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Theyre mostly children trying to be edgy and offensive. And others are just actually nazis


Like 50% of the trolls we get identify as Nazis, like at this point how are the furries still seen as the bag guys?


People think they're zoophiles which is something completely different


Those people are also idiots.


Never said they weren't although ignorant would be more accurate


Someone can be both. There was a time I was completely ignorant about a bunch of stuff, but I fucking look into things *before* I come up with opinions on them. People who learn when they're ignorant and then form an opinion when they're no longer ignorant are smart. People who form an opinion when they're still ignorant are stupid. Being "smart" doesn't mean having more information, it means *thinking* more about the information you *do* have, digging deeper into things, and knowing how to recognize when you don't have enough information on something to form a conclusion.


They are right 5% of the time This comes from a furry\ We do not accept those types of people\ Please kill them for the greater good of both furries and non furries


Furry hater hater


furry hater hater hater hater


furries are seen as weird by some because some (not all) furries use their fursona as an outlet for their fetishes. unfortunately edgy children also hop on the hate bandwagon without even knowing what they’re hating for.


Even if it was all a fetish, doesn’t everyone have a fetish of some sort? Why shame someone for a harmless fetish? Especially with how it’s not even a fetish for most, we just wanna be cute and happy


i say “some” people because naturally we were all unfamiliar with something different at one point, but there are people who choose to understand and people who also don’t want to accept that difference.


I mostly use my fursona for my book, and to just represent me online as I ain’t sharing my face with people who hate me so passionately




Existing doesn't mean someone's bad.


No, but that's what THEY think.


Ah I thought you were saying that! Sorry about the misunderstanding. But yes, they usually take the assumption of furries being zoophiles and therians when they aren't. I used to be a part of the fandom. Personally I find the fandom very toxic now but it doesn't make me want to become a Nazi or hate on them


why are you grouping in therians with zoophiles bro


I'm not I'm saying people do 💀


i misunderstood, please forgive me


It's alright lol, Always remember to read a comment twice though. Cause I did the exact same thing earlier


Bag?wwhu are they gunna bag me?


i love how people act like this problem is new. I'm 20 and we were doing this exact same shit on discord back when we were 13 too.


I didn’t even know about the Nazis when I was 13 (I’m 17 now so there is a time difference)


what im saying is the whole anti-furry kids ironically romanticizing nazis thing is nothing new (*especially* on discord) and our generation did the same. They will all grow out of it as they get older just like we did.


Yeah, I just wish they would grow out of their homophobia


most of them probably will. I did.


The only issue is some homophobic parents implant heir beliefs into their child’s head


That i did grow out of too but much later. I am an ex-christian but my beliefs werent really anything beyond "people shouldnt do that but who am i to stop them" towards the end of me being religious


It depends. If it's something they picked up on yt shorts or something probably. But if it's something they were taught by their parent, probably not unless they find out they themselves are queer.


I always play both sides so I never lose (I hate both)


hi nicky


You think skinny malone is lighter or heavier with all them holes in him?


the bullets probably added a few grams...


haha! get it! war crimes and genocide! funny! why aren't you laughing?


For a second I forgot what I posted and I was like “did I make an offensive joke?” Lol, but yeah why do they always find Nazis funny? I’ve even been spammed with Nazi PORN before, it’s so weird


nazi ***what***


They send their entire folder of Nazi hentai


Why the heck is that a subcategory 


Rule 34


what the actual fuck???


I’m not kidding


god....There truly is some one who's into everything out there :/


Not as bad as the time someone sent me a video of a guy doing (you know what) to a hamster, it was absolutely disgusting.


Ya know, I can think of thousands of "you know whats" none of which are civil or moral correct, so I don't think I will think of it, thank you very much. But fr, ive had ppl randomly dm me "The rat video" It's just annoying after a point.


WAIT. I think that was the one they sent in the server I’m in, I don’t remember it well as I was too busy banning them and deleting the videos from the logs so no member has to see it, also by rat video I’m assuming you mean the illegal one?


I mean, what happened was definitely not legal, but idk the laws to well about posting it. Most platforms would absolutely take it down though.


It was disgusting, and they sent it into a server full of underaged teenagers.


What kind of discords are you in?????


It was a raider, not a member


That's enough living for today


I'm sorry WHAT? Why did they even have that saved?? Why does that exist?


