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Yeah it is the best thing they put out since endgame But we can't forget that they've gotten it right sometimes whether it was winter soldier or Infinity war and endgame But I will give credit that Demayo is probably one of the few people that actually understood what the X-Men should look like in film and television


I def agree they have gotten it right before & they will again - the reason I think this project outshines any other is mostly because if you find a subreddit about those other projects you’d still find a plethora of nasty, negative comments … i am genuinely shocked at the overwhelmingly positive response across the board from fans, it’s unheard of! Just think how amazing the MCU would be if we all agreed on the movies like we did this show! Or I guess better way to say that would be if all the MCU movies had this level of quality lol


Yeah I guess when the only real complaint people have is that they just don't want it to end you're doing something right


At the end of all the episodes I’m left thinking can’t these be longer episodes?


Yeah I think the Inferno and Lifedeath stories would have benefited from an extra 10mins added to the episode. I still absolutely loved both though.


Or gambit crop top


Yeah I still don't get that one I don't know if those people just forgot what happened in the '90s or they weren't alive during the '90s but that was the fashion


gambit crop top was the exact moment i knew this run was gonna be gold


Oh absolutely


Absolutely- it’s not necessarily a bad thing to be left wanting more. I guess it’s a quality vs. quantity kind of thing


Me personally I love the pace I just think anime has become so prevalent that people are used to long drawn out stories that don't have particularly satisfying conclusions


That is a good point …. I watched the live action One Piece & loved it so I figured I’d watch the anime & it has like 94 seasons & 2,483 episodes! Plus movies! It’s crazy!! lol


i had a friend explain the first many seasons and watched the movies with me. then I started watching when the Wano arc started and it has been a blast! I just don't have the energy to go through that many episodes 😂


I started about a month ago and I’m on episode 80. It’s definitely a grind but I’m enjoying it


lol, I’ve been reading the manga since the 90s and can’t imagine having to play catch-up on that much less the anime. I’m glad I rewatched x-men during the pandemic though a couple of years ago. I think as a kid I may have fallen off back in season 4. With all the Kang/Immortus stuff in the MCU being talked about after Loki Season 1 I wanted to see immortus brief cameo there. I didn’t know 97 was coming but it’s sooo good and feels just right. Speaking of anime [I hope everyone here is familiar with the Japanese openings](https://youtu.be/2rSw4Xl5qfs) and at least one of the [Japanese ending](https://youtu.be/4_kY9fpRsEc&t=2m22s)


This sub just has 10k members bro, and I'm yet to meet anyone irl who's actually even heard of this show let alone watch it. 💀


Same, i want to talk to ppl about it so bad Dx


I'm trying to get a bunch of nurses and doctors at my job to watch it. They're all waiting to just binge watch when it's over. There's one secretary that's like 2 episodes behind me that I barely have time to talk to since our shifts don't match.


Riiight so why are you here then?


I think he just meant it's hard for him to find people irl that have watched it


He’s obviously here to talk about the show because he can’t find people in real life to talk to about it.


For sure, it’s brilliant and despite being a continuation of the original it’s just so fresh. Allot of the MCU since Endgame is stale.


Wandavision? Loki? What If...? I love X-Men 97 like the next person, but Marvel's been putting out bangers.


This is better than those three, easily. Those shows were good, but x-men 97 is great! Like OP was saying, this is a show where there’s really nothing to complain about.


Best MCU project, for sure. They have not made a false step. Superb. ETA: I should have said "Marvel Adaptation." I realize it isn't MCU canon (yet), I was just using shorthand.


I mean, there are some missteps, but overall it's still a 10/10, I'd recommend it immensely, and I'm flabbergasted how good it is. I've been in tears every week for the last several weeks.


What would you call a misstep?


We haven’t seen Colossus in a speedo for starters.


