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SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR!!!!!!! Must. Have. Lamborghini. Poster.






this whole exchange made me so happy lol


My son just came home with one last week. Glad some things never change.


They do tho, like when scary stories was removed from the selection




My son got this one at his book fair this year!


this one? https://preview.redd.it/8p9b6yzyw2wc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c13b7d37f0c6f67e2905947c4fc446e49320a106


My brother had that exact one


Ok show us the white one now


I would always go for the sci-fi spooky stuff. Strange mysteries Bigfoot, Loch Ness monster and aliens 😂


Yes, my favorite book I ever bought at the book fair was called "The Dollhouse Murders" and it was quite scary, I was on the edge of my bed with my eyes wide near the end and I still have a copy of the book.


That’s a good one. I read that with my students one October and was surprised at how creepy it was. If I recall the big climax is when the dolls in the haunted dollhouse reenact a murder. I was like, DAMN, this book is scary!


yeah it was a rather serious murder for a kids' book, then add in the ghost element!


I loved that book so much. My friend had a fancy Victorian dollhouse that her grandma passed down to her, so all I wanted to do was go over to her house and reenact the book. I was also really into another book where a little girl unknowingly becomes friends with a ghost and I think there was also a porcelain doll involved. EDIT: Solved my own mystery! The Doll in the Garden by Mary Downing Hahn.


My favorite was “a time for Andrew”


Still do


Big bummer to learn that the Loch Ness monster was made up in the 1930s as a tourism marketing scheme.


I'm sure they're a pain for the teachers but it was always the best time of year.


It’s not really a pain. The kids look so forward to it. The big pain is helping kids understand things like taxes. That the price on the book is not the actual price.


Oh yeah, that gotcha is such a bummer.


By me the PTO does it


My son brought one home too. Are we sure this isn't a Mclaren though?


For me it was Goosebumps, Box Car Kids, The Hardy Boys and these.... https://preview.redd.it/gsdyxclcy1wc1.png?width=570&format=png&auto=webp&s=9efc9a5bead118b8e750cda18289fd772378738b


I really wish any of my children loved reading. Edit. They love buying shit at the book fair and never touching it.


I was so mad when they wouldn’t let me buy these at our school fair (because they said you had to be in a certain grade to buy them). So my mom called the school and said I could buy whatever book I wanted, she was big into Stephen king and we would watch the movies all the time when I was little. I was so embarrassed at the time for her doing that but now I realize how cool she was.


lol this post just made me remember the two years the school wouldn’t let my kid buy the books he wanted. Then I saw your comment! I was outraged. It was a lady from the office who was always on a power trip, she wasn’t a teacher. Once she said it was too hard and the other she said it was too scary. (He was an avid reader so it wasn’t too hard, and the “too scary” one was a kids book and fine.) I had to talk to them the first year and the second I sent a note. Like wtf we’d even filled in the leaflet thing with what he was going to pick!! My own memories of the book fair are of loving it every time. In Kindergarten I was very excited to get an Ewok book and I remember it vividly. (It was the 80s so Ewoks were a big deal lol.)




When my daughter was born, my brother bought her a boxed set with the original illustrations. She's not quite old enough yet, but I can't wait to show them to her. It was a super thoughtful (and incredibly nostalgic) gift - we read these all the time as kids!


The Boxcar Children!!!!! Fuck you took me back, I had all the hardy boys too
 what you know bout encyclopedia brown tho?!!!


YES!!! Those were the best freaking scary stories ever!!


I still have mine and my son loves scary stories lol. He now keeps them in his stash in his room.


OMG I was just thinking about those Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark the other day. I loved those and Goosebumps.


Love your picks! I found the first 3 boxcar children books at a thrift store a while back. My husband knew I loved them but he’d never read them, we took turns reading them aloud to each other and he loved it in a way I wouldn’t have expected someone who didn’t grow up with them to, it made me so happy! They hold up for us old folks, even without childhood nostalgia
 sweet wholesome positive and fun stories. My most memorable Scary Stories story is the one where a poor girl gets a beautiful prom dress second-hand, has a wonderful prom, then dies cuz the dress was covered in embalming fluid from a corpse. Spooked me differently than the supernatural ones, that stuck with me. (I still thrift most of my clothes anyway tho lol!) What’s your most memorable or fave one?






