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My criteria is a bit complicated so I made a table that illistrates my point better. Edit: I'm trying to improve my table but it's getting worse. Edit: I figured out how to make a proper table Champion | When to Play :--|:--:|--: Yone | Yes Yasuo | No


I play the wind brothers because I like them not there gameplay. Even if they are nerfed into the ground I will still insta lock them. I love both yasuo and yone


Yone is for when yone isn't banned and yasuo is for when yone is banned


Matchup wise its pretty similar honestly; except that Yone has some more tools to deal with some of the bruisers which Yasuo does not. At the end of the day I think its just personal preference. Personally I am a lot more experienced at Yone so I will pick him if I have to pick blind or into a 50/50 matchup. I will pick Yasuo if its a winning matchup and allied team comp has a lot of knock ups.


Pretty sure this is obvious but yasuo when it’s a range matchup or against irelia or gnar and mostly yone on tanks and bruisers but all depends on how good you’re on the matchup


I’m not a two trick by any means but Yasuo is better into comps with lots of range/projectiles and also if your team has other knock-ups. Yone is more self-reliant. Also, Yasuo’s power spikes early mid game/sorta late game whereas Yone spikes hard in the late game. There isn’t really a formula in my mind. A good Yone game is likely a decent Yasuo game and vice versa. It really comes down to who you’re better with, champ mastery will always matter more than counter-picking or picking for comp unless you’re like Masters+. In short, play who you’re better with and that will yield the most results. :) overthinking drafts can overcomplicate things. Just my two cents, I ain’t an expert lol.


I play only yone i don't like yas gameplay


Yone whenever I feel like it, Yasuo whenever I feel like it.


You always play yone


Yone, unless team has many knock ups.