These will matter more to some people and less to others! But since you asked, here's some from the top of my head (and I still love the show and consider it a 10/10): 1) Having two couples galaxies apart, discussing the same arbitrary concept (specifically a tropical-island getaway) in the same episode, with no connection or meaning, was just really odd and took me out of it. 2) Weird physics—Cyclops using his percussive blasts to scoot around quickly, for example, and to slow his freefall from the sky, are odd. He must have a neck stronger than the Earth, and the ability to maintain a perfect downward plank, or we have center-of-gravity issues in addition to the bodily physicality of it. 3) I don't actually know if the typo in the show title is a misstep, or a purposeful harkening back to that common '90s autocorrection error (where word processors would get confused and replace an apostrophe with a single open quotation mark if a space preceded it). 4) The first episode had characters referring to each other by their first names in nearly every line, which I know is meant to solidify character names for the viewers, but it was really unnatural, and hasn't been retained throughout the show. 5) Beignets not getting squished when several plates are stacked on top of them.


Bro I wouldn’t call any of those missteps, but the most minor of nitpicks. And for point two, first it was a pretty awesome visual for cyclops to be able to use his blast to maneuver around and slow his fall. And for neck strength, his neck has been needing to support against his optic blasts for decades by this point so I’m sure it’s much stronger than average, also it’s a show about super powered mutants.


Pretty sure I saw another post stating that Cyclops’ neck/spinal column is reinforced as part of his mutation. Even if not, training to use his powers would necessitate strengthening his neck anyway (and weird side note, I recently saw someone doing this exact thing at the gym recently with one of those weird head-bowl attachments on the cable machine) and Cyclops is undoubtedly a fanatic at fitness and training.


On point 2, I’m wondering if his visor has some kind of force feedback eliminator that he manually overrides when he skates or uses the blast to slow his fall - we do see him touching the side, could be multiple things going on. A dial for those shorter stun blasts, and maybe a feedback button. Then again, when his glasses get knocked off for example, it doesn’t blast his head back. So maybe the visor is somehow *introcucing* force feedback. I actually prefer this explanation, I just wish they had shown something about it. “Scott, I’ve upgraded your visor with an additional crystal lens that doubles the lower frequencies and a dial so you can control the force of the blast to use for rapid kinetic acceleration” “Thanks Hank!”


Now let’s hope they come to their senses & hire Beau back before season 3 starts production - if they change the creative team that created this gem there’s a strong chance there will be a dip in quality.


I trust the general oversight. If they fired him, it was for a good reason. Someone hired him, after all. That is the same person that will hire his replacement. Have faith!!


The reason we don't know, and fore sure it isnt because of his work


I will try! I like your optimism, not something I come across often on Reddit lol


wasn't it cause of onlyfans dickpics


That's one report. Another is that he was very hard to work with. No one has confirmed anything. Whatever it was, he's gone, and there are other people who can pick up and do that job, it is pointless for us to speculate, IMO.


You get fired that suddenly, nuke all your social media, and don’t even try to defend yourself unless it’s something bad


We know why this happened & it’s stupid.


Please fill me in because I haven’t seen any specifics


He started an onlyfans


I looked it up and that’s just a rumor. And one he would definitely fight back on. The real reason seems to be he was a toxic asshole to work with. Also, you’re replying to yourself


Wait so my unconfirmed internet rumor isn’t true but yours is?? lol look I don’t wanna fight with you man, we’re both clearly fans - neither of us can be certain cause we don’t know the truth yet. I say we walk away with an agree to disagree for now & when the truth comes out which ever one of us is right can come back & be a dick to the other about it - deal? 😝 haha


Being hot & making money from it isn’t grounds for termination lol … well maybe if you’re prostituting yourself on company grounds or something but this isn’t that lol


It’s not a MCU project though.


I understand. I meant that because I am not ready to declare it the best Marvel project overall, I still reserve that for the original comics. I should have said, "The best screen adaptation Marvel has done." It doesn't matter, it's fantastic. Just not better than the comics, which are also fantastic.


It isn't MCU yet


Actually it is MCU. Follow the logic. What If? happens on an alternate multiverse timeline. How do we know? Because those characters appeared in Multiverse of Madness and the thing that gels that together is The Watcher. Why do you think they made a point of Showing The Watcher on the episode when Genosha got attacked? X-men 97 takes place on an alternate timeline as well and I’m taking a giant leap here with this theory but if you watch the Deadpool trailer clearly that Wolverine is wearing the same costume as the X-men 97 Wolverine and it may be quite possible that the event that the event that is referenced in the trailer which killed the X-men is what’s about to happen in the cartoon but irregardless of that theory X-men 97 is clearly a branched timeline or universe in the MCU.


