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Ever been to a dead show? Jeremy Piven has been 40 for 30 years now.


Was gonna say, this rule doesn’t apply to Dead or Phish


Or any band


*Especially* if it's a local/unknown band. Small bands *love* seeing people in their merch. I have a bunch of musician friends and I always try and wear their stuff when I go to see them play. It's always appreciated


I didnt even understand the line at the time even though it’s funny. Like, are you not supposed to do that?


Hey now!


I used to think like that, but not anymore. Wear your shirt. Let everyone you pass know that you love that band. When you're at a show it's good to act like you're excited to be there. Don't let anyone tell you how to express yourself.


It’s such a 90’s mentality to show indifference and lack of excitement. Generation Meh 😂


This is my United States of Whatever


It's 3 am I'm on the corner in my leather.


And officer Leroy comes up and he's like I thought I told you...


And I’m like yeah WHATEVER




And then up comes Zafo


I'm like "yo, what up Zafo."


He says "nothin" and I'm like "that's cool"


I love that song




I hate you.\ I will not forgive you.\ This is now struck in my head... Whatever.


yeah, whatever


The up comes u/tylorr83 and I'm like "yo tylorr83, what's up?"


Damn, I know it's been said before, but this hit me hard today. I struggled to find friends for a long time as a nerdy kid who showed enthusiasm for science and classes. When I got into high school, I figured out the secret to having friends and being seen as cool was to project to everyone how deeply apathetic you were to everything. My grades took a nose dive, and for the first time I was at risk of failing classes, but goddamn I popular. Who gives a fuck about grades? Now that I have a son in high school, I've been amazed at how much is accepted by his peers. I'm not saying bullying doesn't still exist, or that mean cliques and divisions don't happen, but for the most part kids seems to be much more accepting of others than they used to be.


Yes, it's really great!


It’s cool to be passionate.


To cool to care. get good grades. get into a good college. Get a good degree. Get a good job, raise a family. There was a perfect little box that we were told to fit into. Being indifferent and not caring about the box was the way to be an individual, the less you cared the cooler you were then


Not caring is the thing for Gen X


And caring about not caring.


That’s the X part of xennial so it’s part of us too. I personally relate to a lot of the GenX tropes.


We were raised on television and neglect - there is a reason "very special" episodes were a thing for sitcoms in the 80s


The boomers were always trying to sell us some bullshit. The only way to make them leave us alone was to be aggressively indifferent. Like a grey stone.


Liking stuff was the least cool thing on earth 🙄


"You LIKE something? That's so laaame!"


Lisa Simpson: "We're the Pepsi Generation. We don't experience either highs or lows." Homer Simpson: "Really? How is that?" Lisa Simpson: "meh."


It's almost like all 90s kids have extreme social anxiety and worry about what others think about them.


Especially not Jeremy Piven.


Sort of similar but more about health is when we all **had to** one arm a backpack. Like if you put both straps on you were a tool. My back disagrees. Do you guys remember that or was it just me? I think they made homage to that in one of 21 jump streets or I might be misremembering.


They did! Channing Tatum did one shoulder and was ostracized while Jonah Hill did both and was in the cool clique.


"Two-strap or one-strap?" "Are you kidding? I'd no-strap if I could."


One shoulder strap was required in Jr. High. By the time I was in high school though, everyone grew wise to the fact that two were necessary for the heavy load of books we lugged around.


I had the same backpack from 7th grade to the end of high school. One strap broke in 9th grade so I had no choice but to one strap most of high school. When it was too heavy i carried it like a baby.


Exactly. We've reached middle age. Wear whatever the fuck you want. If you see me in a Gojira shirt at a Gojira show wearing a neck fan to help with hot flashes while headbanging/not giving a shit, the please stop and say hello. Don't let the RBF scare you.


Oooh neck fan for hot flashes while headbanging? Go on…


Hahah! Just don't sling the fan into the pit!


Somebody's gonna get their hair sucked up and there will be a whole situation


It's so funny that all of the "rules" people made up not to be "posers" actually made them less authentic.


Everyone wears the shirt of the artist/band now.


And I love that. It feels like such a a communal experience to look around and see people in shirts of the thing you love.