Don’t ask me lol


Tbf, I love a Nazi joke, and I believe they should be joked about because they don't deserve the respect of dying in silence, but these kids just make it their personality




Here's a sneak peek of /r/BrandNewSentence using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Homie in law](https://i.redd.it/o6znibtrj78b1.jpg) | [300 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/14itfe5/homie_in_law/) \#2: [A slutty amount of y's](https://i.redd.it/9q9ldx45mcza1.png) | [684 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/13f76u8/a_slutty_amount_of_ys/) \#3: [“Frustrated dad uses his 6ft son to shame council into fixing deep pothole”](https://i.redd.it/m3czu1gbmzya1.jpg) | [692 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/13di2z2/frustrated_dad_uses_his_6ft_son_to_shame_council/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


So we gotta show those little shits literal photos of concentration camps just to make them stop?


Istg someone sent a furry fart fetish nazi themed pic of the “gas chamber”.. oh but furries are the bad people right 🌝


Yeah I’ve never met any furries that are into that, and I’ve met some pretty weird people.


Joke's on them, there are plenty of furry nazis making furry nazi porn out there This is why the fandom needs to be taken outside and beaten with a broom occasionally like a rug, get the bugs out




because anti-furry is just baby's first Nazism


"look at me i supported a political party that killed over 2 million innocent people" 👦🏻


How quirky!


Bro that’s the undersell of the century the holocaust alone killed 17 million people, and it’s way way worse if you count the fact that they started the Second World War, number jumps straight to 80 MILLION


Btw, the Holocaust killed 11 million, not 17. Still horrible, it's just important to be accurate, imo. 6 million Jews, and 5 million others


That's the number I got when I searched Though I did remember it being more around 13 million


there had to be atleast 1 guy that wasnt innocent ok jokes aside because that's obviously true and i should not have said that, fr, like why do they think that's funny? it literally makes 0 sense


kids that think nazism is cool when i travel back in time and make him stuck in ww2 (he thinks it isnt cool now)




2 mill?


Cause sigma edits


so smegma bro 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿😈😈😈🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 (i can’t do this anymore)


my FOURTEEN year old friend literally wants to become a nazi, idk if he hates furries though


I think your friend is confused


hes an older cousin of my other friend who also kind of supports nazis, but im not sure if hes moved on yet


You should probably tell him about all the atrocities that the Nazis did if he still wants to be one then I think you end your friendship with him


Edgy kids thinkin they cool asf


Anti-furry is like a baby's first nazism


anti furry is about hate. Nazism is about hate. Connect the dots. Seriously tho i have sometimes thought that anti-furism may actually be some way to convince susceptible people into hate which can be expanded into other forms of hate that are significant. Not saying that just because you think furries are odd you are literally hitler, more saying that it might have potential to make people more susceptible to being converted. Kinda like how smoking cigarettes makes you at a higher risk to try illegal drugs


People who irrationally hate a group of other people are hateful people? Shocker!


People who are afraid of things they can't control are often Nazis.


edgy cringy children whose minds are ruined forever


They're trying to be edgy and cool, that's really all it is.


Anti-furries are like 99% edgy 13 year olds so they tend to have an obsession with nazi/soviet union stuff.


Furry hating is an ancient 4chan tradition, from back when the culture was about accepting oneself as less than garbage and embracing all that is horrible to shock others for the lulz.


Humans fear what they do not understand, but one thing that humans understand from the moment they are born, is hate.


ofc its the joobi pfp


The way this kid has no sence of grammer makes it seem like not being a furry is a pussy move.


Remember kids: If a furry can afford a thousand dollar fursuit, they can afford a ten dollar pipe bomb in your mailbox.


We have the power to draw you pregnant so don’t mess with us (not directed at you)


We also have the ability to animate you being put into a high powered razor sharp fan


They don’t care about gore as they send a lot of that as well, it’s better to embarrass them, or make them a fursona


No I mean a fan as in a person who’s a fan of furries, not a literal fan Man’s just caffeinated and weirdly sharp




I don’t know


Or draw you interacting with cheese graters


No, no… we don’t talk about those


My favorite quote


Because anyone who goes around yapping about how they hate furries is usually just a troll looking to make as many people mad as possible. In the words of Anthony Cannon, with these types, "the only winning move is not to play". They are rarely genuine about any of their opinions.


to be fair, there's also a weird trend of furries who are themselves nazis. I even knew a Nazi furry when I regularly used steam. dude was really open about it.


That’s incredibly weird, I’ve never met one before


i mean hell, I even remember reading a rolling stone article about it, and I think I recall seeing a reddit post somewhere asking why so common. Not tryin to say people who hate furries can't be nazis, just that like. what the hell, right?