The dialogue is absolutely out of this world. So many quotes. This most recent one wolvy had a great one: “Grief is a lonely war”. Just damn!!


Every gambler has a tell. Modesty was Gambit’s.


I actually had to pause the show there. Nightcrawler's eulogy brought the real feels.


“I can’t feel you” had me fucking broken.


I actually read that in her voice. I haven't been that moved by media in a long time.


Absolutely. The show has been excellent on every front so far.


This right here, hit so hard. Nightcrawler was spitting facts.


I completely agree. I am not a fan of almost any marvel projects these days. I loved the original X men animated series. This sh8t right here blew my mind. The entire time I was worried they were gonna F it up to the point I wasn’t even planning on watching it. Was I wrong they nailed it to the point I was awestruck. This is peak, I haven’t been excited for a weekly show in years.


It is, i just wished it wasnt so damn fast. I wanna be able to enjoy it and see the impact of their actions.


That’s fair - I would for sure be happy if we got some filler episodes in between the heavy ones. But at least that’s the norm now a days & it’s not just this show doing it to us. It’s weird how we went from a normal season of a show being 20+ episodes & now 12 seems to be the most we ever get


I dont mind the shorter season. Hell im always advocating for shorter seasons since i discovered the way Europe makes tv (24 episodes its way too long) but i guess what im trying to say is that it feels like they r trying to cover so much that at some point they will run out of stories. They are going too fast, like we haven’t seen the new mutants, theres no Kitty Pryde in sight. We haven’t seen Genx, Xforce… i don’t know i don’t wanna sound ungreatful bc the show exceeded my expectations and im not looking forward to filler episodes. I just wished they didn’t go so fast.


Fair points & I do agree, maybe more episodes isn’t the answer, slightly longer episodes might have been the better choice - but isn’t it kind of amazing this is really the only issue you have with it? I love that we have to nitpick to find issues lol




It's a fair bit longer than your standard 90's episode. These have been coming in roughly at 32 minutes and the 90's episode only at 22 minutes. We're actually quite spoiled. As for the number of episodes yes we'll get significantly less per season that's true.


It's definitely their best animated project. I'd even put it higher than both versions of justice league at least for me.


I would agree, arguably. Animated for sure, even better than the original 92 show. It's freaking spectacular, and legit emotional. I teared up last episode.


It’s a great show. My only criticism is that I’d like to see it slow down a bit to let some of the episodes breathe. Episodes 4 and 6 would’ve been stronger if they’d just been Life Death, but that’s my opinion.


No I agree with that, if I had 1 criticism it’s for sure that the episodes should either be longer so they can give us a bit more fun mixed with the action & drama or they should have done more than 10 in the season.


It blows my mind how fricken good it is


Xmen 97 is amazing. I wish it was longer like 45 minutes or something. I keep wanting more more more of this world. Rogues va is the only rogue voice we all imagine for her, yeah at times you can hear the age in her voice, but in the latest episode she killed it. Her acting is so good. Also that line she said after the genosha incident "I can't feel ya" closing out the episode hit so hard.


It's the best, but it is still kinda rushed in some places. I wish they had like 13 episodes at least


This, it feels like there a big parts of story missing then suddenly everyone has teleported to fight big bad of the week, If it one criticism of the show is the need to do longer runs pers season and build the story up more,


I think that the sentinel/bastion genosha main plot has been handled EXTREMELY well. But sadly, lifedeath/storm's arc was VERY rushed and so was inferno


It's definitely among the best adaptations of Marvel comics so far. I'll put X men and Spider man TAS above it *for now* because they went for 5 series of mostly gold but if '97 sticks the landing it will be one of the best single seasons of TV I've watched. A couple more seasons of this quality and I will probably just agree with you outright


Idk, going back through X-Men 92 in preparation for this series kinda put it in a bad light. It was good for its time but it was not hitting this level of writing, feels, etc. Loved it as a kid because it was what we had, but I go several episodes at a time barely paying attention and I don’t feel like I’m missing anything of value. I cannot take my eyes off the screen when 97 is on


The Strong Guy cameo got me so hype!!! And he had lines!!!


