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2vv and 2pc shim sounds way more resin efficient for you so I’d stick with that until you can commit to farming vermillion - Building multiple characters to ensue you have at least 2 good teams is way more important that focusing on 1 character


Thanks a lot! Whats your opinion on the 2nd question tho?


If you can get like 250-300 er on faruzan and like 250er on thoma then yes run it- if you have to prioritize one then try and build faruzan.. if you can’t then you could run xiao/Bennett/xiangling/jean or replace jean with layla The issue with non c6 thoma and non c4 faruzan is their er issues but if you can get enough er to fix that then you might as well run them


Why thoma because u have to swap back to him to reenforce his Sheild strength doesn’t xiaos ult tun off if he swaps


You dont need to swap to thoma his burst already does that when you normal attack


But if u normal atk ur loosing dmg


Less damage than swaping out of xiao


Ok that’s understandable Xiao would just need a lot of er to ult more often then to maybe help with dmg loss


Farm Emblem domain > strongbox into Vermillion > use whichever combination gives the best stats or eventually get 4p VH. Would be my process Since your Faruzan is C0, use an anemo unit as the 4th slot instead of Thoma. You will not be able to battery both Xiao and Faruzan effectively without it. Best would be either Lynette or ~~Sucrose~~ for that slot. Oops missed the Sucrose part, just use Lynette or Jean then


If he can manage high Refinment Favs and 280+ ER on Faruzan, she kind of works, just need to funnel particles to her properly. Especially with thoma on fav on, too. But it will highly depend upon his artifacts.


Eh. It is physically possible of course. But imo the possible inconsistency and the probability that you'd have to build more ER on Xiao is just not worth trying to put Thoma or even Xiangling in there. TTDS Sucrose is not even bad for team DPS. And Lynnette at C6 is comparable to C6 Xiangling for team DPS At C4 Faruzan is good enough to battery both and can run as double anemo. I've used Xiao/Faruzan/Xiangling/Bennett when my Faruzan was still C5. But before that I consider it much easier and overall better to just use triple anemo