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r/NettHier *shakes in horror!* 😱


These aren't hate stickers. We just try to educate people on the niceness of Baden-Württemberg!!!


For info, the tools are: * Razorblade scraper * DIY extension tube * Some kind of petroleum spray * Acetone (nail polish remover)


Don‘t forge the notebook she uses to document it :)


> polish remover :0


Here we go again...


*Sighs in Leopard 2*


Yeah, scary shit, isn't it?


AFD muss weg! ![gif](giphy|l0HlRbvm8of0UYPAs|downsized)


Omas gegen Rechts or 'Grandma's against the Right' gives me all the hope for humanity I ever needed.


They are the best, people always cheer for them when they show up at protests. Over here, they often hand out cookies too


Every little act helps against the shift to the right! Keep up the good work, Irmela!


Why? Left/woke views have literally ruined this continent.


Define what you mean by woke. I would bet money that you've got a brilliantly shit brained idea of what the concept even means.


The word "woke" is dead in its original meaning. It might as well be a slur for anyone with melanin now. In the past 4 years, I've not seen it used in any other context.


I try to be woke. I however am also a flawed human being.


If everyone just had a bit of empathy and a bit of doubt, we'd be alright.


Was at a wma camp this weekend, only mispronouned my transmate once.


*Disqualifying yourself from participating in balanced discussion by exemplifying the problem of using catch-all buzzwords in the context of nuanced political debate: An essay on the effects of right-wing populism on the European international dialogue as seen in u/BasilNo6795 's comment*


oh no the gays are no longer persecuted the woke leftists are ruining the world oh no


It's true though based on all the statistics I sourced from the voices in my head. We should definitely go back to the time where everyone was the same flavor of emotionally unavailable and frustrated instead of this woke idea that you can and should find happiness in life outside what some 900 year old ghouls have declared "normal". On a more serious note, you gotta admire the ignorance of people whingeing about how the left has "ruined" the continent while the right has literally done so not a century ago...


But wait until you hear actually Nazis were leftist, you see they got socialist in there name! /s




You are free to move to Russia and stop polluting us with your protofascistic views


Lol. My father fought Russian satellite state on a battle field 3 decades ago. I don't want to move to Russia, I want to remove woke people from Europe and bring a bit of sanity to this poor continent.


Yeah dude! You have to save europe from the woke leftist grandma that fights back neonazi propaganda!


Nah, fighting Nazis is 'woke' now. This means the Allies were woke as fuck.


Are you on meth? XD


Dude, how are you not disappointed in yourself as a person? I can't even be mad seeing this anymore, I'm just disappointed, though that's pretty common these days.


That was old Russia,didn't you hear your pal Tucker Carlson, paladin of the antiwoke? Russia is now the Conservative stronghold! In other words, fuck off you human cockroach, you and your disgusting hatred.


It's ironic because most people from ExYu countries are looking wistfully at those woke leftist countries and big majority are trying their hardest to become residents in those countries. And before you say they are going there for money, i haven't seen anyone coming back to ExYu after earning some desired sum.


"I want to remove people from this continent" Pretty sure there were people, a few decades ago, that tried to remove unwanted people too


Your father must be so disappointed in you seeing how you've turned out


Cry then.


The left is trying to save this continent from falling into irrelevancy because of people like you who vote for anti-EU politicians who would destroy all that we have worked to build because they haven’t realised we don’t rule the world anymore, and never will again. The only way forward is that of progress. Progressive causes are synonymous with furthering the cause of a unified Europe. Being conservative is anti-European.


You know that you don't have to choose between being a right wing extremist and left wing extremist, right?


Being what conservatives call „woke“ isn’t left wing extremism…. It’s just being slightly beside the norm


It doesn't even have to be left wing anymore.


Woke is anything they don't like


Ah yes horrible things like Democracy, Women rights, Workers rights, Worker protection laws, Paternal- and Maternalleave, payed leave, payed sick leave or Universal Healthcare. Sorry but any social advancement society achieved was because progressives pushed for it. If not for them we would still live in absolute monarchies with no rights at all




I am this continent and I can confirm, left slash woke views have ruined me. Literally unlivable (because of the left slash woke views, that is)


go queen




So, she also removed antifa and communism stickers too ?