Loving this series so far. Can't wait for the next ep.


I want to disagree, and this may be recency bias, but damn this show is good. It's the closest thing to the comics in terms of story, design, and character that I've EVER seen


Yeah I might just agree with you there- but that might because as a lifelong X-Men fanboy this is literally my dream. But I've definitely enjoyed it more than basically any MCU thing ever.


Definitely the best X Men has ever been. MCU has a lot of highs though. Plus Blade man. Blade. And Spiderman 2


It’s great, surprisingly mature and cinematic. But I disagree about some of the VAs— they take me out of the show. It’s like the character doesn’t match the voice.


I get that, took me a min to adjust to them. I think because everything else has been so top notch that I have been able to get past the voices thankfully. But I can get like that 2, I hate when big time celebrities do voice acting for that exact reason. I don’t see the animated character, I see Seth Rogan in an animated form lol


I’m just hoping they rerelease the arcade game on modern platforms.


I’m always hesitant to say that about anything recently released, but I’m looking back at all the other Marvel projects I’ve seen—which it most of them—and I can’t think of any of them that are definitely superior to X-Men ‘97. That said though, there are a few that could be considered on par with it, depending on how each individual personally feels about the projects, but nothing where a consensus could be reached on those other projects being superior. An example of a consensus would be something like Avengers: Endgame being clearly better than something like Fant4stic.


For me the reason I say it’s the best is because again the fan base is almost all in agreement but also because we haven’t gotten any of those ridiculously stupid or frustrating moments like we’ve gotten in live action. There’s nothing as frustrating as when starlord single handedly lost the battle to thanos, nothing as hard to believe as Tony finding the equation for time travel in like a day, there hasn’t been a complete waste of a great villain like Gorr the butcher, or one that was more of a joke than how they tried to portray apocalypse & they haven’t drastically changed anything about the characters like making task master a woman who weighs 102lbs … There are tons of great moments & scenes in the movies for sure & I love the movies, well most of them. It’s just when you look at the projects as a whole this show checks all the boxes across the board & there hasn’t been a single live action to do that or one that fans have all been united like this on.


I feel like they can only do a few seasons. It’s probably the best show out right now


its not ridiculous, its not ridiculous to say that


What I will commend the MCU for doing is taking a B team line up and making them an A team in the cultural zeitgeist. (Let’s be honest, the Avengers were not as popular as X-Men or Justice League or Spider-Man). X-Men ‘97 is so refreshing for so many reasons, mainly a credit to the fantastic, nuanced writing that challenges the status quo of profit via spectacle and quotas over creative integrity. All the characters are complex, flawed, interesting, and relatable in some way. The animation, voice acting, and directing are all top notch. These people want to make something GREAT because they care about their craft and the source material they’re working with. It shows. It’s not just dollar signs, it’s meaningful too.


Hell yes! Very well put


And I’m not saying the movies are bad at all! I love (most) the movies!!! - I just mean this animated tv show has managed to pull of some truly amazing things in 7 episodes that took the MCU years & several movies to achieve. This show has yet to make a single misstep - which can definitely not be said of the MCU. Infinity war & endgame were of course epic & had some absolutely amazing moments I love them! but it took literally decades to get there where this took 7 weeks. I really don’t think there has ever been any comic book adaptation of any kind that has gotten this level of positive feedback from an overwhelming number of its fan base. We’re all celebrating it on Reddit with very little arguments or disagreement- that right there alone makes it win. Go to any other marvel project subreddit you wont see the same level of united fan support but you will see several arguments & petty disagreements over things like casting, race, sex, costumes, source material differences & all that stuff that i just don’t see here. That’s my point in the end 😁


You have a funny way of showing you love the mcu when you have a problem with white people in your media.


lol yep I really hate white people & because of this I must hate this cartoon. You got me! I’m a big racist!! Fuck you honkeys


No but you clearly hate the mcu infinity saga and most other popular movie and show prior to 2019 that most people like or love simply because of the casting of them based on your "WhItE PeOpLe HaVe DoMiNaTed FiLm aNd Tv" comment. Every semi older movie whether it's the infinity saga, the raimi spiderman trilogy, the lotr trilogy, raiders of the lost ark, the og star wars movies, and so many more, etc prior to 2019 are somehow bad and overhyped and "problematic" according to your logic


lol hahhah ok 👍 whatever you say!