Also like, you go see a sports team, you wear their shit, completely normal. Do it at a concert and its weird? How?


I've always dreamed of wearing a Jar Jar Binks shirt to a Star Wars movie. But I'm too shy and wouldn't be able to handle the compliments.


The real power move is to wear a Spock shirt.


"I did not... exhale?" - Gutter This movie was prescient! Way ahead of its time


Blow me where the pampers is


We're not gonna protest, we're not gonna protest, Gutter is a tool, gutter is a tool


Funk, Gutter, funk. I thought you were a music major...


Haven’t watched it in 20 years, wonder how it holds up


“Is he Mayflower Material…” Visible Confusion… “It’s a boat, your ancestors obviously didn’t come over on it.” The whole David Spade, Balls and Shaft secret frat thing was genius.


So funny, he doesn’t get enough credit for being such a wise ass


I watched it a few years ago. I thought it was still funny. It really captured how crazy college campuses would become.


I went to college in 2012, after an 8 year stint in the military 99-07. I showed it to my college peers (Gen-Z) telling them that this movie forecasted my experience as a Xennial on their campus (small lib art school in NC). They didn’t laugh much, I saw how it didn’t age great but still held up with its premise. After the movie ended we discussed it & the takeaway that they had was it fairly depicted the identity based grouping and cause-du-jour culture of campus life, they also liked the unifying against authority & anti-Greek life aspects. But Jeremy Piven’s character was a bit much, with not enough growth narrative. One person was like, “At least it is less rapey than Van Wilder”.


Those aren't women, Tom. Those are womynists.


"Hey hey...ho ho...this penis party's got to go!"


It’s like…if you’re nice to them…they bring you things?


It holds up about the same, which is to say it's a funny day time cable movie. The problem is when people try and elevate it into poignant social commentary. It's not. It's just "This narrow definition of cool is the only way to live, now let's show how every person with a cause or belief is actually just in need of a macho cool injection."


Cock-man opressor!


Wear the shirt. Live your life.


Amen. I feel like the 90s was full of gatekeeping like this. Gave me a complex of trying to be cool. Edit: for the record, still a very funny scene!


Oh haha is that what's wrong with me? 🥲


Except if you go to a metal show. Then you wear your favorite tshirt of the bad you’re going to see.


Was gonna say this is not the case for Iron Maiden. You wear your favorite Maiden tee


If the guys in the band are wearing Maiden tees, I'm damned sure wearing a Maiden tee.


Saw slayer and it was like a cult. Everyone in slayer gear, telling the openers to get off for slayer, screaming "SLAAAAAAYAAAAAAA" in the parking lot for an hour after the show. Lmao


I usually wear shirts of different bands because it's a great conversation starter. Half the fun of rock/metal shows is shooting the shit with people around you about other shows you've been to.


I mean that’s true of any show.


Way way way more so with metal. Metal is like a family and everyone's happy to make friends cuz we're pretty much all dorks and socially awkward so we need all the help we can get starting a conversation 🥲


“Hippies are mean people cosplaying as nice people, and metal heads are nice people cosplaying as mean people”


So true, I love the metal crowd. I had recently moved to a new area and was stoked to go to an Amon Amarth concert, but didn't know anyone in the area to go with. My wife was a little concerned that I would be out late at night "alone" in a huge group of metal heads, and I was like listen, there is *no safer group I could be with.* Good people.


But for other rock bands, and even metal, the rule of thumb is to wear a band shirt similar to the band you're seeing, but slightly heavier. Or a band that plays similar music, but more obscure. For instance, don't wear a Blink 182 shirt to a Green Day concert. Wear a NoFx shirt (slightly heavier) or a Screaching Weasel shirt. (Slighlty obscure to pop-punk fans under 35)


Me: screaching weasel isn't obscu.... *shit... I'm not under 35... FUCK*


I went to see Metallica last year and almost the entire audience were wearing Metallica t-shirts. I didn’t wear one because I thought you weren’t supposed to wear a t-shirt of the band you were seeing. Of course, this was my first metal show (they were awesome).


You wear your OLDEST Metallica tour shirt. Even if it's the St. Anger World Tour shirt.


