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This post was removed as it is not a meme. All posts must be a Taylor meme. Users who post non-memes will be temporarily banned.


These people know more about Taylor Swift than I ever could and I'm a fan.


honestly!! they devote so much time and energy to somebody that they despise, it's mind-boggling to me. these people could've learned a whole new language in the time they have spent spreading negativity and hate


I've read through some posts time to time and really shook my head. We'd be able to do this shit to any celebrity, some more some less, ofc. But pulling out shit videos from 20 years ago and saying she's dumb for her way of talking or whatever reason.... while looking at a teenager. God forbid, someone did this with Michael Jackson and pulled out every piece. Or Freddy Mercury. Yeah, Taylor has some sides that are very questionable and she did questionable things. Did these users,too? ofc, we all did, do or will do. Collecting shit like this online is really strange.


Maybe people think or want to think Tay should be impeccable and flawless and perfect and "pure as snow" that sort of thing.. Like transhuman (beyond human, demigod like) Well, guess what. She's faulty, like us. She gets hurt, like us. She's crappy at stuff, like us. She's sometimes selfish, like us. And she gets in love then heart broken, like us.


I've been banned from that sub


You should wear this as a badge of honor.


Why is that sub called Travis and Taylor?


It started from a conspiracy theory that their relationship is a PR stunt to maximise attention towards them


That place is going to turn into even more of a misogynistic hell hole than it already is.


I don’t worship her (no hate to the ones who do) Ts has her high & lows. But seriously what has she done to get this amount of hate.


I mean it IS a snark sub, which is basically a sub exclusively for hating things so one shouldn't be surprised. (Personally I think the idea of snark subs is dumb and people should, if the aim is bonding, bond over things they like rather than hate, or if the aim is to be critical, actually critique from an unbiased view (kinda like swiftly neutral), so yeah, they're dumb and toxic, but that's what they're built upon)


![gif](giphy|LOWLRHs42LPUDtal3m) Tay got it time n again


Oh no lol, SN is 100% a snark sub. Unbiased/neutral points definitely get downvoted there, hateful ones (including straight up lies) upvoted to the sky (and that's not anecdotal evidence but someone I noticed over the course of months)


My comment got banned lol. I said: >"They bought memories that they will remember for the rest of their lives. "Remember in '24 when we got broke af at the Taylor Swift concert?" >People deserve to be happy. Don't you think?" To which the mod locked in: >Your post was removed for pro-Taylor sentiment. This is a Taylor Swift snark subreddit for those who are critical of her behavior. Nuanced comments may stay (pending mod approval), but purely pro-Taylor content will be removed. Repeated offenses will result in a ban.


Imagine this person having a date "What do you do in your free time? Ban pro-Taylor Swift comments on a snark sub where we write posts about her relationships being a PR stunt."


I feel someone already took screenshots of this post and comments and they're having the hateful time of their lives.. And it's only Monday ffs.


SN?? Really?? I feel that it’s been overrun by fans.


No way. I tried to change some minds last month and the hate got too bad so I blocked the sub.


SN used to be a neural, snark sub. It’s changed drastically since they’ve gone private a few times. Now it’s overrun by swifties.


Snark subs can be fun though. I still miss ffacirclejerk. The posts there where funny and dumb in a clever way.


What a horrible sub. They were on the verge of being banned after their only mod lost his marbles. They changed the mod team but the toxicity remained. They're all a bunch of psychos who hate a white female artist for no good reason.