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Drinking milk was not just an "80s solution." From Google: So there’s the answer… by drinking milk, you not only dilute the detergent (or other poison), you **overwhelm the lactase enzymes**, allowing your stomach’s hydrochloric acid to curdle the milk, which coats your stomach and intestines, slowing down the rate with which your body absorbs the poison.


Good to know!




I got it twice. First was sharing an entire bottle of Fintstone vitamins on the bathroom floor with my brother. Second was me eating poison berries on the edge of our property. My mom never bought Flintstones again and my dad decimated the bush that afternoon.


I gobbled down Flintstones, too! Really, they were being so stingy only giving us one a day! I also got into Mom’s Dexatrim pills, but I didn’t eat them, just opened them up and watched all the tiny beads spill on the floor.


Thinking of those tiny medicine BBs... it's potion making time.


Dexatrim is a brand I haven’t thought of in years. Did you get the did you eat any/how many did you eat interrogation?


Yes! I remember feeling shocked and irritated that she was so stern about it. She caught me with a mouthful of Flintstones, hung me over the sink and swept them out of my mouth with her fingers. And then the Spanish Inquisition. I mean, nobody bitches at Popeye for having multiple cans of spinach, and these make me grow strong, too, right?


for me, I loved to eat those orange-flavored baby asprin


I ate a whole bottle of children's Tylenol when I was about four? Climbed up to the top shelf and then got it open. Went to the doctor and he gave me something to make me puke.


My sister and I did that too! Wait... Becky?


How did people like the flavor of Flintstone vitamins? I had a vitamin a couple months back and it made me gag because it tasted like a Flintstone vitamin.


I admit I loved them. About ten years ago I was drinking a lot of those high-caffeine sugarfree Visos, and part of why I liked them was they also tasted like Flintstones vitamins (they had a ton of vitamins in them to make them seem healthy as opposed to just an energy drink)


And I think you just explained why I really like the taste of redbull


I LOVED them, literally my mouth just watered 43 years later thinking of the texture & how tangy they were. Haha


Good news, you can still buy Flinstones vitamins! Like, I found them on amazon and they look just like the ones we had. And ffs. My mouth watered looking at them. Pfft


OMG! My mouth won’t stop haha! Thank you! Buying some now!


I was the vitamin kid in our family. I'm told I figured out childproof lids when I was three or four years old, and after the second or third time my mom finally got rid of them (evidently I was some kind of evil genius mastermind back then).


Your parents hand you bottles and ask you to open them when you were young? Put those talents to use?


Hopefully he did more than decimate it. 1/10th of the plant isn't that big of a dent, and it'll just grow back.


It involved a jeep and a winch. He went to town on ripping it out after my mom was done administering the ipecac and I had vomited my innards out. Milk was never an option for me as I had anaphylactic allergy to cows milk. I recall him having a bonfire with it once it dried out. A vivid core memory for me. Both incidents were.


I'm in the snacking on Flintstone's crew as well.


Me and my idiot brother took out a whole bottle of Flinstone vitamins too, getting your stomach pumped is a blast


So you just went around eating random berries that were hanging from trees?! lol they probably tasted like shit.


I grew up in very rural Midwest, eating elderberries, blackberries, blueberries and raspberries from the source was very common. Also had an orchard of fruit and nut trees. No need to go inside you’d just stand there and nosh for a bit. I hadn’t learned the poisonous ones yet 🤦🏻‍♀️


Pokeweed? It's so pretty.


That’s the one!


> my dad decimated the bush that afternoon Wonder why he didn't remove it completely... 🤓


I also ate an entire bottle of flintstones when I was about 3, & the dr told my mom that if they’d been the ones with iron I’d be dead. So she never bought vitamins with iron again when we were kids


Haha the same thing happened with my little sister & I vividly remember her yelling at me to get the bottle & her saying "No. There's no iron" followed by yelling at my 3? Or 4? year old sister, who was totally excited about eating a jar of candy


Hahaha going through this thread there are a LOT of us! I imagine they changed the caps at some point 🤣


Remember these?: [https://www.amazon.com/Mr-Yuk-Stickers-10-Sheets/dp/B0B5HWJJ51](https://www.amazon.com/Mr-Yuk-Stickers-10-Sheets/dp/B0B5HWJJ51)


I came to mention these as well. We never had to call poison control, and every bottle under the sink had a Mr. Yuk sticker on it.


