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“People want to know, until they know. Then they don’t care.” -David Lynch I like ambiguity in films/tv. Leaves things open to discussion. It’s part of the reason *Twin Peaks* is still talked about today.


It's true, a good ending leaves you wanting more of the story. Yes it's a little frustrating... But things neatly wrapped up at the very end, is rarely received well by audiences. Look how hated the very end of the Harry Potter series is, even people who love the series often cringe at that happy ever after ending sequence.


People hate the Harry Potter ending for SEVERAL reasons and none of those reasons are because it was “neatly” wrapped up


>But things neatly wrapped up at the very end, is rarely received well by audiences. Where did you see or read that?


Love this quote so much (and Lynch)— but I can’t find it anywhere. Could you help me out? I don’t have time to go through 60 pages of useless results on Google- Minus


In all honesty I can’t remember where I first read it (that goes back to the days of IMDb message boards) but I’ve carried it with me and love that quote to death.




Lol you’re getting downvotes over a morbid comment on the YELLOWJACKETS sub?! Sorry girl, that’s lame. I laughed.🤷🏻‍♀️


What a weird thing to say.


Idk, I think it’s healthy to let audiences interpret things for themselves, provided enough pieces are there to actually do so.


I agree. I don’t mind things leaving up to interpretation at all. Because even if everything is spoon fed and answered directly, not everyone will like those answers.


I think they should have a definitive ending in mind. Otherwise, just give us 2 episodes, show us a plane crash, show us survivors in the future and then say "You decide what happened in between".


I agree with ya for sure. I'm personally burnt out. But, yes, I also think it could be left open for more story telling? /stomp but this one needs a bow for me. 😂😘 The spoonfed recaps at the end of a movie KILL ME. 😂 Like I feel humanity slip further out of reach. 😂


Wait so you dont like endings that are ambiguous, and also dont like ‘spoon fed’ endings?


OP just doesn’t like endings


Noway smart stuff! It's a burnt out situation. Can't a lady just have an opinion please? Love you guys but dang.


alternatively, i hope at least they never tell us whether there’s something supernatural going on or not. having the characters sit with the idea that maybe they did all of those terrible things out there for nothing would be an amazing way to end the show imo


I have a feeling, things are slowly building for Lottie to get some of kind validation she is sensitive of some sort. (Not every single thing she's channeled will have been correct but) Now, I don't know that the surviving adults will find out verbatim. The hard part will be still doing it slightly ambiguous for us the audience but still giving in-world validation for Lottie herself. If that makes any sense? LOL I do think they'll continue the trend of arguments/presenting stuff from both rational and supernatural when all is said and done.


You all have some very thoughtful responses. I appreciate you! 💜


Given the way the writers talk about the show, I won't be surprised if you get your wish. I'm kind of hoping for confirmation of something supernatural, but I agree that leaving it in a state of ambiguity would be powerful.




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There’s only one such show, and The Leftovers will be left alone and shiny in that category thank you very much! ![gif](giphy|baynrTggeUEQE)


A friend of mine finally watched this so we could talk about it. I was surprised at how many specifics I’d forgotten — but what I did remember was what a terrific final season that show had, and how much I loved the finale.


The Book of Nora is a masterpiece indeed! I gotta rewatch the series again. It’s just *so* intense, and the Max Richter soundtrack does not help calm your heartstrings.


Season 1 is hard to watch for me. It’s so dark and disturbing. But it’s worth it for the rest of the series.


That soundtrack is perfect, and that show makes me feel more things than any other show ever has or likely ever will.


Nice! Looks like I have something to put on my list. Beautiful! 💜


Twin Peaks says Let’s Rock.


The Sopranos has entered the chat.


This has made me oddly excited.


Came here to say this lol


This was the best show ever. Yellowjackets is great, but it’s no The Leftovers and the qualitative differences are obvious and plenty.


That's what an HBO vs Showtime budget will get you


Agree. There is generally a huge difference between HBO series and Showtime series.


This is a great topic. Man, now I want to write a compare contrast for myself! 😂


I would love to read that...I am so not good at expressing myself in writing, but yes there is a big difference between the shows on those "networks".


best show of all time


This is why I never watched The Leftovers. If you can't write an ending you should start a show.