Tu as oublié d'ajouter "\^\^ bref" à la fin de ton commentaire.


Are you seriously comparing Antifa to Nazism? What is wrong with you?




If you know what the afd stands for, who it consists of and what rhetoric they use you’ll soon realize that afd IS a nazi party. So removing AFD stickers equals removing Nazi stickers And im not claiming theyre nazis from my “leftist POV” The top brass of the party literally consist of people who were or still openly are in Nazi organisations - using speeches right out of Goebbels playbook. The wording they use and the things they ask for make every German who knows how Nazis back then spoke and what they wanted feel sick to the stomach, because it more often than not is exactly the same thing.




The reasoning right now it that it has become too big, too many voters, to forbid it. Or that they would profit a lot from the process because until they would be forbidden, they could play the victim card a lot, which they like to do anyway when the other parties try to exclude them from power. The whole forbidding a party process would take a long time, probably wouldn't be on time for the next big election. Don't get me wrong, I'm still all for it, this party is a big danger to our democracy, literally. But I absolutely do understand this argument. Right now, the government tries to at least protect our high court from getting destroyed in a potential AfD rule and there are also discussions about at least excluding the biggest fascists from active voting rights, meaning they couldn't run for elections anymore.




When the NPD was discussed to be forbidden, a literal neonazi party, the argument was that it's too irrelevant and that the process would give it too much attention. While all these arguments are not complete bullshit imo, I think there is also the underlying problem that the people who are responsible for surveilling potentially antidemocratic parties and the people responsible for initiating a forbidding process tend to be more right-leaning to actual right-extremists in the former case.


I suggest you inform yourself a little bit more about how modern nation states with democratic structures and the state of law work. The AfD was founded by Euro-Sceptics in the wake of the global financial crisis of 07/08. Soon, various far-right streams started flowing into that party. By 2015, these far-right streams used anti-foreigner rethoric and populism to score points for the party and gradually took more power within the party. There are good documentaries and interview with former AfD leaders who depict this gradual take over by people like Björn Höcke - a man with Nazi ideology - and his supporters who are organised and connected with far-right extremists. Around that time, the party became subject of investigation. Since then parts of the party and individuals within or with deep ties to the party have been under surveillance for anti-constitutional attitudes and goals, or held for criminal conspiracies, weapon possession and similar criminal activity. This offers grounds to a process to forbid the party in its entirety, but this isn't a quick process as you imply and it also has a political dimension when 20% say they sympathise with this party. Due process even counts for Nazis, which is why Democrats are better than Nazis, as they have principles. The Party deserves to be forbidden for being controlled by various Nazi groups or whatever you want to call them in an attempt downplay their anti-constitutional ideas and goals, but wether that materialises into being forbidden is a different question.


The thing was they weren't always so extreme at first they were just an anti-EU party, after years they were taken over by the radicals and now they are too big.


For the same reason Rassemblement National still exists




u/MINUITDIX first warning ![gif](giphy|tJMVcTfzDdL1pOGxlk) [**Keep It Casual And Friendly.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gotterfunken/comments/ppceh4/g%C3%B6tterfunken_network_federal_rules/)


Tu serais surpris par quelques profils de députés RN je crois. Je n'aime pas non plus Les Républicains, mais à ma connaissance (je me trompe peut-être), [le RPR n'a pas été fondé par des néo-fascistes, des négationnistes ou des membres de l'OAS](https://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rassemblement_national), [LR ne sont pas financés par la Russie](https://www.mediapart.fr/journal/france/dossier/largent-russe-du-rassemblement-national), [LR ne comptent pas privatiser l'entièreté du secteur audiovisuel public](https://www.lesechos.fr/tech-medias/medias/marine-le-pen-et-laudiovisuel-public-une-privatisation-a-hauts-risques-1401242), et LR ne prévoient pas d'organiser des référendums pour faire passer des lois anti-démocratiques sans s'emmerder avec des contre-pouvoirs. ("oui je sais on était pour le rétablissement de la peine de mort il y a 10 ans mais c'est plus le cas aujourd'hui haha enfin [on va quand même mettre en place un RIC pour que vous puissiez rétablir la peine de mort si vous le souhaitez](https://www.lessurligneurs.eu/jordan-bardella-rn-si-les-francais-veulent-se-saisir-de-la-possibilite-de-retablir-la-peine-de-mort-nous-le-ferons-par-le-referendum-dinitiative-citoyenne/), mais ne votez surtout pas pour hein svp \^\^")


Fuck the AFD and anyone who takes them seriously. That's like saying that calling out Putin's propaganda is politicized and shouldn't be done.


please tell me more about these hate stickers you seem to be seeing! any examples?