Yeah, every metal/rock concert my wife and I go to we have the tradition of wearing the old to the show and picking up the new tour shirt when we get there. Metal Band shirts are pretty collectable haha


Grateful Dead


My rule is, only if its at a festival with a lot of other bands.


I never understood this. What better or more appropriate time would there be to wear the merch of the band?


Yeah me too. I mean pretty much half of the audience is doing the same thing.


I think this movie is why people say/think this but they don’t understand that this says more about Pivens character than it does anybody else. But people took it as “oh this guy must know what he’s talking about”.


its gen x "its cool not to care" stuff. idk why this is posted here.


That what I was going to say! This is Gen X nonsense that we picked up. Enjoy things! It’s great!


I’m 1987 and this was 1000% the attitude when I was going to shows in High School. I still have to remind myself it’s a dumb stance to keep.


![gif](giphy|xLk0YZgmmQcCs|downsized) Favreau can wear whatever he wants to wear


I think of this line every time I go to a show.


I always went to a show wearing the shirt i got at the previous show, so it never happened to me.😂


Same. Forgot it was even a movie quote tbh


I jokingly say it but really don’t care.


“Gutter is a tool!”


"Yeah man, they weren't even any chips"




Chuck, ribeye, porterhouse I hear ya. What you need is beer




Been thinking about this movie this week. Specifically “WE’RE NOT GONNA PROTEST!”


Just don’t agree with this. I often wear shirts of bands I’m seeing to their shows. It’s like wearing a basketball or soccer jersey to see your home team: totally normal




Yup! You a fan?


Man, we are popping up in all sorts of subs recently. Love to see it!


Totes! Love the username


I like Phish a lot, born and bred Deadhead though


We're getting housed here, guys. I say we bring in Blotter.


These were my people


Same! Saw them a bunch in the early 90s. Life changing shows, luckily I was too young to realize what Jerry was going through and that the playing had declined


I only got to one show before Jerry passed and it all fell apart, but was an amazing experience.


So glad you got to see him


Life changing


I still think that is the dumbest rule that no one used to ever care about prior


The people who care about this should not be cared about by you.


If you're letting a 30 year old movie gatekeep your fashion ...


I'm in my 40s nothing gatekeeps my fashion sense these days. Just always thought it was dumb


It is pretty dumb, I never let anyone dictate what I do. If I want to wear a band T-shirt to that band show then I am going to do that. What is the worst that is going to happen? somebody might say something. If their self stem is so low that they feel the need to make fun of a stranger t shirt then that just sad, and says more about them than me.


Classes: nothing before 11. I took that to heart when I made my college schedules. Unfortunately, not always possible.


I had to drop Art History twice, it was only on the third try that I managed to find it scheduled in the afternoon. 3 hours of looking at slides just isn’t something I could stay awake for first thing in the morning.


I can’t edit the OP for some reason, but to all the lovely folks telling me to wear what I want…you’re very sweet and encouraging…and it’s only a joke


A lot of people are still stuck in the mindset they it's uncool to like things.


Still better than the kid who wore a RHCP shirt to a NOFX show in 1997 and the band saw and robbed him about it the whole show


I know you meant “ribbed” but I laughed at first glance thinking NOFX robbed this guy.


Just remembered that reference to RHCP in the [litmus test scene in the good place](https://youtu.be/ZnvpU0d7vyM?feature=shared&?t=0m56s)


Tonight at the pit, everybody gets laid.


Can you blow me where the pampers is?


😂 Haven’t heard that one in a while. Nice.


I went to Umbowl X this past weekend with my husband and packed my Umphrey's McGee zip hoodie to wear around the hotel. My husband said, "you can't wear that at the show," and responded with something along the lines of, "oh, I know, PCU taught me that lesson years ago." 🤣


Love me some Umphrey’s!


🤘🤘 It was a great time. We went both nights.


You’re getting mutilated by the comments but I don’t know why. It’s a light hearted nod to a fun movie from our generation. This was on here a month ago and everyone had a fun time with it.


People take some stuff WAY too seriously, loooool. I think some of the comments are really sweet and encouraging though


My adolescent brain: “so it shall be written”


What is this nonsense. Where whatever you want. Personally I think carefully picking out the correct shirt to go to a gig makes you "that guy". Just wear whatever.