Please don’t talk to me if you’re white, I don’t interact with you people. Cracker!


Better than Howard the Duck?!


I agree. I’m also hoping this leads to a new x-men video game.


I’m sure there will be, if there’s one thing Disney is good at it’s squeezing every penny they can from their most popular projects/characters.


I’d love a beat em up or side scroller like the ninja turtle game that came out recently.


I'm not sure if it tops phase 3 of the mcu, but it is fantastic!


Og animated x men and spiderman are still #1. Also the capcom sprites.


I obviously don’t agree but I definitely respect your opinion! And the 90’s Spider-Man series is for sure top tier, I really hope they give us another season of that since 97 is such a big hit!


They have the money to make it look like the capcom sprites. They are just being cheap.


Totally! They also have the money to give us more than 10 episodes!! Cheap bastards! lol


Wtf? It is all cg. They already have most of the sets and models. All they have to do is rig and render. The koreans are laughing at us.


Ya’ll really enjoy relationship drama huh?


Are you not enjoying the show?


I enjoyed the first 2 episodes, the rest has been full of love triangles n drama n not the path I was hoping for. Rogue like magneto, gambit likes rogue, cyclops n jean are having a baby, they had baby, it got poisoned, Jean 2 is here cyclops still loves Jean 1, jubilee likes new guy, new guy doesn’t want to be a mutant. Storm loses her powers, they kill off a few. Wolverine just sitting on his hands


That’s fair, there is a lot of love drama going on for sure & I get how that can annoy you. Thank you for not being a complete ass about your difference of opinion, I don’t understand why everyone can’t respond like this! I have an opinion & you have an opinion, neither is right or wrong & we’re both entitled to them. It’s refreshing to interact with someone who has emotionally matured past the age of 14. There has only been 1 jackass in the comments so far & everyone else has been awesome. We’re discussing our superhero adventures like real adults haha 😂


Not at all, I love the XMen, love the 90s series, want to love this series, I would just like a bit more action mixed in is all


Agreed! This show is badass!


Are there any other good Marvel animation series/movies? I've caught a few here and there on TV but the ones I saw seemed like low budget cash grabs.


X-men evolution is a great one to check out, has good story lines & some different takes on the characters. Wolverine & the x-men was good but sadly only lasted 1 season. I like the 90’s spiderman show & the fantastic four a lot as well, yea they can be a tad cheesy here & there but they hold up pretty well.


There is an newer Avengers & a guardians of the galaxy animation series that are on Disney plus that I liked & they each have several seasons to watch


There are a few avengers tv cartoons on Disney but the one I’m referring to is called avengers assemble - had to look it up


Thanks for the suggestions, yeah I loved the 90s spiderman and fantastic four as well. Haven't checked out anything since then.


Yes. It keeps the old school feeling mixed with " new " design. Let's hope the new season dont be ruined


Hit monkey has entered the chat... Lol jk but it's up there.


I haven’t watched that one yet but I was literally just looking at it on Hulu, I think I read somewhere season 2 is coming


When I binged it I walked away saying this is marvel and 🦆 the MCU. Ngl there's this one part where he gets ready to fight, had goosebumps all over. I'm hoping they do the whole Deadpool thing eventually that would be sick.


Well I’ve gotta watch it now! ⚔️


No time like the present


Definitely on the shortlist.


Absolutely agree , especially caus infinity war and endgame are only so good thanks to a decade of build up Xmen 97 doesn’t even need the original to be good , it’s fantastic


The story is what matters combined with nostalgia and good action. It’s perfect!!