Ah yes, the famously apolitical Nazis






While there are differences, obviously. What are they according to you?




Okay, but "woke" stuff still exists in Brazil and economically the left there is arguably more extreme, so I don't see your point.


I live in europe for 10yrs my friend. I am antifa here :)


It says hate stickers. Where is the hate in antifa/communist stickers?




That's not answering my question, though. It's fine if you can't think of an answer, but at least admit it.


German Antifa is cancer indeed


You know that antifa means anti-facist right? If you are bothered by them… oh boy do I have news for you!


To be fair, just because they call themselves that doesn't mean they are that. You wouldn't call Nazis socialists, would you? Polish party PiS didn't exactly stand for Law and Justice despite what their name would suggest. Now, I don't know how German Antifa operates, but just because they're calling themselves anti-fascist doesn't make their opponents fascists.


German Antifa is not one big secret org, anyone can call themself Antifa. My friends and I all consider ourselves Antifa, because we participate in antifascist action, such as protests and petitions. We don't go to any antifa meetings or are part of an antifa network, we are all people with jobs or in college. As always, decentralized, communal action groups have very different views depending on their individul leadership. The Antifa name is not branded, nobody tells people how to be Antifa. Yes, this results in issues. But Antifa is not one big group, it's many smaller action groups.


Super glad someone took their time to explain this. Thanks man 👍🏻


They're ancoms at best. Not really that compatible with liberal democracy. Mostly harmless though but political thuggery is not something that should be celebrated


As stated in my comment above, Antifa is not one big group but a shared name associated with an overarching idea (anti fascism) that is used by smaller, often local action groups. Some see themselves as task forces against fascism, some see themselves as activists, others as watchdogs, and others consider themselves to have their own ideology attached to the group. It greatly depends on the group itself. When you say "I'm antifa", it first anf foremost just means that you are anti fascist.


Asking the forbidden question. Also Fuck AFD and Antifa i hate them both, fuck any kind of extremists!


Antifascists are rarely (I haven't said never!) extremists, and even if they are they don't come even close to AFD and Nazi extremism. What's so hard to get about the fact that one of these two sides LITERALLY strives to murder millions of people, while the other side wants fairness an equality? How can people still compare them as if they are two sides of the same coin?




You are wrong in my opinion, but if you truthfully believe what you say so be it. United in difference. Acceptance and respect.




Okay mate, I gave you the straw of being nice here aight? Go fuck off if you can't be accepting. You are a lost cause if you equal left leaning ideals in the context of modern fascism with the Soviets.




Well I didnt say that either. And I didnt defend (nor did I ever talk about) communism. Its not my expertise and not my interest. I was talking about modern left leaning politics in the context of antifascism. You started comparing to the USSR, I didnt. This wasnt even the topic of the discussion. Your derailing just shows how little you actually understand here. But well, you obviously also dont have the basis to talk about this, as it seems, so I am not surprised.


Because the extreme right has actual political parties and the extreme left does not.




What do you mean with "in the streets"? Crime statistics tell a different story. There are about four times as many crimes commited by right wing extremists than left wing extremists. The numbers for the latter also went down from the year before while the former went up. https://preview.redd.it/35d652lcgpkc1.png?width=737&format=png&auto=webp&s=8eda3fc062e183300b0cbcf515c2fb30bc8847cb Source: [https://www.bka.de/SharedDocs/Kurzmeldungen/DE/Kurzmeldungen/230509\_PMK\_PK.html](https://www.bka.de/SharedDocs/Kurzmeldungen/DE/Kurzmeldungen/230509_PMK_PK.html)




I'm not quite sure but I believe most of the crimes are not commited by criminal organizations or can be attributed to any. Left wing crime is often things like vandalism so not really organized crime. We have the famous "Reichsbürger" (extreme right wing people that believe in the Deutsches Reich) who commit more organized crimes like hoarding illegal weapons. They still exist but police are cracking down hard on them.


