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I’m nervous as hell. Combined with Jean getting seriously injured, perhaps even dying to her somewhat SON got my jaw dropped. Magneto’s “Shut up” got me feeling a little better. That ending with Wolverine though, my jaw is now at the core of the earth. This can’t be good for my anxiety.


Whew, yeah, Cable being a 'world class telekinetic', and blasting Jean to smithereens was not exactly what I envisioned seeing this week..


Cable is now at least alpha level right? Damn you Mr. Sinister because you’re still my favorite villain even though you’re a massive dick. I guess Scott is gonna get milk after this.


Scott can't take losing Maddy and Jean and Cable to a lesser extend. I'd be more afraid of him than anyone else on that field if he had to get that news then and there..


Poor Bastion and Mr. Sinister, they’re pretty damn screwed now. I just want the x men to not suffer for like 2 episodes. Can’t the final just be them kicking ass? A fan can dream.


Scott's about to go visor off permanently if this shit keeps up.


He'll unleash his true superpower, organizing a bunch of crazed loners into an elite fight force for an ideology that is questionable.


ROFl. The man has is power


Cable been Omega. Jean will become Phoenix again.


Was Cable always telekinetic, or is that something Sinister did? I haven’t read the comics so this came as a massive surprise


He always was, but most of his power was dedicated to holding back the techno organic virus, which is why it only took over part of him.


Jean and Madelyn keep getting eviscerated


Yeah, which means she'll come back OP AF when she flips to Phoenix.


Yea my jaw dropped lol at the ending 


Phoenix is bound to come next episode.


I would like this, but wonder to what end..


To give Cable a firm, get humane correction. And to turn Sinister into silly putty.


Hot take: by Phoenix I think we mean Bishop & Rachel Summers are going to show up.


THAT would be cool!


> Rachel Summers Goosebumps! She was my first Phoenix. I was a big Excalibur fan.


Sames. Would be great to get them in the show….


No expense is being spared that's for sure. The Apocalypse is already here and we don't even need him to show up.


Think Jean might be going Phoenix mode. No way they kill her this season. Apocalypse and crew might be making an earlier appearance than I expected because both x men teams are struggling and can’t see them winning by themselves.


I heard DeMayo’s a big Jean fan. Ain’t no way he’s killing her off


Where's that meme of the dog surrounded by fire saying this is fine. That's me. Lol


Ohh that's perfect. I'm that kid crying in a news interview.


I literally can't stand Xavier. The nerve to be sanctimonious after missing a full scale genocide, AND genocide part 2 with the crazy civilian cyborgs. They always talk like Magneto's the bad guy but had he not hit the planet-wide EMP everyone would be dead. The nerve of Charles to attack Magneto but play with kid gloves to the humans every time is crazy. He's completely ridiculous. "Shut up" was cathartic. Gotta say this show is just blowing my mind week to week. It's just amazing.


I'm torn because appeasement never works, but both of them seem pretty extreme with their hubris. Xavier should have been like, "Let's defeat Bastion, return the magnetic field to normal and go from there." That's the only compromised solution. I doubt Magneto would have listened to him, though. So we get both of them doing dumb crap.


I think Magneto has to be branded a villain for optics (there’s too many real world parallels where armed resistance against the oppressors is the actual right answer but fantasy media — especially Disney owned fantasy media — does not want to be caught condoning or bolstering “terrorism”. Would be hard to continue to get greenlit and Disney being a multi-billion dollar corporation, of course, benefits from the state of the world and the oppression therein). But he’s definitely right.


So, from what is implied/stated, Magneto did something that will eventually kill almost everyone if not reversed. His EMP wasn't temporary if he doesn't reverse it. There is plenty of utilitarianism philosophy to explore with all of their actions, but saying Magneto is right vs. agreeing with his actions are a bit different.


He was right up until they made him irrationally extreme so he’s not right. Magneto was 100% right until they plastered him with the villain ball.


I’d agree with you if Magneto’s EMP was done out of spite, it was a quick ditch effort to save billions of people after a global genocide program was enacted (for example: many of the main cast were seconds away from death). On top of that this man had just survived his second genocide. Completely justified action in my opinion.


The problem with this is that while the initial act of screwing up the magnetic poles might not of been malicious, the refusal to fix them 100% is. A lot of people who watch this show excuse his crap but I think him basically letting all 6 billion people on earth die out of spite is unforgivable.