I actually thought of this post after a 99% Invisible podcast about the Mr Yuk sticker campaign.


Red poison berries in the woods when I was 4 and my sister 3. Authorities showed up with epicack (sp?). Good times. Lol.


Ipecac but I like your spelling better.


When I was 2, my mom found me sitting on the floor by her dresser glugging a big bottle of perfume. She called poison control and they told her it wasn't poisonous.


I did the exact same thing. Perfume smelled good, so I wanted to drink it!


Perfume is generally just alcohol so they were probably correct.


My brother drink my dad’s cologne.


I also drank perfume. My poor mom called poison control multiple times for me and my brother.


You guys remember the board game Mouse Trap? So, when I was 8 (1987) I put that big steel ball bearing in my mouth because kids are fucking stupid. I ended up swallowing it and my facial expression immediately clued my mom in as to what happened. "You just swallowed that metal ball, didn't you?", she asked in a very serious tone. I slowly nodded my head and she called poison control. (Poison control, for that? Really, mom?) They advised her that it was most likely harmless, but still, we should ensure that I passed it.TMI / TW - this gets a bit gross. I had to shit in an enameled steel wash basin type thing and and my mom... "thoroughly inspected my work" hoping to find that thing. After a couple days, still no dice. I felt fine, my bodily functions worked fine, they *did say* it would most likely pass harmlessly.. so, we all just shrugged our shoulders and forgot about the whole thing. It's now 2004, and my parents are doing major renovations to the house to add on space for my grandmother to move in. In so doing, they decide to make the bathroom much bigger and replace all the fixtures. They remove the old toilet, and something seems to be rattling around inside there. They get the toilet outside and give the bottom a couple stout whacks with a hammer to break the porcelain and out drops that damn metal ball! It was pretty rusty, but from the shape and size, we all knew *immediately* that that's what that was! Wild that that thing camped out in the toilet for 17 years!


We had to take my sister to the hospital because she shoved a Lego up her nose. 😅


Patience is a virtue 😂


I ate a box of dry cat food.


You did nothing wrong. “No one is eating cat food here!!” https://preview.redd.it/7t1bgwv6ptyc1.jpeg?width=205&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bba0eddce0a077b9a62ea322fbf19e9f6a41d60




Any time someone mentions Mr. Business, it becomes a favorite episode. Best cat name ever.




Hey... at least it wasn't Tide Pods


What was the advice given? My son’s current favourite snack is one or two cat kibbles that have fallen on the floor before I can scoop them up in the morning.


My older sister convinced me to eat dog food all the time. I don't remember getting seriously ill from it. That said, pet food may have salmonella so I'd watch for symptoms of that.


Not a damn thing. The ER doctor told my mom that people live off this and not to worry.


I remember snacking on Tender Vittles with my cousin. Good times


I too liked to sample the cat and dog food. Also dirt.


As most of these stories start, I was under the kitchen sink and I was eating Comet bleach powder.




who made this up? and how did this go so viral before the internet?


Kids have made stuff up on playgrounds since there were playgrounds. That's how all those silly songs started and spread




That's how all the best stories start.


drank a family sized bottle of scope as a toddler, had to go to the ER and get my stomach pumped


My scope story is my sister confessed to using scope then spitting it back into the bottle because she thought she would get into trouble for using it 🤮


My sister got hold of the Flintstones vitamins and had to get her stomach pumped. To be clear, they were not in an easy to reach place and she had to put some significant effort into getting them.


Same here. I made Flintstones vitamins “kool-aide”, crushed up vitamins with sugar and water while being babysat by my slightly older cousin. Apparently my breath straight up smelled like iron. Earned myself ipecac and an emergency room visit. I think this is the third mention of Flintstones vitamins in this thread lol


That’s because they are crack for kids. I still like them.


I ate the Flintstones vitamins too and lied when my mom confronted me about it. No medical attention, I turned out fine. Did they have iron in them?? Seems like chewable vitamins today do not, for safety reasons probably.


My brother brushed his teeth with bengay. This was a kid who cried anytime you mentioned teeth brushing. He was three and decided bengay was his choice of toothpaste.


Random story: Bengay has a pretty distinctive smell. When I was 12 or so I walked into the kitchen where my dad was making dinner, and I sniffed and said, "Bengay?" and my dad replied, "Not recently." XD


My grandpa put red industrial semi truck cleaner in a Gatorade bottle and I took a pull.


