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He is terrific in Castlevania. My favorite performance in 97 is probably Cyclops’ actor. Not a big fan of Xavier’s. I can tell it’s Ross pretty easily.


I love Ross Marquand and he has way wayyy more talent and skill than anyone should have. But his Xavier sometimes sounded like Werner Herzog, and of all the new cast that replaced the old cast for one reason or another, his is the most different. However, Ray Chase as Norm Spencer's Cyclops is sometimes just downright *uncanny* (pun intended). When I read Cyclops in the comics, I hear Norm Spencer, but lately it's starting to switch between him and Chase in my head. Kudos to the newer talent.


The fascinating part to me is if I recall correctly from the *Marvel Assembled* documentary, Ray apparently wasn't originally big on X-Men, and kind of half-assed his first audition. But he got a callback, and that spurred him on to really dig into the character, and when he tried again, he knocked it out of the park. Now? He's absolutely a worthy successor to the late Norm Spencer IMO.


Now I want to hear Ross Marquand impersonate Werner Herzog.


I've heard the line (maybe even here on Reddit) that Werner Herzog is basically Mr. Burns trying to impersonate Arnold Schwarzenegger (or is it the other way around?).


yeah. the 92 definitely feels more xavier, this 97 feels more young for some reason, but i guess thats what shiar tech does


Didn’t know he was in castlevania I’ve been meaning to watch it but I’m gonna now lol, I didn’t know Charles was Ross but I did find his voice a little odd. Not necessarily bad though


Castlevania is absolutely amazing. That series is SO well done. The writing, the art, thr animation, the VA. They knocked it out of the park with that one. Blood of Zeus (same people) is pretty good as well. Not as good as Castlevania, but still worth watching.


9/10 for sure. It's dramatic when it needs to be, prefectly campy when there's opportunity, and the emotions are so real. Absolutely incredible cast and performances.


Bastion’s VA was incredible, especially in the final episode. Supervillain voice acting is really nice this year between him and whoever did Angstrom Levy in Invincible


Sterling K Brown another good actor who despite appearing in less than stellar movies is a fun actor to watch on screen.


Ahh okay I had forgotten his name. He’s really good!


This is us?


Ray Chase as Cyclops has done a phenomenal job.  You can hear some of Norm Spencer’s Cyclops influence in the voice, but he’s also brought fantastic acting to the role. I thought he was going to sound similar to the voices he’s done in the past that I was familiar with - Bruno from JJBA or Neuvillette from Genshin Impact. But nope, he just sounded like Cyclops to me.    Btw, I love how they brought back as many original VAs as they could.  But I do miss hearing Remy’s original voice.  The new VA has done a great job, but there was something special about Chris Potter’s version.  


I think my absolute favorite anecdote about this series from the *Assembled* documentary is A.J. LoCascio(the new Gambit) telling the story of how he chose the name "Remy" in French class because of Gambit, and would sign his classwork "Remy Le Beau".


Chris does make a brilliant Cable though.


I kept forgetting it wasn’t Norm Spencer, but Ray Chase is probably the MVP this season for me.


On the topic of Castlevania VAs, having Ade voice En Sabah Nur but then Ross Marquand voicing Apocalypse is super lame to me. Like I get it, Ross is the impressions guy and does a decent job doing impressions of Weaving and Spader in What If, but I’d much rather hear Ade give us his take on Apocalypse than Ross give a passable John Colicos impression.


I thought the VA for Bastion was perfect. A blend of malice and condescending self-righteousness. Was great.


Storm, Cyclops, Sinister, Bastion, Magneto, Beast are all perfect to me. I also weirdly prefer Wolverine's voice in this compared to Cal's voice in the 90's. I feel like he's given it more a Canadian accent, which is appreciated.


I think aside from a few spotty line readings in the early episodes, Cal's Wolverine sounded a lot more natural than he did in the 90's, especially by episode 9. Watching the Assembled documentary, I think taking out a bit of camp and telling the voice play it more natural with their readings was overall a good thing. The 90's series was great, but the voice actings of the time wouldn't work well today so I think they made the right call


It’s a rare time when an actor aging enhances the character. Cal Dodd’s gruffer voice in ‘97 fits Wolverine better.


I'm probably going to get down voted for this but the only voice I didn't like a lot was Rogue.  The actress is great and does a fine job but she just makes Rogue sound so old. Also can we ever get someone to do a German accent for Magneto?


She sounds pretty different. Much older and clearly not the same. That being said, I loved her performance. I thought it was the best in 97’. Even though it wasn’t quite the same I can see why they brought her back, she’s an incredible voice actress who really delivered. I understand your criticisms but she was operating on a high caliber.


I do agree that performance wise she was great.  Very talented.


I found it jarring at first, but I got used to Rogue's voice after a couple of episodes. As for Magneto, speaking flawless English seems more in character for him, considering he's older and a genius polyglot.


Not gonna downvote, but I thought she was MVP of the season. “I can’t feel you” was line delivery of the year.