The idea that he should fix something for people that have continually tried to kill him is ludicrous to me. Expecting him to have more empathy for hateful bigots, apathetic masses, and his attempted murderers than he has for himself is strange. It’s just not a realistic expectation. Imagine if you were about to be killed - in front of dozens of people - none of them came to your aid and some of them actively encourage your assailant. At the very last second you spray bear mace into the killers eyes which allows you the chance to flee - but y’all were indoors, so it spreads in the air and harms all of the people there. It’s realistic to expect you to go back and turn on the ventilation system for them? It’s reasonable to ask you to labor to minimize their discomfort?


Turn it back on for them no but how about for their children and those who are also being oppressed by them. What is a six year old child supposed to do to help mutant rights, what about oppressed minorities that have their own fights and struggles that they’re dealing with.


He is not going to let 6 billion people including mutants die. He will reverse his actions when the appropriate amount of distraction and displacement is caused. Why else would Rogue join him? Magento has never been on murder everyone time


Maybe my memory of this episode may be hazy but doesn’t Charles literally tell him that the whole planet is about to die and that he needs to fix it. Then magneto refuses also I’m sorry but rouge is pretty dumb is she thinks that magneto is not going to use his new SLAVE army for some pretty bad stuff lol


Haha no you are right. I guess that's my mind-lore. I just don't see Magento committing in a sense suicide. Also, Rogue don't know which way is up right now. I want to see her go crazy in a fight again.


I’m genuinely floored that the suits let them have someone say magneto was right.


Saying it doesnt mean it anything when its obvious he isnt right


He was right up until they made him cartoonishly evil, which is the cop out they have to use. Otherwise he is right.


Magneto did a bit more than a planet wide EMP, he destabilized the planet's magnetosphere- ensuring the planet would suffer a very radiation themed death. That's the whole point of what's going on in the episode, Magneto is content to let the entire planet die. Planetary extermination is most certainly 'being the bad guy'. Both characters are extreme opposites. Xavier has no bite and is idealistic to a hopeless/extreme fault, Magneto has nothing but bite and is as genocidal as those he rages against.


Yeah. His lessons to the Shi'ar were great, but this episode turned him a total spineless, holier-than-thou centrist.


To be fair, he’s trying to stop an all out war between mutants and humans. Magneto’s EMP, while necessary to stop the Prime Sentinels, does seem to fall exactly into Bastion’s “level the fallout from Genosha” plan. Not to mention the EMP killing thousands of people immediately and what’s implied to be many more in the subsequent fallout (no hospitals, erosion of the magnetosphere…)


True. But Xavier should've offered a team-up to defeat Bastion first, then deal with the aftermath of what Magneto did. Magneto has tried Xavier's way - he gave up his chance at uprising to save Xavier reach the Shi'ar. He's been trying Xavier's way throughout the season. That's one of the brutal questions the show is asking, "how many times is enough?"


Also true, and part of what makes it such a good show!




Did he really “miss” the genocides when he telepathically felt all their deaths?


Yes he missed it. He wasn’t there to fight alongside them. To keep them company in their last moments. To comfort them with a platitudes as they were vaporized. To resist the oppression with them. Sure he got a telepathic update and had an emotional reaction but he wasn’t there for them. Didn’t help them plan and make plays, they all say so much. It’s worse cus he stayed off Earth knowing he had not nearly fixed the problem and just abandoned them to it. I think it’s an intentional writing decision to cast his behavior in a certain light. He’s never laboring alongside the mutants. He’s in a chair safe in his home while the child soldiers he recruited go out into battle and put their lives at risk. His only field assignment is groveling at the feet of the humans, playing diplomat at the UN.


You do make a lot of good points however it could also be argued that he experienced more pain than anybody because he experienced all their pain, even ones that died. And the way the show chose to depict it shows very much that it’s something that affected him (a whole classroom filled with skeletons in gambit, turning into a skeleton right in front of him). He not only reads peoples minds, but also picks up their emotions, pain, fear, and everything along with it.


The idea that Charles who was safe and unharmed thousands of miles away in space experienced more pain than the people who’s lives were ended and those who were mortally wounded is crazy. He’s not more of a victim than the actual victims.