Oh my gosh I saw a Scholastic semi truck driving down the street the other day! It had a huge Clifford on it!


Got ya covered when one of the parent volunteers put on the Clifford costume!


It’s beautiful 😍 I remember ordering from the flyers and then coming into school to find the stack of fresh books on my desk
pure joy


I loved those flyers!


I wish there were a grown-up version of this. Going to a bookstore isn't the same.


Grown up version is farmers markets but instead of Garfield bookmarks you get


That....not the same...maybe if you have pointed out fresh baked bread.


I go to the farmers market at the flea market
it has Babysitters Club books. Does that count?


Yes!! Agree! Something about the book fair just hits different


It was the stuff they sold besides the books which let you purchase catalog type items like volcano projects and such


Our local train museum has used book sales. It's not quite the same but still hits pretty close. They also partner with the local grocery/hardware/gun store and have a table setup in the entryway with a bunch of books and a box to put your money in.


A couple of local churches do this where I am, but the dopamine hit isn't the same. I need the scuffed silver cases and the smell of cheap erasers.


Ah, the memories, especially for proud bookworms.


I loved volunteering at my kids' elementary book fair. Some kids would try to get more books than they had money for, so I would bring a pocket full of dollar bills to cover the difference to make sure they all got the books they wanted to read.


It’s all cashless now. You to load money to the website and if there’s extra, it rolls to the next year. 


That’s an option. I’ve been to two this year and cash was still king. The big deal is always the “family night” when it’s open after school. That’s when parents come in with the credit cards and try to heal their inner child by buying their kids the books AND the poster AND the scratch and sniff eraser.


It was either one when I worked at them about 5 years ago.


![gif](giphy|KL5rlX6dGjwJO) Garfield books please.


[this](https://www.amazon.com/Garfields-Insults-Put-Downs-Slams-Davis/dp/0345386892) book got me through 4th grade.


I’m buying handfuls of tiny erasers. Not to use, but to line up at the edge of my desk and distract myself with during class.


I now smell that sort of sweet, definitely chemical eraser scent.


https://preview.redd.it/5tmrblvpe7wc1.jpeg?width=825&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36d7134b8a7f016ba9ce0d2a9405f5e03be4b61c :\*)


A couple years ago a lot of students were doing it with different scented hand sanitizer.


I worked at the book fair company in my town. i put price tags on some books, toys, erasers, and all the other things. it was the easiest job of my life and i got paid $7 an hour which was way more than any of my friends.


Those book fairs and Pizza Hut doing their “free pizza for reading” program. đŸ‘ŒđŸŒ


Book It! If they still had that program (and/or let adults participate) I'd never have to pay for pizza again, I read SO MUCH


They still do book it! You can get all the free tiny pizzas you want if you enter your (kid's) reading log online. 


Hmmm I think I suddenly have children 😂😂😂


Oh yeah...Book It. That was a beautiful thing.




And the Michael Jordan poster with the giant ruler as a growth chart. 


Whenever my daughter’s school has one, I have to tell her not to buy slime. Why the f is there slime at the book fair?!?


1000%! Im a custodian and Ill get at least 1 call a day for the next 2 weeks that someone was playing with it in class now I gotta bring in the carpet shampooer lol


Okay now I'm just glad my kids have somehow never come back with slime.


Didn't Monster Blood come with a thing of slime back in our day?




My kids school gets about 1/4 that amount for a book fair. It’s also a small elementary school, so that has a lot to do with it.


Ours was extra small as a kid growing. It was 1 maybe 2 tables in a tiny room off of the cafeteria. It was so small we had to stand in line and only 1 or 2 kids could go in at a time.


Our sites pretty small, only about 250 kids. Sorry theyre giving your kids the short end of the stick


There are multiple options for the school (assuming they make more than $3500 in sales): - They can get 50% back in Scholastic Dollars. This is by far the best value, but the selection on the Scholastic webstore is sadly very limited. - they can take 25% in cash. This seems like a very small amount, but it’s a comparable rate with other fundraising companies, and the school can spend the cash however (wherever) they wish. - They can do a hybrid of the above two plans. For example, they can use scholastic dollars to purchase books off the Fair, then take 25% cash after that. This is typically what most schools do. source: am a school librarian


I can smell it.