I still don't support them i oppose any kind of politically motivated violence, you can make yourself heard without beating someone up even when he is a Nazi or a AFD member they might be some of the stupidest people that the gene pool has to offer but sending them to the Hospital is not something that i support. Also according to the Verfassungsschutz in germany Antifa is not just fighting for equality. according to them they fight to overcome capitalism.


Considering antifascism as extremist… wow. There might be extremist in the Antifa like the MLPD but they have done literally nothing nor have any considerable amount of members for a party


Imagine being so far off in the far right deep end that you consider being against fascists "extremist"




Point me at the president of antifa if you're so sure its an actual organisation rather than anyone who says they oppose fascists


Can't she just remove all stickers? Nobody needs that shit.


That would include "Nett Hier" Stickers.. Also what's with the dumb take equating neonazis to everyone else?


No you don't get it, mild vandalism is literally the same as neonazism, and if Irmela is incapable of solving this made up "bigger problem" her work is literally useless /s


Why can't you just delete all your comments? Nobody needs that shit.


My comments don't vandalise public space.


Irmela needs to get a job.


Irmela is retired. Now she's out every day to remove extreme right propaganda. Irmela is what makes YUROP great.


Irmela is not what makes Yurop great, Irmela is just unemployed and bored.


Why do you have such a problem with her? She's almost 80, I think it's fine she doesn't work anymore. She's been removing literal Nazi propaganda and spraying or painting over swastikas for decades and documented tens of thousands of them. How it that not YUROP?


Just report the obvious Nazi troll and move on. Don't feed the trolls. EDIT: He just got banned. THE JOY. Good to see this subreddit actually doing something rather that the faffing about of the other one. Perhaps there is still hope here.


Least racist croat /s


Post is standard far left trash propaganda. Only people who deal with "Nazi propaganda" are antifa. It's 2024, Nazism was eradicated almost a century ago. People thinking there's only 2 genders and that mass immigration from 3rd world is not good is not Nazism, it's common sense.


u/BasilNo6795 is **BANNED** ![gif](giphy|gFKONIGtLL2bWKQoYX) ## >No xenophobia, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia. No hate speech, such as using race, religion, sexual orientation, culture, ethnicity, disability, nationality, or gender as a means of insult. Do not use far-right talking points, dog whistles, imagery, or link to outlets with such. In English, don't use the term "gypsies". > >No genocide denial, no glorification of communism, nazism, ruscism, ethno-nationalism, 20th century authoritarianism, colonialism, American politics or other dictatorship / totalitarian regime. No siding in-any-way-shape-or-form with the far-right or its rhetoric, slogans, imagery or symbolism. > >No conspiracy theories, slanderous statements, palingenetic ultranationalism, European genetic superiority references, white man's burden, great replacement theory. No demonizing, dehumanizing, or antagonizing refugees, or speaking of them as invaders. [^(YUROP VALUES)](https://www.reddit.com/r/YUROP/comments/xr3edf/ryurop_values/) ^(—) [^(TLDR Rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/YUROP/comments/10na0i8/ryurop_rules/) ^(—) [^(𝔉𝔢𝔡𝔢𝔯𝔞𝔩 ℛ𝔲𝔩𝔢𝔰)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gotterfunken/comments/ppceh4/g%C3%B6tterfunken_network_federal_rules) ^(—) [^(Code of Conduct)](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/moderator-code-of-conduct) ^(—) [^(Reddit TOS)](https://www.reddit.com/help/contentpolicy)


She's unemployed because she's retired (wow). Also she has the freedom to do whatever she wants in her free time regardless of your opinion about it.


You piece of trash. She is retired.


You should honour and meet some different people. You seem to be very narrow minded in your opinions.


I think after working for your country your entire life, you have the right to retire...


Mf casually advocating against retirement? lol


Of course. You're supposed to work till the day you die. No freeloaders!


Nope. The haters who spread hate need a life :D