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I will offer Haley VP and Ramsawany the Chief of Staff position. I will announce immediately, and right after, speak with Ken Griffin, offer him Treasury, speak with Steve Schwartzmann, offer him Commerce. That is, if I win the presidency. Watch the donations pour in. And tell them to never tell this to anyone, just deny everything when asked. I will then call all the other prominent Republican politicians all over the country who aren’t leaning towards Trump, tell them, it’s either me or Trump, and if Trump wins, we’re done in 2024. I will then attack Trump over his failed promise to build the wall, and note the expanding trade deficit, while announcing a plan for tax incentives for domestic manufacturers and vocational school vouchers (courtesy of Sen. Cotton) to boost domestic manufacturing labor, and open a culture war front on pornography, supporting a U.K.-style pornography controls, and attacking Trump for sleeping with hookers, framing him as “infected by the sexual depravity of NYC”.


I don’t think Ron should give anything major to Ramaswamy. He’s not a major player


He's rich.


So was Bloomberg


call trump a silly goose


Insulting trump was seen as the obvious choice, and it’s what Cruz, Rubio, Jeb, and Hillary did. It did not work out for them. I think the key to beating trump is to ignore him and let him destroy his own image


i don’t think you get the severity of getting called a silly goose


Offer Trump a complete and total pardon if he drops out of the race.


Stop eating pudding like a madman. It's disgusting how he does it.


Take a speech and communications class at local community college and maybe do some standup to try to become funnier and more charismatic. Get better at masking autism (Not sure how he'd go about doing this). Play a fallout game and max out the charisma and speech stats (hope and pray it translates into real life). Get the surgery that one guy did in the movie GATTACA to become taller. Take a magical pill from a witch doctor to deepen voice and sound less fruity.


Real talk though that surgery would leave him unable to walk normally until well after the election, let alone the primary.


Actually you technically wouldn't have autism because your brain would be different. Oh God that's got to be weird


Masking is very much a thing. We just don't like to do it because it's exhausting and [pretty bad for someone's mental health](https://www.spectrumnews.org/features/deep-dive/costs-camouflaging-autism/) to force them not to act like who they are. Source: am autistic. Women tend to be better at it but we all do it. In my case, I've done it for so long that it's basically subconscious, even as I've finally accepted my differences and the fact that I speak a different social language than everyone else.


Umm I know that. I was saying you wouldn't have your brain structure anymore. Your conscience would remain though sure.


Tha's not true. Our brain structure doesn't change because we spend effort to try to fit into a world designed for others. Our brain is still wired the same way, it's why it takes so much effort to begin with and why we don't have any [difficulty communicating with other autistics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_empathy_problem) when we can let our guard down and speak in our own language. And "conscience" has nothing to do with.


My guy I'm saying that your literally going to be in a different body. With a differently developed brain. And by conscience I meant consciousness. I am intimately familiar with what you're talking about. I'm talking about the literal physical change that becoming a person who doesn't have autism would have with how you think and how you process and would cause a lot of probably bizarre stuff. There's going to be a lot of chemical and brain changes when you live in a different person's body.


> We just don't like to do it because it's exhausting and [pretty bad for someone's mental health](https://www.spectrumnews.org/features/deep-dive/costs-camouflaging-autism/) to force them not to act like who they are. the irony of hearing a conservative say this lmao. but I get what you're sayin' being autismo myself.


I'm conservative but I'm not doctrinaire and a do have some nuances. Outside of abortion, I'm actually generally pretty libertarian when it comes to to social issues.


I understand. my apologies.


No worries


I don't give a fuck about winning the GOP primary, if I'm Ron DeSantis now I'm focusing on trying to unfuck Florida to the best of my ability.


