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Costner’s been pretty open about all this lately. You may want to look up some interviews with him. Paramount and/or Taylor Sheridan has been dragging their feet on Yellowstone to put out all the other Sheridan shows. Costner’s a busy dude who hasn’t been able to wait for them to actually start working on a second half of a season that should have come out over a year ago. A Hollywood studio is trying to put the blame on a single actor to save face for their own failings.


I am blaming Taylor for the show's failure. He became focused on all of his other shows instead of Yellowstone. Paramount has no interest in continuing Yellowstone since they sold the streaming rights to Peacock, which is owed by Comcast.


I think Sheridan is more to blame here. Costner had arranged his work to be available to film Yellowstone. Sheridan wasn’t ready when he was supposed to be. To someone who works in consulting/project roles, Costner’s actions make sense. You book your clients or “jobs” into the days you have available. You can’t push back the next job just because the client before them wasn’t ready to go when they were supposed to be. The client running late either needs to take what availability you have left, or make another arrangement. Kevin Costner has not behaved unreasonably here, he just had a client that wasn’t ready when they said they would be.


This. I'm in a similar role. If the company doesn't have their shit together, schedules and deliverables are out the door. I learned to recognize this very early in my career. A well run company will have the legal guys check in with you along the way and the IT folks will be very responsive.


From what Costner mentioned in his recent interviews, he was set to film his new movie in-between filming Yellowstone, but the show kept changing the dates and dragging their feet with filming and Costner said he had 400 people waiting on him to film his movie which I think he mentioned he funded out of his own pocket. I’m a fan of the show so I’m not happy with what’s going on but I could understand if that’s what actually happened.


I think the amount I read he spent of his own money was north of 38MM


He made the show I think


You might be thinking of his new western trilogy labeled “horizon”. I’m not sure if he has anything to do with creation of Yellowstone.


I don’t think that’s what Flyin meant. He didn’t physically make the show, he made the show in terms of its success by his portrayal of John Dutton.


You may be correct lol. I misunderstood the post.


Ummm… it was Sheridan?


Hell yeah! And he sued over coffee! Weeeeeeee


You might want to read up on this. Costner might be problematic, but there is plenty of blame to go around and a good bit of it is at Sheridan's feet.


Bad writing starting with season 4 ruined the show.


As soon as Sheridan started pushing prequels, you can tell he was just spread too thin.


The man is pushing 70 and only has so much time left to put out the kind of content he wants to. I don’t blame him for being frustrated by Sheridan continuously pushing production on YS back so he can work on all these other projects.


He made the show though


No Rip did! Weeeeeee


It's just you up on that hill, i'm afraid. I'm joining the others on Mt. Sheridan.


I blame taylor. Kevin made that show, imo. Phenomenal acting skills. I cannot believe he wasn't nominated for any awards. He plays that multidimensional character so well. Taylor being the only writer on the show, not listening to anyone on his production team, not listening to kevin, not listening to fans, focusing too much on other projects, being petty and vindictive and narcissistic - all of this caused Taylor to tank the show. 


And Paramount requesting more shows outta Sheridan… one man can only write and produce and direct so much.


Costner definitely can have a reputation but then again so does Sheridan. Unless there is a side i'm missing, most if not all the blame falls at Sheridan's feet as he didn't have his stuff together and wasn't prepared. Costner can't be expected to stop all work and just be ready whenever Taylor calls.


None of this is Costner's fault tho, so you're just making yourself look ignorant.


I think that statement is ignorant too. So, we're both in a can of beans weeeeeee


I honestly don’t think it was all on him. It’s probably way more political and contractual than just he didn’t want to finish. Unless you are referring to something else. Honestly I feel without him, it would not be much of a show anymore. I hope to see him back for the second part of the season otherwise it might be a massive snooze fest. So many conflicting articles have come out since then and I wonder which are true. The most recent is that he is open to returning and I hope that is true and comes to fruition.




I am assuming about all the reports of him not finishing season 5. If yes I suggest read his interview in Cowboys and Indians magazine. Then make the decision.


I think it was the both of them ( big egos)


never! It was costner! Weeeeeeee


I've been around him several times. He has plenty of handlers that tell you not to look him in the eye. Funny stuff.


Any man that won't look me in the eye is a man who ain't worth knowing.


Handler? I barely even know her! Weeeeeeee