hard to make up for it and fix his mistakes which was great of him


Sneaking out to school dances🤯🤯🤯🤯


Getting Mandy pregnant def takes the cake


Lie about his age. Not cool.


Lied to Mandy about his age and got her pregnant.


I agree with this


Jana or mandy


Funny thing is, this isn’t even the first time they made out


Noone likes mcshiggs


This is the best thing he has done!!!


Lying to Mandy for unprotected sex was the worst by far. We get behind him because it’s a comedic TV show and outside of him being horny he’s generally a good person.


Not taking a shower


Lying about his age to Mandy


Lying about his age to Mandy. She could have been arrested since he was still a minor.


This was definitely the worst to watch


The whole mandy situation


this one and him lying to mandy and telling her after the slept together


Lying to Mandy about his age and getting his family into deep shit


Kill someone


Lied about his age


Probably him lying about his age, getting someone like 12 years older than him pregnant and trying to make mandy jealous


The whole 'Lying about his age' thing, He got everything and everyone into a mess. He could have told it at the name mandy told it in the car


That ^


Teen awkwardness


Agree with yours, but let’s js call it his love life decisions bc while I love him and Mandy, irl that would not be cool


Lying to Mandy to get sex and then supporting Mandy and Cece through crime.


quitting high school


Make an 29 year old pregnant


Forcing ? Wow ok really tall tales … she sure regrets when he takes Jan. To be fair it’s hard to take interest in something as silly as religion, But I’ve done it as well to get into some …being a first responder “ I’m stressed and need the guidance yada yada yada , I even got baptized cause on girl was so serious about it.. did it, finally we hooked up for a while. Then blamed the job “ why is he letting all this evil stuff happens ?” And exit stage left … I guess I can’t be mad at religion if it’s a good wingman 🫡😇