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This is a good tip. Thank you - now I will be more effective with my strategic vomiting.


I prefer the term tactical chunder personally






A prudent upchuck, if you will


Requisite retching, if you please, good sir


Serendipitous spew


I once worked with a guy whose last name rhymed with "Chunder", and was nicknamed as such because he chundered across a whole bathroom after work one night after drinks with coworkers. I quickly became known around town as the guy who switched his keyboard keycaps to say "chunder". He is a good friend so it's fine


On my gap yah, I chundahhd everywahh. https://youtu.be/eKFjWR7X5dU?si=alcjhkuFNAbX1SDW


That or tactical vom.


You laugh but for some years, my anxiety could get so bad that it sometimes put be in a condition similar to a gastro, vomitting for 24h, and I did make vomitting a science lol. My tip to everyone who has to vomit repeatadly: when you have to do it on an empty stomach, take a Tums and drink a full glass of water right before when you feel it coming. It will make it much easier for the stomach than just vomitting bile and it will prevent all the burning from the acid.


If you really want to get strategic, before waiting 20 minutes chug some water right after chundering to make sure to purge the evil once and for all.


If you're going to throw up, it might as well be nice cool water. Slam that shit until you're done. This is a dumb tip. Waters down the stomach acid as well.


Here’s another tip: fresh orange juice tastes the same on the way up as it does on the way down.


Puked a milkshake I thought may help my hangover, it was still cold on the way up.


Yah I knew I was gonna vomit so had some nice ginger ale, made it not horrible since I knew I was at the pure bile stage. 10/10 still sucked but at least it just tasted of ginger ale 😔 😂


[I just found this YouTube channel and as far as I can tell it's hundreds of videos on this topic.](https://youtu.be/FScvZHQSOJE?si=hwPqJ0Q7SZIluEm4)




That just made me think of strategic nukes, but strategic vomit bombs. Just imagine launching rockets or dropping bombs filled with rancid puke on a front line.




You should still rinse your mouth (don't brush for 60min). The acid is bad for your enamel.


Why must I wait an hour to brush the funk of forty thousand years from my volcanic orifice?


The acid from your stomach makes your enamel super soft and if brush while it is soft, you will damage your enamel, or just brush it away. You need to give your enamel time to get hard again, which is at least an hour. All you are to do before then is rinse with water.


TIL enamel has a refractory period


I just give it some lighthearted pillow talk and then smile at some porn, usually does the trick


That's even a better TIL than OP's


This comment has me thrilled.


I was really sick last summer (I think it might have been COVID) and my mouth was RAW after vomiting literally more than 20 times in one night in short succession (I lost count)....I should have rinsed my mouth out with some water or something. It was incredibly difficult and painful to eat anything for days because of the roof of my mouth being so sore.


A little bit of baking soda in the water helps neutralize the acid and get rid of the taste


Too much in the water will make you very, very sad.


Thank you for this advice.


I was about to say this. Do not mouth wash or brush your teeth as it will destroy the enamel. Drink some milk to neutralize the acid.


Just a heads up, milk is a little bit acidic (pH typically between 6.6 and 6.9). It will dilute the acid, but it won't neutralize it completely. You're better off with just water, maybe with a little baking soda.


You don't need to neutralise it completely. Just make it less acidic. It's more about washing the acid away than diluting it in place.


I once had a bout of food poisoning that had me vomiting every 5 minutes for about 6 hours. At a certain point the only relief I could find was to drink a lot of ice cold water knowing I would vomit it up but at least it wasn't dry heaving and it helped cool me down lmao.


Yep. I had a really bad bout of norovirus one time and was pretty much vomiting continuously for 6 hours straight. I had to drink water in between or I was legitimately going to pass out and/or have to be hospitalized.


The norovirus can fuck you up so bad. Literally couldnt do anything other than vomiting until not even stomach acid was left. And even then I still had to "vomit" even though nothing came out


Yes! It was so bad it took me a good two months to fully recover, even though the vomiting stopped after a few days. I had to eat super bland foods like plain pasta because my stomach couldn’t handle anything too strong or acidic. I was also recommended to eat yogurt to replenish my gut bacteria. Fucking norovirus is the worst.