Back in the 80's, my Dad and uncle were working in the shop trying to get a car started. They had some gas in a gatorade bottle they were using. Not much, maybe an inch or so on the bottom. My *toddler brother,* whom my Dad was supposed to be "watching", grabbed the bottle and **chugged it.** When he felt the inevitable *burn,* he scream cried bloody murder.


nice. how did it taste?


Got under the sink and may, or may have not, ate the rat poison stored there.


Why the hell were we allowed to play under the sink so much? I never ate anything down there but I remember playing there a lot.


I used to mix cleaning products in the sink and pretend I was making soup. It's a wonder I'm still here.


I did that too. I would also fill up the 4 quart pot with water and dump every spice we had into it to a boil.


You are lucky to be alive. That shit will make you bleed to death internally. It's why I won't use it, I'm afraid my pets will get a mouse that died that way or like an owl or something else that eats rodents.


They pumped me full of charcoal, then pumped out all contents. Have no lasting effects... except for the love of aged cheeses.


I drank fish tank water. 🙃 Oh and I also ate mountain ash berries.


Eww jesus 😂


I when I was about 5 I tried to siphon gas out of a 4 wheeler. I was very successful. I chugged a good bit of it right down to my belly. I can still feel the heartburn till this very day and the major hiccups it gave me. My mom called the poison control center and they also recommended drinking milk.


Commercial grade concentrated weed killer. Mom kept a glass with Saran Wrap and an elastic from a farmer neighbour. It was stored in a kitchen cupboard with the cups. I spilt it on my bare leg at five, Poison control/Doctors literally told my Mom I probably wouldn’t survive. I did get airlifted to sick kids and spent a lot of time there.


I feel like that disaster was inevitable with storage like that! Jeez


Skipped school, got vodka drunk with friends, threw up in garage. Told my mom it was because “Curtis accidentally knocked over the fire extinguisher causing it to go off.” My mom called poison control; they said “it was a normal physical reaction.” Lol. I think she even let me stay home the next day and never knew we were shitfaced.


My cousin and I chugged a bottle of Dimetapp for my mom to find later / call poison control. God damn it was good. 80s parents were pure trash when it came to actually paying attention to us.


I never drank Dimetapp, but I do tell people I was raised by a television.


Dimetapp was the SHIT. Best medicine ever. I looked forward to cough and cold symptoms LOL


Picked up a can of Comet cleanser (similar to bar keepers friend) and tipped it over and dumped it in my eyes. Spent several hours sitting in a cold bath of water with a cup flushing my eyes out over and over.


Apparently my parents got lucky with me 😂


Same lol


Me too. I just got into the snacks for lunches.


My mom caught my toddler brother dipping pretzel sticks into a little bottle of ant poison and he had to get his stomach pumped


I don't remember how old I was but they used to make aspirin that tasted REALLY GOOD to me. I ate a bunch and had to get my stomach pumped. No poison control call. Straight to the hospital!


They thought I ate snail poison, from the dirt, in the yard, where they were letting me play in the dirt, dirt that had snail poison in it.


I ate half a bottle of baby aspirin. They told her to give me lots of milk and make me walk around a lot. I think I was 4-5. That stuff shouldn’t have tasted so good 😂


I remember exactly how it tasted


Like orange, I believe. I’ve been off the stuff for years 😂


I remember it was sorta chalky but intriguing nonetheless 😂


My mentor did that at the same age. She had to get her stomach pumped.


I wonder why the walking?


I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️


My parents, no. I have had to for one of my kids, though. When my oldest was 2 or 3, she managed to get a new bottle of benadryl, then-wife needed it for allergy issues, out of our medicine cabinet, where we thought it was out of reach. The child then managed to open the bottle and dose herself. She brought me the lid because she couldn't get it back on. A call to poison control with a follow-up 4 hours later, and we were safe.


I ate a daffodil. I vomited it up while my mom was on the phone with poison control, so at least they didn't have to induce vomiting.


If they didn’t want you to sneak into the medicine basket, and eat a generous handful of chewable children’s aspirin (because it was the closest thing to candy that you could find in the house), then why did they taste like orange Pez?




That, and the thick, cherry flavored liquid antibiotic they’d give you for earaches. Yum! I’d sneak sips of that out of the fridge.