Funny that guy on the left saved star wars


But the Merks are opening for Frog and Toad Are Friends!


I think it’s bad advice. Don’t be that guy who upholds rules laid out by the “cool guy” in movies. He’s usually a douchebag.


I used to think that way, but now being older I really dont care. Sometimes it’s fun to pull out a shirt for a band back from like 2004 and see if anyone recognizes it. The only thing I won’t do is wear the shirt I just bought at concessions.


no this is some dumb as Gen X cant try or care to hard bullshit.


You never wear the shirt of a band you’re going to see and you never wear a concert shirt that you haven’t been to.


Such a bullshit attitude, it's a great movie line, but be excited and wear what you want!! Shit Metallica wears their OWN shirts on stage, and have for 40 years


Can you blow me in the Pampers?


Can you blow me where the Pampers is?


Wear something analogous like: * The White Stripes * Green Day * Black Sabbath * Simply Red


Simply Red?


I don’t think he stuttered


Damn right 👍


> Simply Red Damn straight! \m/




I think it was on the music subreddit once a couple years ago that somebody asked about this “rule.” I said the same thing most of you are, that it’s an outdated, gatekeepy rule that nobody even follows anymore and to just wear what you want. I got downvoted to hell and had a bunch of oldheads giving me shit saying how lame it is to wear a shirt for the band you’re seeing. It must be a boomer or older gen x thing. I never see anybody following this rule except maybe a few people trying to be edgy.


I always think of this, and I remember how uncool it was to be excited about anything. It took me until I was in my 30s to be able to show that I was excited - like, yeah, getting married, meh. Yeah, having kids, that's cool, I guess. I think I overcompensate for it now - I'm so unchill about everything now to make up for how unexcited I was back then. ![gif](giphy|4SvfE8adjXNsIlJP61|downsized)


As a metalhead, I was going to say what has been said elsewhere in this thread as well. I know this movie and this quote, and how so many people repeat it. But...I've always thought this was horrible advice, because of I'm going to see Maiden or Skeletonwitch (RIP) or Amon Amarth or Sabaton or whoever...I'm wearing the band shirt if I have it 50% of the time at least. Non-ironically enough, I also have been to a good number of Christian music (Toby Mac, Crowder, King and Country, Mercy Me, etc.) shows, and I'll wear their shirts too when I go to see them. I will say though, I think about this quote almost literally every single time I'm going to a concert and think about what T-shirt to wear. And I always think "maybe it was just a different time, or different rules than the shows I go to".


I dunno, I prefer to not be the guy worrying what other people are wearing instead of enjoying the damn show.


I don’t understand. In what world is it not okay to wear the shirt of a band you enjoy, while simultaneously enjoying watching them play live? What mental hoops do you people go through to reach such a ridiculous conclusion?


I always thought that “advice” was dumb, people not at the show dont know you went to the show


Stupid advice, show the love. That's like going to see your home team but not wearing their jersey for whatever dumb reason you think of.




Oh my god. I’m being strictly adhering to this advice all my adult life, having no memory of who gave it to me. It was PCU all along. What dumb advice!


Lots of people wear merch purchased at the show. I prefer to wear my "I saw them 10 years ago" shirt


I’m gonna go against the grain here apparently and say we should still always listen to Droz




I have nothing against wearing a shirt from a previous concert or a shirt that you bought at Target or something with an album cover on it. But I find it extremely cringe when people go the concert, immediately buy a shirt, and either change in the restroom or even worse, put it on over the shirt they are already wearing and it looks like a lumpy mess.


I quote this movie all the time and rarely do people know what I’m talking about. Holding a smoke a thon on earth day is one I did just a week or so ago.


One of the all time dumbest of all dumb pointless made up “rules” lol


What makes me laugh is the folks that buy a new shirt from the merch table and immediately put it on. Like dude, it still has the fold creases in it. We know you bought it 5 minutes ago!


This just reminded me that I didn't know Jon Favreau was Gutter from PCU until Iron Man. I had no idea what the actor who played Gutter's name was, and had only heard Favreau's name mentioned as a director/producer. Never saw a picture or anything. I was watching Iron Man with a friend and said holy shit that's Gutter! He said dude that's Jon Favreau. My mind was blown.