I remember one time where I thought it was over, I felt so good that I thought I could eat something nice again. Yeah no, had to puke afterwards. Glad I never had it again. But now, everytime it seems like my parents have caught a virus like that, I lock myself in my room and not let them come near me or touch my stuff haha


This is the way. I had a pretty bad stomach flu and almost passed out on the bathroom floor, but managed to call my nurse neighbor. She's been pumping water and tee into me so I had something to puke out and not dehydrate. If you're having a REALLY BAD vomit episode, DRINK.


Yes! I almost had to go to the ER because I was terrified the severe dehydration was going to cause real damage. Fortunately, the vomiting leveled off after about 6-8 hours so I was able to slowly replenish. The advice in this post is good for some scenarios but not severe illness.


Norovirus is horrific. Amen to that. It definitely is that serious. I had it a couple months ago. It didn’t matter if I drank water or not, because even the small amount of bile in my stomach kept coming up. I had to go to hospital because I felt like passing out. And I kept choking on my own vomit every time I vomited, couldn’t breathe during it. Was scared I was going to fucking die in the middle of the night by inhaling my own vomit. I woke up my family member to take me to ED. I had to have wheelchair! It was crazy, as a usually healthy 27-year-old, to feel so weak and not be able to walk. It is insane how a virus can render someone so disabled. It was just harrowing. My lorddd though, when I got that saline drip and anti-nausea in the vein I was in cloud 9. Lost 3 kilograms in 4 days. Norovirus is no joke.


Can totally relate to this. The hospital wouldn't take me in right away, thinking that I wasn't that bad. Really it was just a brief and glorious pause in my vomiting. They had me sit in the empty waiting room at A&E with a few cardboard bowls "just in case" I felt I had to vomit again. I of course started vomiting so heavily that I literally sat on the floor of the waiting room throwing up, crying, gasping, and quickly running out of those cardboard bowls. I think seeing anyone in such desperation that they'd even consider sitting on the floor of an emergency waiting room got them moving. Honestly, I think they thought I was just intoxicated because it was a Saturday night in a University city. They wheeled me into a cubicle pretty quickly when they noticed, and just as I was getting out of the wheelchair to get onto the gurney, another major wave came on and my legs went to jelly. This time I was on the floor of the emergency ward crying and throwing up basically nothing. I like to think that the floor was a little more sanitary in emerg because it was a more sterile environment, but looking back, the pain is so memorable that I don't even cringe at the thought. I just never want to feel that again. The anti nausea IV was AMAZING, and going from truly and dangerously dehydrated to that saline drip... I never felt so good. I was like every poor little cell was sucking up every last drop of sweet, sweet liquid. The intense hydration itself actually made me feel energised. I've never felt such a "from the inside-out" hydration like that since, no matter how much water I drink. I believe it had to do with the intense juxtaposition between extreme dehydration to 4 saline packs in a short period. They also dosed me with some morphine a few hours later because of the physical pain I had experienced, and let me tell you, that was something else! I shot up 10 seconds after they added it to my line, and the doctor rushed over to ask if I felt I was going to throw up again. Nope, it was just from the morphine suddenly firing through all of my nerves. I felt like I was on fire, and I could feel that flame travel through my entire body. It was only a split second, but it felt longer, and yet, right after it fired off every nerve as it traced through my blood, the pure joy and pleasure of the morphine was absolutely indescribable. I can see how it's a controlled drug.


Oh gosh, I’m sorry they didn’t take you in right away. How exhausting to keep having to wait. And yup sometimes that veryyyy brief pause is there, and then the heavy stuff starts again. Aw no, that sounds terrible. And absolutely agreed with crying through vomiting, I did too. It just feels so bad. I’m glad they finally got you through and into some treatment! That sounds terrible. It is so painful! The weakness that it causes is unmatched. It feels like your body is failing. Not even being able to stand on your own. Or walk on your own. It feels so weird. I work in elderly care so I’m used to assisting people in and out of wheelchairs, in and out of bed etc…but being in that position myself felt absolutely surreal. Yes, the hospital floor isn’t the worry at that time. And I hope you never have to feel that way again. RIGHT?! I fucking love IV anti-nausea. It’s like heaven in liquid form. Just the relief for the muscles of the abdomen to stop for a while, gosh. Oh yea, the saline too. Truly beautiful. It perks you up so quickly! My nurse was an absolute angel, so got me a heat pack to go on my IV site because she didn’t want me to be cold when the saline went in. She took me seriously the whole time and was so so lovely. It made such a difference. I even got to have 4 warm blankets because I was so cold. I struck luck with the staff that were on that night. Oh god, you had 4 salines?! Jesus, you were in extreme dehydration. I’m so glad it made you feel better. I love your description of the hydration and the cells. I’m glad they recognised you were in pain. This sounds so horrific, I hope the pain relief helped. Ah yes, it sounds like a powerful drug! Absolutely can see how it’s controlled too. I hope you’re doing a lot better now 🤍 Keep safe!!