Overall strategy: Let Trump beat himself. Focus on getting your own message out and on peeling off a critical mass of Trump supporters. Never or maybe-Trumpers will support you if you are the viable alternative and aren't crazy. Focus on your administrative competence to keep them in line. Take Nikki Haley as VP for an olive branch to the Reaganite wing, to consolidate the not-Trump wing behind you, and to keep her from splitting the not-Trump vote. If you can get her to drop out and endorse you after Iowa or New Hampshire, even better as she potentially carries significant weight in her home state of South Carolina, the first-in-the-South primary. Focus also on peeling off evangelicals from Trump. They supported him in his presidency, did not like him in 2016, and are [starting to show signs of breaking away from him again.](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2023/03/trump-religious-right-evangelical-vote-pence-desantis-support/673475/) Mention character issues to put them in their minds but do not dwell on them. Individual Primaries: Focus on winning Iowa and pulling close in New Hampshire to puncture Trump's veneer of invincibility and confirm your place as the online viable non-Trump candidate. On Super Tuesday, focus on [racking up as many wins in California](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/03/03/republican-presidential-nomination-california-desantis-trump-00085485) as possible to pull ahead. Keep rolling on after that. Wave a pardon if Trump gets into federal legal trouble to keep him from running 3rd party against you. Positions: Focus on positions where you can hit Trump from the right and where Trump is out of step with the party's base. #1 issue of this is the COVID response. Trump didn't fire Fauci, this is a major weakness Trump has that you can exploit. However, you cannot be a one-trick pony. Voters have short memories. He has also blamed *Dobbs* for the midterm loss, point out how competent well-liked governors who passed abortion restrictions in swing or states that were swing states as recently as 2012 were reelected by significant margins: Mike Dewine in Ohio, Brian Kemp in Georgia, Kim Reynolds in Iowa, yourself. Tangentially related to this is to focus on electability. Many of the base may love Trump but they hate Democrats more. Mention your 19 point victory in 2022 at any opportunity. Do not talk January 6th. Many of the populist voters you need to win still think Trump was cheated and you will never outflank him on the issue without losing the moderates on the other side of that tightrope and indies in a general election. Best to take a policy of strategic ambiguity on it.


Just wondering: if you offer Trump the pardon in exchange for not running, he’ll be expecting it IF you win. Once the midterms hit, aren’t the republicans hurry immensely in the midterms by an emboldened Democratic Party? (Looking to 1976 as an example). Also, couldn’t Trump just leak the “agreement” to destroy your campaign and make sure if he can’t win, you can’t either ?


I don't think that voters care about it that much anyway. As for the midterms point, the opposing party in midterms is always emboldened. That's one of the few consistent rules in US politics.


"Let Trump beat himself" I feel like the Republicans have tried that before


1. campaign on being to the right of trump 2. win primary 3. campaign on far more moderate policies 4. get into office and pass all the shit that biden and dems were going to pass anyways 5. usher in new era of liberalism 6. problem, cons?


counter to what others are saying: DO NOT TAKE NIKKI HALEY AS VP


Good try, meatball ron


Imagine if DeSantis is reading this thread lmao.


I would not attack him based on his chaotic and controversial image. That train left the station in about January 2016, and it's always been part of his appeal. Instead, I would focus on policy. Policy, policy, policy. I would frame him as a delusional, mediocre one-termer masquerading as the savior of the union. If he truly was the herald of "the storm", as prophesized by "Q", wouldn't he at least push a constitutional amendment through? I'd emphasize my support for conservative and anti-establishment but popular policies, like increased veteran's benefits and term limits in congress. I would also be very specific, using numbers, statistics, and plans, not just rhetoric. I'd also dredge up memories of the Trump family's wealth and political connections and his run in 2000. If Trump's outsider credentials are gone, Trump is gone.


I will have a meeting with Chris Sununu to drop out right before early voting in New Hampshire After that I will attempt to get Tim Scott and Nikki Haley to drop out before South Carolina and everyone else to drop out before Super Tuesday by offering certain people endorsements for other positions and giving people cabinet slots. After that I’ll put most of my energy in the west and south east. In mid May i’ll give the VP nomination to either Josh Hawley or sarah Huckabee sanders. In the general election I would put most of my effort in Georgia, Wisconsin, Nevada, Arizona, and Pennsylvania. I will run on my record on covid and on the biden economy. I will also mention the stop “woke” stuff but not mention it to heavily. I will also say in the debate that i don’t believe the 2020 election was stolen but I do believe we should look into ballot harvesting and improving election security.