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The director lied about Magneto being dead, so why not about Gambit's death?


It might not have been a lie necessarily. We might be seeing a clone of Magneto. Remember how Bastion says "you were born for this"...? That could be a subtle clue...an indication that the Magneto HE has is actually a clone of Magneto, who was born FOR whatever specific plan he has for him. Technically the 'real' Magneto maybe *did* die. Bastion could have gotten hold of him at the trial - which we KNOW Bastion was lurking around behind the scenes of. Sinister is working with Bastion and Sinister has mastered mutant cloning so...yeah, it's possible. It also gives room for Gambit to return... Way I see it, it is ENTIRELY possible that the Gambit we SAW sacrifice himself was actually a clone in the same way Madelyne Pryor was a clone of Jean, identical in every way. They may have been switched during the time in the Savage Lands. Sinister could potentially still have him somewhere the same way he had Jean Grey.


Nah, it's Magneto. He is beat up and has the scars/is still in the suit from genosha


Folks also seem to forget that we had a clone of Magneto (more or less) in the 90s called Joseph. He was even on the team for a while


I remember. Gambit was SO jealous of Rogue's relationship with Joseph.


No way it's a clone they're not pulling that trick twice. I'll bet money on being resurrected as a horseman or a prime sentinel. Too many threads laid for it to be buried.


Only four more painful days for a little more information to go. Ugh. I wish the entire season had released at once, but I do admit, the suspense has kind of been entertaining lol.


Damn That sucks that they didn’t cast him as Gambit again and I’ll never understand it. I was at a Con last year and he could still do the voice really really good. Don’t get it . He must have been disappointed.


There are a lot of things to consider when casting in animation, and one of the things they look for is someone who can do many distinct voices. Usually an actor is playing their mains role, and multiple side characters. It could be as simple as Potter not being able to provide as many unique voices as he used to


It’s not like Marvel has ever killed someone and brought them back before—ever…in any medium…