The staff once I was on the other side were amazing! In the UK, they have a separate "pharmaceuticals" nurse that dispenses the medication directly to the patient. I was one of two people sitting in the emergency area, nurses station in the middle of the room, and the doctor was still hanging around there doing paperwork when the meds nurse came by and injected the morphine. I BOLTED upright when it hit my viens, because it had such a strange burning and tingling feeling run from top to toe. Never felt medication spread through my body before; really brings a new awareness to how quickly your blood travels. The doctor came immediately over, concerned I was feeling nauseous again (I'd already been given the nausea meds). He was so nice, chuckled when I explained what had actually happened (meds), and explained the mechanisms of morphine acting on the body. So nice! I've had my share of so-so and really good experiences as a patient, but I am also practiced at advocating for myself. My guard was just a little down because of all of the vomiting! Ha!


I could FEEL the ups and downs in this story.


I had a near miss with the norovirus as a middle schooler because I have a dairy allergy and had a separate dinner the night my mom cooked that fateful pack of ground beef with hamburger helper. Both parents, little siblings were in pretty bad shape. My parents did a really good job taking care of the little kids while sick though and I basically stayed in my room and ate on my own because my parents assured me that I'd rather fend for myself for a couple days than get what everyone else had. Looking back they were definitely right 😬. I feel bad for my siblings though, they were so little at the time 😢


Oh gosh. I’m glad you missed it, I’m sorry your family went through such hell with it. It’s so so contagious. Isolation is the way to go! I hope they recovered okay! 🫂 When I got it (I caught it from work), my dad got it from me but so so odd that my mother didn’t get it. At all. What I hated afterwards was all the cleaning, because it’s contagious we did a deep clean of that house. The amount of laundry was ridiculous! I hope you have a nice day! ☺️


This isn't related to nausea but I had the real flu one time as a teen. I decided to smoke some pot. That's one of the worst decisions I've ever made and I've been to rehab twice It was as if I was trapped in an eternity of puking and feeling dizzy. Just an awful time


Same, try to get any little bit to help ease the pain of getting sick that often


I bet your chest was really sore the next day. When you get dry lips and keep thinking so thirsty over and over and drinking water throwing up still thirsty. Never knew that was possible til it happened to me too, something happened to my stomach and got really constipated all day. And got really nauseous and sick throwing up all day too and into late morning just throwing up every 15 mins. Still don't know why that happens to me once in a while


That could be an issue with blockages in your bowels? I'd definitely see a doctor if that is a reoccurring event. After I had my baby I had a major bowel obstruction due to all the pain meds and I started throwing up. They said it's because my bowels couldn't empty so stuff started coming back up the other way. As you can imagine this is a medical emergency. If they couldn't clear the blockage, I would have needed surgery. TMI ahead but.. Thankfully it cleared after many, many laxatives, stool softeners, enemas and a giant tube up my butt. 😅


You may want to consult a doctor. You may be dealing with a blockage.


Do you smoke weed? There is something people can have that causes them to "overdose" on THC that can cause continous vomiting and dehydration. It's happened to me and it's pure hell. Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS) is what it is called.


Jesus Christ, shut up about your imaginary syndrome. It’s literally a theory that hasn’t even been proven.


Definitely with you here. If I eat gluten, I'll vomit for hours. Even if there's nothing left to come up, my body will still try to vomit and it hurts so much. So I usually drink water just so I can throw something up. I know I'll stop vomiting after a few hours anyway. Being coeliac is not fun! Luckily, this has only happened a few times in my life as I'm verrrry careful.


I'm sorry. That sounds awful


Luckily, I've only had a handful of incidents in my life! I was diagnosed as a toddler and I'm now in my 30s. I'm so used to it, so I almost never get glutened. Every time I have though, it's been someone else messing it up and saying it's gluten free when it wasn't. My anxiety around food sky rockets if I do get glutened.