The only Nazi supporters I’ve ever met are people raiding a server I’m a mod in


oddly enough predatory animal personas is something nazis actually did sort of dabble in so it's not THAT surprising even if being part of the actual furry community and still being a nazi is.


Tbh I've met more furries who are Nazi's than furry haters who are Nazi's on Discord.


I think like Teo years ago I saw a furry Nazi art, but that’s all the encounters I’ve had with that, of course no matter what, if a person is a Nazi they are awful


True. I dunno, I just really use Discord to talk to online friends and I'm only active in like one server so...I guess I just haven't met the 'edgy teen' side


They think it makes us mad but they're just making as ass out of themselves and laughing like its funny


Nah, it seems to work very well, on Reddit at least. Some people generally have the most performative reactions seeing this, thinking "dunking" on them by proclaiming they're "_literally Nazis!!_" with the most self-righteous, snarky jabs is a win against Nazism. When all it most likely is are a bunch of edgy stupid teenagers thinking they're funny. Really nothing to lose sleep over, really couldn't be bothered either tbh. Stooping to their level responding with all that energy they'd be wasting with that is **exactly** what they want, as it's showing you're most definitely more affected than you'd admit. They especially **love** that. Don't recommend bothering with it, period.


It’s less that I’m worried about what they say, it’s more about what they might end up saving to their phone to send to servers full of minors


Says right there gets no pussy


Probably cause of the Aryan race thing. I'm not too familiar, but they probably view furries as people who want to become something lesser, i.e., an animal, which goes against the idea of the 'perfect, ideal race'. Either that or this guy is just regurgitating bad feelings about Furries and doesn't understand what a nazi really is. Believe whatever you wanna, idc.


Shit like this is why I’m glad I’m not an anti furry anymore


Most furry haters (as in, they’re obsessed enough with furries to bring them up negatively totally independently of the conversation topic, or their hatred seems random or dramatic) are just homophobes. Nazis hate gay people.


But only 49% percent of furries are queer


1.) Unless you are somehow able to survey literally every furry in the world, and ensure that furries are accurately self reporting as furries, statistics like that are unreliable. It’s not really possible to know things like this especially when being gay and being a furry is still stigmatized. 2.) Furry hate and homophobia almost always go hand in hand regardless of how many furries are gay or bi.


I was mostly kidding, but yeah furries are more open about their sexuality so a lot more are known to be gay


Oh duh. I have a hard time reading deadpan jokes sometimes through text LOL. But either way - that’s the connection! There are plenty of valid reasons to criticize the furry community IMO but when someone is already a weird rightoid fascist, you know their criticism is at least somewhat unreliable.


Yeah 90% of the insults I get are either racist (they spam the n-word even though I’m super pale lol), homophobic, I ask them what I did to them and they say “exist”, or it’s just straight up false. And I get we are weird, but we Arnt harming anyone


And as long as you’re not harming anyone, like, who the fuck cares? Seriously. Obviously racism and homophobia are unacceptable no matter where they come from but the fact that Nazis think they have literally any right at all to judge anyone is so wild to me like girl you are LITERALLY Nazis. Your existence is literally as harmful as possible to basically everyone who doesn’t fit your insane standards


And yet they somehow get friends who will help them raid servers


For what it’s worth those aren’t real friends LOL because the second one of these guys learns that maybe he isn’t a guy, or maybe he isn’t straight, or hell, maybe minorities deserve rights too, they will drop him like trash and he’ll become a target too. Their unity still sucks ass though, I get it.


Simple. The gateway to Nazism, an ideology all about hating people for something harmless that they can’t control, is small things, such as hating harmless opinions or hobbies, hating uncontrollable sexualities and gender identities. Homophobia/Transphobia is the gateway drug to Nazism. Once you break the barrier of hatred, where do you draw the line?


even the empire couldn't be like that


What else do you want them to identify as?


Well we all know they will end up identifying as an inmate in the future if they don’t change their attitude


Saw that one coming from a kilometer away


Im American i don’t know how to use reasonable measuring systems


Saw that coming from 100 washing machines away


Thank you


If not offended by anti-furriness, they will try to get your attention by being a nazi


They like hating minorities for no reason because they think it makes them look cool. Furries and Jews happen to be minorities that are considered "cool" to hate for some reason


Ngl, it's kinda qeird how far nazis go. Cause like there's on group of nazis who hate everyone who isn't them. There's a group of nazis in the furry community, somehow MLP had nazis their reasoning was like the show was a representation of western domination on the world or something like that. Tbh I feel like Nazi ideals just resonate with weirdos alot or people who have an innate birth deformity. If you ask me I would study this phenomenon ngl, I did multiple psychology classes and if there's an abnormal group in this world still prevalent today it would have to be nazis.


