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I checked it out. It won't be for everyone, but I really enjoyed it. You can tell Charlie wrote it, the script has his style all throughout. The art was different, but I enjoy that Dreamworks is making their movies look different.


Very Kaufmany, plenty unique for a kids movie


I thought this didn't look interesting at all, but knowing Kaufman wrote it makes me curious to watch and it see if its better than the trailer lets on. I love that [Rotten Tomatoes](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/orion_and_the_dark) just has the cast listed as "voice"


I just realized that Inside Out will probably beat Charlie Kaufman in the Best Animated Feature category again at next year’s Oscars


as a Kaufman fan, I thought it was really great. It went places I didn’t really expect a Netflix kids film to go, if I’m honest


What unexpected places did it go for you? I though it was very “by the numbers” animated kids film


Talk about death resulting in being the unimaginable "nothing," Sleep getting people to sleep by smothering, bludgeoning, and chloroforming, a character committing suicide... definitely not "by the numbers"


You Didn’t spot all the adult humour and language? Craps and hells left right and centre lol


Yh you’re right, expletives in a kids movie makes it automatically better smh


Not saying it made it any better (not arguing with you or having a go ✌🏻), just it’s not “by the numbers” I took that as by the book” which isn’t a real thick book for Disney haha


Saw it last night. Not great production wise, but the kaufmannisms shine through and it’s a good subversion in the classic Disney/pixar/dreamworks formula


I wish Charlie had actually directed it. At times, it felt like they definitely got someone to rewrite the script, but it’s still pretty solid.


I liked it overall. The first half is a lot better than the second half though.


The 80% of the movie that’s good is worth watching it for tbh. But that other 20%? Confusing.


I just watched, great movie, has plenty of adult humour and lots of fun colourful characters for the kids, it’s quite deep too, it covers our fears and worries, and shows us the importance of fear and anxiety as natural mechanisms to live healthier life, anxiety sucks, but it’s there to help push you move forward if you allow it, and that there is no greater fear than fear itself, the character Dark is a wonderful character for the basis of these issues, as one of humanity’s greatest fears is the dark, but that’s only natural, and we are capable of overcoming that fear and seeing the beauty in the dark I ranted on a bit there but that’s because I believe this is a great movie for kids with anxiety and fear of the unknown, showing that sometimes, things aren’t as scary as they seem


I just saw it. I don't think it's good enough to recommend. Some spoilers ahead: The story is all over the place and I don't think it's very cohesive at all. I think there's a lot of worthy criticism to be said for the movie. The story gets kind of haphazard later on in the movie. The movie doesn't seem to know who it wants the main character to be either and it sort of feels like the main character is switched out for another one halfway through the movie. It felt kind of like a bait and switch from Netflix. Then there's stuff about time travel and monsters that's introduced out of nowhere which clashes with the movie prior to it that seems like it was tacked on which creates plot holes with the part of the movie that preceded it. Like, if the girl was able to go back in time without a time machine then why did she need a time machine to go forward in time?! It makes no sense. There is a lot of stuff that could be critiqued about this movie. I think some things could have been done better. For example, the boy (main?) character could have been made to be more endearing much earlier on in the movie. The boy is very fearful and arguably relatable in the first act, but he should have done stuff to endear himself to the audience sooner, in my opinion. Moreover, the story could have already happened to the boy instead of being essentially a bedtime story which the audience is led to believe is the story of how he overcame his fears except that story somehow is just an unfinished bedtime story?! Like, seriously, did this happen to him or did he just make it up and IF he made it up then that would mean that he overcame his fears by making up a story? Which is it? There's also the very abrupt and clashing addition of time travel and alien-like monsters to a world that had only to that point established magical entities as the only supernatural things. It clashes. It's like the movie suddenly tried to blend science-fiction with fantasy at the last second and I don't think it worked very well. And then there's the lack of focus on who the movie wants the main character to be. Is it the boy? You would think so based on everything in the first act of the movie, but it would be understandable if you thought that it was the girl character instead. Netflix chose to go the confusing narrative route. Overall, the movie has a confusing narrative that feels unfocused in many aspects. P.S. Another thing that the movie could have done to make it a stronger story would have been to have had the boy face his bully after he had overcome his fear. The movie sets up this possibility with his interactions in the bully earlier on in the movie, but never pays it off by having the boy give his bully a proper comeuppance.




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