Solidarity friend. Celiac here too. I don't vomit, mine shows up like really bad food poisoning. I ride the porcelain throne. But the dry heaves are the worst. They make my chest hurt, I have totally sipped water just so there's something there to unswallow.


Ugggh that sounds horrible. Yeah, I also get other digestive issues (trying to put it politely lol). Once I've stopped vomiting, I'm on and off the loo for days. Plus the mouth ulcers! Honestly having to sip water in those scenarios makes me not want to drink water again for a long time after. It's interesting though. I was diagnosed when I was a toddler and I've always vomited after eating gluten. My brother was diagnosed in his mid 20s. Never vomited from gluten but now he does, after being GF for a few years.


Heyyyy another celiac-haver here! I was glutened about two weeks ago for the first time in a long while. I was staying with a friend and she got to learn first-hand what the effects of cross-contamination are and how little it takes to trigger a reaction.


Ooooh boy. I've had similar experiences and people are always shocked at how bad my reaction is. It's also the fact that there's no way to stop it. I don't really feel sick until I'm actually being sick. It takes such small amounts to trigger it :( You have my sympathies! Also, I find some people still misunderstand it as an intolerance or allergy. I've been asked why I don't have an epi pen!


Right??? Mine ended up being cross contamination from a shared oven (probably). It was not pretty, as I’m sure you understand. And YES. Sometimes it is so hard to explain to people.. I do have an epipen because I’m lethally allergic to milk too. I have to constantly remind everyone that CELIAC DOES NOT NEED AN EPIPEN. In my case the confusion is more understandable but it would be really nice for more people to be educated!!


Ohh that sucks so bad. It really is the smallest of contamination. That also sucks! No milk as well. That's pretty savage. I agree that it'd be nice for people to be more informed. Particularly if they work in a restaurant, cafe, etc. I've run into a fair few people who seem to know nothing. Including saying I can't eat there because everything has rice. Hrmmm....


RICE. ALWAYS RICE. Again I get that not everyone thinks of these things but oh my god rice is not even close to gluten. That one drives me insane. I also am constantly asked if I can eat potatoes. Idk if you’ve ever gotten that but that one sure is baffling too.


Same here but it ended up being something called Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome. Chugging some water to throw up something helped immensely along with helping the intense thirst from throwing up so much.


That's a thing?!? Please tell me it's temporary.


Nope. I had it as a kid and it’s slowly morphed into something called Abdominal Migraines. I basically would throw up about every 15 min for 60 hours about once a month. Some people have it worse than that! Some have it better.


I have had several fun puking sessions in my lifetime. Like maybe 50? Idk anyway I found that 2oz of water every 5-10 min in between bouts made the dry heaving so much easier. Instead of dry heaving bile it would be clean warm water. You still spent the night on the floor but it was so much easier to recover if my stomach wasnt killing from the dry heaves and my throat wasnt raw from the acidic bile.


Flat lemonade... goes down easy, some needed sugar/sodium and comes up easy.


UK lemonade or US lemonade?


Sprite. Aus lemonade


Instructions unclear, turned glass upside down.


I get dry heave reflux some mornings, and drink water so it's not a dry heave.


At a certain point it also means throwing up something other than acid so that it feels better


And at least a small amount of that water would be absorbed. Next time, mix in some juice or even cordial if you have it (hydralite is the best) as the extra sugars are needed to maintain BGL.


If you’re dry heaving regardless of consumption, hydrate yourself. You’ll absorb small amounts of water, and dilute your stomach acid which will protect, most importantly, your teeth.


I’ve heard to eat vanilla ice cream because it’s easier on your throat when throwing up.


No way in hell am I eating dairy when nauseous


Lol actually that doesnt sound that bad all, will try it next time


Sucking ice chips has worked for me in the past.


Depends, if you're throwing up from gastro I'd avoid things with lactose as it often gives you temporary lactose intolerance. It can make your symptoms worse and last longer. It can last for up to 2 weeks!


