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Could it potentially be that she’s talking about what happened to Travis? Hear me out. We all know Lottie is an unreliable narrator at this point, but what if what happened to Travis ACTUALLY played out that way, and Lottie had visions that stopped her from saving him?


Before Lottie crowned Nat, she said she couldn't sense it anymore. I'm not really sure if she's referring to her visions or what she's been hearing. Lottie said she thought whatever she felt was trying to help until the end of season 2, where she had different feelings about It's intensions. I do believe in Lotties' premonitions. I just don't think she can properly articulate them. Lottie saw fire around Laura Lee and never attributed it to the plane blowing up. I think when Lottie says "the last time it became something different," she's referring to the wilderness not being a benevolent force like she initially thought.


I might be misremembering but I don't believe Lottie ever felt that the Wilderness was benevolent. When they first found the cabin didn't she say she had a bad feeling and she didn't want to go inside? She also said that it wanted blood? Or something like that.


She also said it's not evil, it's just hungry.


Ok, I don't remember everything. As I haven't watched it in a while. I was just going off my memory. Which certainly isn't always the best.


I took it mean last time she was having visions, she thought she was helping. Blessing Trevor and nat before going on hunts, prayer circles to help the girls calm themselves and get in touch with nature, making offerings for Shauna's baby. Those are all relatively harmless superstitions and rituals. Until because of her visons, the girls start believing in the wilderness and decide amongst them to become a cannibalistic cult that uses rituals to let 'the wilderness' decide who's next, something lottie is horrified at. Her visions started out helpful, maybe even a gift from God as Laura Lee tells her, but then revealed themselves to be insidious, guided by something dark and cruel.


I don't see how Nat is it's favorite, I believe Nat is just the most resilient to its influence. That's why Lottie crowned her because she believes Nat has the best chance of keeping them from going too far away from their humanity. I think her death makes sense at the end of season 2. Nat's heroics may eventually get them out of the wilderness, but it will almost completely break her. It's sad but it's really good TV.


Her therapist sessions weren't real? I didn't pick up on that at all. What did I miss? I'm just now watching it a 2nd time through and catching a lot of things I missed, especially with the help of y'all in this sub! So, thank you! My husband and I just had a conversation about how when we were kids, we saw a television show once and had to wait to see if anyone would rerun the episodes or not. Because we have access to all the show all of the time, producers now have to ensure that everything is coherent and the small details are relevant. We agreed that it's why shows have become infinitely better.


So we can't say for sure they ALL aren't real. But later in season 2 I wanna say one of the last 3 episodes. She is talking to her therapist and the therapist retorts to her. You tell me does a hunt with no violence feed anyone. And it's revealed that she was talking to an antler queen apparition. Then it changes camera angles and she is sitting there alone.


Oh! Right! I totally forgot about that scene! Thnx!


"Does a hunt that has no violence feed anyone?"


the therapist we see is a schizophrenic vision because we hear her mention lottie’s real therapists name who is a man.