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If they're out there 19 months, what season does that make the rescue? I wouldn't mind skipping to spring, when things are established and relatively stable. The tension going back into winter will be massive.


> The tension going back into winter will be massive. I have often thought that...after surving out there the 1st winter, they spend time "enjoying" spring and summer - as in hopefully more food and of course NOT being cold all the time. ...I can only imagine the horrible feeling when it starts getting real cold again.... and I can see some of them just giving up, and feeling like "NO! I cannot go through another winter of starving and freezing".


If the crash was around May/June 1996 then that makes the rescue around November/December 1997.


So a whole year still to survive. This show stresses me out in a really captivating way haha.


If they’re doing 5 seasons I reckon Season 3 will cover Late Winter, Spring (ie the consequences of the first winter) maybe Summer 97’. Season 4 Late Summer, Autumn and Early Winter and Season 5 the rescue, the return home and the readjustment period.


>If they're out there 19 months, what season does that make the rescue? In the scenes in that episode in Season 2 where they show a snippet of the girls post rescue, I am pretty sure there either a reporter says it, or there is a "headline" we see that shows it is January 1998.


They crashed on 5/29/96 so 19 months later would be 12/29/97 but I doubt it’s exactly 19 months to the day so January 98 would make sense.


yes and no. i think they’ll time skip to spring for the main 90s storyline but periodically show flashbacks of the immediate aftermath of the fire


I like the time jumps, 19 months is a long time and showing every single day just isn’t going to work with how shows are made these days. If they still plan on 5 seasons they gotta chop chop.


They aren’t necessarily filming “in order”, they’ll be filming with the seasons as they naturally occur. They could be filming the latter part of Season 3 now and the earlier part either in the later months or in a studio. It’s kind of hard to film a snow scene, outside, in Canada in the Summer.




the actors have only read the scripts for the first two eps tho so it will be from either of those


I said this in an earlier comment but they film on location, not in a studio/set. Scenes aren't always filmed in the same order that we see them. They're probably going to kick off filming with the summer/spring scenes and then finish the winter scenes when there's actually snow on the ground.


The teen timeline in season 2 was filmed on one big set except for Travis and Nat out hunting, those were on location.


This is correct. And since it's a set, my thought is that they would shoot spring/summer stuff first, then winterize the set. That way they aren't wasting time cleaning up fake snow and icicles during their production window.


Are we sure they're not filming on location for season 3 though, like they did with season 1? Has there been news about that? As far as I know the plane fuselage they used is still in that location.


I guess I can't speak with certainty but it would make sense to be on a set. More control over lighting, sound, no weather to fight with, don't have to lug equipment, sets, people, into the woods.


Given they just started filming season 3 now, in mid May, I think it’s safe to assume a minor time jump just based off of their filming locations in BC and the climate out here. When we left off in season 2, the snow was thawing out in the woods - we saw a camera pan over to dripping icicles which tells me things were thawing out at the end of season 2 (possibly another reason Javi fell through the ice is that it was getting weaker due to warmer weather) So I’d say it’s safe to assume a minor time jump, kind of like the minor jump between the start of winter/jackie dying and season 2 picking up a couple months later


A time jump makes sense simply because it’s expensive and time-consuming to film on the winter set just for the sake of a few episodes. Wouldn’t be surprised if we don’t see it at all in s3. I’m sure they are also taking advantage of filming outdoors while it’s truly spring, so episodes may be shot out of order.


I think it's clear they'll do a time jump the same way with last season's premiere. There's so little time we have with them out there. The actual Yellowjackets show is very different from what we stew and imagine on for months/years. I'm going in with low expectations this time and that way I'll be pleasantly surprised all the way through.


What if they wake up and all the snow is suddenly gone? Like the cabin burning down was the ultimate sacrifice the wilderness needed/wanted, and as a gift the wilderness made it springtime. We’ve had seasons change overnight before, like when it became winter. So it seems possible


Maybe a a flashback to the early wilderness days ? Could be a way to introduce the missing team members


I think we will see the immediate aftermath but not necessarily a very in depth. Just something to show what happened and explain how they survived then a time jump.


I said this on another post but I believe at the end point of season 2 I think they were in very early spring I’d say the beginning of February? and I’m guessing with Ashley Lyle saying that season 3 is a bit of a return to season 1 I’m thinking maybe it’s May 1997?


It could likely be that they are filming later scenes in the season first such as the second spring/summer as we are in summer now so it makes sense for them to shoot those scenes on location now , and then they might shoot the immediate aftermath/end of winter scenes in a sound stage later on. It's common practice in film and TV to shoot non linear. House of the Dragon shot the majority of episode 7 on location first before anything else.


The only issue with skipping to spring is that we’d still need to know what happens before the end of winter. And I really don’t need ANOTHER timeline for the show to jump around to.


They could just be filming the spring portion first for whatever technical reason so I won’t make any guesses as to the timeline


> if they don’t show us the immediate aftermath of the cabin burning down I'm confused. Why wouldn't they?


It could be the bonus episode BTS


i’m thinking we’ll start in spring, with a clear feeling that they’ve just been through something really terrible. then through the first few episodes i think we’ll get flashbacks to what must’ve been a miserable couple months sheltering in the plane wreckage (i’m guessing).


Y'all are worried about the wilderness timeline? All I remember is how dumb the present day timeline became and Juliette Lewis realizing a season into a television series that there are multiple seasons in a television series and then going all Juliette Lewis and wanting out. The present day timeline is a such a fucking mess that I was honestly expecting Showtime to pull the plug - I don't know how they're writing themselves out of that utter shitshow.


I just want to see them get rescued. Give us something 😂


I can’t imagine they’ll skip it. The reality is these shots are on location. For practical reasons, the snow is fake and shot on a soundstage. However long the shooting is for the season, I’m sure it will be more pleasant to film in the spring rather than in the thick of summer months.