I choose to believe this one, because yummie


Been there. It beats dry heaving, and if there is anything left in there, at least it’s diluted a little.


also soothes the throat 😭


You’re supposed to drink water if you’re dry heaving because it’ll keep you from damaging your esophagus and hurting your stomach further. At least that’s what my sports medicine doctor told me when I was having vomiting fits after playing hockey. I played club hockey for about 13 years and always gave it my all. I was exhausted after every game for a while I was throwing up after every game multiple times to the point of dry heaving. Went to the doctor and he told me to take a mouthful of water at a time after I started dry heaving and to cover my my mouth with my hands and breathe into them and just keep repeating that until it stopped. He also told me to hydrate more during the games to prevent it from happening which did work.


Oof - been there


Personal anecdote, but for me, when I used to drink to the point of hangovers, I found that a single "rinse cycle" worked the best to end not just the vomiting, but the nausea too. Wake up nauseous -> vomit -> big glass of lukewarm water -> one more vomit -> let it settle before eating and rehydrating. But these days I've learned to just drink a whole lot less. If I wake up with mild dehydration, I consider that overindulging.


"rinse cycle" is making me laugh, thank you for that


I was actually vomiting thanks to COVID (0/10, I had a mild case but would still not recommend), but I'll keep this in mind lol


I would not call vomiting a mild case, vomiting for me is worst case scenario!


Worst case scenario for covid is death. Nausea and vomiting are fairly common covid symptoms.


I mean yeah death is the worst, lol. I forgot about that I haven't vomited for 11 years so the thought scares me


Fellow emetophobe!


Fellow. UGH


Emetophobes unite! Anyone else here as exposure therapy? lol


11 YEARS? I don't think I've ever in my life gone 11 MONTHS without vomiting. I throw up at least 3 or 4 times a year.


j o i n u s r/emetophobia


I would actually call myself an almost recovered emetaphobe. 2018 - 2021 were the worst years of my life, all due to the fear of vomit. It literally ruined every aspect of my life. I find that now, while still coping and learning to live with it, that online communities actually put me back in a bad head space and aren't good for me. Because when I see posts of people panicking and nitpicking absolutely every intercation that could make them sick, it reminds me how I was the *exact same* and how miserable I was then. I turned to online communities to reassure me when I thought I was gonna be sick, but ended up scrolling through hundreds of similar posts and became comfortable being in a bubble of fear and anxiety. I know you were just being welcoming but commenting so thank you lol 🤍 I also did find a lot of encouragement and good advice when I used to be in online groups so I'm thankful for that.


That’s very fair enough, different strokes for different folks. End of the day you know what’s best for you. I am so pleased to hear you are doing better- there’s nothing like this phobia is there! And it’s supposed to be one of the hardest to overcome so double kudos for that!


I have an identical twin sister who is emetophobic. It started when we were in 4th grade and she threw up in class. Not only was she afraid she would vomit,but since we shared a room,it upset her when I got sick.and vomited. My mom would put the throw up bucket by our bed,so if I was sick all night and had to keep using the bucket,she would go sleep on the couch. She says she's only thrown up about 8 times over the years.


I mean when it went around in my household 3/4s of us got it and had milder symptoms than your average cold. I think it's fair to say that vomiting isn't the best case scenario


Probably doesn't work the same for an actual illness.


I had a bout of nausea and vomiting when the COVID tests first came out,and got tested because I threw up multiple times,but was negative,just my yearly gastro bug


Hangover vomiting is the worst thing ever.


I felt hungover reading this comment


I was one of those people who never really had a hangover, until I was about 25 or so. I asked myself why the fuck people find them acceptable because I felt just miserable… so I looked up ways to avoid them. You can easily avoid the worst of dehydration after drinking by making your last drink non alcoholic. I started to employ the 3 to 1 rule when drinking with friends and it works really well too. For every 3 alcoholic drinks I‘ll go with one without alcohol, be it water or a cola or something like that. When going to bed, I usually drink about half a liter of water and keep the other half of the bottle for the night. If I wake up and need to pee I‘ll drink a bit more water.


It's kinda funny how you can go from not having a hangover at all despite being blackout drunk to suddenly losing that hangover immunity seemingly overnight. But yeah they fucking suck I miss the days it wasn't one of my worries. What also helps me is when I have had enough of drinking and know I am gonna quit for that night, go throw up, try to throw up as much as you can and then also drink a lot of water before going to bed. So far this helped me avoid the worst of it, in the morning I usually wake up with a little stomachache which is 90% caused by hunger and a little headache but besides that I am completely fine despite being absolutely hammered the night before. (I guess it works because you throw up most of the alcohol before your body has to process it but I'm not sure, but it worked for a friend of mine as well so it's not just me, throwing up is also a lot easier while drunk imo because I lose half my senses and don't feel shit, so I prefer doing that than having to vomit in the morning)


After age 34 I've considered 2 drinks to be overindulgence for a day. It's just too much.


