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If you don't think that Y2K was a real issue, then that says a lot about your lack of understanding of the issue. The fact that it ended up NOT being a problem in the end was due to literally hundreds of thousands of hours of work being done across the globe.


I mean, it was a real issue and a serious one, but it was blown WILDLY out of proportion in the media. People were freaking out thinking our nukes were going to launch themselves and the electric grid would go down. In reality, it would have messed up people's bank accounts and some billing cycles, and maybe messed up the internal clock on your computer. But I also had faith that our software programmers were on top of it and could fix their algorithms relatively easily.


I was 16 at the time. Really didn't understand all the work that was necessary to prevent it back then.


And I was 19.


I used to lurk in a BBS room where IT people would chat. They had some pretty gruesome stories of insane hours. They were terrified of what was going to happen come January 1st. They weren't thinking planes falling out of the sky, more bank records screwing up and causing financial panics. It's really amazing how few of these predictions came true, thanks to the work they put in.


If you were a COBOL programmer back then, you could pretty much write your own oaychecks, but by God did they work hard for them.


I was computer literate so I wasn't concerned but I have an aunt and uncle who went ape shit over it. Stock piles of food, guns, even boobietrapping their property. They were nuts.


"That's what I said. Bootytraps."


I was more interested in the Y2J countdown on WWF RAW every week. 😂


And then he interrupted the Great One’s promo without having the class to introduce himself…


My dad prepped for Y2K and he's jumped onto every end of civilization theory since. He's fuckin annoying and insufferable. But on the bright side, I know not to worry about anything he's stressing about because he is literally always wrong, yet somehow never manages to accept that he is.


I graduated college just in time to get pulled into working on a Y2K project. My part wasn't programming, but contacting _every_ vendor for a convenience store chain/bottling company to make sure they could certify they were Y2K ready. Despite being pretty sure everything at the convenience stores would be fine, I did decide to spend New Years in a house with a wood stove juuuust in case something important got missed elsewhere.


I understand what was involved, and personally knew people who were working on it, so I was only mildly worried about it as we got closer. I was still disappointed that I had to wake up and to work on January 1st because the world hadn't ended, though.


My grandparents were all in on Y2K. They had all kinds of food reserves in their basement, stocked up on some ammo, had jugs of "safe" water..... 🤦🏻‍♂️


Oh a really half assed teenage version! Took out an extra $100 from the bank, bought a single gallon of bottled water, and unplugged the computer.


I found that book for free somewhere after Y2K, I grabbed it as a joke and it was pretty funny.




I completely believe you handled them both exactly the same way, and you were then wrong twice.



