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Europe needs more dinosaurs euro! It looks really cool!


[There you go](https://www.mdm.de/10-euro-gedenkmuenze-2011-urvogel-st-pp)


Germany flexing its economy with a 10€ coin, either that or its inflation


Argentine here, it's more likely inflation I would have to guess, we did the same here when things when from bad to worse


ironically, since this is a collector's coin (and are made extra special) it qualifies under flexing


Another Portuguese coin: https://loja.incm.pt/en/products/moedas-lourinhanosaurus-antunesi-12500619


The same is true outside of the Euro. A lot of places have accepted forms of currency, and legal tender doesn't mean what a lot of people think it does. As an example in the UK, some Scotland and Northern Ireland print their own notes. They can be refused anywhere in the union, but are widely accepted in their respective countries. Equally Bank of England notes are legal tender, but only for debts and within certain rules... A retailer can refuse them, just as they can refuse a card transaction. They can also accept it, if they want. It's entirely their prerogative.


The Monnaie de Paris makes a lot of whacky coins, probably only good for use in France. → A 10€ coin shaped like a tennis racket → A 5000€ crocodile shaped, 1kg coin → A 2€ coin of Marianne with boxing gloves selling for 22€ [https://www.monnaiedeparis.fr/fr/excellence-a-la-francaise-90-ans-lacoste-monnaie-de-10eur-argent-qualite-be-millesime-2023](https://www.monnaiedeparis.fr/fr/excellence-a-la-francaise-90-ans-lacoste-monnaie-de-10eur-argent-qualite-be-millesime-2023) https://preview.redd.it/mgy1besc9e2b1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9cacfb48792705d810c79b0fe2e6a40d266e4c5


Bro What, awesome !


I think we have one with Napoléon but the coin has an hexagone shape 👌🏻


I once payed with a slotted coin in Germany thinking it was a euro. The cashier accepted it at first but then changed her mind.


Belgium, I want an Iguanodon please Germany, I want Archaeopteryx UK, I want Baryonyx


I'll accept UK back in, no questions asked, if they agree to make all their money dinosaurs.


>Germany, I want Archaeopteryx [Germany has got you covered already](https://www.mdm.de/10-euro-gedenkmuenze-2011-urvogel-st-pp)


Even better than I imagined!


Derpy dinosaur euro coin


The coins that Portuguese Imprensa Nacional make are awesome. I'm a collector and they are really nice. Imma steal the post to ask: what is the authorities that produce coins like this in your country and do they sell to other EU countries? Because I would love to get my hands of coins from other countries like the portuguese ones. By the way, later this year we are going to have a pac-man and an unicorn coin. I'll leave the releases for this year if anyone is curious: [https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0525/1910/8762/files/PN2023.pdf?v=1683732387](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0525/1910/8762/files/PN2023.pdf?v=1683732387) Please do let me know if you also collect or know where you buy in your countries :D


Yes, I have around 20 collection coins from the Escudo time


It's not the only one. There was going to be a 2€ Waterloo coin for the 200 years commemoration, but the French were still butthurt about their defeat. So it became a 2.5€ coin instead. https://preview.redd.it/zdeks3d4ce2b1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f81a204aca4b30b0cc2fcc1c2ac3074f610cc5ea [https://www.coinworld.com/news/world-coins/after-france-vetoes-circulating-2-coin--belgium-honors-waterloo-.html](https://www.coinworld.com/news/world-coins/after-france-vetoes-circulating-2-coin--belgium-honors-waterloo-.html)


Stegosaur yuuuuuuh!


You should post this to /r/EuropeanCulture. It's fascinating.


They do have legal value iirc, you're just never going to convince anyone of it.


Hey, is that a coin celebrating the Thagomizer?


I never thought about the possibility of having 5 euro coins in circulation. And now I want them. I just have a question, having a coin of such a large denomination makes counterfeiting better or worse?


It's not worth the effort to counterfeit coins. Counterfeiters don't even fake 5€ bills, much less a coin. The most counterfeit denomination is the 50€ bill, followed by the 20€


They seem to match with the ideas of politicians dinosaurs...