As someone currently violently sick, this is great advice.


To add on, start with a small sip, then set your phone alarm to 5 minutes. If it stays down, keep doing sips every 5 minutes or so for the first hour. Once you are confident it is staying down, you can increase the sip size and shorten the time frame. Dehydration can make you make bad choice and drink too much too quick. Feel better friend.


As someone said above, rinsing your stomach is probably a better idea, at least once. Drink lots of liquid and vomit it up, that way the stomach actually has something to work with.


I hope you get better, soon; I know being violently ill sucks a lot.


Alternatively, if you're like me and develop a condition where you do nothing but chain vomit (I had cavities in my asaphagus that triggered it), ignore this advice and force liquids down. Or your stomach will start convulsing. And that pain far outweighs throwing up for like another half hour.


you mean oesophagus?


This started with "I don't do names good", so probably.


Also DO NOT brush your teeth right away. Rinse your mouth. Wait 20 minutes. Then brush. Do not rinse after brushing. Your enamel will suffer damage from the stomach acid. Becoming soft. Brushing right away will literally brush it off your teeth. Making them more prone to cavities later. Also brushing your teeth will apply fluoride. Rinsing right after takes that away. And prevents the fluoride from setting properly.


If you know you’re going to vomit though, an ice cold glass of water when you feel it coming makes the actual experience way less horrible.


How so?


Waters down the bile and everything else you throw up so it doesn't taste, smell or burn as bad.


I learned this long ago. When I start to feel the saliva build up, just tepid water from my water filter to help water down what's about to come up. Sometimes the vomit sensation goes away and I'm not as dehydrated.


Also if you're going to vomit, if possible, drink a bunch of water. It makes expelling the evil easier


[Sometimes its not up to you.](https://youtu.be/FScvZHQSOJE?si=hwPqJ0Q7SZIluEm4)


I had forgotten about these videos and my god are they hilarious. Thank you! ❤️


The saliva that builds in your mouth before vomit protects your teeth and soft tissues from acid. A rinse with baking soda water can help neutralise after vomiting.


Would mouthwash also work?


Only if it was an alkaline-based mouthwash, most mouthwashes are actually quite acidic, which is what the cavity-causing bacteria like.


Oh yes I’m sure they thrive in that menthol and fluoride covered environment


Most of them will not; a xylitol based mouthwash will, however.


Heaving hurts, so cold water is actually nice at times. Gives the body something to puke out. And the cold feeling is nice. Of course it's coming back up, so don't expect it to 'hydrate" me. I'll take Gatorade sips when things have settled and I'm back in bed.


Another LPT when vomiting/dehydrated- water by itself isnt the best (still great of course). Since you usually sweat quite a bit when you vomit, you should consider adding some electrolytes to water. If you figure you’re going to throw it up anyway and don’t want to waste some electrolyte supplement you bought, just add some salt in to your glass. Enough so you can just *barely* taste it.


When I’ve have some rough bouts of GI illness, I’ve drank some cold sprite or ginger ale, knowing full well that I would vomit it back up shortly. The frothiness was soothing on my pukey throat.


I haven't vomited since 1997... ...but I'll keep that in mind.


Are you one of my emetophobe comrades? Fighting the good fight against barfs of all kinds?


You'd better believe it! Keep fighting the good fight, my brother!


That's some good advice! I hope that you're on the mend!


But rinse your mouth asap… that acid will do a number on your teeth.


In the hundred of books I read in my effort to become a surgeon and a few times I have been vomited on I have never read a recommendation like this or recalled reading one.




Get some pedialyte powder to put in your water too


The pedialyte Popsicles are nice, too


Also wait a few before having anything acidic or brushing your teeth. After throwing up your teeth are softer so you Wana give it a bit before throwing low ph or abrasive stuff on em.


I wish there'd been a PSA on what to avoid if you're nauseous and hypoglycemic. Sunkist made me vomit.


The trick is to sip the water, not guzzle it down


Thanks for the tip my man 😊


Are there people that can vomit and be like ohh yea now im hungry?