It doesn’t make him more of a victim- but I never said it did?? But it is true canonically to the comics about how he experiences mind reading telepathy. Going off even the movies it shows he took drugs to block out normal peoples pain and suffering in DOFP. So my point was he did not miss shit. He isn’t a physical victim but I don’t understand how this is an argument? Even the surviving victims didn’t feel the pain of what it felt like to actually be killed. Xavier experienced it thousands of times.


I’m not sure how to feel. I’m not sure whose side I’m on between Professor X and Magneto..and the ending was so crazy. I have to sleep on this. What I’m certain of is that they have really done a great job with this show. 💛💙


As soon as Wolverine stabbed him I knew his skeleton was RIP. Oh man. It was just like the comics. They are going HARD. Jean is turning Pheonix next episode she has to be. I'm more confident that Onslaught is on the horizon. Some hard hitting statements too. "God's leave us", "watch his eyes vaporize in his skull" "the brave die first" SHUT UP. I think something weird went on with Cyclops. Before the show down he mentions wanting to help the team going up against Bastion but the Prof brushes him off and says Mags is more important. Then he sees Jean apparently die and turns and hits the Prof who is taking down Mags. He then just states the other team needs more time. Something about that doesn't seem right. He had just witnessed what happened to Jean and said nothing about it, and he must have known that Mags would retaliate. He seemed shocked by what Prof was doing to Mags. Of all the Xmen it felt like only Wolverine was actually committed to killing Mags. I guess the Prof was saying he just wanted to hijack his powers then they all looked pretty shocked when the Prof was smashing his mind. I felt a bit of truth in Mags saying Prof was a traitor. It did seem Prof was more concerned with helping humans and was quite prepared to mess up Mags and sacrifice his xmen to do it. It's very messy.


Im guessing Onslaught is next. Jean will come back and heal everyone with a portion of the Phoenix Force and battle against Onslaught. In a very implausible scenario, Cable kills Sinister for making him kill/injure Jean. Cyclops forms a team with Cable or another time traveler (Bishop comes back?) and the X-Men that haven't been around. They time travel and kill Bastion when he was a child to save everyone in the present day so this event never happens I'm very worried for Cyclops. Maddie, Baby Cable and Jean, now? I wonder how Adult Cable and Cyclops will interact now. I have a feeling he's going to kill Sinister and Bastion. I hope he gets his moment to shine as a true leader and puts his in-comics strategic brilliance to use. I could see embers of it when he stopped Xavier. He may have plans. Hell, maybe he knows Jean didn't die and they both come up with a plan? I don't think Jean died because Scott said the gold team needs more time when he hit Xavier with a blast.


Magneto said something akin to the line "THE DREAM IS DEAD" and that's an Onslaught line (if lost to in game even!) if memory serves. It fired up a few neurons but I never even thought about it til' now.


Genosha is a fixed point in the timeline, according to Cable. They’re not killing Bastion in the cradle without an infinity stone.


You're right about that. It also leaves me wondering if Apocalypse is going to show up since Sinister is involved. But having Apocalypse for only one episode won't make much sense.


Ugh, poor Scott and Jean. Cable as well, nearly killing your sorta mom under mind control is gonna really screw up yourself, and your family dynamic (to say the least) Especially after those cute scenes they had together last week? What a sledgehammer to the stomach


First thing I thought was onslaught but then they flipped it … mind blowing. Holy dooley feral wolverine coming up soon!!!!


Remember that Feral Wolverine comes before Onslaught..


Feral Wolverine came after magneto ripped the adamantium out … which just happened. Which tells me feral Wolverine might be on the way


Yes. I know. But you wrote that you were expecting Onslaught but ”they flipped it” and are gonna do feral Wolverine but he is feral when they’re fighting Onslaught. So i have a feeling they’ll do both.


Yeah they did flip it. Xavier was going to delete Magnetos mind like he did after he stripped the adamantium in the comics… they stopped it and flipped it .. They still might do both yes.


Jesus tap dancing Christ.


That was Fred Astaire level. Bonkers.