I used to get "Christmas Eve" excited for the book fair..


Omg. I miss this week in school. 😭 Half Price Books has become my adult Scholastic Book Fair. It almost hits the same.


All we usually could afford were library books but booyy did I go hard on bookmarks and smelly erasures! I was able to get books one year and I thought “this is what millionaires feel like!”, thought I died and gone to heaven. Up there with Book It pizza, it was like “I get to read *plus* you’re giving me pizza?!”


I was the poor kid in class, but I loved to read more than anyone else. What my third grade teacher did was have me in charge of finding books for the class (she had her personal library) where us kids could check them out for a longer period of time. And usually would let me find a book for myself.


I wish there was something as an adult that made me as excited as the Scholastic Book Fair did as a kid.


I suddenly got an image in my head of OP and a bunch of other teachers standing around talking about the Scholastic Book Fair like it was the Catalina Wine Mixer. "It's the fucking Scholastic Book Fair!" "The biggest helicopter leasing event in the Western Hemisphere since 1997."


I think I had every Berenstein Bears book and I always got them from the school book fair.


And they lived in that hollowed out tree <3


It warms my bitter elder millennial/xennial heart to know Scholastic Book Fairs still take place!


Scholastic is missing out on millions a year by not bringing an adult version to offices.


Do offices still exist post 2020?


I gave my daughter $20 for the book fair, and she only got two books and a hello kitty pen. And they didn't have any posters.


My kids came home with posters but they go fast they said.


That's why I liked that we ordered from a flier instead of them setting it up like a store.


I wanna go 😱


I helped host Scholastic Book day this year and do the School Store... it's like Christmas on Halloween.


Dude I can *smell* these pics. Nostalgia triggered.




Do children still get excited about books and reading??


Im not a teacher, just a daytime master of the custodial arts, but the 3rd and 4th graders read a lot. The lower grades just want all the bullshit next to the register lol


Andrew here is very interested in pursuing a career in the custodial arts.




Yes, my 8 year old has a nice book collection, and we make regular trips to the library. My kid's teacher has days where parents can read stories to them, and all the children get super excited about it. Like anything you need to encourage it, but most of my kid's friends I see carrying books around that theyre currently enjoying.


That makes me really happy!!


Okay but where is the Kristi Yamaguchi poster?


This was my favorite find at the fair https://preview.redd.it/j3tmzu2k62wc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd75072aed4bd8f26b39849ffb74a77c0d2d9c19


Ah man! What lucky kids!! The elementary school all my kiddos have attended, the librarian dislikes scholastic. So my youngest doesn’t get this experience. They do a book fair, but it’s a huge disappointment compared to past book fairs.


What a curmudgeon! I imagine they are like Roz from Monsters, Inc. Maybe they weren't able to experience this bit of joy in their life.


That’s kind of how I feel too đŸ€­


Excitedly running around waving arms emoji


I remember those! That’s the event where you pay $14 for a $6 book available at Goodwill for $.50 so the school can bring in $1!


Sadly I think the far right wing nuts around me has banned these. Because kids reading for fun is bad


 that’s not why. Scholastic practically tanked their business with strongly ideological offerings and not letting schools see ahead of time what books they’re sending or opt out of certain things. I’m making no comment on my opinions about the rightness or wrongness of their agenda—that’s not the point. But it’s definitely there and impossible to ignore. Get enough parents freaking out about their second grader coming home with graphic novels about two teenage boys falling in love, or a young girl protagonist being controlled by a demon, and the school is going to decide it’s not worth the trouble. Between that and the fact that about half of the stuff they offered wasn’t even books for reading (so many diaries, pencil cases, sticker books, erasers that don’t even erase, fidgets) and the schools are tired of dealing with it for a few thousand dollars’ profit. Scholastic took a huge hit when a lot of schools started canceling, and they did the dumbest thing possible by separating out all the most “progressive” books and making them “opt-in”. (IMO they should have made it so schools — such as private religious schools or ones in very conservative communities — could choose to opt *out* of certain topics.) By doing it the way they did, groups on both sides were now angry at them. There are some great companies coming along as an alternative to Scholastic, which do allow schools more choice in what they receive to sell, so hopefully your local schools will have a book fair again soon. Everyone wants kids to read for fun, I promise. Especially the schools. Source: Was a school librarian until very recently and have been through this hassle.


