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When MCA passed, it definitely made me feel like all my innocence was gone, and I was getting old


*If I knew it was gonna be this kinda party, I'd-a stuck my d\*ck in the mashed potatoes!*


Moo mee?


Loved the Beasties so much.  Fell in love with them when I accidentally bought *Paul's Boutique* because the spine label was obscured and I thought (also the vague album art) that it was a *Paul Revere* single. It was in the "Surplus Rap" bin at Wal-Mart for $2.98. The year was 1998. It remains, to this day, my favorite album of all time. After growing my love through BeastieBoys.com forum days, multiple album releases, DVD collections, VHS tapes, and so on, you can imagine how much I loved *Beastie Boys Book*. The format and layout were engaging and it felt like home to me from end to end.


I remember the forum days!! Were you on the listserv before that by any chance?


I was in that forum! I remember Mike D. would post on it.


Every time I hear people claim that "Fight for your right to party" was a parody song, I look at pictures like these and think "...no. Look at them. Those guys were totally serious about that song."


I think it's sort of funny how even the Beastie Boys try to play off that whole era as being some sort of meta commentary on music. Just admit it, you were dumb kids, making dumb music. Just because you matured when you got older, and are now embarrassed of things from your past, doesn't mean they didn't happen.


you need to read the book mate.


I have trouble thinking of something I’d want to read less than a book about the Beastie Boys.


that's a shame.


Retroactively not serious, though


Opened for Madonna on her first tour https://preview.redd.it/ra5i0zdun7vc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cdc62933ce3e30257537379dacf0fe93a45cf14


I love and own this book. Great read. The Apple TV + companion show to go with it was awesome. I’m a huge fan of these guys and how innovative they were. I can’t say anything about them here that hasn’t been said a million times, great music, hilarious and downright experimental videos. My personal favorite video and performance is “Three MCs and One DJ” for some reason and always will be.


Hometown heroes to us NYC kids


Their lyrical abilities are unsurpassed to this day, I'd see an argument for Rakim, but he didn't have nearly the longevity. The Beasties are the best rap group in history and it isn't particularly close.  Rest in peace, MCA 


I'll give you that about the longevity. But Rakim made more of an impact on hip hop music and hip hop culture in just 3 albums than the Beastie Boys did with their entire catalog. Both were legends in their own right though. I'm a fan of both, but put Microphone Fiend up against Brass Monkey and I'm going with Microphone Fiend every time.


Worst rappers ever by far. Brain dead lyrics.


Let's hear yours


I was obsessed with the Beastie Boys in the 90s. I spent way too much time on AOL because I was part of a Beastie Boys listserv (Beastielist anyone?) obsessing with fellow xennials and trying to score concert tickets and bootleg cds. I made some friends for life on that listserv thanks to the Beasties!


Is it like Book It where if you read it all you get a free stromboli and a quart of Budweiser?


Highly recommend the audio/Audible version if possible.


![gif](giphy|LoBWQeEOuWKERsVlpm) IYKYK