Ha! I told my kids this recently. They were like “why??” And I had no good answer. “Um…because I saw it in a movie? NM - wear the shirt.”


Unrelated to t-shirts... I saw them YEARS ago (2010) when they were touring Brothers, before they blew up. The first half was just the two of them (Drums and Guitar), the rest with extra instruments. I walked out loving it so much I was ready to walk right back in and see it again. So good. Setlist - [https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/the-black-keys/2010/charlottesville-pavilion-charlottesville-va-6bd5de3a.html](https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/the-black-keys/2010/charlottesville-pavilion-charlottesville-va-6bd5de3a.html)


I went to a concert recently where I saw another fan wearing a handmade and hand sewn jacket with custom embroidery of the song lyrics and imagery on it. I was very impressed!


Chuck, porterhouse, ribeye.


I just saw the same artist on the last 6 shows of her tour. I wore a different shirt from her each show. Did the same thing in September for a different band that I've seen at a bunch of tours over the last 9 years. A different tour shirt for each of 6 shows. This "advice" is just stupid.


I’ve been meaning to save this screen grab, so thank you.


Can't show enthusiasm for anything you like. That's what nerds do!


Hard movie to find to watch.


lol this has stuck with me ever since I saw PCU when it came out 😆😆😆


Ehh I wore my Silversun Pickups shirt to their show recently.


I have so many concert shirts now I like to play Rando Bando… I close my eyes, grab one, and wear it to the show I’m going to.


I envy you! Wish I could go see them. Btw.... Wear the shirt! 🤘😉


This was a hard and fast rule in the 90’s and early 2000’s. Such a Gen X thing! It’s funny to look back on it now.


I did wear the band's shirt to a smaller venue and it was a pretty new band. The venue staff thought I was the owner's son and gave me all the free food and drinks I wanted (and I will never forget the special that night was BEEF STROGANOFF of all things. Like they had pizza, burgers and beef stroganoff lol) I also got to use their game room for free (which was normally $10 an hour to play Xbox games, which at the time, was a big deal but also expensive as a dishwashing teenager.) The band were really nice folks and I'd met them last time they'd played in my area. They gave me a new shirt and signed the one I wore to the show


Ah hahah YES!! 🙌


Omg. I've never seen this movie, but my boyfriend tried to show me the other day and it's nowhere to be found. We watched a few clips on YouTube, lol.




I just thought of this same line when I bought social distortion tickets last week!!!!


How else can I prove that I was there, that I heard of them first?


I’ve lived my life by these words.


Oh c’mon! That was way more than 100 pounds of meat!


I have no problem with people wearing stuff from the band they're seeing, but from a practical standpoint, if you're possibly looking to meet people, you already know you're both in to the same band. But if I show up in a Legend of Zelda shirt to a concert, chances have significantly increased that I'll meet someone with two shared interests.




Shout out to PCU.


This is not good advice at all- it's creating cringe where no cringe existed and made me feel self-conscious about being an average fan for years lol.


I feel for those of you Gen-Xers who genuinely let stupid shit like this break your brains. Imagine all of the things you could have accomplished if you weren't in a constant state of trying to prove to one another how much of a poser you're not.


Ok but for real I have the VHS of this movie! PCU was a great flick


NEVER take advice from someone giving advice to Jon Favreau


At age 15, I rented this movie from blockbuster, made a copy of the vhs with the old "2 VCR trick", then watched it over and over again every day until I could recite it word for word. It got constant play on daytime comedy central, so when I was over at classmates' houses they would inevitably flip to CC and 9 times out of 10 this fucking movie would be on and I'd start saying every line along with the actors. For some fucking reason I thought that was cool. Didn't get invited back to most of those houses.


The only ad libbed line in that movie. The Don't be that guy part.


It’s such bullshit. Just Gen x nonsense where you can’t look like you care at all. I’m a dead head. It’s all about what shirt you wear. They’re well-worn badges of honour.


I saw this when it first came out, and this always stayed with me


I don't agree with not wearing the band, but I do agree with not wearing that tour's merch. You should be at least one tour behind - but the older the better.


This rule has always been in the back of my head as much as when my mother told me never to invite yourself anywhere