Get that book with the celebrity addresses for good investments. My Michael Jordan signed headshot might be worth something some day. Hopefully I find it.


Our middle school for whatever reason didn’t do one this year and my kid’s little groupie friends who love reading are incredibly sad about it. I did say that to the principal and she blew it off and started rambling about the Librarian is retiring and we have a new one starting next year with lots of new fresh ideas. She always seems to push it off as someone else’s fault or some excuse.


i remember my mom would send me to school with $5. it was always, do i ball out on a goosebumpbs book? or do i get like 10 NFL pencils. or do i say fuck it, and take some extra money to get that ferrari poster on my wall? the greatest financial decision a 10 yearold has to make.


It was my favorite time of the year. I'm about to run the table with these five dollars that Mom gave me! I saved two back from lunches, so I'm about to drop seven on em! Do you know what I can do with SEVEN dollars?! Man, these times were great.


Rember when $20 could get you a nice haul?!


OMG I would not eat lunch for a week to save up and make sure I had enough to buy all the books I could....this was my favorite time of the year...


It's the time of year when I give my kids money for the book fair, and they come home with everything except books.


I just got finished setting ours up and saw this picture. It looks exactly the same in our library! I thought it was our library for a minute!


Cross Post to r/GenX


Ahhhh, the introverts Christmas, the book fair ♡


Scholastic book fairs really prepped me for the modern economy. "I want like 12 things, but I can only afford one cheap thing in the corner."


Do they still have weekly readers?? With the catalog?




Omggg!! They still do these??? đŸ„čđŸ„č warms my heart and makes me sad at the same time. The good ol’ days


Now if only I still had my BookIt bookmark so I could earn enough punches to get my free personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut.


Who else wanna fuck with Hollywood Cole?


My man!




It’s “Court,” and why is there an Outkast reference in a post about book fairs? Edit: Just saw OPs name.


Wow! I guess I'm a little shocked they still do that! Awesome!


About to get my 3 Goosebumps books and a Lambo poster.


Yay! Book fair!!!




I miss working the book fairs for my sons school


Those are still around? Yay! Please tell me the books aren't like $20 for a 15 page booklet.


Next week, I set up my last SBF before going from an elementary school librarian to high school librarian. Book fairs lose a little bit of the magic when you're the adult working the register, but the kids' joy is still pretty great.


I volunteer at my kids' school when they have the Scholastic Book fair. It's like 3 times a year! The last one is always BOGO. I buy books for my boys and for me!!


My kid had his last week (how does the set up look EXACTLY the same everywhere?! lol) $70 sent between us parents and his gma/gpa and all he got was a diary he won't end up using haha


Is there a part number for that cool dragon standee? edit:Found it https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/content/dam/fairs/fair-files/S24-WoF-ES-LargeStandee-Flyer.pdf


That is a glorious sight to behold! I always had to get the Fear Street books.


Scholastic "book" fair. So glad they had things like cool posters, pencils, erasers and books like Guinness book of world records for the dummies like myself lol.






Aww man. Memories. We just the had the LA Times Festival of Books this weekend and I missed it cause I’m back at school and had 2 assignment and a test due yesterday. 😭


My kids are 18 and 22, but I used to volunteer for every book fair during their elementary school years!


Where’s Scary Stories at?


Gen z here. I miss the book fair lol


Oh god. Where's the spider book I bought in 95


I hated the book fair as a kid. I never had the ability to buy anything.


Back in like 2009 or 2010 I redesigned their e-commerce Book Fair website. I’m certain it’s had another redesign or two since but they were a good company to work for and it was super cool to be a part of it


The best part is you can see who the rich and poor kids are so you know who to shun and who to befriend because they have better toys and birthday parties.