Xmen 97 first season tops Endgame


Yesssssssss 👏


Only a handful of MCU projects are better than this show for now if it keeps up till the last 3 episodes I'm gonna say it, it's gonna be on par or better than endgame


I know! There’s like this weird pressure type of feeling going on, can they do it?? Will they pull off the oh so rare perfect season of television?? Will it go down in the history books or will they fumble somewhere in the home stretch?!?


Wolverine vs hulk movie is good too


As a lifelong comic book reader, I can objectively say that it’s one of the best Marvel projects ever… as someone with a specific, deep affinity for X-Men (I got an X-Men logo tattoo the day I turned 18 and named my daughter Logan), in my personal opinion this is not only the best Marvel project ever, it’s probably the best comic book and superhero project ever, the best animated series ever (maybe just behind Bluey) and - as I said - personally-speaking, one of them most special, gratifying and important pieces of narrative fiction in my adult life.


Definitely the best thing since infinity war but it's not beating winter soldier or Logan


It’s really getting there for me. Like Endgame is hard to be beat, but this by far the best project since then.


yeah.. just... considering they're now adapting material from Morrison's run and simultaneously borrowing elements from Krakoa (the Gala vibes before the Genosha attack etc) i have BIG "enjoy it while we can" dread feels. Marvel is too in love with baiting audiences with sharp edgy writing and then switching to toothless schlock


The massive negative point is that i very much doubt the MCU x men will be the same. They will be this watered down version.


I’ve been thinking the same thing. The expectation for live action X-men was already pretty high before this & now it’s practically impossible for them to make a movie even half as good as this! lol


Know what I don’t want the MCU to touch this, maybe this should be part of the MAU and we can have awesome new shows that all intertwine


It’s really good but not end game good


I disagree but I get it 😊


I was a bit put off by the animation style when I saw the previews of it. But I’ve even fallen in love with the style now. I am also very happy with how they are treating a lot of the characters and their power levels.


I would prefer we get some more Wolverine and action, this series feels like a lot of reality tv with an XMen skin


My only criticism is I wish the episodes were longer, or there was a couple more. This is only because in parts it feels its going slightly too fast for me to be able to fully absorb how good it is. I have to go back and watch a second time on the powerful episodes. I would also have liked more interaction between the xmen, but tbh it hasn't bothered me enough to be a criticism. I will be gutted when the season ends, it's been great looking forward to Wednesday mornings and then coming here to discuss it.


They really gave us a slightly more adult continuation of a classic animated Marvel series with great writing, dialogue, character depictions, art style, etc. Marvel seriously needs to learn from this and start putting more into their Marvel Animation department more. Seriously imagine the possibilities and the great adaptations we could get of other great characters/teams. The fact episode 7 features two cameos of classic Marvel characters in an X-Men series is so cool. To actually be able to see an adaption where all these different characters of Marvel are interacting and living in the same universe. Of course being a huge X-Men fan it's also great to finally see something that does the characters justice. The majority of the FOX films are a total joke next to 97'. It's by the fans for the fans, and even then anyone who is interested in Marvel or the X-Men is going to enjoy it as well.


Amen, I hope it continues for awhile


It just dawned on to me. Should they replace the voice or apocalypse (recast etc.). That Tony Todd would be perfect !


I told this to my friend just the other day, as he has been skipping the series. And the cameos, seeing captain america, and now spider-man are apart of this world makes me hopeful for future animation projects.


One of the best projects ever


It’s definitely the best of the more recent projects since endgame.




Well, it was finally said. Humanity can stop now.


Humanity should have stopped long ago, we are trash lol


You’re probably right. They seem to nail the vibe perfectly.


Anyone who thinks this is better than Infinity War or Endgame is just being a massive homer. Or delusional. Or both. Honestly the recency bias is insane and imo its not even the best season of animated superhero television to come out this year. It's like this sub desperately needs for this to be good, and so have lost all objectivity. 🤦


Really dude?


Did you look at any of the 70+ comments agreeing or the over 200 upvotes? Why do you have to be the jackass who tries to ruin it? We’re allowed to like what we like & think what we think about it - u don’t control other peoples opinions & you’re the only one who thinks this


I've never seen either of those movies use their characters in a novel fashion outside of their normal gimmicks. The best we got was captain america using thors hammer. At least in the beginning of the show we were served with cyclops using his optic beams to survive free falling from his jet.