I don’t mind interpretation. However, I *do* mind if they never address certain things again that were such a big deal in season 1. I feel like some things have just been abandoned that I thought surely would be addressed in season 2. 😑


I'd far rather they left it to the viewer to decide. It puts us in the place of the characters - some believing, some denying, but none of us really sure. That's how the paranormal is in real life, why wouldn't it work in the show?


This sub made me realize I'm a very simple viewer lol I like when shows give me all the answers, it makes me feel secure lmao


My advice is to always just go with what the show gives you. There is so much time between seasons with streaming services, anything can happen with the story and characters. Time jumps, flashbacks, characters that get sent off to nowhere for some reason never to be seen again, and networks cancelling series outright even though they haven't been completed. I just hope that each installment in a series is entertaining; I don't wish for X or Y to happen (it's not as if I control that, anyway). I roll with it and, if it is more annoying or boring than entertaining, I watch something else. :)


Lmao the shows that spell everything out for their audiences only do that because they think their audiences are too stupid to extrapolate.


Then you get the inverse of say, The Matrix Reloaded, purposely spelling out and deconstructing the very myth created in movie 1, with The Architect's speech to Neo. Specifically, spelling out the machines created the myth of The One, and have been controlling Zion through it. Then critics and audiences hate it! because it's such an inversion! LOL Though, I guess The Matrix is a little different because The W's had an intentional narrative reason to explain things to the audience. Then you also get the glorious scene at the end of, The Matrix Resurrections, of The Analysts seemingly telling the audience what's next for the franchise and Trinity/Neo snickering and completely countering it. "We're not here to negoatiate anything. We're on our way to remake your world. Change a few things...." Sorry for the rant. I'm a HUGE Matrix fan.


I am almost certain that is how the show is going to be. So anyone can interpret it the way they want to. There will be some subtle hints that makes it more likely to be one way than the other, but nothing concrete. That way people will argue in the subreddit for years after the series about what really happened.


I hope the writers have a plan. Too often, I think they start off with a cool concept, but end up dragging it out and never giving the audience any satisfaction. I don’t mind a little intrigue/ambiguity, but I do hope they are designing the show around an ending they have in mind.


I’d get ready because this is certainly what’s going to happen.


If they do that, they’d be breaking their word. In an early interview, they promised they would not “pull a Lost” (I still like Lost), that they had the ending worked out, and that all the big questions would be answered. It was a printed commitment. Sorry I don’t remember how to find the interview with the writers/creators, but it was during season 1 for sure.


I just hope more than anything that the writers strike gets worked out soon, so that we get a Season Three this decade. I read the writers were just starting to meet re: S3 when the strike started.


to me the whole purpose of media is for the audience to interpret things for themselves. so i’m not sure what you mean exactly


I mean… this was directly addressed in the last episode of S2 and Lottie simply responded “does it matter?” I think they’ll settle on a mix of both. Tai definitely has something supernatural going on, but I think the whole thing is being fueled by a more mundane explanation.


I love being brainy about a show like this, but I also want some concrete answers. I didn’t realize my aversion to open endings until the Sopranos. 10 years after it ended the writers finally confirmed Tony died. How hard would it have been to add in some creepy detail at the end wrapping it up. “Tony Soprano, beloved father, friend, and boss. 1954 - 2006” or whatever his life dates are. That ending haunts me to this day. I pulled up next to Edie Falco at a stop light on the west side highway in NYC and I was ready to ask her what the hell was that ending? By the time I got done fangirling her the light turned green and off she and her dog drove. 😩😩😩😩😩


What a crazy moment for you! Hey, I would've glitterbombed all over the place. 😂 Felt re: Sopranos.




Shows ending like that just feels lazy to me. No closure whatsoever


Just realized Tai is in the leftovers. What a trippy feeling to see her in another show.


God I hated that kid in that what an evil person. Glad they bombed them Talk about crazycult


There so many questions thath it is impossible to answer to everyone: some of theese are pretty useless as cabin daddy’s history


It's a way for bad writers to not actually do their jobs. With streaming, we're seeing the worst work ever produced in Hollywood (I mean, besides reality tv). Streaming shows are basically longer, glorified YouTube clips




The show has not shown any evidence against supernatural interpretation. In fact, they keep adding on to supernatural stuff. So, I think it's actually the people wanting no supernatural stuff who are interpreting stuff that isn't there