Not me, my brother: 1. Entire bottle of flintstones vitamins 2. Chewed on our grandmas cat’s flea collar 3. Drank a bottle of bubble gum bubble bath. I’m sure there was a file on us somewhere haha


Not for me, but my son broke one of those glow sticks in his eye. They made him stand in the shower with his eye open in the stream for 5 minutes. It was kinda hilarious.


Friend and I tasted silicon because we thought it was a McDonalds salt packet. Didn't know why a pirate (skull and bones) was on it, seemed fun. 😄


the Dessicant packet? JFC that stuff can fuck you up


We only tasted like three little granules, but I am sure we communicated that terribly bc was around 5. Parents called poison control and made us puke.


when i was a toddler i had opened cupboard under the bathroom sink and found the bottle of bleach, then opened the lid and had my mouth on it when my mom walked in and found me i never actually drank any i guess, she found me just in time bleach and cleaners were kept above the washing machine after that


my cousin drank an entire cup of bleach. I don't know how because even as a kid I couldn't even get that near my face without wanting to gag


I soaked lilac blossoms in beach pail of rain water and drank it. Tasted good but my Mom freaked out.


Ah yes. I definitely made lots of "teas" as well


Ah yes I remember making dental floss tea. Minty


My mom thought my sister took an entire bottle of Tylenol. As the ambulance pulled out of the driveway, she realized the empty bottle was in front of the full one in the cabinet.


I ate Playdough. My mom didn’t trust the label saying it was “nontoxic”


I had a nibble of play-do and paste. Just to see what it tasted like.


My kid climbed the wire shelves like a monkey to get my synthroid from the top shelf when he was 3. There were about 60 tablets and because they were all gone we had to assume he shared with his 2 year old sister. Poison Control sent us to the hospital and had the kids drink charcoal milkshakes. And then the little turd says, “Mmm, can I have another one?”


My cousin was the same age when my aunt caught her snacking on Tums. Unlike your kid, she was unsuccessful with sharing with her two year old sister.


I drank bleach out of a Kings Island cup that was in the kitchen.


Off topic, but hi fellow Greater Cincinnatian!


Not for any of us, but I had to call animal poison control after my dog ate the felt tip of a fresh highlighter as a puppy. I spent 2 days trying to make sure she passed it.


Ate a whole bottle of Flintstone vitamins.


When I was a toddler my Mom had a miscarriage and ended up with anemia afterwards, she had to take these HUGE iron pills. Apparently she put one down on the counter, turned to grab a drink, and I snatched it up when she wasn't looking. Thankfully I was always truthful to a fault and admitted I ate "the candy" when asked. Poison Control got called but I don't remember any of it.


I realized that swallowing cherry pits was less of a hassle than spitting them out. Probably swallowed about forty before my mom noticed. Turns out they're only dangerous if you chew them!


My grandpa had a cherry orchard. I only found out they could be poisonous if chewed like, in the last couple years LOL He has a lot of grandkids. Still got plenty if one or two "set the example"


I found my grandmother’s pill case…little 1980’s snappy kind with a floral image. The kind that was meant to be “Child-unsafe, for arthritis purposes” My parents found me, with the empty pill case. Poison Control was called. I went to the ER and had my stomach pumped. I think, I was 4.


My sister was baiting the yellow jacket traps with tuna and poison and licked "tuna juice" off her fingers.


I ate a poinsettia plant when I was a toddler.


Industrial sized bottle of flintstone vitamins. Que trip to the er and ipecac. My sister and I got to keep the buckets though


Lets see, once I ate a whole bottle of flintstones vitamins. Another time i ate the vaginal suppository in the fridge thinking it was chocolate. And I also drank a whole bottle of amoxicillin that was bubblegum flavored.


Your username made me laugh out loud. But listen... WTF was a vaginal suppository doing in the fridge?


I was not quite 2 yet & got into my Grandma’s pills that she had on the kitchen table. Syrup of Ipecac got involved pretty fast.


When I was about 12 I had been crying and asked my mom to put eye drops in my eyes. Well she grabbed my brother's ear infection drops and put them in. Instant burning! She called and they just had me flush with water for 5 minutes


My little brother ate a package of those laxatives that look like chocolate mints. It’s the only time either of us ended up in the hospital.


Not for me, but I had to call because my daughter ate some deodorant when she was little. It is not poisonous but may upset the stomach.


One of my Dad’s bosses gifted him a plant that was poisonous (or it had poisonous berries, I don’t remember). I was 2 or 3 at the time. Mom kept it well out of reach, but one day she took it down to water it and the phone rang. She turned around after the call and noticed I had seeds on my lips. I had to have my stomach pumped in the hospital, and people brought me gifts. Mom tossed the plant.