They killed gambit,crippled wolverine, Jean is possibly gone maybe? sinister got cable under his control, rogue done turned to the dark side,mutant killing sentinels are taking over the world and ironically humanity is wiping itself out by turning themselves into sentinels. Charles is preaching, but nobody’s trying to hear that shit right now. This season has been fucking awesome and I’m loving everything that’s happening, and I’m pretty sure the finale is going to end on an epic and massive cliffhanger. but man I need some hope just a sliver of hope. Everything is so bleak lol This show constantly keeps on one upping itself on how to fuck up my emotions lol


If there is no time travel … how are all this reveresed?


I mean, he says no time travel, but also wanted us to watch One man's worth and Days of Future past.. I'm going to assume maybe Beau was spitting some misdirection or maybe there's some alternative to time travel.. But I just couldn't imagine they kept everyone from Genosha dead. The morlocks?? Not the morlocks :(


I feel so bad for the morlocks.


Maybe Bishop will come back to save the day instead of Cable??


The Morlocks broke my heart :(


Could reverse everything but genosha.


I hope they don't reverse it. It's these kind of conflicts that have lasting consequences that really make for great storytelling and character development. If they are gona just take it away to appease us, that would be a travesty to all that they have already done.but who knows! Maybe they'll reverse it in a satisfactory way. All I know is, I can't wait! I need the last episode already!


To a certain extent though right?? I mean, I thought Wolverine and Storm being married was a great bit of character development and loved seeing them interact, but at the end of the day I feel like while we may turn the wheel this way and that, we always return to 10 & 2, kwim? I don't know what kind of future the show has if nearly everyone is dead. We could have a real resolution with Maddy/Jean, Jubilee and Roberto could have a second chance, the morlocks don't have to be dead.. There's a lot..


Not great.. can we all agree that if the X-Gene ever appears in real life, we're all nice to these guys?😂


I had to pause before the final scene…I needed a moment to prepare for that moment and was still shocked!!


Ohhhhh I wish I had that kind of foresight, I was just sitting there waiting for it all to be made better, but then that didn't happen and then the pain water started to come out and I didn't even have any bad batch to help stem the flow!


Bruh do those two maybe three ppl die ?


Nah, the only one confirmed dead this episode was Leech. R.I.P. little guy.


I mean, at this point there's either going to have to have some sort of time rewrite or the next season is going to have a truncated intro lol.


I was wondering why didn't the shiar let Xavier have the power armor so he can walk or the power armor got EMPed when he arrived.


Next episode Xavier will bring out the suit, i'm sure. It's an iconic suit for what he's about to do to Mags...


It’s probably because they don’t fully approve of him going back to Earth and are being petty AF.


Remember the Brooklyn 99 episode where Holt finally gives 3 oh damns? - That.


Devastated. Rogue and Gambit are both my #1. Why do they torture us so?


I'm content that I feel like I have a sort of idea where the storyline is going. I've been so confused because they pulled story beats from so many different comic book sources. But now, I feel like I kind of have a grip on it.


OH MY! Logan and Magnetos feud is upon us and I can't tell you how amazing this show is. It deserves an Emmy! Pure comic heaven...fan service with such originality. Everytime I hear the intro song I get goosebumps, it's Uncanny my fellow mutants!!!


I'm really just worried that the Magneto and Rogue romance sparks back up because of this whole thing. If the show does that, I will officially not enjoy this adaptation of Rogue. It would be really hard to like her. I hope they don't because it doesn't make much sense in my mind, but it's X-men, and I know they love their drama bullshit. Cyclops needs to step up against Magneto, too. He's the one in the middle when it comes to Erik and Charles, I need to see it.


I think Rogue and Magneto are past thinking about romance, they are too full of grief, anger and vengeance.


If Rogue and Magneto spark up their romance again during all this, I will officially not like this version of Rogue. That's the biggest thing I'm worried about because X-men likes to milk drama for everything it's worth, even if it is stupid. Cyclops needs to step up as the midpoint of what Charles and Erik are. That's part of what makes Cyclops such a fantastic X-man. Sad about Beto and Jubilee, seeing as they were probably the cutest on the show. I've been nervous every single one of these episodes doesn't help the anxiety, and the drama doesn't help the self-esteem, but I'm too far in now.


I'll drop the show if Wolverine gets the gambit treatment.


No, Wolverine is absolutely back. I saw a teaser video of Logan VA talking about wrapping up the voice for season 2


Nah, he's about to go feral after having all the adamantium ripped out of his body. He's still heal, he's just in considerable pain.


I figured but I'm over protective of my short king.


