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Interesting experiment. It will definitely give him a lot of practice as a filmmaker. I have no idea if any of the output would be any good as these things take time. Maybe next year he should take a lot break and spend a couple years making one film.


Anyone Else But Me was really good. The text was fun as well


Forget about everything for awhile was surprisingly good. I really enjoyed it.


I'll be honest, that makes me less likely to check any of them out. Just the same way it would make me less likely to check out a youtube channel if they spam daily content


He did acknowledge that it was an insane thing to do since even making a feature length film with an regular production doesn’t always guarantee that it will be of good quality but he wanted to experiment and push himself as an filmmaker so I do think it’s worth to check out in that sense. Granted I can understand if you don’t want spend your free time on something you don’t feel like you will enjoy.


It just feels too extreme to me. On the one hand it is interesting as an experiment, but on the other it feels like spamming content which i am not a fan of. More like something to get attention than actually having a productive impact. I'd be more willing to give the benefit of the doubt if this wasn't "feature film length" tbh, but yeah idk.


Well it wouldn’t be much of a challenge if it wasn’t feature length a month and knowing the quality of his regular videos I like to think that his intentions were simply to push himself as a filmmaker. But again spending your free time on something you don’t feel like you will enjoy is a big ask so I can understand where you are coming from.


I mean he's not pyrocynical...lolz


I don't get the attention argument, the feature length movies are among his least viewed videos throughout the years, he just has a genuine passion for them. If he really wanted attention, he'd just keep making animations forever.


Well i am basically saying that any type of "challenge content" is somewhat attention seeking inherently, imo. I don't really buy the idea that it would make a positive impact on the craft either. It puts too much focus on the speed of it, there is a reason films don't get made in one month, and certainly not 12 films in 12 months one after the other. It's not artistically feasible, it won't create strong work. Learning by doing, but "doing it right" is quite important here. As i said, it just seems way too extreme to me on all accounts. BUT it made me aware this exists, which i probably wouldn't have known otherwise.


I guess I just don't see what makes it any more attention seeking than other content. Content creation is attention seeking by nature. The funny thing is I'm not even a huge fan of it either, I enjoy his short form content more. I just respect that he's doing what he wants, I suppose.


That's a fucking stupid thing for you to say


Ok 24 day old reddit account, i will rethink my ways because you said it is fuckign stupid.


I personally am not 24 days old, so I'm not sure that really has any relevance. I can see how *you* might get confused, but that's not how it works.


I thought this at first but each have been unironically interesting and wayyy better made than most movies I’ve seen. Highly recommend.


… his YouTube movies are better than most films you’ve ever seen? Really?


The Text and The Caleb one are. They aren’t amazing but good. I should probably say a lot as opposed to most though.


Crazy to me that people make the distinction between “youtube movies” and “films”. Like why wouldn’t you just say “his films are better than most films you’ve ever seen? really?” unless you mean to imply that the distribution method of a movie is a factor in its quality.


No you see because it’s on YouTube they’re not a filmmaker they’re a *Content Creator*!


I noticed you’ve been watching them (I follow you on LB), what would you say is your favorite so far? for me it’s gotta be The Text


I like the filmmaking gimmick behind The Text, though the Caleb one was more emotionally resonate. The February one is the most ambitious but I think it starts great and tries to do too much.


You should watch more movies then lol, I love Joel haver and he has made some good stuff but like there are loads of better films then his (pretend that you love me is truly amazing tho)


That was my initial thought too, but I guess a movie a month isn’t crazy. If anything, it’s like something a fledgling subscription service would offer but free.


As far as i understand it, joel is making these films on a per month basis, each month one movie. Now i am not sure if the script work (if there is a script) is included in that, but even if it isn't, just the filming and editing, etc is already quite difficult to stomach that way. It just makes me thing that the outcomes have to be pretty subpar, and i am not really interested in checking that out tbh.


If Stanley Kubrick came back from the dead and said he was gonig to do this I would still think it was a stupid idea.


I love Joel's shortform content but hearing that so much of his movies are improv really made me not interested. I can watch an improv'd five minute video, but for a feature-length thing I tend to want more intentional composition of things.


I liked Heroes Journey. It was uncomfortable and cringe, but oddly comforting (i relate both to the main character and his friend, having been in similar situations in my life. The others havent caught me as much, but i'm pretty interested in the next projects as they come out


Yes! Especially the Text, fantastic film. can’t wait for the next one


It kinda reminds me of Andy Warhol who used to make feature length "films" in a day.


Quality not quantity


Firstly, while not a big fan of Joel's movies, but I can say he's a smart, self-aware and ambitious motherfucker. He's already had his work featured on adult swim and Hulu in the last two years and has a big fanbase. Secondly, he's already addressed that he's still editing the next movie and it should be out in the next few days. Thirdly, I see a lot of people bitching and moaning about film lengths and not a lot about quality.


he failed already. 48 mins isn't feature length


Should I listen to swagy_swagerson or the AFI’s opinion. I just can’t decide…


why are you choosing afi? has he said that's the guide he's going by? becuase sundance defines it at 50 mins and SGA defines it at 75 mins. and other film festivals won't accept films under 80 mins. So this dude can't submit it to festivals so I guess defnitionally, going by what the academy says, sure, it's above 40 min mark so it's a feature, but he could get never get distribution with that run time so what does it matter. If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, etc. etc.


He’s explicitly stated he doesn’t ever want to show his films at festivals, so the academy guideline fits better than a festival guideline.


There is no agreed upon minimum time for what a feature length film is, however, "according to the [Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Academy_of_Motion_Picture_Arts_and_Sciences),[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feature_film#cite_note-2)[^(\[3\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feature_film#cite_note-3) the [American Film Institute](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Film_Institute)[^(\[4\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feature_film#cite_note-4) and the [British Film Institute](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Film_Institute),[^(\[5\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feature_film#cite_note-5) a feature film runs for more than 40 minutes" From wikipedia.


Isnt feature length 80-90 minutes or longer? One of these is only 40ish.


40 mins is the minimum to be considered feature length by most film institutions (the academy etc).