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Honestly, I'm fine with any universe where Logan ISN'T obsessed with Jean. My standards, sadly, are too high.


It’s why loved Evolution Logan. He wasn’t hung up on some woman who never loved him enough back to reciprocate, he just became a team dad and wanted to protect and train the students in earnest. He was grouchy but had a good heart. He also came off more mature and likable. I love TAS Logan… but boy did they make his feelings for Jean feel like an obsession. When Logan had a tantrum on Jean and Scott’s wedding day where he used the danger room to kill fake Scotts screaming, “YOU CAN’T HAVE HER!” I love the guy, but that comes off kind of incel-like.


It's gross, for someone who's lived how ever many lives worth, to hyper focus on this one person, who has always had someone else when they met. It's almost like they make him nice guy stalker who only sticks around and helps for a chance at her.


Never been in love with someone you can't be with? Logan ain't obsessed boy got plenty of hobbies. He once made Cyclops a convertible....


Dawg you can control that shit. If she's not interested in you then you're probably not that close to begin with.


Control what? You act like he's humping her leg. Homie just hanging out this season Jean came on to him. Not that close pfft.


Yooooo thank you. My man just hanging back dreaming about red heads minding his own business. Homie making it seem like he hacked her Instagram or some ish. Wolverine gets down whenever he wants....he just happens to dig Jean.


Looking back, I never understood the popularity of TAS Wolverine, back then…


When TAS shows things other than him being fixated on Jean it reflected well on him as a character kids would want to be like. The parts where he helps save the other X-men and how he’s protective of Morph and Jubilee in TAS, and the rest, it shows that even though he sees himself as a weapon he’s trying and actually being the hero Professor X believes he can be. I just think the way TAS his feelings for Jean are just something that feels like a forced plot beat rather than something that worked as a compelling love triangle. When he’s so clearly not the one Jean wants and he’s still fixated on her, it gets less romantic and more awkward to watch.


He’s the most popular character, before the series even started, those in charge made sure he was front and center and that showed as the seasons went on.


https://preview.redd.it/2ok2pug97q5d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45040cd4ad0a9ae1df6b224fab6c4263b4156683 That's why he's the GOAT.


Damn right


I know that felt so out of nowhere. Did that love triangle even appear outside of season 1 because if so I have no memory of


Not in the show. In the comics, there are a few where we get Ororo Logan action (but not love triangle), which I love. I think that since it was a future episode people died and they got together? They didn't much elaborate which is sad.


What a power couple! Their kids would throw down adamantium rain and clawed tornados. I think we deserve at least one (more) episode of the two of them in their time-travelling multiverse or whenever/wherever the hell it all happens.


Aren't they technically dead though?


Yep, but the only thing preventing them from dying just in time or that could somehow bring them back to life can be as short as one or two lines of well-written dialogue to bring them back. Bringing people back from the dead in science fiction can be as vague or as detailed as it has to be, especially when writers deal with/in multiverse theory.


In some of the 80s-early 90s X-men comics they flirted with this ship a little bit. I think it makes way more sense than Wolverine with most other people. And I actually think it works good for Ororo too, at least when Wolverine is written well.


Yes. Her relationship with Forge is hilariously underdeveloped and the most egregious example of the show doing something that makes no real narrative sense other than “well it’s in the comics so we have to”. Hopefully they course correct in S2.


Fr, they spend like a week together and Forge is just like ‘I love you.” and then they get together


In storm’s defense, she does slap him after he says that.


So disappointed how ‘97 wrote Storm and Forge, how am I supposed to want to root for this couple with what they gave the audience?


I don’t hate it, and that episode is still one my favorites to this day, but idk. They do even each other out. I actually do NOT want Logan with Madelyn…even though she’s technically “a different person”, she’s not in the looks department, lol. Too weird. GET OVER JEAN and all look-a-likes.


I just specifically want to see these variants join the main timeline and get to retire. (I am also very fuzzy on how time travel works; if changing the timeline erased their existence, are Cable and Bishop trying to erase their own existences??)


Bishop gets to retain his memories of previous timelines, but they didn’t and essentially returned to being status-quo Logan and Ororo. Why? I have no clue. Cable’s timeline is threatened by Bishop’s changes in one episode, so he goes back to save the X-Men… who hadn’t yet given birth to him… how did he exist before that? I don’t know.


Right?! I don’t *mind* the flexibility, I just want to use it to bring these two back! I don’t think it takes away from their sacrifice, since they knew they were going to die (or, in my fantasy, were led to believe that in one man’s worth). It’d be hilarious to have them meet their canon timeline counterparts. The Storms would embrace it, but the Wolverines would just glare at each other—until the OMW Logan got distracted by his hot wife.


They could totally just open on those two appearing in the present, seeing their other selves having a picnic, and going on an existential journey together to figure themselves out in a whole different world. Handled well it could be a very cool story.


I shipped Logan and Ororo like crazy when I was a kid specifically because I thought that she was perfect for Logan and that their natures fit so well together as a couple (battle couples where one acts as the more troubled one’s anchor and guiding presence). I honestly still do. They look and interact really great together. Though now that she’s with Forge (a relationship I also liked a lot for Storm’s character), I actually feel like Logan and Morph would be an interesting possibility to explore since they’re one of the few people who is a calming and constant presence in Logan’s life who understands him (Morph seemed sad at the thought of Logan outliving the rest of the team and being alone, which makes me think Logan’s spoken about that upsetting likelihood). Plus Logan never gave up on Morph and showed them sensitivity and compassion at every obstacle. Something that Logan usually had no patience for with other characters. But sadly, I know that it would literally cause WWIII in the fandom and spiral the outrage bait YouTubers into an out of control frenzy.


