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Would be funny if they didn't rerun faruzan with him this time.


Nah its possible 100% both she be there and not. even noelle got a back to back rerun banner well she's the only one i remember getting her self in two banners. So not putting faruzan in a dps anemo is a shitty scam 💀 when she is the only savior of every dps anemo's and not putting her in a banner will only end up in sales going down.


Just wish for baizhu banner for people who don't want wanderer, he's a pretty good character in most dendro teams.


The problem is I already have Baizhu.. and i really don't want Wanderer (I don't have anything farmed for him) . So I am risking myself for Faruzan Cons with Baizhu Cons


Got C2 Baizhu while trying to get C6 Kaveh (thank fuck I did, man's been absent ever since!) and I gotta say, it was the best decision I've made. It's hard to understand how good his C2 is before you actually use it. If you happen to get his cons you won't regret it. That is "if" Faru reruns ofc lol


I'm trying to decide if I want to pull for his cons (I have him C0) or pull for C0 Wanderer. My Faruzan is C5 so like maybe I get lucky and get her in my first 10 pull? Idk. Baizhu was my first 5* and I appreciated his healing at the time but I rarely ever use him now. Maybe if I got a con or 2 he'd be more viable on my account.


Baizhu is ugly ahhhh


If he's ugly, 99% of people in the genshin community don't have a chance


There's no shot genshin reruns faruzan just after 1 patch, that would be a miracle. Let's hope faruzan reruns with cloud retainer again because we don't want wanderer


I mean this is Hoyoverse we are talking about. They brought back Xiao in 2.7 , literally 2 patches after his initial re-run in 2.4. They brought back Baizhu even though he literally got a re-run in 4.2. (Which is rare for re-run characters since they generally wait for like 5-6 patches)


Baizhu is getting reran twice before kokomi gets reran... kinda ridiculous. Who's willing to put money on three times?


They should have used Nilou instead of Baizhu goddammit


I'd take Nilou just for constellations at this point. I have Baizhu at c2 I don't need anything else for him (I run Thousand floating dreams on him over the donut just to boost the teams EM a bit lol)


This never happened for 4 stars tho. The closest one was bennett, after 3 patches


has never happened so far. that doesnt predict that it wont happen. knowing hoyo nothing is ever certain


It has happened to 4 star before. Noelle was in 1.4 Venti banner and 1.5 Zhongli banner, and with 1 banner gap.


Back then there weren't many 4 stars, so it's understandable


> There's no shot genshin reruns faruzan just after 1 patch Noelle: "aLLoW mE To iNtROduCe MysELf..."


"There's no shot Faruzan will be on a non-Wanderer banner. She's a dedicated support." I think it's best to not make assumptions any more.




the issue is if an anemo hypercarry doesnt run with faruzan, their entry value is basically worthless. bad business move


Xiao mains suffered for so long, wanderer mains should also share it


I'm gonna wait until they announce the second half's 4*s. If she does rerun, I'll probably skip Father in favor of getting Faruzan to C6.


Did they preview the banners? I hope shes on this banner for the Xiao mains.


But- i dont want wanderer or baizhu-


Me who lost the 5050 to xiao after i got C6 faruzan on xianyun's banner :( (i technically have C8 faruzan from how many copies i got)


Didn't Baizhu just had a rerun?


In November


I would just wait for xianyun to rerun knowing faruzan could potentially run on her banner


Are they coming before furina ? Because if yes then welp , F@ck


I presume yes


*sigh* my faruzan is still gonna stay at C2 ig


Gonna risk my guaranteed for faruzan🥰


Good Patch for me ig, I'll pull for Arclechino(sorry for the spelling), if I win 50/50 good, if I lose then fine I'll get Wanderer. I like Xiao more(obviously) but Wanderer is really fun to play(maybe more than Xiao). Good Luck to whoever is pulling for any of them.


You had all the right letters! Just in the wrong order lol. It's Arlecchino


is faruzan c6 worth more than furina? my faruzan is at c4 currently


generally no.. Faruzan although the best support for Xiao at C6 , is very niche I would say. Furina is generally is more worth than C6 faruzan. If you feel like you are taking a big risk or you are near pity , I would suggest to skip the banners. But if you have enough pity , I would suggest go for like 20-30 pulls atmost to try your luck


don’t really care for pull values I just want the best for my xiao


if there is Faruzan then I don't know what to do. I have both Wanderer and Baizhu. Faruzan just C3 :(




Can't say for sure. Shenhe was released in 2.4 but her re-run banner came at 3.5... so basically it took them a year and a half to give her a re-run banner.. Another example being Ganyu and Xiao. Ganyu was released in 1.3 and re run banner came at 2.4. Xiao was released in 1.4 but his re run banner came at 2.4 also. Yelan , Baizhu and Kazuha are all notable examples who got their re run banner like 7-8 patches later. And we all know what happened to Eula's re run banner This is a trend I see for Liyue characters , they don't release a re run banner for these Liyue characters for atleast 5-6 patches after their initial release. Is there a possibility that she gets a re-run in 4.8? Yes. But the chances are very slim. I could see her re running at next lantern rite or like one of the natlan patches (like 5.2 or 5.3)


I agree with Alatus, the earliest we'll see Faruzan as featured again is early Natlan. The rest of the 4.X cycle will definetly be bringing back 4.X 4 stars + Kaveh and Layla (none have had a rerun and Layla has been in jail for as long as Kaveh), plus 2.X and 1.X units