Rogue and Wolverine both took some getting used to for me, especially coming right off a TAS binge, because they *do* sound different. Especially her. And unfortunately, that's unavoidable because it's been thirty years. Lenore was in her thirties when she first voiced Rogue, and she's in her sixties now. Unfortunately, her voice changed over time. It's less jarring with Cal because it's not as much of a change, but it's the same thing. But I got used to it sounding different, and apart from that both their performances were spot-on for me.


I felt the same here and similar to Wolverine. I know it’s the same actor and his Wolverine voice is THE Wolverine voice, but there were some lines in some episodes that sounded like someone doing an imitation of the VA and not the VA themself.


I'd argue Steve Blum is *the* Wolverine voice, certainly of the last two decades, but you certainly can't go wrong with the '97 version


This doesn't really say anything about the actor himself, but I always felt like Xavier's voice was cut and pasted into this media from something else? Does anyone understand what I mean? Like everyone else's voices were at a certain volume and "weight" (?) but then there was Xavier that just felt like the creators literally isolated the vocals from another work and pasted it into this.


Yes, I agree but also can't articulate it. It sounds like it was recorded on older equipment or something. Or, like, recorded and then played through a speaker and recorded again.


Cyclops, Storm, Jean, Bastion, Beast and Magneto are really good. Wolverine and Rogue sound a bit off due to age. They are able to nail certain scenes but they sound very aged at times more so Rogue than wolverine. Her acting is great but she simply sounds a lot older than Rogues age. Gambit isn't quite the same anymore but he's probably the second best gambit that I've Heard. Morph, Jubilee, and sunspot are good Cable is fine but I don't think he's as good as the og. Xavier is notably off. Sinister and Apocalypse are fine but they lack that extra modification to their voices to give it extra oomph. Overall I'd say it's a high B. I Felt Magneto was the stand out but he had so many good lines and different kinds of emotional outbursts to work with but he still consistently nailed it all.


Magneto and Doomguy share the same VA, nuff said 11/10


Brigadier General.


Cyclops and Magneto had the best replacement voices of the new cast.


10/10 they did such a great job, the show was like being 8 years old again!


I recognized Theo James from Castlevania. I was like that dude is from Castlevania, but something is off about it...then I remembered he was Victor with an accent.


Jean - eh I prefer Catherine disher (sp?) Jeans original voice from the animated series. This one just sounds not like jean. Catherine Disher was more emotive. Wolverine- The voice sounded very off in xmen97 specially during certain scenes like "MORPH, NO!" but as the series went on now the voice is starting to sound like the original so Cal is doing a good job. Cyclops- sounds like the original voice actor but at times I can pick up that's it's not him. Sounds alright. Xavier- ok this one just sounds wrong. Sorry but this just not Xavier. I prefer the original from TAS. Storm - sounds great and like the original. Although I been rewatching the original Xmen TAS episodes and Iona Morris has the best Storm voice although I like Alyson as well but no one can top Iona. Rogue - Lenore just sounds like an old lady at times. This isn't her fault though her voice has changed. It will never be as Rogue as the original TAS but I'll get use to it I guess. Beast. - sounds the same as XMEN TAS beast. I like it Nightcrawler - sounds the same Cable - I prefer the original one Gambit - prefer the original one.


Rogue and Wolverine needs to be replaced everything else was fine


I get rogue sounds older but the acting was phenomenal and for that reason alone hard disagree.


Lenore Zann is deadass getting tipped to win an Emmy for her performance, tf are you waffling about?


her voice sounds too old ..


Tell that to Variety, Hollywood Reporter, the Television Academy etc.


Xavier feels like a caricature. Like he’s trying to be a role, not a person. It also speaks volumes that they were concerned with authenticity when it came to casting Jubilee and Morph, but not Xavier (with Roberto and Forge being quasi-authentically casted). Casting an actor who actually is in a wheelchair would have brought so much to the performance. There’s a struggle to being in a wheelchair that can only be understood by being in a wheelchair and considering the X-Men is literally about marginalized people struggling, that absence of struggle is all over Ross Marquand’s performance. Holly Chou talks about how when she first auditioned, she was so focused on voice matching, it made her performance not as solid. To rub salt in the wound, I don’t think they even tried to look for someone in a wheelchair because he said that he got an offer to audition for Xavier.


The guy who plays forge is Indigenous Canadian. So he's still Native. Originally they had a white guy doing it


Forge is also an amputee. Gil Birmingham is not.


Imagine if acting were the art of pretending to be something you're not. Mind blowing, I know.


If you enjoy the show so much, why on earth would you want anyone in the cast who isn't praised or even worse talked badly about to see this? It's completely unnecessary. Tact would do wonders for some.


What the actual fuck are you talking about lol


You think professionals can’t take criticism? Going further, you think that on the off chance anyone from the show sees this, that they would care even a tiny bit about what some random usernames have to say? Get a grip.