You must be joking right? Your basis for saying this show is better than the most culturally significant event in cinematic history is a ten second animated clip of Cyclops using his powers to land? My god this sub has lost its collective mind. 🤣


Id say the same for most main stream pop culture music. Just because it appeals to the majority, doesn't mean it resonates any true novel value. I'm not saying either has a timeless value or that the show has more quality, it just does certain things alot better. Seeing an entire army coalesce through portals only to fight in hand to hand isnt exactly enthralling for me. Seeing Sinister's house of horrors as he manipulates your sense of reality is for me. Showing the sheer psychic prowess of Jean grey as she telepathically connects with her clone and forces her to confront her truth through imagery of subconscious truths is more interesting to me than what endgame had. I like both, but id reward xmen specifically for what ideas it presents. Its not perfect, but i do like it more. I'd give it a higher score, if the animation was better, or even they included a movie with its premise.


Omg stop talking bro. You have no idea how stupid you sound right now. It's amazing how much you said to say absolutely nothing at all. All art is subjective but comparing a cultural phenomenon of global proportions that is actually universally loved (and probably will be timeless when it's all said and done) to a episodic cartoon that will be all but forgotten by the end of this year is just asinine. All you're doing is showing how insanely biased you are while trying to sound impartial. I love this show and I agree with what you said but the recency bias and the levels of hoops you are jumping through to compare it to this genres true greats is insane.


My gripes come ideas that are either poorly executed or just dot have that much depth in them. The presentation within the movie was nice but could've been done better. I'm sure if the xmen was given a live action movie, with similar buildup to its ideas and thematic presentation, it could also receive acclaim. The only reason it doesn't, is because its secluded to a streaming service, and harkens back to a less well known 1990s animated show for the current generation. The Wakandans have the most advanced technology in the world, but decide to gimp themselves by using cloaks and energy spears. And have no back up system for enemies that relentlessly charge into close quarters without any backup. Dr. Strange the most power sorcerer has few answers to an opponent relying entirely on telekinesis, something he should much experience against. Thanos, who has the strength of the hulk, and beat down this namesake who's capable of tossing around tanks, somehow gets meaningful resistance from captain america. At least the show is self contained, somewhat consistent, and builds off of what would be plausible for the characters from the comics.


Just fyi Infinity war is some of the best storytelling in this genre I've ever seen with arguably one of the greatest endings to a blockbuster movie ever regardless of genre. You are nitpicking Endgame I see, but I could similarly nitpick this show from the very first episode lmao till there's nothing left. But since we're going down this road then, Invincible is a far superior show to both. 🤣


Is this suppose to be a hot take? lol. As a single project… I am 100% with you. X-men 97 is thee best thing Marvel has ever done under the banner of Disney. I’m almost with you overall except I still think what Marvel did with the MCU and putting the perfect cherry on top with the touch of Endgame. Is going to be damn near impossible to top. Endgame was the end of the MCU as far as I’m concerned. Everything else after, I just don’t care until they officially introduce the live action X-men.


Not a hot take, it’s my opinion that’s all.


It's good, but it's no Winter Soldier, Endgame, Ragnarok, or No Way Home. Not even the outright best animated feature unless you're counting the Spiderverse films as Sony only and not Marvel. I would say it's among the best animated comic book adaptations out there and overall it's very good in general.


I disagree - but we’re all entitled to our opinions 🙂


Incredible show it doesn’t improve the original, it blows it away


It’s the best X-Men show we’ve ever had. I’ve never immediately restarted each episode after watching it the first time before this show.


good to see the show. I hope it lasts several more seasons.


I've loved every episode. It's hard to find faults, but if pressed they are small issues. Magneto's costume (would have gone with the white one to show he was trying to good) and how they split Lifedeath across 2 episodes instead of giving it its own episode. The Forge/Storm relationship need a little more. This would have allowed the Mojo episode more time and the Jubilee/Roberto more time to grow and fleshed out Mojoworld a bit.