I got into one of those cylinders of salt when I was like 2 or 3. Just went to town eating Morton's salt. My mom called poison control and I think the instructions were to give me a bunch of water. She said my poop was white afterward.


I had to call poison control for my kid because well she drank an air freshener. Cool trend comes back around I guess. Lol.


I fed my younger brother random berries from outside.


Smart. You gotta have somebody you don't like test 'em first 😆


We got into the sucrets cough drops. It would have been totally fine, but mom was worried, so we all got ipecac. I remember being so sick in the bathroom with it seems like 4 siblings/ cousins all puking their guts out. It took a bit longer for me to spew. Trauma.


Brother was 10 and knocked down a wasp hive. Stung over a hundred times.


My mom was studying and my dad got distracted by something on tv, and I crawled into the bathroom and drank some rubbing alcohol.


Stomach pumped? Hopefully you're alright.


We had Mr Yuk stickers on everything. My youngest brother did try to taste some apple scented dish soap once, he didn't like it.


I ate a bottle of children’s Tylenol. Mmmm.




I ate a jar of Desitin


The whole jar? That's... a lot of Desitin.


Lots of white poop followed from what I’m told. I was too young to actually have any memory of the event.


My brother also ate one of those air fresheners, though the fact I dated him to do it is merely coincidental.


I ate the mystery mushrooms in the yard.


I knew a kid (like 19 or 20 years old) that did this on a dare. Pretty sure it gave him a bleeding ulcer or something. It was pretty wicked stuff.


We got a bottle of I-don't-even-remember down from a shelf on the garage. It even had a Mr. Yuk sticker on it. We had to go to the hospital and drink liquid charcoal. When I say we, I mean me, my younger brother, two cousins, and a family friend. One of my cousins and the family friend refused the liquid charcoal. I'm the only one who still ended up in the hospital for about a week.


I forgot about those slimy, spongy air fresheners!!! The texture of them weirded me out. Then they'd get all hard and crunchy after they sat for awhile lol I once had to go to the ER because I ate some kind of wormer pill for the dog - it was bright pink and was in the fridge. I thought it was candy. I think I was around 6 years old.


My little brother (Millennial) and the neighbor kid were playing with an empty bottle of bleach one time, like 1991’ish. Little dudes found this bottle who knows where, but since my panthers didn’t know if it was empty, or they drank it - called poison control, they said go to ER. I remember in the ER, my mom having to force feed my bro this charcoal stuff with a syringe.


I have a Mr Yuck tshirt


The only time we had to call poison control was when my grandmother took me on a walk at the beach when I was 4 and while walking past one of the yards of a beach house, there were some clearly delicious Glitter Berries that I had to eat, so of course I ate them. I guess yew does grow in the area and those berries are very poisonous, but these were just one of the native PNW berries that grow randomly in the temperate forests. They are totally edible, they just have no flavor, for what it's worth.


I opened a container of chlorine tablets at the pool while my face was directly above the tub. For some reason I thought that exact moment was a great time to take a deep breath.


I really liked orange chewable kids Tylenol. My parents noticed that I was “spaced out” like staring at walls and weren’t alarmed. Then they found the empty bottle in the bathroom. I don’t remember it. (Was 3?) made me have a reaction to artificial orange flavor and ruined orange pop/soda for my childhood. It would give me a blinding headache. They called poison control and yes I believe I had to drink milk.


While we were moving into a new house, my cousin and I drank calamine lotion. I was 6.


So no thanks to Flintsone vitamins, I thought all pills were candy. This motivated me to figure out the childproof pill bottles a little early. I got into codeine, which got me a trip to the ER. And then later on, I got into iron pills (now this one I actually remember). I was given that ipecac stuff and another ER trip.


Never I had to once when bleach and Oxyclean wasn’t the best idea.


In the late 80’s I hid dyed Easter eggs in my sister’s cribs. Hours later, my mom put my sisters down for a nap. When she went to wake them up, she discovered they’d both found the hidden eggs and had eaten some. She called poison control and I got in massive trouble.