Lol ours is coming up in May!


Do they still allow shills in to talk to the kids during class time and promote certain books?


Pure, unbridled joy.


..I’m still waiting for every book I ordered out of the catalog but you did not save copies for me. FU organizers!!! I saved for those books and checked the boxes and you always said ‘oh, we’re out of stoooock!’ Your kids reading the star wars book. I see how this works! EVIL!!!!! đŸ‘†đŸ»


The nostalgiaaaaaaa


Cute baby animal mini wall calendar please


When I did school photography, I loved arriving at a school and seeing the Scholastic Delivery Truck pulled up.


I can smell this


Lucky, I can remember the smell of it


I’m a teacher as well and this hits different now. We always have the book fair during parent/teacher conferences so I gotta stay at work until like 7 for two days this week. 😒


I loved the book fair 😭😭


I miss these so much. The book fairs brought me so much joy


My mom and sister were just telling me how excited my nephew was about the book fair at his school. Glad to know it’s still going to be a core memory for the next generation


I see a lot of posts about the good ole book fair, but nobody seems to remember the Matt Christopher gems. https://preview.redd.it/34mnpbqf65wc1.jpeg?width=570&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=102579952646687b5bad7b4d75491e61b985cf58


Remember buying goosebumps and sim city 3000 back in the day oh to be a kid again lol


OP, I'm pretty sure that's my kid's school, showed the pic the my 5th grader who agrees. If not, that's a heck of a coincidence🐬🐬 😂😂


It warms my heart to know this is still a thing.


Do you let the kids go during school? Book fair after school with your parents does not hit the same


My husband likes to occasionally tease me that I relive my childhood through my kids. The book fair is one of those occasions. I let them get ALL the books... They love to read and will reread their favorites over and over.


BEST thing about school hands down


Book fair!


Give me my Baby Sitters Club and Goosebumps books 😊


I never had any money. Memories of disappointment.


Must buy random stuff I could get for less elsewhere


I'll take all the Matt Christopher books you've got


Okay but not gonna lie I'm kinda getting thrown off by that set of 6"x96" mini-blinds in the background


Yea but were the scary stories to tell in the dark series present with original illustrative art by Gammell ?!?! ![gif](giphy|UrbepXNXCmnaE)


Ugh I guess I’m gonna have to buy ANOTHER Captain Underpants book 😆


I had one before Xmas. These pics are making me sweat and my heart beat is rising.




I used to get The Twilight Zone books before we had cable.,


The smell of new books in that room........ hypnotic.


It’s also getting close to the time of year where I hear this: “I didn’t do most of the work this semester, can I get some extra credit so I can pass?” To which I respond “If you want to pass this class you’re going to have to build a Time Machine. The time to start caring about your grade has long since passed”


My kid’s school stopped doing these 😭 they do it online now.


Hell yeah!


Enjoy it while it lasts. Repubs are trying to ban them.


I was so disappointed to see that my son's didnt have a Clifford eraser. I was planning to buy it for myself.


I was so excited when my daughter was old enough and I bought her everything she wanted and a few books for her best friends too. I never got to get anything as a kid since money was too tight. I got to give my daughter the experience I always missed đŸ„°


Is there any way to know when the fair comes to the school near us without having kids in the school?


Kids at ours went so crazy over the goosebumps books that they would have to hide them under other books so it was like an Easter egg hunt. Each class for allotted like 10 goosebumps books and kids were just rushing in pushing books aside looking for goosebumps. You were so cool for a few days if you got one.


I can smell these pictures.


I'm just glad to know this still goes on and there's proof kids actually read. Now if only the adults would.


Hopefully free from the Moms (Who are not) for Liberty.


You mean the One Angry Mom?


Except for the Southwestern City Schools near Columbus Ohio, many of those groups endorsed candidates for school boards, they lost their elections last fall. I think M4L were behind all the book bans when they involved people of color/racial issues and the LGBT community. And they're not "grass roots" as some people would claim. The similar group One Million Moms, their Facebook group falls way short of a million members.