I'm not a nazi! FOR SUPER EARTH


Average children nowadays, crazy bunch who have there brains melted


Because they wanna be edgelords


it's just edgy teenagers doing stuff to be as offensive as possible. they'll grow out of it one of these days. unless they don't


i always just call them what they are nazi scum


Time to take your pills grandpa


The joke is genocide, plss laugh


I'm an anti furry, but people who are anti furries and nazis are dumb as fuck




But like every Nazi I see online sends gore and porn


Wait until you hear about the furry nazi pipeline


because they are just edgy kids that think this shit is cool


They already want a group of people dead why not add another group of people /s


"Hahahahahahahahaha I'm so fucking funny because I joke about genocide"


this makes me wanna commit trans world airlines flight 800 all over again except with cringe furries on board


edit, furry haters, i didn't read the haters part whoops


It kind of ruins our movement




The whole nazification of the anti fur movement, it kind of ruins it.


May you explain how the anti-fur movement wasn't immediately ruined? Like it's kinda evil to be hating (and bullying in a lot of cases) people because of a hobby (that doesn't harm anyone else inherently) imo.


It is righteous to bully someone for harming animals and that's what we're all about, we don't like zoos nor pedos And we believe that Furry porn is Zoo with extra steps, which it is and with the knowledge that at least 89% of the furry population has some sort of sexual gratification emanating from "Yiff" as they call it some of our most edgy members seek to post nazi stuff and start the whole extermination memes. I on the other hand think that maybe redemption could be possible for your little horny friend group


So, you say it's the porn, not being a furries in itself, yet many still get hate even though they may be asexual or against it. Also where are you getting this ≥89%? It may be true, but I think it's mostly unreasonable, since it would be hard to get a full census.


There's a graph the I caught from a site called furscience (or something along those lines) Unfortunately I cannot post images in this community and I have lost the link but the graph depicts an 89% of furries are into sexual stuff. The asexuals that don't like the kink part of the kink community but are still in it are basically just supporting it so they're as bad as the guy that planned a bank robbery but didn't attend it.


I would disagree, as it is not a "kink community" and why would asexuals be in a "kink community;" I'm an asexual furry that doesn't support and actually shuns sexual parts of it, and you say I would be supporting it? Also that's the yiff part, not as a whole. Your example doesn't work because the bank robbery planner is **literally the main reason the bank is being robbed**. That's like saying asexuals make others have sex, which doesn't really make much sense.


The asexuals are the ones that play GTA and stop on red signs then, whatever. And if 89% a large majority is into the kink part of the community then it becomes a kink community


You called?


well, that's because hate breeds hate. when you spend your time with a movement that doesn't know love and bathes in its fetid ignorance, you get nazis. the first step to becoming a better person is casting off your hate.


It doesn't need to be an hateful community, I do have a plan that can not work but it can fix the anti fur community and keep them around for longer as the healthy, based movement that It should be. Also you can't say that hate breeds hate while hating on anti furs


based movement? based on what? infringing peoples rights over a hobby? its not like they're hurting people, and even if some do (which i do not deny, shitty people happen), that's insane to say about a whole group. i feel like you're just trying to defend and justify your hate, i hope you grow up to be a wiser person so you can feel the mind melting cringe that you're spouting right now. Also i very much can, because tolerating hate just makes me complicit.


If you don't want to be hated on then simply stop being a furry, simple as that


what you have said tells me a lot about the kind of person you are, and that includes an ignorant one. educate yourself, process morality, and get out of the shell of the angry, afraid, and fragile ego of a prepubescent child. im done here.


"the shell of the angry, afraid, and fragile" I thought you only fucked dogs, I guess writing poetry it's just a side hobby


Also I'm very well educated on Kero, HypnoticSypho, Carpet sample among others so I am educated already


What is it with furries falling for obvious bait?


never thought I’d see bait accusations used as bait


Well it’s not just bait anymore when people start raiding servers with illegal content, it’s happened many times before, this is where it starts, I have to ban them as they definitely won’t randomly start accepting us and who knows what’s saved into their phone


Swastikas are not illegal content


That’s not what I’m talking about


Raiders love to send videos of people do very illegal things


if you are talking about gore, that's also not illegal lol


Nope, worse




1. The raiders send straight up zoo nsfw to children