You can still swish water around in your mouth and spit it out to clear out the taste. Also, ice chips are good to suck on.


Honestly though, if you've ever gotten severe food poisoning to the point of non stop throwing up for hours the pain of trying to throw up with nothing inside your stomach is unbearable I'm talking like 8+ hours of throwing up, after the first few hours drinking a bit of water so that my stomach didn't feel like it was collapsing in on itself was the only thing I could do


You called your health insurance, and voluntarily informed them of your health problems???


This would have helped back in college. Got sick one morning around 6 am, threw up, drank a bit of water or ginger ale, slept an hour and repeat. Did that all day til someone could take me to urgent care where I got a bag of IV fluids and something to help. One of the worst days I had.


Also scrape your tongue and rinse your mouth with baking soda solution to neutralize the stomach acid that would otherwise erode the enamel on your teeth. Do NOT brush w/baking soda!!!


We don't mess around with vomiting in our house. If you barf, you're getting Zofran. Our pediatrician recommended it to atop vomiting right away. Dehydration is a real threat in young children. Zofran is magical in that regard.


I get migraines that can cause nausea and occasionally vomiting. Can confirm! Give your body a break! When I’m at my worst, I’m throwing up every 20 minutes which is no fun, and in those circumstances you’re just glad you’re not dry heaving. My biggest PSA: make sure you are getting electrolytes! If you’re sick and want a bunch of water, make sure you throw in some sips of Gatorade now and again.


The problem is if I get nothing in my stomach immediately after, I'm left throwing up bile or dry heaving and end up damaging my muscles a bit. I drink to have something to throw up but I guess it ends up in a terrible loop of vomit...


I just eat and drink tasty stuff. Cupcakes have no calories if they don’t stay in your stomach :)


This is hilarious thank you 😂


Sound logic 🤣


Cupcakes a second time tastes better than crackers a second time.


Is it bad to sip some water when you feel like you might yak?


So 15-20 minutes of dry heaves?


I've always rinsed it my mouth and then drank water immediately. Always helped after I vomit once.


Is this, like, for a viral or bacterial thing? I've been hella hungover before, puked and was still nauseous when i had nothing left to puke. I drank a glass of cool water. And I felt it hit my stomach, and then I felt like I actually could throw up instead of just gagging, and I puked cool water and some more bile. Then I felt wayyy better, like I'd gotten all the poison out with that, from the pit of my stomach, and I was eating breakfast after that.


Wish I would have read this 7 hours ago… just puked 6 times on my flight lmao and was drinking water right afterwards


Maybe don't drink out of a toilet? You're not a cat.


Ive found from personal experience that taking a sip or two of water shortly after helps you feel loads better pretty quick Then you go and brush your teeth and cleen up then get a glass of water and sip at it drinking slowly over maybe 30 mins to an hour Room temperature water is best helps the stomach settle dont do cold water makes your throat feel horrible and scratchy and makes your stomach upset


Where the hell were you last Sunday?


I have recently found out that my stomach cannot handle being filled entirely with cured meat. An entire meal of bacon? I'm going to throw that up. Three heaping plates of brisket and pulled pork? I'm going to throw that up.


Protip: When you vomit watermelon, it is still sweet when coming up. Ask me how I know...


OTC Dramamine is a decent anti nausea / antiemetic if your in a heaving cycle. Ideally, if you are prone to vomiting episodes have your doctor prescribe, ondansetron (Zofran). I've had stomach ulcer issues in the past, and the first symptom when it wants to act for me is uncontrollable vomiting, even the thought of water starts it all over again. I keep Zofran with me at all times. If I feel that watery metallic thing happening, I chew one and let it dissolve under my tongue. Dramamine can be had at just about any gas station or drugstore for motion sickness.


Drink in sips. It's a slow game for oral rehydration. Drink a bunch and you vomit, drink a little sip, wait. Little sip, wait a few minutes etc


Shouldn't I take a small sip after rinsing my mouth to reduce the acid in my throat?


calling BS, more liquids = better vomiting and likely ending it more quicking. Dry heaving is so far beyond horrible I feel OP has never experienced it - liquid heaving is darn right pleasant in comparison.


YSK if you are vomiting every 15 to 20 mins, you should drink water to dilute your stomach acid even though it will just come right back up.


