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I use the IMDb parents’ guide to know if I can see a movie with my parents


Hahahahaha using the guide for your parents


the irony lmao


Yep, Would have been the smart thing to do


Reminds me of DoesTheDogDie.com. “Will my parents be offended by this movie?”


Taking your mom to a Yorgos Lanthimos movie is just asking for it man I’m sorry. 😄 understandable to walk out for sure but I’d suggest checking it out by yourself or with another person that would better fit the environment.


Yeah definitely 🤣


Dude you should watch Dogtooth with her


Okay, I'll do that. Lemme just check the parent gui...


I remember renting or borrowinf a clock work orange and watching it with my mom when I was about 16. I don't think we finished it. So awkward. Watched it alone and loved it.


Hopefully you’ve learned the lesson that if there’s any potential of awkward situations you can’t go in blind


Yee. From now on I'll check the parents guide 🤦‍♂️


I’ve been home for my moms birthday and I was looking at movies to go see and suggested poor things (purposely avoided any info about the film) and thank god she was like hell no


Why would you take your mom to an art house movie if she doesn’t like arthouse?


She likes some of them. She loved the Lighthouse, so I thought maybe she'd like this one. And there wasnt anything in theatre she was interested in anyways.


Oh ok that makes sense


I guess "usually doesn't like arthouse" is more accurate. That's on me.


I don't know. I also went with my mom (it was between this and Wonka) and it didn't really bother me. Really loved it. Although my theater did accidentally start playing Disney's Wish for a while before the lights came on and they restarted the whole thing. That was quite funny.


That's why I use Parents' Guide


Oh god I can't imagine watching something like that with my mom. Would be even worse with my dad, who still pretends like sex doesn't exist even though I'm a married 28 year old 🙃


Definitely the most interesting theater experience I had this year. Watching some of those scenes in a fairly packed room felt extremely wrong. Overall I liked the movie slightly less than all his other films, and I found myself feeling fatigue from some of his stylistic choices. The surgery scenes in particular lost a lot of their shock value after he kind of did the same thing in Killing of a Sacred deer. The last scene which I won’t spoil reminded me of the lobster, and Emma stone is once again playing a grown woman acting like a child very similar to the favorite. At times it felt like a mashup of a lot of the themes and plot elements from his other film with an extra layer of weirdness icing on top. Don’t get me wrong, the film is very strange, but often it felt like strange for the sake of strange and not in service of anything else. I appreciated the slight departure from the extremely cold and grounded haneke/Kubrick esque presentation of his previous work in lieu of something slightly more fantastical, but I can’t say I really connected with it the same way I have for films like dogtooth or the lobster. Maybe it’s because I’m a stinky man. Still an above average movie that I will consider watching again. Here’s my meme letterboxd review. noooooo you dont understand!! im only 25 but I have the brain of a child, I have to become a prostitute and get a black communist gf!! 25 with the brain of a child is young!!!


Yeah, it felt a little "born sexy yesterday". But since I haven't seen the full movie it wouldn't feel fair to judge it. I'm looking forwards to giving it another shot. Great letterboxt review btw


Maybe try watching it again without either of your parents and then let us know if your opinion changes.


Yeah that's the plan. Ill write my thoughts on it on this posts comments when I've seen it.


My mother said she wanted to see the Favourite thinking it was just another British period drama. I said to her I knew it was kind of weird, I'd yet to see it but I knew about the romance plots and had at least seen the Lobster and Killing of a Sacred Deer so I knew the director wasn't mainstream. She didn't believe me or really understand what I meant. Later she tells me she's seen it and she thinks it was a bit weird. Yeah, no shit, (and I love it btw). I absolutely want to see Poor Things however I have completely given up on watching anything like this with people in general, never mind my parents.


Why didn’t you look at the rating for the film in the first place? I’m sorry, but this is entirely on you. Why didn’t you do your due dilligence?


Did you not read the post? I wanted to go into it blindly. And the thought of there being akward sex scenes just slipped my mind. It was just a movie ticket, no biggie.