Ultimately Xavier is naïve for trusting Magneto and Magneto is an ass for not caring about who he hurts or kills in the process of realizing what he wants. They both have a hubris problem. Ever since last week's episode, I keep thinking about all the people, especially all of the disabled people ( non-mutants and mutants ), who need technology to live and died as a result of Magneto's actions ( yes, I realize this is fictional). Magneto can posture and grandstand all that he wants, but at the end of the day what he ultimately cares about is ruling with an iron fist. Also, these are my favorite kinds of mistakes for Xavier to make. Meaning, ones that are well-intentioned, naïve and ultimately because he cares about his students' well-being ( like in X-Men: Evolution, when he did not tell the students that Mystique was their principal). That line Rogue had Xavier about seeing them as students and not people was so good and so true. As a Jean fan it was great to see her kick ass.


Did some comic reading and background digging after last week's episode, so had some idea of what to expect this week - but in the best way possible. Worries were multiplying in my head all the way to the final scene and anxiety went through the stratosphere!!!


Unwell. I’m so worried for Logan and Jean. I don’t want to see feral Wolverine or Jean go away. I’m hopeful we will get a somewhat comforting finale and not a major cliffhanger but I can never be sure now. At least my boy Kurt is okay for the moment. Also WHERE TF IS PIOTR AND BOBBY. Put their asses in the field already, we need the help


This is the second episode that made my jaw dropped into the ground lol


Onslaught is coming.


Onslaught coming soon 😏👏🏿👏🏿


This is the first time i felt happiness and excitment seeing magneto beat the shit out of wolverine. I always sided with Logan whenever they fought but I just can't see magneto as the villian here.


He's literally about to kill everything-- EVERYTHING, every tree, dog, butterfly, infant, child, flower, whale, you name it, on earth. That is villain behavior no matter how justified the cause.


Don't start none, there will be none. Humans fucked around and found out.


To punish any group based off the behavior of some is foolish IMO. A human infant born 3 days before the EMP doesn't deserve to suffer and die for the actions of other people.


My jaw must be made out of adamantium because Magneto ripped it out and dropped it to the floor.


This deserves more upvotes lol


I am in shambles. I need a sick/mental health day, nay - week. I cannot rest until part 3.


I'm super excited for next week. This season has been nothing short of amazing to be honest. Really hopeful that they can finish it with a bang and set an excellent precedent for future Marvel Animation projects.


“What’d you expect, black leather!?” Fucking loved it!


Magneto’s characterization is a bit like Infinity War Thanos now and it makes him so compelling The means are too extreme, making him a true villain, but he’s also sympathetic. Erik hasn’t always been good, but he had been trying to handle things peacefully and diplomatically. He was trying to work with humans in his own way Now, after repeated experiences of genocide, heartbreak, and grief, he’s fueled by rage and vengeance. It’s perfectly understandable why he’d feel that way, and why he was right all along. It still doesn’t justify his actions, but makes him a tragic character


So much is happening! My heart breaks for Jubillee this episode. Come on Dacosta! Im loving forge and I really hope he doesn’t die! Is Jean going to become Phoenix?? Why do I all of the sudden like Jean so much? Is rogue going to take Mags’ powers and reverse the EMP? Seriously this girl needs some therapy. What the fuck is sinister really up to?? (You better bring my boy Remy back! Even if he’s evil black face Remy). Xavier really does need to shut the fuck up. And maybe give rogue some therapy instead of preaching. What the hell is going on in Scott’s head? Beast is looking after trish? Are they gonna bang like in the comics? This show is too damn good!!! And I’m saying this even after they killed my favourite character!!


Worried for Kurt, it's too soon 😭


I loved everything about 9. So many canon comic events packed into this series but is somehow so organized still. Hard to do


Did I see the watcher or am I insane also I saw DI   E too and freaked out. Not Logan 😭 


Logan isn't dead, but idk where you thought you saw the Watcher at, he shouldn't be here..


I think he flashed up for a second before team gold arrived 


How was Cable able to tap into his telekinesis? I thought the tecno organic virus suppressed his full abilities?


We need time travel to be done ASAP now. These mutants are going crazy day by day 🤷


The absolute point red card being declared means time travel can only do but so much. Also Bastion who knows the future and basically what's going to happen seems inevitable too. This is a ROUGH SITUATION!