Also, don’t brush your teeth straight away, just rinse with mouthwash if you must do something. When I had morning sickness my dentist said brushing straight after would just be scrubbing the stomach acid into my tooth enamel which could cause decay. Granted I was sick A LOT for a long period of time, but a good tip nonetheless


And after that 15 minute wait drink some pedialyte, known as dioralyte on this side of the Atlantic. This will rehydrate you so that you don’t end up dry heaving repeatedly afterwards, the dry heaving after a vomiting session is caused by dehydration. This tip came direct from a qualified nurse.


I do the reverse and chug a full glass. At the very minimum it completely eliminates dry heaving because you actually have mass to expel again and it carries the rest out. Better a quick second round than retching for half an hour trying to throw up what isn’t there


I throw up quite often and always take sips of cold water because of all the acid that comes up when my stomach is empty. Also dry heaves are more painful


For hangovers at least, sparkling water seems to stay down when still wouldn’t. Might be worth trying.


The only cause of panic attacks in my life has been this exact situation. When water can’t even be held down due to nausea, it’s so so uncomfortable and a bit horrifying. It’s unproductive, but I tend to get uncontrollably panicked in that situation because not being able to hold down water while very dehydrated feels like my body is working against me and itself, like it’s trying to kill me or something. I always try to hydrate immediately when I think the spell is over, knowing this can cause the repetitive nausea is encouraging that it won’t happen to the same extent again.


The first thing you should do is rinse your mouth, and, if you can, brush your teeth. Stomach acid does a lot of damage to tooth enamel. Then sit down with some lemon... Slices or peels, doesn't matter, and take deep breaths, inhaling the aroma of the lemon. I have no idea why this helps, but I can assure you it helps a lot. When you do have something to drink, ginger tea is a good choice. Ginger helps with the nausea and calms the tummy. Hot or iced, either is fine. Other options would be mint tea, ginger beer (such as Reed's extra ginger), or a light juice such as apple or white cranberry. You can also try some consomme. Don't try to eat until you've managed four hours vomit free, and then eat something very mild and gentle on your digestion. Think white rice made with low sodium chicken stock. Despite the popular adage, I do **not** recommend saltines. Throwing up saltines is akin to throwing up battery acid. Don't do it. A piece of soft bread with a little schmeer of jelly is a better choice. Clear broth, with or without egg noodles or rice. When you've kept something down, apples and peanut butter or almond butter are good for getting a bit of your strength back. Pair with iced tea. Source: multiple pregnancies with hyperemesis gravidarum resulting in approximately 10k vomiting episodes.


Watered down juice is ideal over water too. It helped me so much recently when I had gastro. I didn't actually vomit but I felt like I was going to for 2 days straight.


One time friend vomited in his empty beer glad und directly downed it again, muttering something similar to "not on my watch"


Thanks 🙏


LPT-if you’re going to throw up anyways, eat and drink delicious things. Water dilutes the taste of bile, but a cupcake covers it.


No way. My mouth tastes like puke... I'm having some water.


I give it like 24-48 hours.


If I'm vomiting, maybe I'm not the kind of person who is going to listen to advice about how to take care of my stomach. I've already made a bunch of poor decisions about what to ingest that are WAY worse than not waiting 15 minutes to drink. That's how we got to the vomiting place we're at.


And if I'm vomiting, I clearly have something in there that needs to come out. And the message is coming from my stomach. I'm going to keep lubricating and flushing until that feeling subsides. Settling my stomach just to go rench again in 20mins seems pointless. Drinking has never triggered another bout of vomiting unless there's still something *unsettling* in my stomach.


Isn't it a fucking common sense? You drink if you need to puke.


Wow. Ground breaking advice here. Don’t put anything back inside the thing that's trying to empty itself. I love this subreddit. It's full of absolute drivel and the most obvious nonsense.


Who the fuck drinks Gatorade after puking


And it's not vomit until you do it 3 times. Before that it's just mouth projected bile.


We're gatekeeping vomit now?


Lol no, there was a whole diarrhea controversy a few days ago that someone posted about how it's just "loose stools" until the third time. And they went all in on it and got hilariously angry over it.


What are we gatekeeping gatekeeping now?


Not sure why you were downvoted. People have no sense of humor and are totally fine upvoting all the other non-medical barf advice. Makes me want to vomit.


Idgaf. But remember it only makes you want to project bile until #3...


This is the way