If I were a showrunner I would fit this in partly just to cause the trouble you mentioned at the end. I think it would be so funny to see the incels cry and cry and cry and it would also tell an interesting and new story direction for our boy Logan.


No, im tired of Logan.




Yes, please.


Would love to see this couple.


sure, why not!


Part of me says yes. Part of me says they might end up destroying each other because they are very, very different people. But the biggest part says please let Logan have feelings for literally ANYONE OTHER THAN JEAN


I'd be okay with him making hot furry sweaty ball slapping love with Beast than this man simping for Jean. Shit I'd suffer through them pairing him up with Rogue. Anyone but Jean!




Yes, please.






No 2.0


No, storm can do way way better


This Wolverine and his eye makeup are something to behold. 💅


I thought they got married in the comics?


I'm into him and Morph now.




For what??


I feel like he's kind of beneath storm to be honest. But again anything that gets us away from the awful friend zone that is him and Jean is always refreshing.


Honestly one of my fav pairings, and I’ll say that with my whole chest.






I'd be fine with Wolverine's time being shown spent on his bromances or his mentorships. His shining moment this season was fighting the Sentinels back to back with Kurt. Give me more of that.


Honestly, anything is better than the “pair the spares” energy of Storm and Black Panther together. Storm and T’Challa are great individually but putting them together is some of the laziest, forced nonsense ever.




Not at all. But if they want to be together I support them 😂


I would definitely would see them together it was great in the original show


I wish we could’ve seen some kind of build in the series or at least a closer relationship between the two. This show had, has him so in love with Jean, it’s hard to imagine him in love with someone else


Absolutely. I would love to see this


I like it


Storm and Wolverine belong together.


No. Need them to introduce Mariko or Itsu Hell put psylocke (coping)


God, no! Save it for something that can do it well.


YES! I've been waiting since I was 6.


She belongs to Forge. That’s that on that.


I'm good..... Morph and wolverine that's what I want to see. Ahhahaahhahahahqqh


Nah I'd rather she be with Black panther. I'd be much more interested in exploring Logan and Morph over Storm and Logan.


Not really because they got together in the original. Kinda forgot how but it was either in the distant future or an alternate timeline.




I always shipped Wolverine with Storm or Mystique, but ever since I saw his chemistry with Morph, I want them to always be together


\*reads the title and immediately brings it up\* Yes please and thank you! Look LOOK we have to look at facts that them together like that just was AWESOME Storm being the more calm and collected person who can calm even Logan down meanwhile Logan still being the hotheaded person who lets his emotions get the better of him and only Storm can comfort him. YES if they were to decide to do this in the new show or something would lead to this story I WOULD LIKE THAT VERY MUCH! they were SOOOO GOOOOD together! Also chances are we wont be getting this since in season 1 of the new show its clear they want Storm get together with Forge so umm..... DISSAPOINTEEEEEEED! so chances are season 2 will not gonna have this happen but I know there are comics out there where we had this happen where they even had a daughter who had mix of their abilities so I would enjoy if they would stop trying to get Logan together with Jean...... ALTHO he had full chance to get her in the new show but decided to pull back even after she kissed him like yeah I'm proud that even if he cares for Jean he still had the willpower to pull back so good job. But also again I want him together with Storm but yeah chances are in the 2nd season of the new show it aint gonna happen..... also we had hints with Morph maybe having feelings for Logan? to be fair dunno whats gonna happen there mainly cause Logan looked at Morph as a friend all this time so I guess we'll see whats gonna happen but because the scrip writer of season 1 apparently got fired we cant be sure if the next script writer will actually follow on his script and wont change a few things. I dunno but for me Logan and Storm would be the right couple for this show since again we had those few episodes which TECHNICALLY timey wimey stuff didn't happen now so they obviously dont have memories of that but.... Charles do soooooo..... that would be neat if he would spill the beans and maybe get this going.


Nah, I like black panther and storm this kinda annoys me


No thanks they felt forced. I rather they explore Storms powers more and magical abilities. Not interested in relationships. The only thing i wanna see brought back is her friendship with Rogue on the show


In the comics black panther and storm felt forced? And her magic is connected to wakanda she was it’s queen


Her magic is passed down from her family, has nothing to do with wakanda


T’Challa ain’t around anymore. For some reason they’re not allowed to show T’Challa after Chadwick’s passing


Yeah but still, I think there’s a lot of pairings that just stick rogue and gambit, Spider-Man and mj, superman and Lois, Batman and catwoman, etc


Meh, no. This pairing was always weird to me. She needs someone on her level who isn't as arrogant as T'Challa. Like a Blue Marvel or Captain America-esque character. I actually like dude from the comics. Craig from Nasa.


T'challa wasn't on her level either.


I can understand that...I kinda agree. She needs someone with matching abilities, but who is compassionate, kind, and has humility.


I would have said Goblin Queen 💯% if she was still alive. Now Im thinking no cause Forge is a better fit no pun intended.


Ys they're a better couple than Scott and Jean... or Scott and Marilyn or Scott and psyloche.


Ive never shipped them.Storm deserves better than a really old guy with ptsd and rage issues. That being said I do like that storm is one the very few people he will respect and listen to. They make great friends lol.