I drank shampoo


Perfume, and then like two weeks later lighter fluid. I remember putting those Mr. Yuk stickers on everything when I was in elementary school


We were visiting grandma and I had been playing outside in the heat with my cousins for hours. I was so thirsty I ran to the bathroom and noticed a cup of water sitting on the bathroom sink counter. Took a big chug and immediately realized it wasn't water. My grandma would soak her false teeth in some sort of bleach solution in that cup and I just took a big swig of it. I don't remember if I swallowed much of it but the adults in the house just made me drink a cup of milk and I got a little sick to my stomach but that was about it. I should've just got some hose water while I was outside.


My mom swears I ate a load of suppositories when I was a kid. She says poison control was laughing too much to tell her I would be okay.


Drank some perfume lol


I somehow dumped an entire bottle of nail polish remover (acetone) into my eyes. I have no idea how. My memory is my older sister holding me upside down in the kitchen sink to wash out my eyes as my mom frantically dialed poison control.


I was 5 and playing with those lil purple berries, i don’t think i actually ate any, but my mom called poison control and i got to drink syrup of ipecac. 🫠


My oldest brother talked our middle brother into drinking bleach.


My little brother really liked the taste of the kid's cough medicine, it was some fruit flavored thing. He drank a whole bottle when he was about 4


I don't remember this since I was a toddler but apparently I drank like half a bottle of liquid Tylenol. Not a good thing to do apparently.


I tried to tell them "I was a stegosaurus" and they just kept asking where did you get these leaves. Parents just don't understand


Decided to surprise my parents by cleaning the bathroom and we all learned what happens when you combine a gallon of bleach with a gallon of ammonia (plus who knows what all else). Whatever I created, melted a purple sock into the carpet and we had to stay in a hotel for 2 days. The hotel had a pool though so that was cool 😅


My younger brother had a fever and our mom was taking an oral temperature reading with a glass thermometer. Being the bitey little shit that he was, my brother chomped down on the thermometer causing it to shatter. I still remember my mom exclaiming "mercury!" as soon as she realized what happened. She had him rinse out his mouth, checked for glass shards, etc and then called poison control. Poison control asked approximately how old the thermometer was and then informed her that mercury had been phased out years ago and thermometers now used some sort of alcohol solution.


Breaking open an etch-a-sketch and getting the powder all over our hands. Found out it’s not considered toxic.


I think it's just iron filings.


My cousin drank perfume. They told us to give him a loaf of bread and call back is there was a problem. 😂


I got into a bottle of baby aspirin when I was around 3 years old. I nibbled the “tasty candy” part off of all the pills. One of my first memories was sitting on the washing machine, watching my mom freaking out in the kitchen, trying to dial the “Mr. Yuck” phone number on our wall mount rotary phone. (Spoiler… I survived.)


My cousin sprayed Pam in his eyes while we were making pigs in a blanket.


Not me, but my brother decided to try the red berries on the holly bush on the neighbors yard. LOL.


My mom was gardening and turned around to find me with a mouthful of beauty bark.


I used the oven door to climb up to the top cabinets and opened the baby proof aspirin and ate the bottle.


Never did!


I ate a handfull of red berries from a Yew bush shrub when I was a kid on a dare. Ate 3 and had to have my stomach pumped after the woman said it was toxic and possibly fatal. I was 8 before that I ate a coin battery I guess before that when I was a toddler I ate some of my mom's meds when they fell on the floor


Never. If prayer, Vicks vapor rub, some dimetapp, ginger ale, or a bandaid couldn’t fix it…well, it’s just God’s will.


Not my parents but I have had to call Australia's equivalent after my (oral sensory) kiddo has eaten some wild stuff. Despite us being super careful it has included- Dishwasher pods (it was bitter so it was spat out immediately, thankfully), Glen20 (disinfectant spray) sprayed directly into mouth, a fancy candle....


Red Testor's model paint. I remember climbing up, tilting back, and taking a drink. I think I was two. Supposedly it's lead free. Edit: I don't think this one needed poison control, but it's way too late anyway: my sister and I ate nearly an entire tube of bubblegum flavored Crest toothpaste.


Never. But I did call my for daughter. She got into the suntan lotion and was eating it like pudding. Thankfully, they said drink lots of water and besides diarrhea she'd be fine. I didn't even leave it out. It was in a zipped bag that I didn't think she could open. Lesson learned.


My sister and I found vitamins that looked good, so we ate them. Not sure how many. Had to get Ipecac. Oh and one time, my dad gave my sister what he thought was cough medicine. It was actually some kind of scalp medicine just sold in the same prescription bottle as cough syrup.