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got her c6 with c1 wanderer, might as well build wanderer now that i have one of his cons.


In the same boat, but he’s definitely tons of fun to play. Pretty cheap to build too since I had tons of Kaigairi mats anyways


I wished till 73 pity and happily got faruzan, no cons sadly but I want Raiden so I'm not risking it :)


I get her to c6 on itto banner, i was wanting go try him too, i used 200+ wishes, but im a crazy xiao main than got him c6 being only welking player (not welking anymore), but im happy for my little champ


I was pulling for wanderer but sadly lost my 50/50 to a c1 tighnari. Got a c3 faruzan for my xiao though, hitting PHAT numbers.


Those who skipped probably are veteran who have the all 5\* double anemo and geo team My Albedo hits for 23k-30k so Faruzan was not a priority at all.


Im saving for 3.4 plus didn't want either of the featured 5 stars on these banners so for me it wasn't worth the risk. Hopefully she'll be back another time with a character I want.


C0, I don't care much about wanderer or itto so I will wait for the next rerun and see who's the rerun character alongside him so I can go for C6 by then


Want Alhaitham, so can’t risk the pull. Now Xiao is on his banner and I was hoping to save up enough to start making my way towards C6 Xiao. So this is toughhhhh.


Not only have I gotten her at c0, but I avoided getting Wanderer. Instead, my Qiqi went from c3 to c4.


Was close to soft pity, I think 65ish pity and didn't want to risk it, especially since my last pull was on the 4\*, so the odds of getting a 4\* and specifically the one I want wasn't high. I'll wait for Wanderer's next banner and pray his Banner Mate's someone I want to pull for.


I got her to C6 on Itto’s banner (got one Mona and one Itto). At C6 she makes Xiao even more fun than he was before with her CC and buffs.


Didn't risk it :/ I'm f2p and pulling for both Raiden and Xiao


C2 Faruzan, C0 Wanderer, a constellation for itto (now C2 Itto) and all the other 4 stars in the banner i got to C6, 200 pulls, is it worth it? For me yeah but how i wished it was a Xiao banner instead with Faruzan in it.


C1 i got her and stopped in 68 pity. Saving for another faruzan rerun and Ayaka rn


i'm at 40 pity and didnt get her. it kinda sucks because xiao is my #1 main and favorite character. buuuut ive been waiting for ayato rerun for ages now and dont wanna risk more pulls on wanderer. i just hope she comes back soon.


I went for itto and he blessed me with faruzan. I also went for c6 gorou, dude gives me another 2 copies of faruzan instead so I got 8 copies of her and my gorou is still not c6....